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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Good Morning, Violets..

Thanks for the concern and the phone call. I've been dealing with a couple of issues here and just haven't been up to posting. I read all the posts and keep up. I did not lose the 1# by New Years. I gained 6# and was feeling like a failure. You all hav surpassed me in weight loss and it was very discouraging. I got an email from a lady in Michigan last night. She was banded a month before me and she is at goal. -80# already. I've been up and down with 6 pounds for months now. I was very religious (no pun intended) about what I ate yesterday, went to Curves, took a Water pill and I lost 3 of the 6, but still far from where I had intended to be. The other issue is DD trying to get pregnant. She has been trying for 6 months and is very discouraged as well. It seems everyone around her is pregnant or has a child already. I feel so bad for her. I know it will happen one day, but just like the weight loss, it is very discouraging.

I'm trying to do my best to stay upbeat, but it's difficult right now.

Again thanks for your concern. It means a lot to me. I'll try and post more, but don't be surprised if I go a couple of days inbetween, k?

p.s. When we go to Florida in a couple of weeks, we'll be staying with friends and she had the gastric bypass and has lost well over 100# in a year. Of course she asks how I am doing and I'm tired of saying...slow but sure.

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Thanks for posting Judy! I totally get it. Damn scale will not go below 250...which is only -30. I get it. We will send you some purple power.

It is amazing how we all deal w/ things. Yesterday I sabotaged myself to really feeling sick. Today I went to Mc Donalds to get an iced tea. The cleaning lady comes early so I had to be out of the house. I ordered my iced tea and decided...why not, got a sausage Breakfast meal. I ate it slowly, got soooo stuck that the entire thing is back in the parking lot...in the form of full vomit. I am glad I got sick...that is what I get for ordering the damn thing.

Hang tough sista! We love you and will be here when your ready.


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Just called Judy and left a message on her cell. Will let ya'll know if I hear back from her!

Tracy~Take care today. I am so glad I got some out. I can't stand Soup and I haven't PB'd since last week...now that feels good!

Change that last thing...I've puked all over the parking lot!!!

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Judy- The rut is unavoidable, but let's look at a couple things first. Your goal was 83lbs, and you lost 59. That means you've lost 71% of your excess weight! WOW! I've only lost 50%!

From everything I've heard, the closer to your goal, the harder the pounds. So stay strong! Don't get discouraged, it WILL come off! Do you think you need a fill?

Sending violet vibes your way, if anyone can do it, you can do it!

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I agree with Laura Judy!!!! You have done so well, it is like the biggest loser, you may not have lost the most but the percentage is far greater than a lot of us!!! Are you feeling the purple??????


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finally done washing dishes and they ds wanted mac & cheese for lunch... mmmmmmmmmmmm looked so good, but I had my pudding

I don't want to go to work... i would just be so happy staying inside today. I hope everyone is staying warm

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Just called to ask the jeweler that made our engagement ring the cost for them to resize the engagement ring and the wedding ring guard, and then weld them together at the bottom.

She said to plan around $100, and it 'sounds like' they can work with it, but it depends on the quality of the wedding guard that I did NOT get from them. Fingers crossed, going to be a few hour drive, and if they can't work on it, I don't know what you're suppose to do! Then they can ship it back to me so I don't have to go back up for another $25. May as well, saves me time and gas money.

My rings never fit, he guessed the ring size too big from the get go, so it's only gotten worse. I'd like to see how they look when they're fixed together and not spinning and sliding all over the place!

We're going Saturday to get it resized, woot!

And just so everyone here knows, if you want to edit a post, you get all those smilies.. but if you copy your post, THEN click edit, erase the smilies and paste what you copied from your original post, and then you can edit it B)

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Judy- glad to have you back on-line. That friend of yours that had the gastric by-pass might have lost more weight at a faster rate than what you have, but you picked a better way. Losing weight at a fast rate like that is extremely hard on the body. Losing at a slower rate like us is what will help us to keep it off in the long run. I know several people who had that surgery and they all say that if they had known prior to surgery what would have happen to them after, they would not have gone thru with it. Even though they lost the weight, they have other issues to deal with. Be proud of what you have done and be proud of where you are. Hold your head high.

Is everyone getting their Water in? Come on girls, you can do this.

CTCD day. Don't forget.

