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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Afternoon delight! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cranking away on the payroll.... and talking to Cody's school, and filling out the paperwork.......... and oh yeah... telling him


Haydee: to answer your question...... Cody is the oldest of 3.. he has a love, hate, punch relationship with the 10 year old and the 7 year old........ which is part of the reason, we are hoping to harmonize BOTH households........ Robby(my son) is so stinking excited to have cody live with us... he is telling everyone that he see's "Cody is going to live with us FOREVER!" it is so cute............... honeymoon time for sure... once he starts having to share us/me with Cody he won't be so excited.... but actually the HUGE difference in age actually helps separate unlike the other two that get under his skin.. (especially because Dustin, the 10 year old) already overshadows Cody in the social department...... Dustin is a natural likeable and quietly poplular kid.... he knows everyone and gets involved in everything that is hands on...... he has a slight learning disability so he is in the classes that allow him to build and learn, where Cody could care less and is book smart...... Dustin and Josh know everyone on our block and Cody isn't even aware that there ARE neighbors.......

OK.... enough of the stuff........... I'm wearing the new size 12 cords today.......... but I've eaten an entire package of crackers...... (stress I'm sure)

HUGS TO ALL MY STRUGGLING Vi's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and a big thanks for all the well wishes and kind thoughts!

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Ok, here's a snippet from my day...

Was at dd's school today for Parent Day for Am. Education Week... I was eating lunch w/her in the caf (I packed a healthy one!) and this other mom walks up to me and says, "I don't know your name..." and so I jump right in w/ "Oh hi, my name is....." & chit chatting about PTA & stuff (cuz' everybody KNOWS my name even if they don't associate it w/me... I do or have done frickin' everything @ the school & my name & phone number are always the one to call)... and she's waiting for me to stop talking and when I finally do she says, "but you've lost a LOT of weight!" HA HA! & here I thought she wanted to introduce herself to me! HA! So I told her how much & she naturally wanted to know how, so I did a mini-band lecture... my dd was rolling her eyes like, "here she goes again!" The lady never did tell me HER name! Ha!

But it's nice that folks are noticing!

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First of all, in my rant/tizzy this afternoon. . l realize I never said HI KAT>>> WE MISSED YOU - so glad everything went well and you are home

Michelle. I always get how did you do it... some people I tell and others I just tell I watch everything I do and go to the gym a lot. Still feels good when they do notice.

Hi gals, I had thoughts to all of you but I forgot... so HUGS to you all. I'm braindead today

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Ugh, I am SO jealous of the fact that most of the posting is done for the day by the time I get home. I feel like a bastard at a family reunion..LOL I wish I could be a 9-5 poster :rolleyes:

Oh well, I will just talk to myself.

Hi Kat...great to have you back. Things are not the same with you & Judy gone!

Well I did get to finish my book at work today. The boss was gone so we just relaxed. I do the A/R for an oilfield company. It has been kind of slow lately so when the boss is gone we just relax. There was not anything that could not wait until tomorrow. He (the boss) doesn't really know how I do what I do...he just knows I must be doing it correctly and in a timely manner because corporate isn't calling him complaining about anything. That is one of the perks about doing what I have been doing for so long...he and I have a mutual respect for each other and he knows that I will get the work doene and he leaves me alone to do it. I read sometimes when he IS there but I try to hide it better because if he thinks I am bored he will just give me some assinine stuff to do that he doesn't wanna do. So when he is gone I have the freedom to put my feet up literally.

Everyone have a great night!!

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Thanks girls, it is so good to be back! I missed you all so much---things would come up and I wanted to tell you, to laugh with you, vent to you!!! But I survived it, we ended up with hundreds of pounds of pecans, that I will ultimately end up with very little of (little being in the hundred pound range!) Rick and I do all the work and MIL wants to share them with all the kids, and grandkids and church family----and in the end, that is fine. I would like to have had some say and fun in sharing them, but it is ok. No snakes this year, but a couple of spiders the size of saucers!!! Barn spiders---ugly!

Debbie is doing so well following her transplants. She lives a hundred miles away from the hospital, so she would have had to travel to and from 3 X a week---in addition to the time and expense, the bounce from that much travel was discouraged, so she is staying in a hosp. sponsored apartment for about a month. Plus being a house parent as she is, and you know kids and illness! This week is the first time since she was a child she has not been on insulin! Her kidney function was so bad that in the week prior to the transplant, she was only allowed a small amount of Fluid, because she was only passing about a cup of urine a day. The first day following surgery, she had over 3 liters!!!!

Amanda---so glad all went well for you! At least you don't have to worry about a record or anything!!!

Judy, you poor thing---falling down the stairs sounds much funnier than it really is. Last winter I had a fall you would have had to see to believe, unfortunately Rick DID see it!!! I had my exercise ball in the LR (teach me to put things back up!), and when I walked by it my robe grabbed it, they are so rubbery so you don't slip on them you know, well it caused it to trip me, I fell ON the ball, and bounced myself half way across the LR!!!! I was so shocked all I could do was laugh, Rick jumped up---saw me laughing and busted out laughing!!! Manda said she would have paid good money to have seen it! Still makes me laugh to think of how fast it happen!!

