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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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I made my made-up hoppin johns recipe.. it's SO good with italian sausage, but didn't have enough so I made it with kielbasa tonight. Was good, and I added cayenne pepper so it was spicy.. but still not as good as the sausage. I ate a pickled egg for b'fast.. eggs pickled in beet juice MMMM.

255lb today. Whew, got rid of that stocking candy hah hah.

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Wow Laura that is amazing!!! Nothing like pictures to tell the truth and show us where we are going and where we have been!!!!!


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I just burned the Cookies that I had in the oven looking at the before and after pics!!! Neat!!! Maybe I will try to post those that Tracyks did for me!!!


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WOOT WOOT Laura.. look at you miss sassy.... I swear you are going to be in those mom hippie jeans before you know it.... your legs are so long... I'm betting your skin will snap right back because it already looks so good!

We dropped the boys off and went to SIL for dinner.. she made homeade chicken and noodles........ yum yum and again it went right down...... first the popcorn yesterday and now noodles.......... this is weird...... surely you don't think the meatball pb from hell slipped my band....... surely not..... I guess I'm just freaking out....... it WAS Soup after all..... but that meatball episode really really hurt and it scared me........

Thanks for all the compliments on my suit, but I puposely didn't post the full body shot because like you Suzie.... my legs are nothing but flabby dimples.......... and to make it worse..... I am starting to notice an overlap on my knees from the deflating fat............. I KNOW... I NEED TO GET MY LAZY ASS BACK TO THE GYM!

and guess what............. I woke up this morning and realized that I have LESS THAN 60 DAY TIL THE WEDDING!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT BATMAN! (yes I'm already married but we are having the wedding March 1st)........... I have my dress.. it looks really good on me right now, I was hoping to be in the 180's by Wday but that was when I realized 20lbs in 60 days....... not going to happen........

I will post a pick of me in my dress soon......... it is the palest of lavendar with a touch of sparkly silver floral.. almost a silver...... it is a fitted size 16......... the former owner said it was a very small 16...... she actualy wore it as a formal to a prom or something (shes 25 now)......... but I put it on and I knew that my moms 60's dress would have to take a back seat to this.... as I LOVED this dress........ and it is lavendar (my color) I'm a little worried that it is a bare armed dress.. going to have to figure out what to do with that.. one thing is that I will be getting a TAN.......... so that will start about a month out....... also my hair............ I did my own hair for my first wedding and I WAS A STUPID 18 year old with Lee PRESS ON NAILS in August............ oh crap........ I need nails........ :eek: can you tell I'm brainstorming as I type?

We are going to Daytona FL for the honeymoon trailering our bikes........ DH has never been to a "Bike Week" so that will be something to behold....... a Bike Week Virgin.......... how cute... Ohhhhhhhhhhhh sorry for the ramble....... gnight

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Hey Everyone,

I just finished grading 54 papers:faint:. I am surprised that I am still on the puter...but I wanted to pop in and post the recipe Kat asked about. Hope everyone is having a great Sunday. I am a bit toooooo open now...but I haven't PB'd in 2 days and that feels good for now!:eek:

Here is the recipe:

1 or 2 onions

1 lb. sausage

2 lbs. ground beef

1 pound cooked spagetti (cut into 1/3's before you cook)

1 can of peas (optional...never used)

1 pt. sliced olives (don't know about the pt. part, I just use a big can or a few smalleer ones)

1 can whole kernel corn (drained)

1 can tomatoe soup

1-2 jars of pimentoes

shredded cheddar (to put on top of mixture)

Fry sausage, beef and onions. Add cooked spaghetti and corn, olives and pimentoes and mix real well together. Add can of Soup to mixture as well (do not add water). Once mixed really well, place in baking dish. Cover generously with grated cheddar cheese. Bake for about 45 min @ 350. Serve very hot w/ salad and garlic bread.

OK...updated version. I use whole wheat Pasta (and I have to cut it up like a child just to get it in). I also use very lean ground beef. This is a very hearty dish. It is our family Christmas dinner, etc (a favorite for decades). Not exactly low cal or bandster friendly (must be cut up well) but men LOVE this dish.

