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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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hi gals

I'm taking my fat ass to bed... i'm now bouncing from 209 - 216 for almost 2 months, i want a fill but i kow he wont give me one and can't take mental abuse from him about where I am. he is as hard on me as i am

Jenn-OMG girlfriend, you need to cut yourself some slack for goodness sake! This next sentence is typed with love....here goes...

Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, claim that today is the day that things will turn around mentally & physically. Attitude is 99 percent of this thing. Unless you can try to change your frame of mind, things will not get better. I know it sounds easier said than done and I am not meaning to come off sounding like I have all of the answers. Depression can really hurt and it can be a difficult thing to overcome. Sounds to me like you might need to find a new dr OR just go to him and let him give his little speech and just remember while he is ranting that this is not anything you don't already know. Just keep saying over and over in your head "I already know all of this you dick". See if he gives you a fll. If he tells you no, at least you'll know you tried. Then take things from there.

We all care about you so much and when you or any violets are hurting, it hurts us too! (((hugs)))

Thanks to everyone for all of the cards! DD just loves them. She loved Ginas with the glittery snowman!! I think she might take it for show and tell today..lol

Laura and Tracy..loved the pics! Tracy-wooohooo to you on the 10s!!!!

Everyone have a great Friday!

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Jenn-one more thing...If the above post doesn't work, I can always come get you and drag your ass to Texas and whip you into shape!! Between me, Terri and Haydee, I am sure it would work!!! :)


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Good Friday Morn, Vi's!~~

Wow! Tracy & Laura... you both look FABULOUS!!

Hi Everyone! Yesterday was a nice day... baked 12 pumpkin breads while the tree twinkled & the Christmas music played... felt all cozy & warm... & my Mom arrived and after dinner we all went to ds's winter concert and he had 2 sax solos (proud mama alert!) and then we went to Coldstone & I indulged in a kids' size pumpkin pie but oh my it was so good & I enjoyed it & do not feel guilty at all actually and then mom spent the night & she's still here now... I love my Mom!

Today will be a busy day of going here & there & everywhere up & down between DC & here... phew!

Some kind of Winter storm is predicted for us Sat nite - Sunday but they have no idea what... "Winter Mix" is what they say when they can't FOREcast the weather... they're more like weather reporters here... they tell us what happened AFTER the fact... ha ha ha! Rough work if you can get it! But I'll go to the store to stock up on bread, milk, TP just in case!!

Ok, gotta dash... make it a great day, everyone!!

Oh! PS--- 8 weeks 'til our Disney trip!!!!!!!!!! Sshhhhhhh! It's a secret! So I have no one to count down with... but inside, I'm very excited!


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Good Morning Girliez!

JENN - Are you wearing your all-powerful necklace I made for you??? Remember - all of the elements of that necklace have special powers....all meant to help you overcome your fears and obstacles. Why don't you wear it for a week and see what happens?? :) Couldn't hurt!

For those out of the loop -- Jenn was my SS "giftee"....so I made her a special necklace with the following elements:

Silver - handmade links (made with love, of course); silver helps in healing the emotions and relationships

Jade - A very lucky stone that brings fortune, balance and healing

Ganesh pendant - Ganesh is a Hindu diety that is known as the "Remover of All Obstacles", as well as the patron of wisdom and education.

I'll post a picture -- it was my first completed piece using all handmade links and I enjoyed it so much. I just love working with the wire...bending and pounding and polishing it into submission. Very therapeutic!

Ganesh Jade Silver Links.bmp

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Ok. I just had a 6 paragraph post that got blown away.

If there was a clean word for the amount of anger and frustration this has caused I would insert it here _________. But there isn't.

Basically I was just outlining why I haven't been posting (too busy now shopping online for Xmas), why we don't have any decorations up yet (too busy with Mom) and why I've been eating a whole bunch o' crap (chocolate is the only thing that soothes my nerves :) )

I'm not gaining weight, though....still at 182-183. Life should settle into more of a routine for the next few weeks and you'll be seeing more of me again. Lucky yous!!!

I've got the day off today, but have to get Mom to the doctor and various other chores today so I need to get rolling.

OH!!! And thank you all for the Christmas cards!! I love them so much!! Almost made me cry yesterday when I got several all in one batch! I am so very sorry that I haven't been able to mail any out at all. :)

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Morning gals

TracyK - trust me, every morning I get up, say it is a new day and it will all be good, today is the day - if you notice on my signature, I've even been going to the gym 3-4 times a week - which is not always so easy, but I have been trying so hard.

Terry - I have been wearing it for the last 2 days. and I love love love it, so I am positive it will help.