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Judy- glad to have you back on-line. That friend of yours that had the gastric by-pass might have lost more weight at a faster rate than what you have, but you picked a better way. Losing weight at a fast rate like that is extremely hard on the body. Losing at a slower rate like us is what will help us to keep it off in the long run. I know several people who had that surgery and they all say that if they had known prior to surgery what would have happen to them after, they would not have gone thru with it. Even though they lost the weight, they have other issues to deal with. Be proud of what you have done and be proud of where you are. Hold your head high.

You hit the nail on the head with this... and as it is all true, I'm in the same place Judy is, quick start then nothing for months... so I do understand how frustrating it is, stay strong and remember what Suzie said!

look I even typed in Purple to send Judy violet power. LOL

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Thanks ladies..

I've been absolutely legal yesterday and today so we'll see what happens. I'm on my 4th glass of Crystal Light and will probably finish 6 before supper. I've always been good about drinking Water since I got the band.

We got the elliptical set up, but something is wrong with the handlebars. I just got off the phone with Nordic Track and they are sending some new parts to see if that fixes the problem. If not, I don't know what we'll do. The handlebars keep shifting to the left and right when we try and use it. But I have my new recumbent bike and my glider in the guest room so I'll be doing those two things at least.

It's darn cold here now. It was 4 when I got up this morning and it's 21 right now. Sure makes getting into the hot tub and mad dash. But at least getting out isn't a problem cause the 103 degrees doesn't wear off before I get back in the house.

Ethan is here and he's taking a nap now. I got all of the Christmas stuff down and packed in tubs today. Just have to clean out the christmas closet so we can put everything away out of sight. We bought tons of lights for next year and some ornaments and stockings... all at 75% off. Can't beat that.

My friend in Florida who had the bypass knew that was right for her because she said she could easily eat around the band. She really needed to lose fast for health reasons. No way was I in as desperate a state as she was. I knew I never wanted the bypass so I'll live with my decision knowing it was the best for me.

I had so hoped to get down to -60 by Christmas.... and then New Years... and now it's farther off again. I'll just have to keep plugging away and hope someday to be able to put the new angel on my Bracelet. I really have to get back to WWJD cause that wasn't happening. Old habits are hard to break and head hunger is the worst of them.

The Bobster is not doing so well either, but I know he needs a fill. I know I don't. I just need to quit the sugary things that go down easily. When I eat the good stuff, it goes down slowly and I know the band is doing it's job. Now I have to do mine.

Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh.. does this sound like a sermon or what???

Panda.. so happy for your wonderful news. Remember... he/she will have lots of Purple Aunties!!

I'm waiting for our new fireplace to arrive today. It's out for delivery. It's just a free standing one from QVC, but it should add a nice feel to my little living room.


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Judy - HUGS

So I just had a great NSV... another silly one but I'm thirlled. I am freezing, it is 11 here today so I decided to take a bath. I have not taken one in such a long time because I was not covered in Water and it is a deeper tub with jets. (why do i complain about not having a hot tub????) well anyway, had quite a few inches of water covering me in the tub today... I was so excited and now can't wait to get my bathroom painted and put back together next week!

Well, off to dry my hair and gead to work, don't want to but i guess i have to. ttfn

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Hi Vi's!~~

Just back from my lovely lunch w/my college roommate... I ate grilled salmon & balsamic grilled veggies... yum!... but I ate the whole thing!... think I def need a fill tomorrow. It's pro shake for dinner again!


I think we're all in the post-holiday doldrums, Judy. Even tho I "indulged" for the week from Christmas - Jan 1, I know I didn't eat nearly as much as I have in the past. Even so, I am up... really up... so much that I wasn't even going to tell you all how much... but, ok... 12 lbs!!! B) Seems impossible, doesn't it?? It's amazing how quickly the carbs & sugars add up. Yesterday I was back 110% on the Vi-wagon & today the scale was down 3.4 lbs... so I know it's mostly Water weight, but still... yikes!

My personal goal was -75 by 12/31... well, I obviously didn't make THAT! I made it to -71 tho... then added... so I can either mope about it, or do something, and I'm opting for the "do something" route! I'm now so motivated to get to at least -75 by the end of January... etc. & so on...

Today's my 2nd day w/the bodybugg... I am really loving it, girls! I've always been ok w/willpower & eating, but the exercise part of the equation usually eludes me... but just wearing it makes me want to move... and then seeing the numbers... it's definitely a motivator! My aqua core class begins again next week, so that will help, too.

Judy... you are not alone!! You've lost 71%!! Amazing!! And it will come of slower from here 'til goal, darn it... so maybe upping the exercise w/your fun machines will help... look into the bugg, too... I think you'd like it!...

We're all in this together! Love you all!!

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Awwww Judy----don't get discouraged, don't forget I am a full year ahead of all of you! I imagine you have read the amazing things JulieNYC has done, and we were banded at the same time, she is down over 200 pounds in that time, and I cannot for the life of me get past where I am. I know I can, that is the thing, I just need to do it! I am complacent and lazy, and so relieved at feeling almost normal, the sense of urgency is gone!

My DD Manda, used Clomid, a fertility drug to conceive miss Kinsey. She went through several rounds of trying things. One day out of the clear blue while I was in the backyard painting the fence, she called, she could not drive she was shaking and crying so hard---but she had to talk to me---she was finally pregnant! I could not understand her, I thought something was wrong, she was crying so hard! Finally I heard the words----I'm gonna have a baby! Then we were both shaking and crying! I worried myself sick all through her pregnancy! I probably wore out Gods ear with my thanks every night for making it another day, and begging for her and the baby's safety! Then at 7.5 months she showed signs of preeclampsia---they monitored her for a week, and it worsened...so they hospitalized her, for another week, then decided that even though they had some control on it, the baby was not growing...had not grown since the last ultrasound. I was beside myself. They induced her labor 3.5 weeks early---and kept thinking all day they would have to do a C section. My DD looked horrid (terrible thing to say --worse to see!) She was so swollen, her face and hands---her toes looked like little sausages. But at 8:30 that night, Kinsey was born vaginally, healthy! A little thing, just a bit over 4 pounds! She never required any oxygen, she maintained her own body temp from minute one. She went home weighing 4 pounds 3 oz. at 3 days old. She is smart as a whip now, still somewhat small--but with a huge attitude!

Do not give up on your DD's dream--they have so many options these days. I will add her to my prayer list--and ask my DD to do the same. I know the heartache you carry for your DD. And I bet someday you get interupted---with wonderful news too!!! I still have a section of the fence with no paint, I missed it I was so shook up when I went back out there!!!

Take the time you need------know we love you and you are doing great! It is not a question of "if" we hit plateaus with the band----the question is "when"----just take some comfort in the fact you are not on yours alone!!!

I am betting your friend will be shocked an amazed at your change! You have shrunk much more than I think you realize!! Take a gander back at your Before & After shots!



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Judy,....not everyone has surpassed you in lost weight!! rolleyes.gif I have been absolutely stuck since SEPTEMBER!!! And you are closer to goal than I am!

I'll tell you my theory...it counts for squat but here goes. Every single time i diet i lose OK for the 1st 6 months then it comes to a screeching halt. That is no lie, it's happened every single time. I can exercise, I can eat like a Weight Watchers poster child but nothing will happen. Even when i was wearing the Body Bugg in Sept/Oct and racking up 1000-1400 calorie deficits every single day my weight did NOT BUDGE!

Ok, so then here come the holidays and all the stress and I say, "to hell with it"....and eat whatever i want. Seriously!! chocolate, Mexican food, Italian, bread, butter, ...CRAP!! And my weight didn't budge! So what that tells me is that my body is in complete and utter homeostasis....for now.

I will diet again in the next few months (shocking my system yet again) and hope to lose the rest of this weight....but for now i am going to relax.

Maybe the same is happening with you?

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Alright ladies, raise your hand if you've hit a plateau since being banded...no, no fair, y'all, no you may NOT raise both hands! Okay, I think that's all present and accounted for.

Okay, now let's see who's gotten discouraged since (insert your name for the lapband here) was put in. Hmm....1, 2, 49, 57....? Wow! Looks like it's unanimous!

And now for your final question: Who wants a swift kick in the butt? The line starts behind me. Is TracyK our resident kickass since she's doing so well or should it be Kat since she's got the lowest BMI? I'll take two swift kicks, Kat and TracyK! And anyone else who wants to join in kicking me, step right up. The more Violet energy I have in me the quicker I'll get off this plateau.

Judy, glad you're back! Now, Haydee, did you slip down to Mexico for the beautiful blue Water and the warm beaches? ¡Tengo celos!

love to all,

Cindy, stuck at the same weight since the first of December, but I did get rid of the 5 lbs. I gained on the cruise.

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