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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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A peer card...aka a star card (Rick's work) is a spot bonus. It is in the form of a credit card, and the amount varies, usually $20, $50 & $100. They are most often given by the dept. manager for going above and beyond, or an especially good job....or like Rick gives them if someone stays late that did not have to....that kind of thing. They are accepted anywhere credit cards are. Down where your name would be on the card, they say things like Job well Done, thank you! Or Your peers appreciate the job you do.

In Manda's case, if she recommends her boss give one to one of the guys for consistantly turning his paperwork in on time or something, they give it with acknowledgment of where the recommendation comes from.

They are monitored to the point of there not being big favortism etc. But she is always thrilled!!

Rick is walking around right now with $150.00 worth in his wallet....we just haven't decided what the company is buying yet!!

BBL---never did eat, and now I am going to go buy dinner!!!


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Ok gals...

Was going to wait 'til Feb to get rolling on the trip details again... but as everyone is revving up for it... why not do it now?? I'll post here & the other thread, just in case.

Attention Everyone Who Reads This Thread!~~

The Shrinkin' Violets are planning a meet and we cordially invite you to attend!

When: Fri., May 16 - Mon., May 19

Where: Deep Creek Lake, in Western Maryland

Who: Anyone who'd like to come!!

What: Talking, drinking, spa treatments, talking, photo ops, not much sleeping, bonding, drinking, talking, fun, surprises... and more!

RSVP: ASAP to mdrai

For those who will be flying in to the Washington, DC, area... you have 3 choices for airports: BWI (outside Baltimore), Dulles (in Virginia), and Reagan National (in DC). I've listed these in order from best to worst... so try to get into BWI! You'll want your flight to ARRIVE on FRI, MAY 16, in the MORNING (by 11am - Noon)! You'll want your flight to DEPART on MON., MAY 19, in the EVENING (after 6pm). Why? Because it's about 1 hour from the airport to my house (our staging area + it's on the way)... then approx. 3 hours to the Lake. Please try to coordinate flights, so efficient pick-up, drop off can be organized!

If anyone wants to fly in on Thurs., May 15 or out Tues., May 20, I'll be happy to pick you up @ the airport AND you may stay here at my home.

Questions? PM me or post them here.

Again -- EVERYONE IS INVITED! The more the merrier! :)

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Michelle - departures after 6:00p are not gonna be feasible for people like Pammy....we'll have to figure out something different for her...she's gotta get to WORK the next day....with MIDDLE SCHOOLERS! Have mercy on her! We'll have more than one rent car, so we'll figure it out. There will be early-middle-and-late departures, I'm sure.

Tracy - Yes, dear...of course we'll be flying together and I'll take care of everything! :) I wish you were applying to the BP headquarters office....they are about 1/2 mile from my office! Hey, and by the way, asking for specific days off when you apply for/accept a job is perfectly acceptable! Especially when you have as much experience as you do! Don't underestimate your value! If they want you, a couple of days off one way or the other shouldn't be a problem at all for them. Also, make sure you negotiate for at LEAST 3 weeks vacation, if not more.

I'm off to make dinner too....... laterz!

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Michelle - departures after 6:00p are not gonna be feasible for people like Pammy....we'll have to figure out something different for her...she's gotta get to WORK the next day....with MIDDLE SCHOOLERS! Have mercy on her! We'll have more than one rent car, so we'll figure it out. There will be early-middle-and-late departures, I'm sure.

Tracy - Yes, dear...of course we'll be flying together and I'll take care of everything! :) I wish you were applying to the BP headquarters office....they are about 1/2 mile from my office! Hey, and by the way, asking for specific days off when you apply for/accept a job is perfectly acceptable! Especially when you have as much experience as you do! Don't underestimate your value! If they want you, a couple of days off one way or the other shouldn't be a problem at all for them. Also, make sure you negotiate for at LEAST 3 weeks vacation, if not more.

Terry, you took the words right out of my mouth. I've got to fly 3000 miles, so I might need an earlier flight, perhaps someone else might need to fly earlier too. I am not worried...too freakin excited!

And yes about TracyK too. Tell 'em up front WHEN they offer the job. That way you wont need to spring it on 'em later...cause your ass is going;)!

L Word season premier is tonight so I gotta run! We had dinner early (usually do on weekends like 3pm) it was good too, pork chops, german noodles and cauliflower (course I only had 1/2 a chop, tbl spoon of noodles and a boat load of cauliflower...love it).

Have a great night. Gotta go to work in the morning...don't know how to do that anymore!


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You know that sounds so nice, I might be changing my mind about the trip! I am thinking of making it an early or late stay over and seeing the Smithsonian. I really don't travel much so I try to get the most bang for the area. I went to Corning NY once and then to Niagara Falls. It was nice to do both!! When will we know about the sep. rooms? I hate to keep that issue alive but am just sooo sheepish about my cpap!! At this rate I will never get married will I? Well really looking forward to thinking about this and meeting you all!!


