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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Hi girls---it is almost here!!

We had the family in, did the TV surprise, although you would never know it, to hear his Mom talk she knew all about it, all along! Even though up until she saw them there, she was telling me how she thought they would be in today!! She is one of those people who hates to be wrong! Cracks me up, but she was thrilled to have all the kids together, and they always have a good time. We ate too much, and played dominoes til late---soI never got to check in.

Today we hauled wood! Surprise huh? Actually they shut down the BLM land, and forest land from wood cutting on the last day of the year, until next spring. So we went and used the last of our permits, with our friends, and then brought the wood back to my Dad.

Denise, loved the video--prayers for your DD, that all will be well. Found out tonight another good friend of mine is going to be a Grandma for the first time this summer too!

JANE!!!!!!!!!! I got your Christmas card back. It is MY fault! I used address labels to address my cards, and they had snowflakes on them. The first 2 numbers of your address actually ended up hidden by the snowflake....so it was undeliverable. I feel horrible! So sorry, I will drop it in a new envelope and mail it back out....it was not intentional!

Terry---don't you think that your bosses DD had one very special angel that just knew she needed to be ok????

Tomorrow, I have to have a huge lasagna made for Ricks pot luck--will eat with them. Then will be going to the inlaws for Christmas with them, and our son and family. Then off to our friends, Becky & Gary's for the engagement celebration. He is proposing at the Fantasy of Lights, in a carriage ride tomorrow night. FUN!!

Then Christmas morning we will go to Manda's for Christmas there with my side of the family.

I have my pies made, all the veggies cut up for the dressing, and for a cornbread salad I am making, and have the cheeseballs made. I have everything else ready to do....potatoes to peel, other veggies ready to do the morning after gifts....it is going to be super busy!!!

I will be thinking of you all--and hoping your Christmas is wonderful!!!

Jane hope the PO is nice to you and your SS!!!

For now---I am exhausted, so I am off to bed!! Will do my best to check in tomorrow.



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Awww Jenn, I missed the post--I am so sorry about your kitty. I know how much it hurts. I have had to put my dog and my cat both down in the last few years. I had had them both for 16 & 14 years respectively. My heart goes out to you and your kids. Big giant purple ((((hugs))))


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OMG Jenn...I am sooo sorry for your loss. What a heart breaking story. I feel so bad for you and your kids. My heart goes out to you guys. Loss sucks, but loss at the holidays is devastating. Hang in there honey. Anything we can do for you? Keep us posted and have a special Christmas.


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thank you girls...

I need it... i need a good 2008~

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Jenn, I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious pet.

And Denise, South Carolina prayers are being said as I type this to you over your unborn grandchild.

Pamela, God loves all of us, regardless of the paths we take. I know so (remember this from Sunday School when we were 4?) 'cause the Bible tells me so. Good for you to not let your love for another keep you from loving your Creator!

Busy day here, but got my husband packed up for a week at our cabin in the mountains of northeast Georgia. He really does not relish all the Christmas celebration as I do, so this is a good compromise. He can be alone in the woods (he's an only child and both parents are deceased), and I can be with church family, my family and friends. We've tried to make "my" Christmas work for him for the 31 years we've been together, and Bill just can't accept the hustle and bustle, even though it's accompanied with love. Kinda sad for him, but that's the way my electrical engineer is wired.

love to all this eve of Christmas Eve,

Cindy (who has the three dachshunds for snuggle company while hubbie is away in the mountains)

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It is now officially Christmas Eve!!! I hope you all have a wonderful family and friend time!!

Jenn, sometimes when it rains it pours. I wish there was something I could say, but sending you hugs and prayers!

Since it is Christmas I am giving myself off from the scale this week. I hope I can stay off it til next Monday, don't want to get discouraged!!



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Merry Christmas

Feliz Navidad

Happy Hanukah

My Holiday wish for all my new friends is that everyone is blessed with Family, Friends and Good Health. May you all stay safe and have a very enjoyable day.

Love You.

Jennifur-- I am truly sorry for your loss. I for one understand how you are feeling. We had aour Brenda for 17 years when she passed away. I cried for 3 days straight. She was our daughter and our friend and protector. It was a very hard loss for us both. I keep a picture of her in my bedroom. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Hugs to you.