OK...have a great night...off to play scrabble and watch Amazing Race!


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Count me in Jane----I'll share any ideas I come across!!

Thanks for the recipe Pamela. DH does not care for olives. He used to, then he and a friend both got sick at work on a sausage and olive pizza, and the olives were what they both burped and tasted before they got sick, so they think they were bad and that was the culprit, so he refuses to eat them anymore---so I eat both our shares!!!

Well I bought new tenny shoes, we both did. For years we have both worn Avia tenny shoes. I could go in and buy them without him even there or buy mine without trying them on--we were set. For some reason we changed this time (have a feeling we will regret it, but we'll see!!!) He bought New Balance, I bought Saucony. Then I tried on no less than a dozen pairs of pants. The big patch pockets with the buttons do not work, I don't have enough butt to make them look right, looks like the pockets are half way down my legs! Ended up at JCPenney, and bought more of the Saint Johns Bay. Now I bought 2 pairs of jeans, and 2 pair of cords.....and none of them fit alike, and they are in 2 sizes!!! The cords are stretch so they are 12's and the jeans are non stretch and I bought one that fits comfortably now in a 14, then bought another in a 12, to work towards!! But they all fit different, it was very strange! Think I am pretty well set now----going out tomorrow night in black! Then wearing Camel and black for the company party. Decided the low cut top might not be appropriate for DH's work thing! I tried the outfit on tonight, and Rick told me it really looks good, shows how thin I am now-----so I kissed him! (Hard job---but had to do it!!!)

I am getting a sore throat....but it is way down by my vocal chords not up by where my tonsils are....er were....mmmm both! Had them out when I was 5....right side grew back!!!

Rick took me through the Fantasy of Lights one last time tonight. Took the carriage ride. Was cold, but they have big blankets---it is so much fun...I love going!

We went to Chilis----sat and watched some football, and just talked, and ate chips and salsa....I need 2008 to get here so I can get on the ball!!

Well I am off to bed. Kinsey is here part of the day tomorrow, Manda has to go in and close her year end books, which has to be turned in at 3 then she will be leaving to come home.

I am having issues with the clementine I just ate, it is bouncing, it is not going to be easy....dammit!

Laura you crack me up hon!!! You claim to be so picky---then you eat the very things most people won't go near!!! Kraut, and pickled eggs----off the wall things, you just don't do normal is the thing!!! Laughing with you---not at you!! Pics look great--you are a shrinkin'---and doing it so proportionately!! Lucky you!

Talk to y'all in the mornin'


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Good Morning, Violets..

We're up and getting ready to head to Detroit for the Piston's game. Everyone have a great New Year's Eve. Michelle, you're gonna knock 'em dead in that dress. I'm PROUD of you!!!!!

Laura, you're doing sooooooooo great. Look at what you've done for yourself8 short months!!! Amazing!!

TracyinKS.. you look sooooooooo good in that bathing suit. Congrats to you!!!

To all Violets.. look what we have to look forward to in 2008.. skinnier selves, healthier selves, sexier selves and the big meet up in May!!!!! Less than 5 months away, ladies!! Are we ready???????


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Kat - your shopping trip sounds fun ...glad it was productive! Size 12!! WOOT!!! You need to get Rick to take some pics of you...send them to me and I'll get them on the board for you. I know it makes you nervous, but it's time for an update! Your carriage ride sounds so romantic! You and Rick sound like you have such a wonderful relationship! Good for you guys! Hey, we need a pic of Rick, too! Need to attach a face to the name!!

