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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Had my surgery today, and I think it went great!!! It took a little longer than they thought and was bigger than ever!!! They broke up the pockets of Fluid, drained it and she said got well over a liter of fluid, then she burned the lining, put in another drain that she said would probably be in for 3 weeks. There really isn't a lot of pain, and I feel very lucky.

Laura, congrats on the house and hope they fix things for you soon!!! Plus being without a scale might not be a bad thing. I tend to step on my WAY TOO OFTEN!!!!

Michelle, Cute pictures, you can really tell the weight loss in your face.

Tracy, you need to go into picture posting business!!!



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Tracy - nope... no job, got the call yesterday. I cried this am, I got my last unemployment check and I don't know what I'm going to do. I can't even get a stupid waitress job. I am just besides myself and don't have a clue what to do. I am so pms so I think I look like CRAP, my daughter told me my belly was sticking out but that i look so much better than i use to, but I was beautiful no matter what... is she the best or what!!!

Michelle - you are sooooooooo very cute and look fantastic

Jane - glad everything seem to go so well

Tomorrow is it... last day of food then I'm starting liquid diet for a few days to try to get rid of the 5lbs i've been up and down. I'm sure pms has part to do with that... either way, it is buggin me

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Hi all my fellow April "Shrinking Violets"

Well, I wanted a 2nd fill cause I was hungry a lot! Went today and they told me because I was doing so well, they gave me the max fill which was a 5!! I lost 41 pounds since April 16. They said I was doing better than most gastric patients at 3 months!! My BMI is so low now!! Am at a size 11-12!! But.....the band is SO tight now, I can barely swallow the water!! I had a Protein Drink today, and it hurt going down!! Do I have too much, ?? I dont know! They say that at times it takes 1-2 weeks before the band tightens??? Like "Teach lady " the pool is 86 today, and I am working out in it all day!!! Going to the gym tomorrow, hope I can EAT in the morning!!!!

This sounds so strange to me! You've lost an amazing 41# 10 weeks, which is 4#/week....and they want to max you out on your fills??? Are you sure it wasn't a 0.5cc fill?? That would make a lot more sense because that would be a small fill. I'm surprised they gave you anything at all! Well, anyway....if you can barely swallow Water you definitely should monitor closely how much water you ARE able to get in over the course of a day and if it doesn't get better in a day or two call your doctor!! I've had 2 fills and each time the restriction felt tighter at one week than it did within the first 24-48 hours. But then it got looser again and was fine. Just don't get dehydrated and be careful with what you eat....small bites and chew chew chew chew!!
Had my surgery today, and I think it went great!!! It took a little longer than they thought and was bigger than ever!!! They broke up the pockets of Fluid, drained it and she said got well over a liter of fluid, then she burned the lining, put in another drain that she said would probably be in for 3 weeks. There really isn't a lot of pain, and I feel very lucky.
Jane - this is great news!! I was thinking about you today and am so glad you're feeling good. What kind of scar do you have?? do they think this will take care of it for good now? Gosh, I hope so.

I have been so out of whack ever since about June 13! Just lots of socializing, kids coming and going, celebrating, travel, eating, messed up schedules, being tired, a loose band....you name it. In other words, I have not been the ideal bandster!! I'm taking the next week off and plan to work my big huge bloated butt OFF at the gym (do butts get bloated?). AND....I made an appointment for my 3rd fill tomorrow! I'm going to ask for a tiny one 'cause I'm not even sure I really need one, but I sure feel like I've been able to eat too much food and getting too hungry between meals. And, of course, I have only lost 1-2 # in the last month! :confused: I will be so glad when July gets well underway and I can get back to my 'routine'!! I am not doing well with so many distractions. Not worried though. It's all good!

Jenn - I'll say a special prayer for you tonight...XOXO

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Oh Jenn... sorry.. this job search really stinks! Hows the pizza job going?

Jane: So glad your surgery is over and done with.. sending out the healing vibes!

OK.. going to bed... night

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Before and Down 25! What a cutey pie!!!!!!