As for a fill, I'll make an appt the beginning of the week to get in. I am having a hard time, and need a fill. I do everything he wants me to and right now I can eat anything, in small amounts but don't hve much of a limit on what I can eat.

I need to go back to post surgery diet. liquids for a couple of weeks

I just got in from snowblowing my driveway, which side by side you can fit 6 cars, the front of my house and walkway - and got my neighbor out. He is older and should not be shoveling, he has had heart issues. if it snows on the weekend i try to beat his kids out there *they are my age* but shovel and where the plows go through 3 feet from the edge of the road, it is wet, icy snow so I always try to at least get rid of that for them. 45 mins to do 2 yards, got to love the blower. Afriend was going to plow me out last night while I was at work but I said no thanks... we are going to get dumped on from the same storm Michelle is going to get Sat night into Sunday 1-2 feet of snow is being predicted here, so I need to keep it good so there is room for all that snow. I have to share the drive with mom now so I need to do the entire driveway.

i'm going to drink coffee and warm up

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Good Morning, Violets..

Ethan has arrived for the day so I'll be running after him. He's in Grandpa's lap right now watching tv so I have a minute to post.

Terry... don't you love it when the post you've been working on disappears??? I just have to get up and walk away or I'd be beating on the computer.

The necklace is just beautiful!!!!! You are definitely an artist!! I'm being extra careful with my Bracelet now. I take it off at night and whenever I'm in the Water cause I don't want this one to break!!! You can see it in my christmas pics.

Tracy and Laura.. you both look like SHRINK'N Violets for sure! Just think of the pics of you when you started this journey and you have some so far!! Woooo Hooooo!!

Is everyone envious of Cindy on her cruise in the Bahamas now. sighhhhhhhh But I get to plan another cruise with my daughter!! She graduates from the nursing program in May and we're going to go cruising in June!

Kat... Elliptical is still in pieces and will be until Saturday. Today is fudge day and tomorrow after the pageant rehearsal it will be elliptical day.

Michelle...sound like you had a great day. I can smell that pumpkin bread all the way here!! Better batten down the hatches for that storm. Sounds like it's going to be a bad one. Thank goodness it passed us by this time.

I got an email from an online friend in Oklahoma and he had been without power since Sunday. Just got it back yesterday afternoon.

Yikes.. the more I write, the more paranoid I am that this post will be lost. I'm going to click send and hope for the best.

Everyone have a great day!! TTFN.....

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Terri... That is an absolutely gorgeous piece of artwork! & the symbolism makes it all the more touching! Wow! You are so talented!!

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Oh so much to say........... so little memory :scared:

Michelle your description of yesterday made me feel all warm and fuzzy!

Terry: The necklace is jawdropping you have such a talent and even more meaning the thought behind all the pieces... the pic and description also made me feel warm and fuzzy.

Jennifer: I'm starting to get ticked off at your doc... YOU ARE THE CONSUMER he is NOT God.... if he doesn't give you a fill then change doctors.

Suzie: You will retain all the Puter stuff and that is a WONDERFUL NSV!

TracyK: Congrats on the house and also on your continued success down the scale.< /p>

Judy: Happy Fudge DAY!

Haydee, Ms_Jen, Jane, Gina, Pam and everyone else: HAVE A GREAT DAY!

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i'm going to take a nap, today is my 11 hr day at work and i was cleaning snow for 2 hrs this am, i think that is a workout right?

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Wow Judy, that was GREAT!!! I really enjoyed that!!! Thanks!

Terry Great necklace, Jenn WEAR IT!!!!!!

Michelle when will your son hear about the olympic thingy?

My nose is not running non stop today I am so thrilled, maybe I can get through at least part of my haircuts without having to blow my nose and wash my hands. Supposed to go cut that persons hair with ALS tonight, think I might call and postpone it a couple days just in case I am contagious? Well off to start my day!!


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Terry I am in absolute AWE over the necklace you created! Those links are beautiful. When I got my WWJD Bracelet I knew you had wonderful talent and a good eye for the art of jewelry making, but OMG girl!!! To be able to produce that not just once, but repeatedly? I cannot say enough, it is beautiful, and has been said, the symbolism of each addition only adds to it's beauty. Especially knowing you chose those particular things for a sister, needing those particular blessings----you are so special, and so talented!!

