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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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I'm with Terri, but maybe that's my simple southern-ness.. I always laugh at the colon cleansing stuff.. seems like a bunch of hooey (great word). Me and my mom were talking about that the other day, how it seems like it's a California trend, group colonics! And, one of the pics on that website, I've seen as a photoshopped picture for another joke website, so I'd be real skeptical. If you feel you need flushing out, go for it, but I don't think I do and if a doctor told me it's healthy for me to do it, I'd tell em to shove his colonic cleanser where HIS sun don't shine! :)

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Hi again everybody...

OMG...another 4 pages to read to catch up!!

laura..I just visited the annabella website..is it Cedar point or something? If I was on the right site it's beautiful!!

I can't believe how excited I am thinking about your upcoming plans!! LOL!! Happy times!!

Anyway...I never thought I'd say this but I miss my liquid stage!! I find it harder to deal with mushies & food. I guess it's because I'm back to planning meals & being organised and having more choice!! Plus eating out and eating in company again...I tend to be very unorganised on OFF days...and they're the most important.

I still feel I'm doing well, I did have a sneak peak today & am up 3lbs, but I don't record until Monday so we'll see if that will be registered or not, this I expected when moving food stages. (plus I went a bit mad on guinness tues night LOL!!)

Drinking like that though wasn't on my plan, I broke my four drinks rule!!! Shouldn't have done that, but for my sins I got shoulder pain back as a result, so there is my lesson & motivation to learn from it!!

I did however take extra Bvitamins & Omega wed to combat any food cravings I might encounter as a result of the indulgance (TERRI...I think that counts as a back on track tactic?) Usually a hangover sees me eating my way through bread & potato chips & that kinda stuff.

THAT didn't happen.

SO I am happy that I learnt to deal with an over indulgence positively & not freak out about it & slip following it. I don't think I ever learnt this before, I am very pleased that I can except that I am human and not perfect. I'm not even upset about gaining weight, becuase I know I can cope with it & turn it around...It'll actually be more of a victory to get rid of a 3lb regain than if I had continued to drop the lbs EASILY as I had up til now!!! I don't think I've dropped a regain in 1 1/2 years!! So that will be a victory...stay tuned!!

I also haven't started walking yet coz til now I felt too HUGE to do so, that puts me off. But I do have more energy & drive so I think I can face starting to get off my ass now to keep things moving.

My next mini goal is to loose those 3lbs to get back down to having reached my first goal of 224lbs...then on to my 2nd goal of-22lbs, I will feel truly into my 2nd goal once I see about four gone into that!!


I have DISCOVERED a WANT in me to get pregnant!!! (or as they say here "up the pole")

Now, this is because I had wanted to start this year anyway, and having decided to have the band, I put it off again until next year.

I visited my doc yesterday for my BCP prescription...which I will start anyday now.

Some of you are probably thinking...hang on, was she not cotemplating divorce last week? LOL...I'm just sharing my thoughts.

I think it's just that in my mind I had planned on having a BUMP by Christmas 2007!!

Do you think maybe I'm looking for distraction? Could also be that, not that I'd use motherhood as a distraction, but now that my surgery is over am I looking for the next big thing in my life?

I do want to be a mammy soon!! And I know DH would be a great daddy, but Patience I guess, one more year!!

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This was the "quick overview" horoscope on my yahoo page this morning, and I liked it & thought we ALL could relate to it, no matter what your "sign":

"You know how goldfish can grow infinitely large if taken out of a bowl and put in a lake? Think of your life as a goldfish. What setting can you put yourself in so you allow yourself to grow to your full capabilities?"

Good analogy & question, huh?

As far as clothes go, I attacked my closet over the Dec. holidays and got rid of a LOT of stuff as I wanted to know what I had that I could actually wear, so I guess I'll be shopping cheap for awhile. Janiebug -- when I was in HS I sewed a lot and I sewed my bf & I matching purple jungle print shirts w/tiger heads... wild... and I still have mine! (Even tho I'll NEVER wear it again, I don't think it ever WAS a style let alone will be a style again.) So I understand the whole sentimental thing.