Wow, she's adorable!!! You sure can tell in your face that you've lost weight...you're looking good!!! :clap2::whoo:

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Your looking great! You can see a big difference in your face. Your look so happy! Nice to put a face w/ the personality!!! Congrats!

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Ok gals...I'm too tired to update my face images, so here goes with the body...I don't see much difference from last month 5/26, but again, I've lost 6 lbs since then, so it probably doesn't show much of a difference. I can definitely tell a difference from the beginning...my weight is coming off slowly but surely!




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Wow Denise, you and Michelle both have made amazing progress!!! GRREAT job girlies!!!! It sometimes seems so slow, but in the end, it is such a difference! I mean when I think back to sitting at this computer researching, and dreaming of losing weight! I thought if I could do the low end of average, and lose a pound a week, then I would be down over 50 pounds in a year! It seemed impossible, and I ended up doing much better than that---and even though at times it seemed slow---it now seems like such a short time, to make such a drastic difference! You'll see!!!!

Jennifur----I too will be saying special prayers for you, that you will find a job well suited to you. My DD just changed fields completely, and is loving it. She has worked as a nurse for several years now, and she is now an administrative assistant for BP Amoco. She said it is kinda nice dealing with people who aren't sick! Hopefully something will come up for you that was worth waiting for. I do know how hard it is, I was a single Mom for several years, and we struggled many a time. I consider myself very lucky now that I am not in that situation still, but things can happen that would land any one of us there, in short order. Know we are thinking of you, and pulling for you.

Well I am off to ride the eliptical for a few, my dinner is not moving---just sitting, which causes me to have massive reflux, if I try to lay down.

Sorry to all of you dealing with the Hair loss, it sucks so bad! I too thought I would go bald, it was not pretty. It finally stopped though, and is now growing back, but it is pretty straggly! Hang in there. I never found a cause, nor a cure. I tried the increase in Protein, the bioten, zinc.....it was all money wasted in the end, as soon as my body adjusted to the changes, it quit. My Dr. warned me. Mine may have been worse, since I have a history of losing my hair---due to chemo---I don't know, but it was traumatic. Big hugs to those of you dealing with it. Keep in mind it DOES quit! You will soon be both thin, and have a head full of hair again!

Talk to you all soon. Got a lot accomplished towards my parties today---got a busy few ahead of me though!!!!


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Ok why is it that I look fatter in my new face pic than I do 6 lbs ago?? LOL I can't get my damn DH to park his ass in the same spot each time to do my pic so my pics are uneven...some are closer, some are farther...I give up! LOL

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Michelle, I had the same thing happen to me. My one month post op picture I look better then my two month post op picture. I have looked and looked at it and still see no difference and sometimes seems I am bigger in the two month picture. I don't know...sucks...Deanna

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Thank you, Tracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's weird to see myself on here! But I know how much I love seeing what everyone looks like, so... I just did it! (Well, Tracy did it -- yay, Tracy!)

I'm on my way to the Aqua Pilates class... the kids are still asleep! They'll never believe that I actually got myself up & out! What is happening to me... am I becoming... an EXERCISER!? Gasp!

Check back w/details after!

Thanks again, Tracy... and thanks everyone for the kind words!

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Dear Margi.

I posted this message on 6/22.

I went back to my Dr this a.m. He said I was tooooo tight so he took out 1cc and left in 2.8 cc. He was glad I didn't wait any longer because I lost 9 lbs since the fill on Tuesday. I told him I started throwing up everything including Water. I was headed for dehydration. Now I feel like my old self.

I lost 9lbs in 3 days and had circles under my eyes last week so please be careful of being too tight. In the short run it can turn into a bigger issue.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

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Hey everyone

thanks for the thoughts, it is frustrating, I am a single parent with 1 income and next week it will be no income. The last year was hard but I'm freaking. And on top of that... if I get a real job, I don't have any clothes to wear. I know that is great but i'm freaking.