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Janie~ I shared a hotel room w/ someone once who wore a Cpap for a week! They are not so bad. If I didn't already have a roomie I wouldn't mind. Don't let the little things in life hold you back from living honey!!! You will never regret going, but you will kick yourself for a long time if you missed it. We are family, hell...in many ways we are more than that. Cpap and all!


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Hi everyone, just checking in. I am home from work and kind of a mess over this entire bf / court thing. I have not heard from him since earlier which is not like him at all. and I am weak when it comes to him, so I may have to hire an attorney to protect myself.

i'm going to read the paper and try to find a job... and you better beleive when I grt one that I will not be working that weekend in may!

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Jennifur: GET A FREAKING LAWYER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is going to screw you over big time, and you know that HE KNOWS YOUR WEAK FOR HIM......... if you do nothing else for yourself......... please take yourself out of the line of fire.

TracyK: Terry is right.......negotiate for 3 weeks of vacation... it is common place.... DH did, and he got two weeks immediately and 2K as sign on bonuses because they couldn't go further than 2 weeks.

I did pretty good on food today, but horrible on Water.< /p>

Jane: Do NOT let the CPAP keep you from living your life... Like Pam said......... LIFE IS TOO SHORT! You deserve to be happy.

199.2 today............

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Jane.... CPAP, SCHMEEPAP... you are in the majority of people, I'm sure. I have lived with the sound of the Bobster's CPAP for over 10 years now. It's really NOT a biggie. When we go to Florida we will be staying with a couple who BOTH have CPAPs. I'll be the only one without!

well, dinner was great tonight. Because we were only getting one meal we splurged and got the filet mignon. We split it in half, Bobster got the Soup and we split the baked potato.. I only ate a few bites of the potato and a spoonful of his soup, plus half the filet. It was sooooooooo yummy and both of us were full. My only downfall was eating 6 of the little m&m type mints they gave us at the end of the meal. I swore I wasn't going to eat anymore sugar, but they just popped into my mouth!! But I did get all my Water in today and made 99.999% wise food choices.

There was really no time to exercise today so I'll have to hit that hard tomorrow. Staff meeting in the morning and then the day is mine. It's 44 degrees right now.. must be our January thaw. The snow is melting away by the buckets.

Everyone have a great night. sleep well and remember. tomorrow is a new day and a new week.


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Jane: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also....... DH snores like a freight train and he often stops breating I am sure he has some sort of sleep apnea, but he won't hear of it.... so I routinely turn him over...... do not even think twice about sleeping with your machine............ oh crap he just peeked in and read this.. he is now as I type this giving me crap about telling people he doesn't even know that he snores... heeeheeeee.. he is really pretty testy about it....... OH WELL! :)

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Tracyks - you are right i'm sure, but he doesn't have one, so I'm going to talk to an atty friend who does family law and get some quick free advice on what to do and I am going in there with stuff in writing. I have to file my modification request and I want to make sure everything is covered.

Jane - I am sure we all have our own little issues, I know I do, but I'm so excited about our trip I don't care... so... come on girlfriend... we are going to have so much fun and you are part of us!

night all

Tracyks - and I'm sure dh knows we share all here... LOL

Well, I'm on a major job hunt again... I need to be working very soon by the end of Jan would be wonderful, that will give me the month to get things together. I am going to call some unions to see what kind of jobs they can get me. I might break down and ask my BIL, which i don't want to do, but just need to know what places to call

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Tracy~ I get shit all the time too for telling all "our" business. When I say, "I have a friend from the Violets" or "One of the violets said..." she kind of looks at me funny. She still doesn't know EXACTLY when the trip is. I've casually mentioned it in passing...here and there...been very vague. Then when she says anything to me, I'll say, "I told you about the trip...you never listen to me..." LOL! (ps...she is snoring like a log on the couch now, supposedly watching Amazing Race).

OK...I am responsible for the tip/quote for Monday. But since I haven't been to work in forever (it feels like it, kinda looking forward to seeing my little charobs), I need to post it now. I usually am one of the last posters each night...then Kat comes in later. So just close your eyes Kat, or pretend it is Monday.

I researched some stuff from Fitness Mag. My idea is to alternate between a tip and a quote each week. I spent the hour between 7-8pm reading the Bob Green book looking for something good (hell, it is all good). But then I went online and found something important. I am going to post it in another post. It is some information about Fiber and a 7 day diet plan (just some good ideas) of how to add more fiber into your diets. I use only whole grain bread, and whole wheat Pasta and flour. I need to add a lot more and the diet plan has some great ideas. Ok...it is Monday morning!

xoxoxoxoxoxo (If I don't have time to post in the am have a great day...I might make the time but am trying to get there early).

