TerriDoodle 6 Posted June 7, 2007 Well, now that most of us have been filled, or will be soon, now the question will lurk as to whether we need to have another adjustment! I had found this post long ago and posted it to my journal. Now that we can finally GET to our journals, I grabbed it and will post here. Looks like some good guidelines---- HowtoTellWhenYouArePerfectlyAdjusted: You are losing 1-2 pounds per week. If you are not losing 1-2 pounds per week: A. You may need an eating adjustment 1. Are you eating 60 grams of Protein a day? 2. Are you eating 25 grams of Fiber? 3. Are you avoiding all liquid calories? a. Soup can be sign of soft calorie syndrome b. Alcohol contains a lot of calories 7 calories per gram.(It's also a stomach irritant). c. fruit juice is just sugar water 4. Are you making healthy food choices from a wide variety of foods? a. Are you avoiding soft foods b. You can't just eat what's easy c. cheese is glorified fat 5. Are you drinking 6-8 glasses of Water a day between meals? 6. Are you eating too much junk? a. chips, chocolate, nuts, ice cream, Cookies and other highly processed junk foods are too calorically dense to be regular parts of a healthy diet. But don't avoid them completely to the point where you feel deprived. b. Stay out of fast food places 7. Are you getting in two servings of Calcium daily? 8. Do you always eat the protein first? 9. Then the vegetables or fruits a. Five servings a day b. Potatoes are NOT a vegetable 10. Is your portion size appropriate? a. meat or fish (3 ounces the size of a deck of cards) b. Vegetables (½ cup the size of your fist) c. Starch (If you eat the protein and the vegetables first you don't need much - Avoid: rice, potatoes, pasta) 11. You might try avoiding artificial sweeteners a. Some people think that artificial sweeteners stimulate the appetite b. They are HUNDREDS of times sweeter than sugar c. They teach you to like things too sweet d. There is no evidence that people who use them are any thinner than people who don’t 12. Avoid most diet foods a. Real food usually tastes better b. Real food is more satisfying than low calorie substitutes c. When you are only eating a tiny bit the caloric savings is not that great (Use a teaspoon of real butter instead of a tablespoon of diet margarine. d. The body has no way to break down artificial fats). a. They may go into permanent storage b. Some people think liposuction is the only way to remove hydrolyzed fats from the body B. You may need a behavior adjustment 1. Are you eating only when you are hungry? a. If you're not sure drink 8 ounces of water and wait 2. Are you eating three meals a day? a. With maybe 1 or 2 small snacks 3. Are you sitting down to eat? 4. Are you eating consciously? a. No distractions, turn off the TV, put the book or newspaper away, pay attention to your food and your companions 5. Are you eating slowly? a. Put the fork down between bites b. Take 20 to 30 minutes to finish a meal c. Taking longer might cause the pouch to begin emptying 6. Are you taking small bites? a. Tiny spoon, chopsticks, cocktail fork 7. Are you chewing well? 8. Are you drinking with your meals or too soon after your meals? a. Practice water loading between meals b. You won't be thirsty if you are well hydrated before the meal 9. Are you stopping at the first sign of fullness? a. Sometimes it's a whisper: not hungry, had enough b. Hard stop versus soft stop 10. Do not eat between meals. Stop grazing. 11. Do not eat when you are not hungry C. You may need an activity adjustment 1. Are you getting in 30 minutes of physical activity at least 3 times a week? a. Over and above what you would do in the usual course of your day b. Could you make it 4 or 5 times a week? c. Could you make it 45 or 60 minutes? 2. Are you taking advantage of opportunities to increase your physical activity? a. Taking the stairs instead of the elevators or escalators b. Walking on the escalators instead of riding c. Parking your car further away from the entrance d. Getting out of the car instead of using the drive through e. Getting off the bus one stop before your destination f. Washing you car by hand instead of the car wash g. Playing with your kids D. You may need an attitude adjustment 1. Are you committed to your weight loss journey? 2. Are you totally honest with yourself about how much you are eating and exercising? a. Log your food and activity on ww.fitday.com for 3 days 3. Are you using food inappropriately to deal with emotional issues? a. Have you identified what the emotions are that drive your eating? b. Can you think of more appropriate ways to deal with those emotions? c. Are you willing to seek help from a qualified counselor? 4. Are you attending and participating in support group meetings? 5. Have you drummed up some support from your family and friends? 6. Have you dealt with saboteurs realistically? 7. Do you have realistic expectations about the weight loss journey? 8. Are you still obsessing about food, weight, dieting, eating? a. Obsessive compulsive thoughts (Obsess about something else) b. Perfectionism (All or none, black and white thinking) c. Patience with the pace of healthy weight loss 9. Are you acknowledging your successes with non-food rewards? 10. Have you learned how to take a compliment? 11. Are you giving up diet mentality? a. Stop weighing yourself several times a day or every day b. Stop dieting c. Stop depriving yourself d. Stop defining food as good and bad e. Stop rewarding and punishing yourself with food 12. How do you feel about all the changes taking place? E. You may need a band adjustment 1. You feel like you are making healthy food choices in appropriate portion sizes but getting hungry between meals? 