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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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My daughter has good days and bad days...over the weekend was bad...today was good. She's lost 19 lbs total so far, but her doctor isn't too worried about her or the baby. He said he's seen mothers who have hyperemesis (throwing up the entire pregnancy) who deliver healthy babies 7- 8 1/2 lbs. The mother may be miserable, but the kid is like a little parasite, taking everything they need! She was chubby before the pregnancy, so she can stand to lose a little more weight anyway...although she feels like crap!

She goes this Friday to have a 3D ultrasound. I'm so excited. They'll give us a DVD of the entire session (25-30 minutes) and will tell her then if it's a boy or a girl. I'm so excited!

Here's a current pic of her from this weekend...her little tummy is starting to pooch out!


Funny to think that she was a preemie when she was born 19 1/2 yrs ago - she weighed all of 3 lbs 5 oz....she was born at 28 weeks, and now she's carrying a baby!!!

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Judy...glad your back safely and that it was a success! I AM SOOO GETTING A HOT TUB ONE DAY! Enjoy.

Denise...enjoy this special time w/ your dd. She looks so happy!

count sheep ladies...sweet dreams...you can do it:)

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When I count sheep they always turn into veal parmesian, so that doesn't work for me!

Denise-what a beautiful dd you have. She is glowing!

Judy-since the bobster doesn't post, you shoud have his ticker on here too! How much has he lost?

TOM is killing me this month. I bit a few peoples heads off yesterday...I am cramping, severly I might add, bloated and craving chocolate. Poor me!

I love Christmas but this year I am just ready to have the whole thing over with.

Yesterday I talked to one of my best (skinny) friends on the phone. We have not seen each other since April. The first thing she says is "what size are you, you aren't smaller than me are you?" I told her no, not yet and I would tell her what size I wear when I am giving her my old clothes...lol. Like that will really happen! My goal weight is probably still 30 pounds higher than what she weighs. I will get to see her next month at her daughters wedding. I can't wait!

Today is dd party at school so I get to remove those Cookies out of my house today ;) I ave them in a tin and they have not been a problem since I put them in there. The problem was the 'fresh out of the oven' cookies.

My boss is not going to be there today and I have no books to read and that equals a LONG day, especially since I can not get on LBT ;)

Everyone have a super duper day! Remember today is CTCD!!!

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Morning everyone

Yesterday was a crazy day, cleaning up more snow and ice and then physical for both kids, and then dinner and we picked up mom at the airport.

so DD who is only measured at 5'5 1/2" (NO WAY) she must have not been standing straigt because I measured 5'5" and she is at least 2" taller than me now weighs in at 143. I told her I am going to have to put my foot down. she is getting a little belly (very tiny) and a butt.... so after the holidays she is going to change how she is eating and start going to the gym. I keep reminding her how I have been struggling and ask her if she wants to be like that... she says no but continues to not care.

Denise - I lost 23lbs total when I had dd, and that was at the end when I actually did gain a little at the end, threw up the entire 9 months and in the delivery room ordered a pizza the second she was out. LOL I would walk out the door with the temp change in the winter and puke... my neighbors loved me LOL

Yup... I have decided... I am going to make an appt for the 1st week in jan - I need a fill... .75 in my 4cc band is just not cutting it right now...

I am glad everyone is doing well, I will make it through the holidays and I can't wait for our trip in May. I wish i was going somewhere now. It is so cold here I'm stuck inside and need sunshine.

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Good Tues Morn, Vi's~~

Thanks for the CTCD reminder, Tracy... I'll need it as I begin baking the 25+ loaves of pumpkin bread I need to give this week!! ;)

I must've done some damage yesterday w/the ol' credit card because I got a call from the card company wanting to verify "increased usage" on it! LOL! Don't they know it's Christmas?? Thankfully (or not?), they were all mine!

So today I'm staying in, cleaning & baking & hopefully starting to wrap while the kiddo's are at school & I can do it while ALONE!

Make it a great day, everyone!

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Good Morning, Violets..

The hot tub was great last night.. really relaxing after I do my toning exercises.

Denise... your DD is BEAUTIFUL!! I got to see a 3D ultrasound pic from a friend of my daughter and they are amazing! So different than the ones we used to get. BTW.. please send preggers vibes to my DD. They have been trying to get pregnant for several months now.

Yikes, Jennifur!!! .75 in your band is like nuthin'! My first fill way back in May was 1cc.

TracyK... the Bobster has lost 45# and has been stuck there for a long time. Hopefully yesterday's fill will be the one for him. I felt a little trouble getting my pills down this morning. Will see what happens at Breakfast. I'm always tight in the morning anyway.