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Merry Christmas Eve Day, Vi's!~~

It's finally here! Yeah!!

Today is a whirlwind... cleaning this a.m. (I've got my kids believing that Santa won't come to a messy house!); then meeting friends from NC @ the skating rink @ 11 to skate, then lunch w/them; then home & change clothes & off to an open house after 3; then church @ 7... then home for the "sneaky" part of my day!!

Our tradition is to leave our empty stockings at the foot of our beds when we go to sleep on Xmas Eve, & then when we wake up -- MAGIC! -- there's an overflowing stocking at the foot of the bed! But for the past 2-3 years my dd won't/can't sleep on Xmas eve, so it's been very hard for "Santa" to get the stockings done. So last year, I told her that an elf had to wake me up because Santa couldn't wait any longer for her to fall asleep, he had to get going to the other kids, so I had to do it for him, and that he said that next year (tonight), we had to put our stockings on the kitchen table instead! She does not like THAT idea. So I told her we'd compromise... we'd put our stockings on our beds & then what he did w/them after that was his business. Well, the other day while shopping I found these burlap bags w/ "COAL" written on them w/candy inside. I bought 3. So tonight, I'll take the empty stockings, replace them w/the COAL, stuff the stockings & leave them on the kitchen table. Voila! EXCEPT... that MY overflowing stocking will be @ the foot of my bed!! So you see what it will look like, right??? This is going to be so, so funny!


Blessings to everyone for a wonderful Christmas! Each of you is a Christmas wish answered... I am so thankful that I have you all in my life!!

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Merry Christmas Eve, Everyone!

Jenn - I'm so sorry about your kitty. Pets are so special to us...give us so much love without asking much in return. Our hearts just break when they have to leave us....but they do teach us so much while they're here. Big, big hugs for you.

Pamela - Sounds like you are having a wonderful time this season with the exception of your back problems! Gosh darnit!! I miss Midnight Mass most of all...but I seriously cannot make it work anymore with our Christmas schedule! I'm like you....born and raised a Catholic (but not practicing anymore) and Midnight Mass just holds so many memories. I remember being like 4 years old and just not being able to stay awake thru mass!!....I remember is was freeeeeeeezing cold outside and I had on my wool coat and velvet hat, white tights and black patent leather shoes....feeling like a stuffed sausage in those scratchy clothes. And of course the mass went on and on and on!!! I've been to many Midnight Masses but that is the one I remember the most....probably because it so representative of all the others! LOL I am quite sure I'd have the same problem if I went tonight....not being able to stay awake...but now it's because I'm too OLD!!!

Denise - I didn't realize bleeding in the first trimester was so common either!? Who did the ultrasound if not her doctor?? Nevertheless, I will certainly keep her in my prayers. You can count on that.

Ms Jen - So glad to see you back! How about an update??!?! How's the new business venture going?

Kat - You sound crazy-busy as usual! You must burn a zillion calories a day....just goes to show you that our bodies are experts at holding onto the extra weight!!! Grrrr. Anyway...I hope you have an extra-special time with your family. I have enjoyed all of your stories and hope that this Christmas brings us more! You have some amusing characters in your circle! And you are SO right about the 'one special angel' looking out for the daughter....I don't know why I never thought of that until you said it. I'm a very firm believer in angels.

Michelle - Same goes for you! Been meaning to ask you....who in the world gets all that pumpkin bread you make??!? Wasn't it like 50-something loaves??? Good lawd!!! You have some very lucky friends!

TracyK - (((HUGS))) Merry Christmas!!! Enjoy the crisp weather we're having!! Nice for a change, eh? XOXOXO

TracyinKS - So sorry about that PB episode!! WTF??? I've had a couple of PBs recently where the ...uh....regurgitation...was more 'violent' than normal and it is scary!! But not like you describe!? Do you think you might have a little ulcer or reflux?? The symptoms you describe just seem odd. You're right to baby it for a couple of days. I hope it helps!! Take care of yourself!

