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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Tracy, no fair, it sucks!!! I am so sorry for you!!! I think everyone deserves a bonus!!!! I have some great customers that really take care of me at this time of the year, so that is nice. I try to keep that money sep. then have a special plan with that money. I hope a bonus comes through for you in the New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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hi gals.

just checking in, mentally exhausted. So here is the rest of the story. nancy, dr's pa, who I loved and saw for over a year, she left, and my visti started with a new pa who knows nothing about me... nothing! then attending came in - who also knew nothing about me and what i've overcome and told me to see a shrink and blah blah blah... do it on my own and I never even got to see my DR. So basically people who know nothing about my struggles, my accomplishments, and was even questioning why I take a Water pill... WTF This is the first time I went to his office where I was treated like a number... yeah so what... I'm right where I should be... so now in my mental state... i'm going to do a liquid diet and probably not eat right (because this is what I do) to try to get rid of the last 30 lbs... yup... sure sounds so much better than a little fill doesn't it.

I felt like they wouldn't even let me see my dr and... when I was telling them of some of the stresses over the last year of paying for ins, surgery, loosing my job... his response was "We don't care how you paid for it..." Hello ASSHOLE... not the point.... so I'm stressed from a death in the family... I do think I'm going to tell him how I felt like a number on the chop block and part of the reason I went with him was because I felt like I was treated like a person... NOT TODAY... what fuckin' (sorry) resident tells someone he just met and knows nothing about to talk to someone...right, wrong, it doesn't matter, he doesn't know me enough...

enough of that... i'm going to bed... had to vent...

I have a ton of cards I got over the last couple days, have not opened them yet, just got my mail today and I didn't have the strength or energy to look at my mail,...it depresses me

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KAT... I have noticed some color improvement since "Mom's" heart/triple bypass. Hope she is up & around a lot more soon.

I had read about your issues, hope all is well now.

Good health, and Merry Christmas to all of our Violets.

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My dear Violet sisters,

I've finally caught up and am praying for each of you, particularly those of you who have had Christmas-time surprise health and money issues!

Pamela, how's you back? I have had two herniated disks for the past four years and Naproxen kept the pain manageable but now with the lapband I can no longer take NSAIDs. So, I'm living with discomfort all the time and pain some of the time. Lortab 7.5/500 keeps me functioning as well as nerve blocks every three months. At one point this fall, my surgeon scheduled spinal fusion surgery for me since the 1st nor the 2nd nerve block had helped with the pain, and my tears convinced him that I needed surgery, my husband said. Two days after that visit with the surgeon, the nerve block finally kicked in. What a relief! The surgery was cancelled. I'm hoping your relief is quick in coming. And ditto about having someone to come in to clean the house--the best $$ I spend every two weeks besides the internet connection, of course.

Jennifer, my prayers for you are so specific: faith in yourself and $$ to ease your burdens and your kitty to return. You are so very much in my heart.

Mazie's mom, continued prayers for the recovery from surgery of your mom.

TracyK, I hate, hate, HATE when office workers (been there, done that) are not included when the bonus $$ is shared. I'm hoping the stress of your Christmas schedule and move are not getting you too down. You are such an inspiration in your steady weight loss!

And a few comments, praises, and questions:

Michelle, when did you post the new avatar photo? I love the new 'do!

Jane, your clients @ Curves are going to love you! You've been where many of them are and are so positive about working towards a goal. And what great timing to getting the key to the door--you just know there are lots of ladies who are waiting 'til after the 1st to join/re-join.

TracyKS, I love, love, love the newest photo of your and your men! You look great! And the smiles on your guys tells it all--so worth it, even if you have to put up with rolled-eyes and wet toilet seats from time to time. Well, maybe not the wet seat... :-)

Kat, what a beautiful writer you are. Your details are so well-written that I feel as if I'm right there with you, finding your husband in the snow, sharing your days with your granddaughter, the leaking roof of the gingerbread house. Thank you for taking the time to keep us posted.

Laura, great photo of you, your kitty, the ornament, and the tree! You're looking fine, girl! Sorry to hear about DH's speeding ticket.

Terry, you have jewels in your crown! Your experience taking care of you mom is a blessing for both of you as well as for us.

Judy, I can't wait for your post on Sunday when you tell us you're so much closer to your newest addition to your Bracelet. And a size 12 pants! What great news! Love the photos of your back porch chairs mounded with snow. So beautiful! Loved your new Christmas shirt and festive socks, too!