Oh, Tracy...how exciting! You're going to have a blast planning this wedding! You sound so dang happy and we're happy right along with you! Hey, are WE invited?? :) I bet $10 you'll lose at least 5-10# before March....any takers? Oh, an about your band.... I wonder if it's loosened up just because the holidays and year-end is passed and your stress level has eased a bit. One thing I know for sure is that the slightest bit of stress can really mess with my restriction! What you probably had with that meatball episode is an esophogeal spasm (ever heard of that?).... and man, are they PAINFUL!!! I had one once when I was a teenager and I was writing on the floor telling my mom to call an ambulance because I was having a heart attack!! She just scoffed at me!! LOL I thought I was dying and she laughed!!!!! Anyway, I've had a couple of minor ones in this last month and am sure the band could easily contribute to their occurance. Try not to worry and just keep chewing!!!

Judy - Ya'll have fun!!! Go Pistons!!! (Might as well root for them....I'm not a Rockets fan!!!) Is it still snowing there?

Suzie - Having a better day today?

Jane - Are you off today or working your tail off?? I have 3 more days off.... wah. I don't ever want to go back to work!!!! Grrrrrrrr.

Oh, speaking of recipes!...


My son LOVES french toast, and my husband LOVES bread pudding....so when I saw this recipe that sounded sooooo easy and good, I just had to make it. The 5 of us wiped out the whole thing last night....it was amazingly good.

(posting so I won't lose this...)

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French Toast bread Pudding

1.5 c of brown sugar (not packed)

1 box of Farm Rich French Toast Sticks*, thawed and cut into quarters

1 c heavy cream

2 large eggs

1/2 tsp of pure vanilla extract

1/4 tsp of salt

1/2 c Water

(I also thought I would add cinnammon next time)

fruit is optional (bananas, blueberries, strawberries, raisins)

Cut the toast sticks into 1 inch pieces, Later the bottom of a 9x13 baking pan with brown sugar. (if you're adding fruit, layer that on top of the sugar) Lay the toast pieces onto the sugar in a single layer. Press any extra sticks into the sides and corners. In a large bowl, whish together the heavy cream, eggs, vanilla, salt and water. Cover the toast sticks with the mixture, pressing the sticks down to we then thoroughly. (Optional: leave overnight in the refrigerator for a creamier texture.) [i left mine just for a few hours.] Preheat oven to 350F. Sprinkle the top of the sticks with 1/4 c. white sugar, place the pan into the oven and bake for 30-40 mins. After baking broil the top for 2-3 minutes (watch carefully!) to brown the sugar. Let pudding stand for 10 mins. before serving.

We served this with a small scoop of Dreyer's sugar free vanilla ice cream and it was HEAVENLY.

*buy these in the frozed Breakfast section

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Just got back from the Y. The pool was really warm this morning and thank goodness because right now it's only 30 degrees outside. They are calling for in the 50's this weekend and am looking forward to it.

We are staying home tonight. We used t party when we were first married. Now we hardly stay awake long enough to wish each other a Happy New Year. Sometimes we will wake up with all the rifles being shot off. It's a noisy neighborhood.

I have weigh-in here pretty soon and am hoping the Water pills I took yesterday will get rid of the water gain I had last week. I have spent the last couple of days reading all the post over again and getting myself back on track. I need to kick start myself and get back to the losing side.

TracyKS, Why shouldn't you be able to lose the 20 pounds by the wedding? I know it's a stretch. Maybe the stress would make it a little harder. I'm rooting for you. and hoping for a 15 pound loss.

Happy New Years to all of you. May you be extra blessed this year. :hug:

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Rifles??? Suzie, where do you live again??? LOL

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Hey All,

I've been busy and happy these months.

I think about all of you and today I decided to jump back in to see the shrinking violets!!

You all have been doing WONDERFUL:clap2::clap2::clap2:

I haven't lost much like before..but now I stay the same instead of gain at CHRISTMAS no less!! My band is wonderful!

I'm on the Protein, veggies and good carbs instead of biting all those bits of fattening foods. I really want to be close to 100 lbs lost by April 9th, 2008 my one year anniversary.

O.K. back to work.

Good luck in the new year!!

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Morning all

just getting going here, it snowed last night... was prepared then called mom and asked her to watch the weather, so she didn't have the patience so watched the thing scroll on the bottom that said snow showers in the am... so... woke up to 10" of snow... so pissed... I didn't get gas for the snow blower or back in the drive and my suv is not in 4wheele drive. she just went over to a neighbor and borrowed gas.... I will not listen to her again.