I am going to enjoy today at great escape/six flags, who knows maybe I'll get a job there? ok only kidding.

I was talking to someone last night about Hair loss. This is how it was put to me... and makes sense....

"what was your diet like a couple months ago? Now think about how your hair grows................ It will stop soon and you will be fine"

Now.. get it... i hope i'm not bald when it stops. LOL

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Grrr! Why won't the forum let me stay logged in anymore..


Ok yesterday at the dentist, I was on nitrous gas stuff for 3 hours.. first hour, I got a 1 hour break..had a banana for b'fast, so I went home to get a snack to tie me over.. well I was running late, ended up moving the last of our stuff from old house, so I got 1 bite of a 100 calorie pack before going back.. then it was under the gas for 2 more hours.. I GOT SICK! First time in my life.. Was very weird, got nauseated while they were working.. but other then that I survived.. they decided they can't cap my back tooth because my jaw is small in the back and there's no way to get it around the tooth.. so they did a filling in 2 teeth.. said I had 1 more they were going to do but I got sick so they making me come back after the honeymoon. Took advil when I got home and I feel great today. 5 days till 2nd fill!!

Mom made another comment last night, she's really discouraging me. They always have cake at their house, from our Sunday cook outs.. and I have horrible will power. I had my 100 calorie shorties cookie pack I brought with me (we were going to watch a movie), I saw the cake and I said "Why do you ALWAYS have cake!!".. I said it in disgust, because I wanted it, but I was having to tell myself no.. I kept walking past it.. then she said 'You don't need cake' and I said "I know, and I'm not getting any, but you always have cake and it always makes me want it'.

So then we're going into the living room to watch tv and she says "You worry me with how much you eat".

SIGH.. I DON'T have restriction. What does she want from me.. I kept telling her, I have to get filled.. I got filled, now she doesn't get I'm not to my 'sweet spot' yet. So until I get to my sweetspot I'm going to have my mom behind me checking out how much I eat everytime I'm around her. Everytime I make my plate at the cook out-granted I do get more than I can eat, but I don't know what I want to eat till I sit down so I get a little of everything then pick at it.. but she says "You can eat all of that??".. and EVERY week I say "Doubt it".

Jenn- Good luck with getting a good job!! Have you checked out monster.com??

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Laura -- Mothers... they mean well. My dh says the same things as your mom... I have to realize the he isn't as "immersed" in info about the band as I am... I tend to assume he is... so explaining about why I can eat more & faster than he thought I'd be able to during this "bandster hell" phase prior to my first fill is a recurring conversation... I guess we'll move on to the "sweet spot" conv next! But I really think he's trying to help/be supportive... and your mom probably is, too. But really, she *could* try not having cake one week... now THAT would be supportive! Hang in there, girlie!

Jenn -- If good thoughts could get you a job, you'd have 2 by now! I know we're all hoping & praying for you!!! Hope you're having a blast @ Six Flags!

So... aqua pilates... interesting! Sort of yoga, sort of exercise class... in the Water (4'). There were only 3 of us... 1 gal has been doing this for 2 years, the other gal & I were newbies. I hung in there, did everything, albeit not quite gracefully! At least when I lose balance, I fall into water, not the ground! But I can "feel" that I stretched my muscles, and I feel taller, if that makes sense, and I feel "aware" of my "core" & how I'm standing, sitting, moving... as I said... interesting! We don't have class now for the next 2 weeks... but then 7 weeks straight. Oh, and the instructor & the experienced gal asked me to stay after & try the aqua aerobics class (1 hr) that runs after the pilates class... which sure was nice of them!... but I couldn't today as I had to get ds to soccer camp... but I told them I would the next time we have class. The gal said it really gets you pumped up! So I have that to look forward to. + I'm still walking + I'm going to try to do some of the ap moves I learned each day at the pool, but I doubt I remember all of them after only 1 class. Phew!

On with the day! Make it a great one, everyone!

Oh, PS -- 1st fill scheduled for 7/11... 2 more weeks! Yikes!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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