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1. Studies peg foods rich in fiber to a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer -- and to losing weight without feeling hungry.

2. The average American woman consumes about 10 to 15 grams of fiber a day -- about half of what's needed to meet the basic recommendation of 25 grams. And experts say that more is even better -- about 30 to 40 grams a day





Day 1

Eat a bowl of high-fiber Cereal.

Add fruit, such as kiwi, cherries or dried figs, to your salad.< /span>

Munch on popcorn instead of potato chips.

Toss sliced peppers and diced broccoli into your spaghetti sauce.

Day 2

Make toast with whole-grain bread instead of white.

Swap your taco for a bean burrito.

Whip up trail mix using high-fiber cereal, nuts and dried fruit.

Put the peeler away: Mashed potatoes taste great with the skins on.

Day 3

Have a blueberry bran muffin instead of a bagel.

Eat brown rice with your Chinese takeout.

Dip baby carrots and snap peas in hummus.

Use barley to make “pasta” salad.

Day 4

Make oatmeal with cinnamon, raisins, brown sugar and skim milk.

Try a wrap with a whole wheat tortilla instead of your usual sandwich.

Order a fresh or frozen fruit smoothie.

Stir canned pumpkin into your favorite vegetable stew recipe.

Day 5

Toss a handful of blueberries onto your cereal.

Put black Beans or chickpeas in your salad.

Dip soy chips into low-fat bean dip.

Make Soup. Cook broccoli in chicken broth until tender, and puree.

Day 6

Sit down to whole wheat frozen waffles.

Instead of pepperoni pizza, have a whole wheat veggie slice.

Munch on apple slices topped with almond butter.

Serve a stir-fry with soba noodles (they’re made with buckwheat).

Day 7

Skip the juice and eat an orange with your morning meal.

Fill up on minestrone, lentil or split-pea soup.

Top whole-grain crackers with salsa.

Instead of rice, try quinoa, a nutty-tasting, high-fiber grain.

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Yep the CPap is nothing to fret over, my Mom wears one, and I will be in a motel with her all weekend. In fact Kinsey spent the night with them a couple of weeks ago, and that was her only upset, she wanted a turn with Nana's air! But---I do understand your not comfortable with it, and I have no problem crashing on a couch somewhere--and you can have privacy! Might cost ya....thinkin' I might be needin' a trim!! Just kidding, we will work it out, you do not have to sleep in a circle of us laughing at you!!!!! We WILL work it out, do not let something like a silly machine that improves your quality of life take that life away from you!!!

I am like you Tracy, my DH needs a sleep study done, and a machine I know it with every ounce of my being! But when I mentioned it, he was going through all of the heart junk, and threw a fit!! Saying he had enough Dr.'s! So I backed off, and plan a new attack soon!

I kind of set the trap today. I told him one of my resolutions is to improve my sleep habits. I stay up too late, and get up too early, and that is hard on my body---so I plan on working on that this year, making sure my body gets more rest. So when I begin making progress, I intend on telling him he needs to work on his sleep too!! My Mom says he will feel so much better, she did!

Jenn, get in touch with that attorney! Write down every detail you can about what he talks with you about. Does he ever say anything on the phone? In NM and CO, it is legal to record a phone call if one of the parties is aware of the recording being done. I can record a call between you and I for instance, without you knowing, but I cannot record one between you and Judy with neither of you knowing about it. We took hours of calls in to court, you should have seen Ricks ex's face!!! She went ballistic---it was such fun to see her lose it---I know that is mean, but she is a horrid person!

Storm is bearing down on us again. It hit everywhere around us! Roads are closed---electricity out to 1000's, no phone lines, all within 30- 40 miles....and we have dry roads!

Did ok with my drinking today, then did ok with food until an hour ago! Sitting snuggling with Rick, and he got up and grabbed ice cream.....I let him feed me 3 bites, and I moved away to the chair, so he felt bad and put it away! He is such an ice cream freak, and he will still lose weight, it is so unfair! Good thing I like him!

My DD looks so different! She had long blonde hair---til yesterday! She went to where her longest layers are barely grazing her shoulders, and she has tons of layers---and went brunette with her natural color as highlights. It looks amazing on her! But she does not look like my little girl! She has such great hair---nice and silky and thick. I used to french braid it, and could part it out with my fingers, it just had enough weight, it did not matte up and tangle, it is just heavy! I am sure glad this looks good on her! It makes her eyes pop, and gives her more of a chin---something she is lacking!!! None of her Dads family has much chin, and she hates it! She has lost 15 pounds. She has been watching her diet, so I don't think it is familial stress! Lindzie has been improving some---not lots but some. Sounds horrid, but when she stays away from her grandparents she improves! And they still want to think it is her Mom---it isn't! Just my opinion!!!

Well I am off to do a couple of things, and go to bed, just like I am supposed to!

Talk to you all in the morning.



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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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