I'm going to go get ready to do my volunteer shift. Will check back later. Everyone have a great day!!

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Hey Violets~

Terry...we need an update!

Busy day yesterday and today too...hell, all this week. I am just wondering if it would KILL the scale to move just a bit. yesterday and today 250.0...and just wanna see 24something and have that be the norm.:faint: I've been good. OH well...gonna work out today, Wed and Thurs.

I am truly enjoying the season this year! I love it. Getting slammed at my online job...gotta go now and do some stuff! Have a great day!


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Morning girlies!

7:30 and Kinsey and I are battling over her wanting ice cream! Let the FUN begin!!! LOL

Denise, your DD looks happy! Manda was so scrawny when she was pregnant, she looked like it was fake half the time! Like some kids basketball shoved under her shirt!!! She is like me....that did not last, after the child was born!!!

Judy, Manda had trouble conceiving with Kinsey, so I will pray for equally wonderful results for your DD.

Jennifer, go get the fill!!! I have/had at last notice 1.75 cc. in my band--it has been a magic amount for me for a loooong time! Maybe not in the restriction sense....I have much less restriction than others----but in staving off hunger---being satisfied on small amounts, it has been perfect! Honestly I would love to just make it where I am at, I feel such freedom with it at this level. But the more I lose, I am sure it will continue to lessen....

Michelle---your poor credit card must have been in some pain, for them to call!!! They called us twice when we went to Hawaii, confirming the change in spending. I found the check in comforting!

Pamela--I am the same way, I am really enjoying the holidays this year. With my surgery, I really hurried to get the most of it done early. Now I find myself, with free time to relax (?) and do special holiday things with Kinsey. We cut out Christmas trees yesterday, and she glued sequins,and pompoms, to them, and stuck on sticky stars---made one for her house, and all of us Grannies too!! She was so proud of them! We made the gingerbread house. We have went to visit with Santa, and had lunch in town with Papa. Lots of fun Christmassy stuff.

I think today if we manage to meet the DIL in town and actually order pics, that I will let Kinsey pick out something for her Mama, and get something for Connor for my son & DIL. He is not old enough yet to pick it out, but I am thinking he could give them like a new photo album, with some pics I have of him in it....something small, but something they will not expect under the tree from him!

I slept good last night-------everyone else?

TracyK---sorry you are having a rough one. I can sympathize. I never, ever not one time had an easy period. I had problems from day 1. I had endometriosis for years...I would go months with no periods at all, then once I started it would take medical intervention to stop. I ask for the hysterectomy for years, but Dr.'s went through a time they quit doing them so much, insurance balked, there was not a medical necessity for it. But boy when the cancer showed up, they made sure it happen! If they had done it 10 years earlier when I first ask, the cancer would never have been an issue.

I hope you feel better SOON!!!

Well.....thinking about calling my cousin and seeing how he feels about a ride today. I haven't got to spend much time with him lately---I miss his idiocy!!! We went through divorces at the same time. His wife left him with a son and 2 daughter to raise, so we helped one another out a lot!!! I taught him how to braid the girls hair---and he took that knowledge and ran with it, now he makes some high dollar braided leather horse halters, and tack, it is gorgeous!!! He helped me learn how to service the AC on my house, and how to start the weedeater! That was a fun day--I sliced both our ankles!! Thinking it is time to saddle up and visit with him for awhile.

Will check back later!



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Oh Kat, I envy you the ability to just "saddle up" and go for a ride!! A secret wish I have is to ride... I'm building up the courage to ask at the barn where dd rides... but I want to be "small" enough so I'm not embarrassed when they ask me how much I weigh so I don't make the horse keel over!! What weight would be good??

The funny thing about the cc call yesterday was that they were ALL debit card "charges", not actual "credit" charges... so it was all coming out of my checking account! I DO appreciate it... but at the same time, I get a bit of an "oogity" Big Brother Is Watching kind of vibe, too.

Ok... Family Room & Kitchen are clean... on to Living Room & Dining Room (which are pretty trashed from different "projects" lately)... perseverence!

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Good morning Vi's!!

Just finished catching up. denise, the pic you posted of you won't load for me.. I wanna see!! Repost!! Your DD is beautiful!

Well our trip went.. like our trips normally go LOL.