Jane, sorry about your experience with the ALS patient--poor thing. I know a woman, she is actually a good friend of a good friend....she is suffering with it, and her husband was killed in a motorcycle wreck a week and a half ago. She is totally unable to move, and is slowly losing her ability to swallow, our friend said---I cannot imagine. Such a horrible disease. Hugs to you for making time for her, and giving her the dignity we all deserve!

Denise--it may be an old wives tale---but it has proved out with our kids, and grandkids, but we were told that anything over 140 BPM in a fetal heartbeat, usually indicates a girl! How exciting! Our son is actually talking about another baby---scary thought!!

Jenn---so sorry about your Aunt. It is never easy---and when it is a favorite, it really hurts, I am so sad for you.

Terry---so tell us, when you go to these bead shows are the beads like floating from all you bead addicts drooling over them??!! It sounds like fun, sensory overload! I like the textures I have seen in beads lately. I am sure they have always been that way, but until you, I never paid any attention to beads!!!

Laura, I think I just assumed (yeah I know) that when I sent you the list, that you would have my name & info since I said I wanted to do it---but yes I do!

Haydee---glad you are home!

TracyK--You better start bellowing from the rooftops and keeping us apprised of your dropping weight, I for one need the motivation!!! I am praying the surgery gets me back on track! Man you should see how this thing has grown---OMG I am starting to look deformed!

Tracy--step parenting is never easy, but when you succeed it is better than I know how to tell you! My kids, are just that, my kids. I would throw myself in front of a train for the ones that grew in my heart as well as the one who grew in my womb. You are starting full time with him at a difficult age, but it sounds as though even though he would never admit it, he is starving for affection, and attention. I believe you have received excellent advice, all I can add, is a little hint, I received once from an old neighbor. She suggested when my kids were acting up, to mention to her on the phone something they had done (good), when they could hear, but to act like I didn't know they could. So one day when Lenny was acting like a typical teen and sulking, I was on the phone with her, and told her how shocked and happy I was that he had taken the trash out without me nagging. He was moping in front of the TV, but well within earshot. I went on to say I wish he was happier, he was such a good kid, then went on to talk about other things, never mentioning the conversation to him. To this day I have never had to ask him to take out trash again. I used it with all my kids, when I felt they needed a little pat on the back, and were not going to just accept it----I bragged about them to friends, mentioned great things about them--and they take notice! He is going to need a firm hand and loving arms, and lots of prayers---you will have mine! You could not pay me to be that age again!!

Michelle---I have not gone to look at the houses, I was afraid I was too late to vote, and will be happy with whatever---I just wanna go! Congrats on the NSV!!

Pamela--hope your meds are kicking in and you feel better! I missed talking to you guys so much---I probably would have called everyone, but we are so rural, even phone service was a no go! And with 80 acres needing tended, cows to sell, and pecans to deal with---time was not in excess to go to where we could call!

We did take off for our anniversary. We shopped! We bought an awesome hide/leather rug! Will try to get a picture of it. I know it will not be to the taste of everyone, but we like it!!!

Gina---what's new girl?

Kelly---will get an email off to you soon! Or call!

Panda--hope you get your computer problems fixed soon!

Ms. Jenn--where you hiding?

Suziecat (think that is right, I can't scroll back any further!) welcome, I am so glad you finally joined us! I am having some issues with someone following me around and just making life fun---so I didn't ever speak before, and I feel bad! You are so welcome here, everyone here is supportive, we have diversity in many ways, and yet we all just love what we have together!

OK---well my back home book is as done as my brain dead, self can think right now!!!

If I missed you please forgive me! It is not an intentional slight!!

Hugs to all of you!


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Tracy... I must confess to being a 12 to 12 poster. Never know when I'm going to get online and I always head here first.

It's a lazy night here. No rehearsals or meetings to go to and I'm thrilled. Tomorrow I have Ethan and choir. Thursday we have a new store opening in town.. it's going to be similar to Kohls so I'm excited. I have a nail appointment at 11 and the dogs go in for grooming that day so it will be another busy one. Friday will be relaxing and then heading downstate for our granddaughter's baptism. We'll be gone Saturday through Monday. Once again, I'll be behind on posts for a few days. arghhhhhhhhh

Well, we picked out a new ring from the jewelers catalog and will get to "preview" it on Thursday. I think it will be really pretty and more like a wedding ring than the glitzy ring I'm wearing now. Apparently I was in a glitzy phase when we got this last one. It is free form and has all the diamonds I own in it. The new ring will have my mom's diamond and chips and the other diamond and chip will go into a vale for my necklace and the "old" glitzy ring will have birthstone chips put in for all my grandkids so it will still be usable.

Bob keeps reminding me he has had the same ring for 38 years. I keep reminding him I've had the same husband!!!

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Check your e-mail (Or PM Box, some people didn't provide an e-mail addy.)

Shop, shop, shop! :rolleyes:

Have fun with this guys! :whoo:

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Oh, and if you didn't get an e-mail and you were signed up, check your spam folder.. if you still don't have one, let me know!

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Could someone please tell me how to contact Dr. Luis Reyes? Or perhaps how to attend one of those seminars about Lap band Surgery? I just want to know how to begin please.

Thank you Carol Lee

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I'd start w/ your primary doctor and contact doctors in your local area. I don't know of the doctor you mentioned, but I'd start w/ your primary for information.


I like the glitzy ring! You know, I like every ring I see. I wear a committment ring. It has five taupe gold rings, with 23 diamonds in bands. The diamonds are small, not chips but not rocks (pebbles)...but they look beautiful and sparkle when the sun hits it. I bought it for Susanne and she bought mine. It is the ring I wanna die with. But, I do have 9 other fingers too. Actually, I wear my grandmother's wedding band w/ 5 .5 carrots in white gold. I love that ring too. Then my class ring for my Master's degree, has 3 small diamonds. I loved Laura's ring she posted when she got married. Can't wait to see the new one.

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Good evening Vi's!!!!!!!!!!!

I did not cut the crap today! I don't know what has gotten into me....... I am craving crap.. and I am able to eat it.. I guess I WILL be getting a tweaker fill in a couple weeks.. no way should I be able to go back for seconds on anything.

Kat, Judy, Haydee: WELCOME BACK!!!!!

Terry: You talk about being at the end of your rope.. well here is a HUG for you! :) I can not offer words of wisdom only hugs! I SUCK at exercise and right now I SUCK at eating!

VENT AHEAD... (DSS mom is showing major passive aggressive signs) She blatantly bragged to me that Cody has so many new clothes that she has to keep them in Dustins closet.. most with tags.... ok... so we look in Cody's locker that he brought and there were NO JEANS (not ONE fricken pair) Underwear that WE bought him for his summer vacation, and jammie pants that had huge holes in the crotch, ass and knees......... NOTHING he can wear to school. His last visit I made him take several of his "good" shirts home so that she wouldn't be mad..... grrrrrr.. She called and said that Cody seemed "depressed". DH is about to blow a gasket but not within DSS ear shot........ LET THE STRESS BEGIN! (I bought him 3 pairs of jeans, new socks, and stuff for gym class) and we havent even broached the subject of reduced child support to help pay for Cody's school needs..... VENT FINISHED... I know she is sad, but she wants this to fail so that she can feel better about herself........ OK really finished.. thanks for listening.

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Sorry Tracy, that is a VERY common attitude, and issue with the clothes. Everytime we sent the kids to see their Mom they come home with no socks--not a one!! And once she called us to say we needed to bring Abbey another coat, she had lost hers when they went shopping. She also let her younger son throw Lenny's shoe out the window, and did not bother to get it. It is a game---it may cost you $$$----but don't fall into the trap she is setting, and don't let Cody feel he is a bother---sounds like you are dealing with it!

Judy your ring is very pretty, but I agree, it does look more like a cocktail type right hand ring, than a wedding band.

We chose ours, and nobody but us liked it!!! If you can imagine a S layed across, like a band, then nestled inside each of the little curves of the S is a diamond. Both tip in from a different angle, yet if you run your finger across the top, it is smooth and even. Our thoughts for choosing this design, were that we were each come into this marriage from a different direction, yet it has been smooth sailing!

My original wedding ring, is gorgeous, and seldom worn! It is a wide band with a single marquise cut diamond mounting---I gouged myself, my DH, all the kids....ruined clothes....it is deadly! So for our 5th Anniversary Rick bought be a beautiful, simple, Black Hills Gold band, no stones at all, just the design, kind of a lattice with the grape leaves in the greens and pinks of the Black Hills gold. It is huge! When it is sized, it is going to mar the design---I WILL have it done when I am finished losing.

This ring was bought as I said, because we liked the symbolism. It was easily sized. Rick bought me a titanium band to match it, and his titanium band to go with it for Christmas last year. It has 3 small inset stones across it. Hoping this will hang until I can resize my band. He likes this set----I miss my band!

On my right hand, I change rings depending on what I am wearing! I color coordinate, or pick depending on my mood!!! Usually only wear them on my ring fingers.

I think your glitzy ring will make a wonderful Grammy ring!!


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I love jewelry also!! I got myself a new ring for losing 50 pounds that has blue topaz, amethyst, and a citrine, and if you look close enough diamonds. Then for 75 pounds I got a pair of earrings with peridots and amethysts, I want to get a green amethyst for 100 pounds, but can't find the perfect one. Then when I lose another 25 pounds I have a silver ring. Don't wear necklaces and bracelets are generally too expensive, so these are good alternatives.

Welcome back Kit and Haydee!!!

TracyKS vent all you want, I hope it helps!!!

Have a good night!!


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