Lunasa... a baby... wow... big decisions all over the place for you!

Day 4, 11 to go on liquids... feel free to join me, Lunasa, or anyone! Really, it's great to be in the checkout line and have your tummy grumble so loudly that the folks behind you give you weird looks (happened to me yesterday @ Sam's Club -- what the heck was I doing there when I was on liquids anyway??? Man I'm a good mom!!!)

Great day, everyone!

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As I said I'm just thinking out loud!! The musings of a pre-menstrual woman!! LOL

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Lunasa - LOL....are you by chance a Gemini?? You sound just like me with needing the "next big project"! But, trust me, you do not want to get pregnant at this weight, have to get a complete unfill, and use your pregnancy as an excuse to eat everything in sight. I gained 42# during my first pregnancy (starting at 160#), at the age of 32. When DS was born I only lost 17#!! I held on to that weight until I got pregnant again 3 years later...now I was starting at 180#!! I gained 26# that time (smarter then) and only lost that weight with the help of Phen-Fen. Trust me again when I say that it is much harder (impossible) to find time to exercise, shop and cook after a baby is around! And that time is gone for many years. My very cheap advice is to take advantage of this time to get your body in great shape, break the old bad habits, and get down to your goal weight....THEN get pregnant. THAT can be your reward for all your hard work!

And by the way.... GET OFF YOUR ASS AND GO EXERCISE!! :)

MsJen - Congratulations on your first fill!! It's not so bad, eh?...except for that bruise! Wonder why? My port is real close to the surface so there's very little need for all that trauma....lucky I guess.

Janie - ya'll crack me up with your 20+ year old clothes in your closets!! OMG! That's so funny! Reminds me, I'll have to save one or two of my 18W pants for my "after" picture!....y'know the one where I hold out the waist for the profile shot!? :)

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when I was in HS I sewed a lot and I sewed my bf & I matching purple jungle print shirts w/tiger heads... wild... and I still have mine!

PURPLE jungle print w/ tiger heads???? :pound: Lovely!!! ....you must post a picture for us!

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Good Morning Everyone!

Terry, you crack me up but guess what I'm doing today, got my ass out of bed and going to the gym to meet with my trainer. She is great just having her modify my workout a little, she set me up a couple years ago when I lost 50lbs before i lost all the weight from my first child! and I toned up nice so she has a great track record. I am more concerned about my arms and lower belly so we will see what she can do.

I did 13 homework assignments in 2 days so i thought I could use a break from sitting on the couch. I still have 4 assignments left to do by Friday so we will see what happens, I just need a mental break this am.

Baby - wow, as I am all for children, you just did such a wonderful thing for yourself, weight stories should scare you, I gained 60lbs with my son 3 years ago to be at my highest weight ever and could not get it off on my own - maybe age and hormones being a huge factor because it took years to loose from my daughter who is 13.

Take your time and do it when you are mentally ready, I had relationship problems with dbf when son came along and I'm sure that didn't help. Get yourself in a great place first! You will know when it is right.

Well, I hope to be working real soon, running out of money, which is also bad. I only have decent work clothes that are a size 16 and they don't fit yet, i could get them on but YUCK! All my other clothes are 20-22's and are way too big so I just got rid of them. Pray for a construction job where I can wear carpenter pants/jeans, they are suppose to be baggy and I can put a belt on.

Have a great day all, off to get ready for the gym

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Terri...You're right I know..thank you for your advice!!! I won't get pregnant now however, I will wait..just that I decided last year that this would be my pregnency year (I thought I would have gotten hold of the weight prob by now...but time flies when you do nothin about it!! LOL)

As for excercise..I promise you I'll walk tonight ok..xx

BTW I am a LIBRA...the scales being my zodiac sign...how fitting!!

But very fitting also that I tend to tip one way or the other in so many areas in my life, always searching for balance.. I guess this year is my mind body soul balance year!!

Jennifur...Babies don't end or mend conflict I agree. I have seen it happen with a friend!!


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And I cut out a tiger head for the breast pocket... so it was like a tiger boob was jumping out at you... really, really kewl, dontcha know!