I'm so sorry if I've skipped anyone. Please know that your victories and struggles are such an important part of my cyber-life.

My next post will have cruise highlights, I promise.

love to all,

Cindy (now @ 173--ignore the ticker for now. But Jane, I too, love my band!)

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I think you mean Suzie, she works at curves. I am a hairdresser with great clients!! Plus I also love my band!!! You are so right about the first of the year!! I get my nails done at a place next to a gym, and in January and some of February I can't find a place to park, all those people with New Years Resolutions!!

I am in the process of reading the book Terry recommended, "Your Best Year Yet" good so far, neat things to relate to. I do want to make positive changes, but have never believed in New Year Resolutions, but this year one I am going to make is losing at least 50 pounds. I want to make changes in the way I live, not just for the year but for good. It just so happens that I am reading the book now, but as slow as I read, it will be after the 1st when I am finished. Enough rambling!!!

Tracy you are still in my thoughts over the lack of your bonus. Pam, best wishes on your back TAKE IT EASY!! Laura, glad your sister is fine. Judy and Michelle, don't know how you can bake so much!!! You have great willpower!!! Does most of the bunch have Monday off?

Terry, TracyKS, Suzie, Kat, Denise, BOTH Jennifers, Haydee and anyone else I am forgetting have a great day, don't know if I will make it in the morning or not!!


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Hey, You guys forgot to remind me that yesterday was CTCD. I didn't stray real far but I could have done a whole lot better.

Up early this morning to head to the Y to go swimming than off to Curves to exercise. Today is my day to give blood for my monthly check. After all of that, we are going to go drop off the Peanut Butter fudge I made for a cousin and than to the cemetery. Gonna clean my parents headstone and make sure that the wreath I ordered is there.

Everyone have a great day and "TGIF". Hope all of you have time off for the Holiday's and are able to get some much needed rest.

Jennifur-- HUGS and more HUGS to you.

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Thank you all for the kind words about the bonus situation. It means alot to me to know that you all care about me. The money would have really helped out but it is the principal behind the whole thing that bothers me the most. Makes me feel like they just don't care. That hurts.

Anyway, good morning violets. I am going to cut out of work early today to get the last minute things done. The kids are coming this evening to open gifts and then the party at my moms tomorrow. I have baked everything I have to bake so at least that is done. I just have this feeling like I am forgetting something. I hate when that happens.

Wish I had time for personals...I probably won't have time for that until after the move.

PS...loved all the pics you all are posting!!

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Thank you for all your good thoughts all

Tracyk - I understand that being the point. I had that happen to me once, and i was in a great financial place, but was so ticked.

going to try to make it through today, ds woke up having a croup attack last night - he is fine, actually not as bad as they use to be but still scary. Mom was going to take him today so I could get some sleep and she is afraid to take him, which I understand, she knows he has it but has never had to deal with it so she was freaking out. This way I can pump him full of drugs and then leave him with her while I work tonight. HEHEHEHE... she has never really experienced him full force full of steroids either. she will have to tie him to a chair by tonight.

well another day... going to take a deep breath and try to survive it

sorry for the offensive language last night.. I just needed to vent but didn't want to offend anyone

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Mazie, You and your mom will be in my prayers. I hope she makes a speedy recovery....

Jennifur, 2008 is going to be YOUR year...I just feel it. Keep your chin up girlie....be thankful for what you have - your children and family, your health, your Violet sisters! *hugs*

TracyinKS, if you get any skinnier you're gonna blow away! hehe...you're looking fantastic! I figure after the holidays I'll get my butt back on track. I DO have restriction, just eating all of the holiday junk they keep bringing into the office.

Pam, I hope your back feels better soon! I have lots of problems with my neck and back. Too many years being bad to it working in the hospitals I suppose.

Cindy, we want cruise details! Do you know I've NEVER been on a cruise? I'm going to have to get my hubby to take me....

Well Violets, today is the day! I get to find out what Grandbaby #1 is...a boy or a girl! I'll post pics when I get home. :)

Have a fabulous day my sister Violets!!!

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Jenn~ It is gonna take a lot more than a few bad words to offend us! Glad you are able to vent, if for nothing else, to get it off you chest! Deep breaths and focus on 2008 being your year!

Well, I woke up this morning and could barely walk out to get the ice pack. I am sooooo pissed...missing the 3 days before school is out is soooo hard and unfair on the kids, subs, and office people. Meanwhile...I can't get anything done. I am pissedpissedpissed about all of this. It has ruined my workout, wrapping, work, and everything else. F$%^ !!!! And I mean it.

Gotta go write some lesson plans and I don't have the TE's here and don't know what page to have the sub use...man, this is gonna be valuable education today. No Child Left Behind...my ass!

Have a great day!

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Pam: Let me come over and stomp on your foot.. (so that your back will quit hurting) Seriously though... hugs to ya girlfriend... wish those meds would work.

Cindy: Thanks for the long list of personals.. (I am horrible at personals)

Denise: LOL.. yeah right... blow away... the scale is pissing me off........ 203-207 on any given day... but I am finding that I need to get in some Water and fiber......... (need I say more)

Suzie: I will go check Malleys website for Johnathons post... he is such a nice guy (I've met him several times at the Band Wagon meetings) He is doing AWESOME.

OK........... funny thing happened......

Cody had his choir concert last night..... he did NOT want to be in Choir.. they stuck him in it...... HE and DAD had a HUGE BLOWOUT prior to his mother, stepdad, aunt and other brothers arrived at our house... (Not pretty) anyway after the concert we all went to dinner and long story short..... EX WIFE took Robby (my son) home with her as well as the other 3 boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The boys were all so excited....... Robby, Dustin and Josh started dancing... going OH Yeah Oh Yeah Oh Yeah.......... the rest of the night ... Charles and I were like... "What just happened?" I guess we are progressive..... We get him back later tonight!

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its been a week since i sent out my secret santa... i'm so upset that it seems not to have made it yet

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I understand about the Secret Santa, I mailed it Last Tuesday a.m. and they said 5 - 7 days. But, I did have some trouble with that mail not being timely at least here in St. Louis, so I don't know, I just hope it gets to where it is going!!!

Today is a busy day at work, and after that I am finishing up my Christmas shopping!!! Hope I get home before I have to be at work tomorrow!!!!! I can't believe just two work days before Christmas!!! Today and tomorrow!!! I even have two openings tomorrow, which is unheard of for this time of the year! I was planning on working late late late!

Okay I am off to shower and such! Have a good day!!!


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Good Morning, Violets..

Just let Jetta out and then got all the fudge boxed up to be delivered today. Glad that task is done. Unfortunately after we filled all the boxes, buckets and bags, we still have fudge left over and I'm not a fudge eater, but the Bobster LOVES it... so I told him to buy some more boxes and I'll invent people to give it to!! Can't have those huge hunks of fudge sitting in the kitchen.

Dinner at our friends was good. She made 4 cheese beef tetrazzini. It was very good and I ate a cup of it veryyyyyyyyyy slowly. She had a salad to go with it and I had a little of that. Blew it on dessert though.. she made chocolate cherry cake with chocolate frosting. I should have just said no thanks, but I ate the piece she gave me and I felt uncomfortable afterwards.. got the shivers and felt stuffed. Haven't had that feeling in a long time. I'll have to be more WWJD next time and say no thanks or ask for just the tiniest piece.

Got my new coat yesterday. Size 16. The one I was wearing was an 18W and I had taken the lining out because it was too tight with it in. Now I swim in it. But it gets tossed today and the new one will be great for this year. And I can cinch it in for next year too, hopefully.

Jennifer.........I just don't understand why they wouldn't give you a fill. The more I hear about your problems, the more I know I love my doctor and his staff. They are so understanding and personable. Wish you could find that in your doctor and staff.

Pamela.. hope you are feeling better each day. I know how difficult it is being off these last days before christmas. I have complete sympathy for the sub!! But that's why you have sick days and you sure do need to be taking care of yourself.

I was talking with the Bobster yesterday about New Year's Resolutions. It seems that every other year it has always been.. "to lose weight". I said this year will be different. We don't have to make that resolution cause we've been doing it since April. Soooooooo this year it will be "to exercise more and make wise choices". Our priorities have changed so much these last 8 months.. (except for the fudge:mad:).

Well, I better get my Breakfast fixed and get myself dressed for the day. Everyone have a good one!!


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I don't know who they are to judge me, but after thinking about it all night, they were residents and a new pa who know nothing about me, so if my dr I've been seeing for over a year came in and talked to me knowing me, it might have been different, I felt like they were teaming up on me. I don't want to see the PA and I will make sure I never have an appt with her again.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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