2. You can still eat white bread, fibrous vegetables and large portions. 3. You are having to struggle to lose 4. You are gaining weight in spite of eating right, exercising and having a good mind set. F. You may need your band loosened 1. There are times when you can’t get fluids down 2. You are vomiting too much a. How much is too much? 3. Do you have frequent reflux or heartburn at night? a. Do not lie flat or bend over soon after eating b. Do not eat late at night or just before bedtime c. Rinse your pouch with a glass or water an hour before bedtime d. Certain foods or drinks are more likely to cause reflux: (1) Rich, spicy, fatty and fried foods (2) Chocolate (3) Caffeine (4) Alcohol (5) Some fruits and vegetables (6) Oranges, lemons, tomatoes, peppers (7) Peppermint (8) Baking soda toothpaste (9) Carbonated drinks e. Eat slowly and do not eat big meals f. If you smoke, quit smoking g. Reduce stress h. Exercise promotes digestion i. Raise the head of your bed j. Wear loose fitting clothing around your waist k. Stress increases reflux l. Take estrogen containing medications in the morning m. Avoid aspirin, Aleve and ibuprofen at bedtime (Tylenol is OK) n. Take an antacid (Pepcid complete) before retiring o. Try other over-the-counter heartburn medications p. See your health care provider Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kity 2 Posted June 7, 2007 Thanks Terry~ That is so helpful (getting filled today). I've seen that before, but would never been able to find it again. Ok, between the 2 full workouts on Tues (that dance class killed me, can't wait to go back) and walking EVERYWHERE AND ANYWHERE yesterday, my hamstrings are KILLING me. I got out of bed and I looked like I was 100 years old. I have a meeting today (no students). After yesterday, I am looking forward to just sitting and listening today! I also have my first support group tonight! I've meet 2 local ppl on LBT and I think they are going tonight, which will be cool. Have a great day!! Jenn~sending you the job vibe! Michelle~July birthdays are wonderful!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Teachlady 3 Posted June 7, 2007 Good Morning, Fellow Shrink'n Violets.. Terry.. thanks for the post. I had my fill on Tuesday and am not feeling any restriction, so I just keep on doing what I've been doing. I'm still not eating between meals and eating just what is allowed at meals. Last night we went out to eat and I had a chicken fajita salad.. just ate a little bit of the chicken and it went down with no problems. Had a few bites of the lettuce and that was it. I know I could have eaten the whole salad, but I didn't. I didn't have my usual yogurt for evening snack last night. I opted for prune juice for obvious reasons.. arghhhhh. We went to Walmart and I bought two pair of stretchy jeans in size 16W... I started out in 22-24W. The 16W fits fine and even a bit loose. Only those people who know I had the surgery have mentioned the weight loss. Nobody else has said a thing, but then again, they have seen me do this many times before and I always have gone right back up. They are probably hesitant to say anything.. at least that's my story and I'm stickin' to it! Grandson Ethan is here today so I'll be taking him for a long stroll later this morning to get my exercise in for the day. Everyone have a great day... let's drink our Water and get our butts moving for 30 minutes!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TracyinKS 7 Posted June 7, 2007 Hi Violets,I know I don't post as much as y'all do, but I read everyday. You sure are a chatty bunch! Laura congrats on the lucky day! I am bouncing around here I had my second fill another 1.5 cc for a grand total of 4.5 cc's I have lost 29 lbs. This is my situation, I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this: I stopped losing weight at about four weeks out from surgery. I had first fill 3 weeks ago the week after fill I had alot of nausea and I lost nothing I think I went into starvation mode but after a week everything settled down I loosened up a bit and started losing (7 lbs in a week) then I had second fill because even though I was losing I could still eat alot. Now for the last week I have not lost and I have PBed twice, I don't think I am too tight I think I just ate too fast. Hopefully I will start losing again this week. Has anyone else had this experience? Thanks for any advice. My personal experience with losing weight in general is that the weeks you don't lose pounds you lose inches. Takes a bit for one to catch up with the other. 7 pounds in a week is AWESOME, and could be your entire month of loss with no problem.. (going with the 1-3 pound a week average) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TracyinKS 7 Posted June 7, 2007 Hi Lucygirl, My dr didnt numb me either, it hurted alot. I had to ease into car and ride with the seat reclined. Luckily my aunt drove me there. I went to work afterwards and had to go home early to lay down. HELLO Ard! You are doing great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haydee 2 Posted June 7, 2007 TracyK - you look awesome! You can really tell on your face. How is the rest of you? I find that I am losing on top but my bottom is the same. How does that happen? I am turning into a pear! Tracy in Kansas - my trip to Chicago was great. It's a beautiful city. I was really surprised. Their tourism office needs to do a better job of promoting that city. Where it not for my sister having a convention there, I would have never gone! Gr8ful - I am also having a hard time with plateaus. I will stop losing for weeks at a time. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong but I'm going to try to increase my excersise routine and see if that works. I am eating less than 1200 calories a day and drinking 96 oz of Water a day. Are you losing inches? That's where I see it the most. I was a size 24 top when I started and now I am an 18 but can fit into a 14. That is what I am focusing on. Inches, not pounds. I would go crazy if my feeling successful at this depended on pounds alone. I hope everyone has a good rest of your day. I'm gonna get back to work now... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TracyinKS 7 Posted June 7, 2007 GOOD MORNING VIOLETS!!!!!!!!!!!! I am down inching ever closer to the 230's.. I had really wanted to be in the 230's by June 1, but oh well............ it's not a race.. its a life change.. (that is what I keep telling myself) Jennifur: Good luck on the job hunt today. I think taking a bar cert could be good, but you won't be able to drink at work which is also good.. and I know that if you pick the right place to tend bar you can make a killing! We are having a big wind storm today and my electricity went off while I was in the shower....... it is still off..... but I'm at work.... NO hair DRYER, NO coffee, NO MORNING NEWS.. my entire routine is shot!!!!! The only good thing is that the scale went down.... so I'll take it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daisalana 33 Posted June 7, 2007 Kity- We should get together for some gamblin'! We'll be there 7/5-7/13.. My dad's playing in the WSOP event that week, so he was already going to be there.. We're all staying at the Rio...and we've got a list of shows we're going to go see, so we'll be all over the strip. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
janiebug 0 Posted June 7, 2007 I am off to the Dr. for a possible 2nd fill. I think it is a good idea. I think living with this fill for two weeks I feel not much restriction. I have lost weight though so I don't know what she will do. She is also going to drain my hernia site for a third time. Keep your fingers crossed that she gets less than a liter this time!!!!! I want this hernia problem to be over and it is making me VERY crabby!!! It is nothing serious, just a inconvience!!!! I am in St. Louis, and they are warning us about the winds coming this afternoon, you Tracy are in Kansas City I believe, so I guess the weather people are right!!! Have a good one!!! Jane Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jennifur 0 Posted June 7, 2007 Ok making lots of phone calls today, just got back from the gym, I am thinking that I might go to Water aerobics tonight and take tomorrow off. they offer on Sat am a Bootcamp aqua aerobic class and then 15 min aqua ab workout right after I really want to go to. So Friday off might be good. I get to go for a fill on Tuesday, so excited Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TracyinKS 7 Posted June 7, 2007 Go Jenn GO Jenn Go Jenn... Go!Go!Go! You are an exercise queen!!!!!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TracyK 3 Posted June 7, 2007 TracyK - you look awesome! You can really tell on your face. How is the rest of you? I find that I am losing on top but my bottom is the same. How does that happen? I am turning into a pear! Hi Haydee! Thank you As far as the rest of me goes....I am opposite of a pear. Well, flip the pear upside down and that is me. I am shaped like a V. All my weight if from the waist up. I kind of have that linebacker look:omg: I am losing in waist size thank GOD! All of my clothes are getting so big that I am starting to have that "homeless girl" look. I need to go to Wal-Mart or somewhere to get some clothes. Maybe I will go to Goodwill and buy some there and when I shrink out of those, donate them back to them. How is that for recycling? Judy-does fiber sure have a taste to it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
janiebug 0 Posted June 7, 2007 Wow!!! Just got back from another fill, and I got 3cc's!!!!!!! I am going to be skinny by next week!!! The lap band is going GREAT!!! The hernia is just a pain to heal!!!! I have Fluid that is forming and she has taken off a liter of fluid each time. I am getting frustrated, but there is nothing I can do. So the moral of the story is I will be back on Monday boasting about my 100 pound weight loss in 5 days!!! Jane Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daisalana 33 Posted June 7, 2007 TracyK- You can definitely tell you've lost weight, congrats I'm still not restricted from my fill and it's making me anxious.. I know I need to wait, I've even told others they should wait to see, but darn it.. I've been needing that sweet restriction.. kick in already! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TracyK 3 Posted June 7, 2007 Janie-congrats on your 3cc!!! Let us know how the restriction is!! Laura-Thank you for the compliment!! I have been having good restriction except for the past 2 days. Today at work they had pork steaks (probably not as good as Tracys) and I could have eaten the whole pig!! I am worried about too much of a fill because of meds not going down, but I do not want to be hungry all the time either..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites