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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Thank you Jennifer.

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Good evening, Violets..

Well, it's raining out so no hot tub tonight. I have to let Jetta, the garage dog, out for awhile to run off some energy. Guess I'll grab the umbrella and gloves and go do that little chore.

Singing rehearsal went well tonight. Then it was home to watch Dancing with the Stars. I have a gut feeling Marie is going to win it all even though she's not the best dancer. She just has an amazing fan base. It's been a great season to watch, though.

Attached is a pic of my new ring. I had to crop the picture so all the liver spots didn't show, but now there is a close up of my gnarly knuckles!! Oh well, I'm still pleased that it is a 4.25!!!

Tomorrow is pay day for us Michigan retired teachers. I'm getting my hair cut and eyebrows waxed. La, de da, eh?? Then I'm going to continue working on this room. I got my computer table all cleaned out and now on to the secretary's desk behind me.

Everyone have a great night. Catch you all tomorrow!!

Patience, Trust, Purple Power and WWJD??!!!


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The shadow makes it look like there is black on the ring. There isn't.. The band is gold with two chips on either side of the diamond. It's the diamond from my mom's wedding ring. The diamond is 63 years old.

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Congrats Susiecat!!! The weight loss is great!!!

TracyKS, that is not what you need right now with Cody. Positive thoughts and prayers sent to her family and you guys!!!

Judy, love the ring!!!! I am such a jewelry holic!!! Very nice!!! My mom gave me my baby ring the other day and am wondering what to do with it. I might try to incorporate it into a ring somehow. It would be great if I wore necklaces!! Any ideas anyone???

Tracy :)!!!!

Michelle have a safe trip!!!

I feel OLD, I don't recognize any of the groups Pamela and Laura are talking about!!!

Well I hope everyones CTC day went well!! I think we get Thursday off since it is a holiday!!

Have a good night everyone!!

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;)Hey Violets,

Susie, hope you like the tunes. I got The Gossip from itunes, but not sure what your using to get music. New Shoes is a great song...especially for starting a workout or a walk. I downloaded some tunes tonight too, and added Finger 11 to the list! Pink's new one, Dear Mr. President is AWESOME!!! But it might depend on your politics. So excited about that one.

Tracyk~ So sorry that your family is a bit upside down now. I have no words of comfort (are there any). But know we are here for you.

Kat~ AAAHHHH! I know how good that felt. I took 2 showers today (long story), and I enjoyed both of them;).

Judy~ Your ring is beautiful!!! I love the history of the diamond.

Michelle~ Travel safely.

Susanne is here! We had a great afternoon, we went to the TGIF w/ my friends from work. Had nachos for dinner...I know, bad bad. I had such a hard day eating today. I made a turkey burger w/ swiss cheese (240 cal) w/ grilled onions. It was soooo good, until...whamo...PB city. I think I ate it too fast, but I know my bites were small. I was hungry walking into the lunch room, totally my fault. I had to go to the bathroom 2x and PB. I was still hungry but couldn't do it. About an hour later, I nibbled on a Special K bar (90 cal). Then nachos. I am really having a hard time w/ the good stuff. Last night, my dog ate my chicken and I had popcorn. I might need an unfill after Thanksgiving...I just don't wanna gain. Anyway...I have so much to be thankful for...we all do.

Have a great night...gonna try to stay up and make it through dancing w/ the stars...I agree Judy, this has been a wonderful season!


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I get my favorite music these days from my kids!!

Rick just downloaded DD's copy of Finger Eleven on to my Ipod last night! Made me laugh when I saw it, because last week--well week before, when I was adding new music for our trip I added the new Kid Rock-and within a day or 2 Pamela mentioned it too!!! My Megan---the little (?) girl I babysit for, for so long, that thinks she lives here part time, was totally impressed back a couple of years ago, when I could sing word for word with her to Maroon 5!!! She is so easily impressed!!!

We went out to dinner tonight with Becky & Gary. They come and got me, and we met Rick in town when he got off. I enjoyed it, but man was I ever glad to get home. Plus I felt conspicuous as could be, I look like someone tried to decapitate me! I tried several shirts on, but man anything at all touching it hurts, so I had to leave it open. But I found myself hunching, and hanging my head to make it less noticable. Very self concious of it. Hope that lessens as I become used to it, and the bruising eases.

Jane---1/2 pound, a mere 8 ounces, and you will be half way to your goal!! Girl, go blow your nose, and remove all your jewelry, and pee, and all those other things then weigh!!

Judy--the ring is very pretty! I put mine back on when I got home from the hospital, they had me so full of Fluid they were tight again---I remember when lotion was a necessity to remove my rings!! It drove me crazy, now they are comfortably loose again!

Suziecat---did you get your list? I PM'd it to you before getting your email.

Jenn--glad your difficult funeral and all is behind you---now your family can begin to heal.

Terry---for a girl on vacation you sure have not been here!!! LOL

Pamela---when does MIL arrive? Did you go Celebrate with your fellow teachers??

Well my time limit for sitting in this desk chair is up--lack of support for me to lean my lazy head on!!

Oh yeah- I forgot to tell you guys. Manda come over the other day freaking out over her new neighbor---not sure if I told you or not--they moved in right next door to the kids about 3 months ago. He is on the Sex Offenders Registration List. He finally spoke with the neighbor on the other side, he offered to have his PO call and explain that it was a vengeful former step daughter, and he had grabbed her by the belt stopping her as she was leaving, and she claimed it caused a bruise to her private areas....yadda, yadda, yadda. My DD is beside herself. His SO offender list--lists his crime as Lewd Sexual Behavior with a minor. I thought it sounded like he may be a flasher. He claims not. The guy said the offenders new wife was in the background sobbing. Anyway---they are now thinking of putting their house on the market.

Ok off to make sure all is well with LBT & then off to bed with me.....

See y'all tomorrow!



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Hi everyone! I haven't had a lot of time to read through the blogs because I've been trying to get ready for Thanksgiving (it's at my house this year), and we had to clean and Shampoo carpets (I REALLY needed to do that)...It's been crazy busy.

I'll read this weekend and catch up, but I wanted to share my joy with you all - since I consider you all part of my family

We recorded the baby's heartbeat tonight.....She's almost 14 weeks - in her 2nd trimester. If any of you want to listen just click the video (we didn't have a microphone so we did it as a video on her cell phone)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7cM7gnuMLs]YouTube - My Grandbaby's heartbeat!!![/ame]

By the way, I've bought my Secret Santa gift and will be sending it out on Monday! weeeeeeeeee!!!! I love giving presents. :)

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Tracy-sorry to hear about that sad news! I will keep your family in my prayers.

Have FUN today Pamela-I am jealous!

Judy-what a beautiful ring!

Kat-glad to hear that you are doing & smelling better :)

I had an older hispanic man at work yesterday tell me (in very broken English) that I didn't need to lose any more weight cause I looked skinny & pretty. I wish you could have heard him because he was so sincere and was trying to make himself clear on his point. So sweet! Made me feel good, especially since the scale is on indefinite hold for now...lol

Take care everyone!

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Hi Everyone, remember me?

Man, I am so sick of making that drive back and forth across town! But I don't have to go today and I plan on spending the whole entire day playing with wire and making jewelry!! Noone will divert me from this mission!!!!!!

I'm making Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday so don't have to cook today or tomorrow....and did my time at the grocery store yesterday (what a battlefield!).

Anybody want to share their killer turkey stuffing recipe with me??

Kat - Listen to me, young lady, just because you feel like doing all that stuff today you are under strict orders not to do anything!!! You know better than to push it....especially with a big day tomorrow!! Spend the day resting again and maybe that swelling will go down enough so that you can enjoy a great dinner with family and friends tomorrow. And you may even be able to then unbutton your pants, watch football and YAWN!!! Seriously, pleeeeeeeeaaaase take it easy!! And tell Rick that I love him for taking such good care of you!! What a great guy!

Jennifur - where are you???

Laura & Pamela - I am so ignorant about music, you wouldn't believe it! And I live with two teenagers!!! I am just getting old, I think (duh!) but most times I consider music to be just irritating noise. I am very sensitive to noise in general and even in the car I drive in silence. If I'm alone at the house, it's silent. If I'm beading I'll put on some smooth jazz and that's about as much as I need to keep me company. Odd, huh?

shoes: at 150 I wear an 8.5; at 185 I wear a 9; at 215 I wear a 9.5. Yes, my feet most definitely shrink as I shrink.

Judy - Your ring is BEAUTIFUL!!! What a great choice. I think I'll go have a mani/pedi/brow day today too. (Yeah, me and every other woman in this town!)

Suzi - congrats on losing that weight, girlfriend!!! I remember what that's like!!! :) I'm still eating crap like you wouldn't believe. I'll make today my CTC day...'cause I blew yesterday sky high.

Love you all! Have a good day!

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I thought I would post a picture of my last project...it was so much fun to make! The beads and pendant are made from raku pottery which is extremely hard to photograph (especially with an iPhone!) because of the reflective nature of the glaze....but it's kind of an irridescent gold/green/blue/purple. The wire components are all handmade (by me) with copper and then oxidized (aged). If you're curious, if I were to sell this necklace it would go for about $50-60. The raku pottery beads are very expensive....they are painstaking work.


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Terry - OMG how beautiful -- you are so so talented.

Judy - I love your ring!

TracyK - that is a wonderful NSV!

Kity - I am right there with you -- good stuff=PB; bad stuff goes down just fine!

I have a busy day today - grocery shopping; working; and making Apple and Sweet Potatoe pies.

Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving everyone!

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I have a real busy work day!!!!!

Last night, we had Cody and Dad go to the NEW troop meeting (not the troop he camped with last weekend, as they were not a fit for him) Anyway........... Both Dad and Cody came home BEAMING with excitement and DAD who has never been in scouts is NOW JOINING! ... I can't tell you how happy this makes me.. it will be great for both of them to do something together......... after the meeting we told Cody about his grandma and he was sad and then called his mom who is beside herself with grief.......... after a while we started talking about the scouts again and he went to bed happy.

Terry: the necklace is BEAUTIFUL!

Judy: a 4.25 size RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! teeny tiny!!!!!!!!! (I have what my grandma called her FARM HANDS......... even thinner the smallest my rings have ever been is a 7)

Everyone have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll try to check in later.

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Terry- Stove Top. That's my killer stuffing. My Mom's stuffing was the best and that is one thing I never learned how to do ffrom her.

P.S. Love the jewelry. You are so talented.

Kat- Got your message and I will be sending you something in the mail next week. I hope it is what you were looking for and helps you out.

Swam for an hour this morning and than went to Curves. Now off to the shower and than have an appointment to get the oil changed in the car. Probably stop by my friends for a little while. They are calling for a light dusting of snow here today.

Everyone have a great day. :usa:

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Good Morning, Violets..

I'm sitting here reading posts and eating my cottage cheese and frozen (yuck) blueberries. It just isn't the same without fresh ones. things don't go down real smoothly in the mornings anymore so I have to chew, chew, chew and eat slowly. And I agree with everyone else. The good stuff gets stuck, the bad stuff slides right down. What the heck is up with that, anyway?? I've been stalled around the same weight now for a couple of months. But when I figure it out, my weight loss comes to 8# a month, so I'm just going to say that my body is catching up with the loss and hopefully once it does that, it will start coming off again.

Terry.. the necklace is beautiful!!! What a talented lady you are!!

TracyinKS...glad to hear the good news about Cody and Dad.. They are both so fortunate to have this opportunity to be dad and son. Those good feelings will surely transfer over to success in school relationships too.

TracyK...what a neat thing for that gentleman to say to you. Doesn't it feel great to hear compliments and know they are deserved cause you really worked for it????!!!

Well, Breakfast is finished and I need to go shower and get dressed for the day. Got to go listen to a baby's heartbeat too!!

Everyone have a great day!


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Terry love the jewelry!! Do you bend the wire also or does is come like that? One of my customers asked me if you sold the things you made like on Ebay, I told her I didn't know but I would ask.

Busy day at work then 2 days off then work on Saturday, then off for two more!! The best part of this all is next weekend a girlfriend and I are going to see her daughter in Ky! ROAD TRIP!!! I am so excited even though it is just an overnight trip, I so need to get away!!!

Have a good day enjoy and pamper yourself if you are off today!!!!


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