We were leaving at 8am on Saturday. DH & I struggled to be up, showered and ready by then, we ended up at my parents house at about 9am. Last minute, while we're drinking coffee and heading out the door, my mom decides she wants to go after all. So we wait for her to pack, we hit the road. It's been 70's in Florida, so we were anticipating walks on the beach. My g'parents needed their 2nd car brought down, so me & DH drove their lincoln, and my parents led the way. Not 30 minutes out of town, it starts pouring.. raining cats & dogs!!! It's normally a 6.5 hour drive.. it took us nearly 10. We hit thunder storms everywhere. The lincoln's windshield wipers didn't work well, and the headlights don't seem to shine on the ground.. so we held our breath a lot, hoping we lived to get there. Somewhere around Dothan, AL we hit a tornado warning. Cars were pulling off, so we found a Barnes & Nobles to hang out in. I was soaking wet by time we got inside. I found Rosie O'Donnell's new biography of what happened with the View, so I got that.. and then another biography called Stolen Lives. Rosie's one is just sad, she is so 'out there' for me (I am republican and she is just a liberal looney toon). But it was interesting to see her take on what happened. I am 3/4 through the 2nd one, and OMG.. it's a true story about the family of a general in Moscow, and the dad tried to assassin the King.. the King killed him, and imprisoned his family (Mom, 5 kids.. ages 18 years old to THREE years old) for 20 years before their release. Not a normal prison. A place in the middle of the desert, they starved them, beat them, isolated them from each other.. the 3 year old grew up and never knew what life outside of this was. I am to a point where they are breaking out of one of the prisons. The 3 year old is now 17. It's horrific, I can't believe these things can happen. I plan to try to finish it before work is over.

Ok back to the trip.. we cross into Florida and the news comes on the radio saying Tornado warning in Bay county. IRONICALLY as we hear this, we pass a sign saying "Welcome to Bay County". UGH. We decided to just keep going.. 35mph in terrential rain at night with no good headlights or wipers. We finally get there, and the rain has stopped at the condo. It's in the 70's, feels great. We went to a fancy steak house.. I got some filet mignon medallions with shrimp, lump crabmeat & bernaise sauce on them. NUM NUM. Each medallion was 3oz.. I ate 1/2 of one (slow slow slow) took me an hour, but I was determined to eat it. I also ate 1 of the shrimp. We went to bed, tired from the day. We wake up the next morning with plans to go to the beach.. and it's 30's!!!! IT WAS SO COLD AND WINDY!!!! BAH. DH Has never seen a beach. We went to some souvenir shops in the morning, then we went to lunch.. then we went putt-putting (in big coats). Then me, DH and mom went walking the beach.. in the freezing cold. We even got in the Water to our waist (was suppose to be knees, but the tide came in). Got some seashells.. was fun.. and cold! On our way back to the condo we got in the heated pool to rinse the sand off and warm up.

Then we watched the survivor finale. Poor Denise!!!!! I almost cried for her, poor nice lady. I can't believe Todd won. But out of Todd, Amanda and Courtney I didn't want any of them to win. I couldn't believe how much weight Courtney put on after the show, she finally looks normal!!

Then we drove home yesterday. Lots of sunshine but still cold, and it's cold back home now. No snow weather of course, but it's so cold it hurts.

I did have an NSV in Florida.. I have never been able to wear girlie jewelry.. they don't fit my wrist or neck. But at some of the beach shops, they had really pretty leather bracelets for women, and the woven ones, etc. And every single Bracelet I tried on, even the buckled ones.. FIT! I'm wearing one now. I was so excited I bought 3 different leather ones.

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I began riding again about 225---I picked that as a magic number because many, many men I know ride at that weight on a regular basis. I probably could have rode before that, with weight only in mind, but I was so far out of shape, I wanted to be sure I could mount without issue, or step ladder!!!

Wish it would hurry up and warm up! I want to get out of here, before someone comes up with something for me to do!!! LOL


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Wow, Laura -- what an adventure! But glad it was fun & congrats on the NSV!!

Thanks for the info, kat... that sounds reasonable... if all goes well, I'd guesstimate I'll be 225-range sometime March-ish... maybe that can be my -100 goal "prize" to myself!

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Oh! When I got home last night I had some more Xmas cards!

Kat & Jen had the exact same cards!!! What are the odds??? Opposite sides of the country, all the cards that are out there.. I guess great minds really do think alike!!

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Speaking of cards... my dd & ds's favs are Pam's (the "carrot-picking" snowkid) and TracyK's (Prancer getting ready to pee on the "naughty" family's chimney!)... guess they've picked up my off-kilter sense of humor!!

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(Can you tell that my "reward" every time I complete a room is peeking in here to see who's posted??)

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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