Haydee - Levi's on me have always run small....maybe its just the way they're cut. The waist and tummy, especially on my fat belly, are usually too snug and I have to go up a size. I'm wearing a 14-16 in most pants now, but I'll bet you $20 that a Levi's 16 would be tight on me...I haven't even tried them since I found that Gloria Vanderbilts fit me like a glove. Where do ya'll Celebrate Christmas? Lots of different visits to make...or just one or two big ones?

It's the weirdest Christmas ever around our house this year. Not bad, just DIFFERENT!! Very quiet compared to most years. The kids are with their dad until the 26th, and other relatives that hosted a big Xmas day party are elderly and sick like my mom. So for the 1st time in 49 years I'm staying home on Christmas Day....all day! We have 2 celebrations today and tonight, though and I'm looking forward to them both. Also looking forward to just being at home all day tomorrow!!

I love you all and wish you the happies of times with your friends and families!

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Jenn-I am so sorry for your loss. This year I also lost my cat of twelve years and i really miss him. When I had him put down I said to myself "no more pets". They truly become part of the family and it hurts when they are gone.(((hugs)))

Pamela-sounds like a good time you had yesterday! How is your back?

My gosh there were so many tings I was going to say to all of you and my mind keeps wandering....

Michelle-you made me LOL when you said you told the kids that Santa doesn't come to a dirty house. GENIUS! I am going to tell Macy that :rose:

I really miss not getting on the scales....the scales keep me in check. It keeps me on top of things. I like knowing where I am and being in control. Without weighing I feel like I am spiraling up. Maybe just my imagination?! I hope so. I will be able to weigh day after tomorrow. Oh, I could go and unpack the box now but I am too scared to.

Everyone have a great Christmas Eve and even greater Christmas! I really love all of you!

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ughhhhhh... Terry I had a huge post and lost it too

You guys are so very sweet and your thoughts and prayers mean so much to me.

Tracyk - In a way I said I'm done... but I don't want to be. 10 years is a long run and my cat previous I had for 15 and had to put her down, but it was almost easier putting her down than just having my boy just vanish for a week then finding him like that. DD wants another one so new year day we are going to start looking. That was when we got fluffy.

michelle - careful with the coal... I tramatized dd 4 years ago, she didn't think it was so funny. LOL

Terry, Tracyks, Pamela, Kat, Laura, Denise, Haydee, Cindy, Jane, Ms Jen, Gina, Lunesa, Of course Tracyk and Michelle

Have a very merry christmas love you all

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Good morning, Violets..

Jenn.. so sorry to hear of your loss. My prayers are with you and your family.

To all the Violets.. may you have a blessed Christmas and my heartfelt thanks for being such a wonderful group of women who share their hopes, dreams, defeats and victories with each other in such a loving way. God bless you all.

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Merry Christmas EVE.......... I'm posting from WORK! blech......

and I had a call at 7a this morning........ remember that lady that I got a job here in our housekeeping dept in May..... (the one with hearing issues?) Well she had volunteered to work today since she has no family and such.. and today is automatic Time and a Half ot pay...............

She slipped on the ice coming into the building and broke her ankle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the really bad part........ she was wearing FLATS.. (I guess she tried to dress up a little since its Christmas, but common sense failed her......... she tried to scale a mound of snow wearing FLATS) We are on a huge campus and our Campus/Grounds dept is 4 guys who have been putting in 60 hour weeks to keep up.... I feel so bad for her, but OMG this is going to be a workers comp nightmare..... and my boss is gone til Jan 8........ he DESPISES Work Comp Claims........... she is at the hospital now, and I'm going to start the payroll process and handle the claim as much as I can til normal business resumes.

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Good morning and Merry Christmas Eve Violets!!! The day has finally arrived and I am too posting from work Tracy! Ugh! I hope we both get off early today. Well for me the big day is today. We do all our celebrating on the 24th and into the wee hours of the 25th. Tomorrow is a day for relaxing and eating leftovers. Got all my presents bought and wrapped and we need to haul them to my mom's and to Juan's mom's house. We'll probably spend part of the night at my mom's and part of the night at his mom's. I really hate that part but I do love his family and I like to spend time with them but I do hate leaving my family even if just for a little while.

Whatever your plans are for tonight and tomorrow I hope that you stay safe and that your days are filled with love! I really can't express how wonderful this year has been for me and I owe part of that to you ladies.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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