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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Now, Christy,

When you say you're going to "attack" the threadmill, do you mean you're gonna Kick the S**t out of it or go for a walk? LOL

I would have to favour the first option!! LOL

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Now, Christy,

When you say you're going to "attack" the threadmill, do you mean you're gonna Kick the S**t out of it or go for a walk? LOL

I would have to favour the first option!! LOL

At this point...it's still my friend...ask me again this afternoon!!

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:) :) [OKAY PEOPLE. LISTEN UP. I FINALLY SAW A NEW NUMBER ON THE scale THIS MORNING! AFTER 17 DAYS OF BOUNCING BETWEEN 201 AND 203....FINALLY.... 200!!! Can i see some dancing bananas????


That is great!!! Soon you will be out of the 200 club FOREVER!!!!!

I passed the 300 pound mark a few weeks ago and it felt good to know that I would never see that again when I stepped on the scale!!


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I have been told by physicians and the obesity center that I will not feel hunger with the lap band, they said if I do it's that I don't have my band full enough. So tell me why do I hear so many of you say you're hungry???? I'm curious. I am to be done in May or June. Is it cravings??? or actually stomach growling hunger?

Just Curious

I think all or most of us got the band implanted empty. All of us are having to wait for our first fill. It is the actual fills that help us in our weight loss like you stated earlier.


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Thanks Terry, re fill info. Im due for mine next Saturday, not looking forward to the 'needle' bit, but it will only be for a few seconds like you said, lol.

Christy, how did the treadmill go, I now have visions of you kicking the *@** out of it as Lunasa asked...LOL....

Hey, talking of treadmills, Ive seen this gorgeous looking weight gym machine with this hunk sitting on it in the pics, I said to dave....I want one of those, LOL.....anyway weve got no where to put the thing even if we got it, our office is so crowed with office stuff, and a treadmill (you have to tidy the office before I can use any of the equiptment, because you cant swing a cat). But Ooooo the gym trainer equptment did lok good. Wouldnt it be nice if we could all have a specialised gym in our homes, and a hunky trainer 3 times a week :Banane43:

Rvingdi, good to see you back again, hows it going for you?

Sara xx

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April 2007 List as of 05/02

:Banane43: AmwLady - 04/02

:thumbs_up:Maizemommy - 04/02

:thumbs_up:SFeliz001 - 04/02

:thumbs_up:CJulzGO - 04/02

:thumbs_up:Sara Mos - 04/02

:thumbs_up:Adumont75 - 04/02

:thumbs_up:Darla - 04/02 (mother to Panda)

:thumbs_up:Panda - 04/02 (daughter to Darla)