I am a computer illiterate but am motivated to try to learn how to post pics, so maybe I WILL post it for ya'll! (Is that a threat or promise, not sure.)

Oh, having SO much fun w/my new short hair today -- it's fun surprising the heck out of everyone when they see me! :)

Oh, one MORE thing... long story, but my friend's 8th grade daughter (straight A student, student gov't, honor roll kid) was suspended yesterday & my friend and her hubby HAVE to both work today, so guess who is on "juvenile delinquent" duty? -- ME! I'm supposed to make her do homework & clean my house! The A/C guys are also hear to install our new units, so needless to say the cleaning will have to wait 'til tomorrow after they are done... what a life I lead!

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Good Morning all you Shrink'n Violets!!

After watching grandson Ethan all day yesterday, I can truly say.. no more pregnancies for me!! Oh wait.. I'm 59 and post menopausal. Nevermind..:)

But my goal is to get rid of the belly that LOOKS like I'm pregnant!! Dh is doing great on his pre-op diet. He's lost almost 8# in just 3 days so far. I know he'll do even better at losing after surgery. I may have to secretly slip some milkshakes into his routine so he doesn't outdo me!!! :) 5 more days til his surgery and we're both so excited. This will be the start of a brand new life together.. just like newlyweds... ok.. OLDly weds!! I just hope our Canada trip isn't too rough on him. We leave two days after his surgery for 6 days away. Then a week after we get back I go for my fill. Always something to look forward to!!!

Everyone have a great day and stick to those bandster rules!!!

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And I cut out a tiger head for the breast pocket... so it was like a tiger boob was jumping out at you... really, really kewl, dontcha know!
Ok, this just made me spew Propel out of my nose!!!! And then I read where Judy is gonna slip hubby some milkshakes and I started coughing and spewing all over again!! Oh, you girlz!!

Jenn - I'm so happy for you getting all that homework done!! Did you ever sleep? ?? :notagree And now off to the gym!! Man, my hat is off to you!! I'd be making all kinds of excuses for myself to lay around and do nothing!! You have so much to be proud of...don't you dare sell yourself short!! You are amazing!

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Woohoo!! Got my first fill today. I am such a wimp. I was SO scared of the needle, but ladies, I did not even feel it! Now the barium was nasty, but I survived!! I am now officially filled :(

1.5 and i have a 10 band. I can tell the difference, even when i drink something. I love the band!! I know I do not post as much as alot of you but I read all the time and I am so glad that we have each other to lean on. I feel like I know all of you!! I am so happy this evening and I just wanted to share my happiness. (hugs)

Tracy, I'm so happy you shared! I also have a 10 band and I was wondering if my initial fill of 1.5 was even going to have any affect on me. I'm glad to hear you say it does! I'm so happy for you! I get my first one next Saturday and I'm also a big baby when it comes to needles. So I hope you everyone is right when they say the needle doesn't hurt! I'll have my eyes shut and I'll be holding on to my mom the whole time!!! I'm telling you, I'm seriously a big baby!

So this morning I got to work early and I decided I'm going to do some of that ab work where you get on all fours. I closed my office door and get on my hands and knees. A few minutes later I hear a sharp knock on my door but before I get off the floor the door flies open. My boss is standing there just looking at me. He puts some documents on my desk and slowly backs out the door. We didn't say a word to each other. I wonder what he thinks I was doing? :ermm

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Today is a new day and another NSV! I had to find new jeans to wear today cause my standard pair are too big. AND I thought I might need to get a new bra. I was a 44DD a couple weeks before surgery. Was a 42DD a couple of weeks after surgery and went to get a 40DD, but they didn't have that size. So I got a 38DD and hoped it would fit soon. Well, soon is TODAY. I tried it on and it fits!! PLUS I was wearing size 10 fruit of the Loom undies and now I'm in 8's. Now this is information I can only share with DH and all the Shrink'n Violets. The rest of the world would not be that interested in my underwear, trust me. :(

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OMG Haydee..that is TOO fuunnnyyyy!!!!! Good Morning all you beautiful VIOLETS!!! Exercise and drink your water!!!! Talk to you all later!!!Deanna

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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