It is pretty out there... but I don't want to deal with it.

So... shopping trip is off... have to work at 2:30 then going to my neighbors after for a small gathering... and the x friend neighbors are not going to be there so that will be nice (they were not invited)

Anyway ,I hope you all have a great day... I'll check in again today

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Mmmmm bread pudding. I use to get that from Applebee's, man that was so good. it was part of my 'binge'. I got Soup, a big entree (sometimes 2 eek) and a bread pudding to-go and I'd sit in front of the television.. meeemories.

2 weeks in a row TiVo records Amazing Race all funky. I only get the last 20 minutes!!!! 60 Minutes is the rest of it, are they all out of whack now? I'm so mad, I have wanted to show DH the show (my dad wants DH and him to go on it hah hah).

For the first time since pre-band, I am SICK! I woke up all throughout the night with a lump in my throat. Now I am achey and tired, and my throat hurts.. it's the first step of getting sick, tomorrow I bet I can't get out of bed. Luckily, we have tomorrow off. I may call it early today depending on how busy we are.. most people again, are closed today..so if I feel like crap I don't need to be here, most people took off.

I want to see your dress Tracy!! Post pics!! :)

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Daytona! That's where I'm from! I'm a bike week person also. I went there in my honeymoon but that was 1976.... Now it's twice as much fun. You will have a blast. I've gone every year except last year since 1976.

BTW you look wonderful in the suit.

I was going to upload pic's of me today but they are so HUGE and I don't know how to make them smaller so I will have to wait for the resident computer geek to get home to help me.

Thanks for asking me to join this thread reading about all of you has kept me out of the kitchen.

Have a safe an happy new year.

WOOT WOOT Laura.. look at you miss sassy.... I swear you are going to be in those mom hippie jeans before you know it.... your legs are so long... I'm betting your skin will snap right back because it already looks so good!

We dropped the boys off and went to SIL for dinner.. she made homeade chicken and noodles........ yum yum and again it went right down...... first the popcorn yesterday and now noodles.......... this is weird...... surely you don't think the meatball pb from hell slipped my band....... surely not..... I guess I'm just freaking out....... it WAS Soup after all..... but that meatball episode really really hurt and it scared me........

Thanks for all the compliments on my suit, but I puposely didn't post the full body shot because like you Suzie.... my legs are nothing but flabby dimples.......... and to make it worse..... I am starting to notice an overlap on my knees from the deflating fat............. I KNOW... I NEED TO GET MY LAZY ASS BACK TO THE GYM!

and guess what............. I woke up this morning and realized that I have LESS THAN 60 DAY TIL THE WEDDING!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT BATMAN! (yes I'm already married but we are having the wedding March 1st)........... I have my dress.. it looks really good on me right now, I was hoping to be in the 180's by Wday but that was when I realized 20lbs in 60 days....... not going to happen........

I will post a pick of me in my dress soon......... it is the palest of lavendar with a touch of sparkly silver floral.. almost a silver...... it is a fitted size 16......... the former owner said it was a very small 16...... she actualy wore it as a formal to a prom or something (shes 25 now)......... but I put it on and I knew that my moms 60's dress would have to take a back seat to this.... as I LOVED this dress........ and it is lavendar (my color) I'm a little worried that it is a bare armed dress.. going to have to figure out what to do with that.. one thing is that I will be getting a TAN.......... so that will start about a month out....... also my hair............ I did my own hair for my first wedding and I WAS A STUPID 18 year old with Lee PRESS ON NAILS in August............ oh crap........ I need nails........ :) can you tell I'm brainstorming as I type?

We are going to Daytona FL for the honeymoon trailering our bikes........ DH has never been to a "Bike Week" so that will be something to behold....... a Bike Week Virgin.......... how cute... Ohhhhhhhhhhhh sorry for the ramble....... gnight

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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