:thumbs_up:SienaK45 - 04/02

:thumbs_up:Squale(Pat) - 04/03

:thumbs_up:Kity - 04/03

:thumbs_up:Sparkette(donna) -04/03

:thumbs_up: Jennifer - 04/03

:thumbs_up:TerriDoodle - 04/04

:thumbs_up:TexasP - 04/04

:thumbs_up:SkinnySomeday -04/04

:thumbs_up:Wannabethin - 04/04

:thumbs_up:ShineOn - 04/04

:thumbs_up:LJWILGeNHOF - 04/04

:thumbs_up:OnlyMe - 04/05

:thumbs_up:BandedMe - 04/05

:thumbs_up:DaveinToronto - 04/05

:thumbs_up:Cred - 04/05

:thumbs_up:AlexR - 04/05

:thumbs_up:gr8ful gal - 04/05 (also her BDay) :D

:thumbs_up:HouseHuntress - 04/09

:thumbs_up:Day3447 - 04/09

:thumbs_up:Cmarie - 04/09

:thumbs_up:Gr8 (GINA) - 04/09

:thumbs_up:Chica Chula - 04/09

:thumbs_up:MsPruett - 04/09

:thumbs_up: BigAsLife (Di)- 04/09

:thumbs_up:TeachLady (Judy) - 4/10

:thumbs_up:Vlander - 4/10

:thumbs_up: TracyTX - 04/11

:thumbs_up:ElizaJo - 04/11

:thumbs_up:Bubbles - 04/11

:thumbs_up:Bwaydiva - 04/11

:thumbs_up:KCQ -04/11

:thumbs_up: MaltoMeel-04/11

:thumbs_up:TinyBelle - 04/12

:thumbs_up:StaceyLynn - 04/12

:thumbs_up:Lucy22884 - 04/12

:thumbs_up:Horns10 - 04/12

:thumbs_up:Ihomeschool4 (Christy) - 04/12

:thumbs_up:Ross (husband to Christy) - 04/12

:thumbs_up:Tater Bug - 04/13

:thumbs_up:MS_Jen - 04/13

:thumbs_up:ChicaChula - 04/13

:thumbs_up:Collector - 04/13

:thumbs_up: WarpedPegasus- 04/14

:thumbs_up: ShirleyBee- 04/14

:thumbs_up:ARD - 04/16

:thumbs_up:PsWashburn (Phil) - 04/16

:thumbs_up:DynamoMini (Michelle) - 04/16

:thumbs_up:Margi - 04/16

:thumbs_up:Jennifur - 04/16

:thumbs_up:Lunasa - 04/16

:thumbs_up:SchexyMomma - 04/16

:thumbs_up:Laura23 - 04/16

:thumbs_up:JanieBug - 04/17

:thumbs_up:LapDancer - 04/17

:thumbs_up:Keluliana - 04/17

:thumbs_up:Tigeriffic - 04/17

:thumbs_up:Angie - 04/18

:thumbs_up:pinkybar (ellen) - 04/18

:thumbs_up:Jullee71 - 04/18

:thumbs_up:FloridaGirl - 04/19

:thumbs_up:AREELlady - 04/19

:thumbs_up: Michelle731- 04/19

:thumbs_up:Katschai - 04/20

:thumbs_up:NWJenny - 04/20

:thumbs_up:Sherri - 04/23

:thumbs_up:GonnaBeFree(Tammy) - 04/24

:thumbs_up: Galati25- 04/24

:thumbs_up: Actg1rl- 04/25

:thumbs_up:LauraleeD - 04/26

:thumbs_up:Brennens - 04/26

:thumbs_up:BeckyNtN - 04/26

:thumbs_up:JDarnwest - 04/26

:thumbs_up:Flax - 04/26

:thumbs_up:Adorable(Denise) - 04/26

:thumbs_up:TracyinKS -04/26 ;)

:thumbs_up:Kathy - 04/27

:thumbs_up:NBJen - 04/27

:thumbs_up: Jenn- 04/27

:thumbs_up:Rachel675 - 4/28

:thumbs_up: Wolfmaydn- 4/30

:biggrin1: MICHELLE (MDRI) - MAY 29th

:biggrin1: Mary (MEW) - May 23rd

Hey. I was wondering if you could add me to the list. I was banded on 4/30. Thanks


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Corrrrrrrrrrr have you tried the chat room in here its great!!!!!!! Maybe when a few of us are on we could all try it and have a good old chat!!!!!! Its great!!

Sara x

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OK so here is the thought of the day.

My friends have been great as far as helping with my children, but I feel like they can't deal with me anymore.....one of my best friends has been really sick and is a basket case, i am trying really hard to be there, i sat by her side for weeks and have driven her to appts and everything. But here is the problem, if i vent about anything she seems to be turning things around and making me feel like shit! sorry, no other way to put it. The other thing is, I don't think they know how to deal with me, I went to a bbq last night and did fine, I ate before I went so I didn't care that everyone was eating, but they are all drinking and eating and I can't do either, so I feel very very left out and like they don't know how to treat me.

so for an example, My daughter is gounded - mostly because she has forgotten that she has chores and responsibilities when she gets home and IF she does them she just throws stuff all over, such as dishes, and my sons cabinet with his plastic cups and stuff EVERYTHING came flying out at me last night, (which is why punished today) All the other kids in the neignborhood are all out playing and have very little responsibility, and I feel bad, but she needs to remember how things work here!