Jenn---I am betting on the necklace! And on you! You will get through these trying times, and be victorious! I just received a letter from our church yesterday, they are joining with several other local churches and holding a service in our church on Monday-calling it a Blue Monday service. It is non denominational, and it deals strictly with depression this time of year. Whether your depression is brought on by the untimely death of a loved one, the first holidays without them, financial insecurity, lonliness, loss of a pet----whatever! It said that everywhere you go you get the HO HO HO and Merry Christmas, and the insinuations that we should all be happy, and that when you can't find your happy--it just makes it all seem worse. So this service is supposed to nourish the soul, not elaborate on WHY we are celebrating, but instead on how blessings and love were bestowed when needed, and how to ease your aching heart. The letter reads as though it is a service that is being offered in areas throughout the country. Mine is a Methodist Church, not sure that is anything important, as it stressed it was non denominational---but maybe you should look around--check the religion section of your paper---see if you can find one. I know you have mentioned your own relationship with God....or I would not have brought it up.

My best friend, Becky is planning to go, she is struggling this year. Last year, she spent Christmas in the hospital, with her Dad who died on the 27th. Her Mom is heaping on the guilt that Becky is going on with things, and trying to center this Christmas around her Grandson, and knowing her youngest son is proposing to his long time girlfriend in a few days. Her Mom keeps saying she can't believe she can cdo these things----that she can't forget....making her feel terrible. I so want to say things about her Mom, but refrain, and instead will go to services with her if she wants!

Today Kinsey and I are making a gingerbread House! She is so excited, she wanted to do it last night, but it was too late. So as soon as I want to brave the snow and the snowy roads, I will go get her and we will build a house!

I finally figured out that I think when I lose my posts, I am reaching my finger for the shift key and hit control or something---but I am with you--it infuriates me!

I have my next to last batch of peanuts in roasting now---one more! Then it is on to Chex Mix!!! And I need to finish the bears/turtles----it goes so much faster without my helper, but it is not nearly as fun!

Hoping my DD is feeling better today, poor thing!

Tracy a size 10? I know I will not make a 10 until I get this belly gone! Laura, you look wonderful, how was the game?

Michelle will be thinking of you cooking away as I do today!

Better get the table cleared off, it seems to be magnetic for junk---it ends up catching everything we fail to put up---as well as everything DH does not know where to put---you know he obviously has not lived here long enough to know yet, maybe in the next couple of decades!!!



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Morning Violets~

Jenn~ 70 freaking pound loss since April!!! You have so much to be proud of. You didn't get the band for you doctor. You are doing great honey! Be proud of what you've done...I know we are all really proud of you!

Terry~ OMG that is georgous! You are truly talented. You should retire and sell that stuff. I love how you know and conveyed the meaning/messages of the elements you used. Really thoughtful.

Michelle~ pumpkin bread! Be still my beating heart and watering mouth. Did you "test" any? I don't think I could eat it...really a "stuck" factor for me.

Yesterday I had 2 xmas Cookies for breakfast...2 more for lunch (literally, that was it) then 1/2 c. cottage cheese before working out, then 1/2 c. refried Beans and 1 pc. of cheese for dinner. Weird for me...I wasn't very hungry all day. Hope this lasts a while.

OK...I am so excited to post this. On Tues and Thurs I teach for 1 hour after school. I it is a combination of my intensive group (VERY low) and the ELD 1 group (literally NO English). I have 4 non English Spanish speakers (no prob...I speak enough Spanish), but I also have 4 beautiful children from Iraq! I love it. They are 2 sets of sibs (bro and sis) and then the sets are cousins. One set, Claudia and Alex moved to Turkey when the war started. So they speak Turkish, Arabic and are learning English (and actually learning Spanish because EVERYONE else in their class, ELD 1 speaks ONLY Spanish). The other set Frank and Mirna stayed in Baghdad and only moved to Turkey the last year. What this means is that when they were in Baghdad, they were not in school. Frank and Mirna are Catholic (I am also, and had no idea there were arabic speaking Catholics) and Frank (georgous young man) told me he also speaks Aramic (???) which is what Iraqi Catholics speak. I just loved my afternoon. My mom went to high school in Turkey because grandpa was a diplomat. The kids loved that...I think they think my family is from there. Anyway...I love this challenge and even though I am off today, I have been thinking about these kids and what the hell I am gonna do w/ 'em.

OK...Susanne will be here around 11ish!!! I really missed her the last 2 weeks. Off to check emails and play some scrabble!

Have a great day everyone!


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Ok Violets.. here is MY guy singing my new favorite Christmas Carol.. All Is Well. The background to this video is Clay had sung the song the night before and had blown the last note and of course that got on YouTube. sooooo he was very aprehensive,you can see him cross his fingers before he starts, but he nailed it!! I just love this guy. He has the most awesome voice..


[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=JVZb1opZMQY]YouTube - Clay Aiken "All Is Well" Merrillville, IN[/ame]

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