Is anyone else experiencing any situations like this?

It is really making me sad, I feel like I'm excluded from lots of things and just anoying everyone with everything.

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OK here is another thing I could use some advice on

In Feb, my daughter and her bff have decided that they wanted to have a joint bday party in June, between the 2 birthdays and warm enough to open the pool, we have a dj and outdoor fun. At the time they both said they would help rake the yard and get it ready for the party. Well needless to say, my daughter has been out the last 3 weekends helping me with yard work and nothing from her friend, who is one of the neighbor kids out playing while she is working.

What do I do, at this point I don't want to hold a joint party and be doing all the work alone. I also don't want to be raking and decorating the yard the weekend before either and just don't see how that should be fair.

This is a friendship thing between her mother and I and the girls and I don't want this stupid party to wreck it.

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I have been told by physicians and the obesity center that I will not feel hunger with the lap band, they said if I do it's that I don't have my band full enough. So tell me why do I hear so many of you say you're hungry???? I'm curious. I am to be done in May or June. Is it cravings??? or actually stomach growling hunger?

Just Curious

I'm only 9 days post op but so far I've not been hungry once....but I know it's coming just from reading everyone else's posts! LOL :hungry:

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Jennifur...ok heres the deal....

I have a 17 yr old and a 20 yr old (nearly) I too have very similar problems...a lot I may add..

On my eldest daughters 18th...she did nothing....I catered for 18 guests, and by the end of the night I felt like death....unfortunately, so I am told by my 17 yr old, that 'mum, this is normal??? for my friends, & their bfs, to say and do what they want in my home is ok?? Jennifur, thank god I am not alone here. My eldest exepects us to support her and her BF after uni while she does another course??

All I can say is just say no.....which is hard, because you want your best for your babies........I can ramble all night about this. Why dont you say to your daughter, I want to give you the best B'day ever, but if you dont pull your weight, its not going to happen?? call her bluff......if she really wants it, she'll help. Im no one to advise really as I ended up doing all the work on my daughters 18th.....now that daughter whos 20 nearly expects me to buy her a car, pay her £20+K university and living costs.......is jelous of my youngest daughter, and expects us to pander to her every whim. and its my fault, cos I tried to give her the best....oh boy Jennifur.....lol....

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if your friends make you feel like that, in truth, they are either not real friends, or they are hurting, and they want you to feel as bad as them, or they are ill (psychologically) I had a friend like yours.....I ended up distancing myself from them, as they were not good for my health or soul.....why dont you try and distancing from this person for a while, it will make you feel a whole lot better. 1st you will feel grife and anger...but it will soon pass.....and then undersatnding that they are ill, but you cant let yourself get sucked into their emotional problems, it will make you feel very low.

Sara xxx

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I just caught up on some reading and find it so interesting that besides being banded we are all involved in REAL LIFE. Birthdays, friendships, marriages, losses, all causing happiness, stresses, etc.

I raised two adopted boys alone after my husband died and felt so alone with the decisions. It is wonderful that this thread supports each of us and our needs. Jennifur - I just know that this will work out one way or another. Things always do. I had to figure out that I had to pick my battles. I couldn't do it all, and sometimes I didn't look as "good" as the other mothers, but my boys at 19 are independent, helpful and very grateful for what they did have. So, I guess it was good enough. Hope that bit helps. I know you will do it right for your girl.

As far a friendship goes, sometimes my friends need a lot, but if it becomes a one way road and I don't feel an exchange of support, it isn't healthy for me so I pull back and see if things balance out. Hope that helps a bit.

Best wishes to you all,

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I was banded in Jacksonville Florida on April 30th. I'd love to join the group.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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