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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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OMG you guys... I am so happy or a sense of relief!!!! I just checked my child support account.... I do that every day.. but today... It was amazing! I actually had $872 deposited !!! I can actually pay my bills this week... now if I get money weekly regularly then I'm giving up a night and not going to kill myself anymore!

still $3k in the hole but it is money!

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Top of the Morning to ya Violets~ (Irish)

The hair do is a color blend and it is nearly a reddish or purplish color. I had weaved my hair since I was 16 and there is still lots of bleach since my hair is longish. Anywho, he said research is starting to show that 72 hours allows it to sit better. Plus, last time, I washed my hair the next day, and it looked like "murder" had occured in my shower...the red just washed out. I was pissed. Lastly, since I paid 200 for the new "do", I better do what he said;).

Congrats Jenn on the $$$$. You deserve it! I hope it becomes a weekly event!

Tonight I will be at work until 8:30:faint:. We have our Harvest Festival. It is a little carnival when all the kids and their families come and eat junk food, play these little games, get candy, we have a haunted house, etc. It is fun, but lots of work. It is my actual adjunct duty, so after tonight, I am officially done! But it makes for a long day because the kids are all "hoped" up today and tomorrow!

Have a great day everyone!


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Terry~ here's hoping today is a little bit better! How is mom fairing in the hospital? I know it is tough...stay strong. And the morale at work? Keep us posted!

TracyK~ glad to hear your friends dd is ok!

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Jennifur - That's awesome!! I know it's nice when people who owe you start to pay....oh wait, no I don't....I just dream of it a lot! LOL. (between 2 'friends', DH and I are owed $3k...it's been owed to us for over a year.....) With my medical bills right now, I could REALLY use that money...but I'm not counting on it...


about jeans - Lane Bryant was the only place that i could find jeans that REALLY fit....but since i'm losing so fast, i'm having to deal with jeans that just 'sorta' fit. Wal-mart is MUCH cheaper than LB LOL.

Well, I finally know why I've been SOOOOOOO irritible and my sweet tooth has been almost insatiable -- Aunt Flo is starting to rear her ugly head..........whcih is weird...this is the first time in.....well......e-v-e-r....that it's happened on a regular cycle. Seriously, 28 days. it's WEIRD. I have PCOS and so i've always had VERY VERY irregular periods...and all of a sudden, 7 month mark, and BAM! First regular one in my life. Don't know if that's good or bad...LOL. I guess good cuz now i can really track things (DH and I are TTC :-D).

Anywho, so that explains a lot.....

Tonight DH and I have a sales rep form a security system company coming to our house. I really want to get a sec. system (we don't live in a BAD neighborhood, but it's certainly not the safest i've lived in either)...and i was told it will give us a 10% discount on our homeowners insurance....but I just don't know...I guess we'll just have to see when they come tonight. I hope they don't mind the messy house. We cleaned a little bit, but not much...LOL.

Hope you're all having a good Tuesday :D


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Tracyks- is that what you have on in your pic.? JC Penny had some low rise boot cuts clearance in my size the other day for $17 - I should have picked them up!!!! 9 more lbs to onderland... i'm going to work hard for it so I can get new jeans and take new pics

YUP..... and if you can find them...... Levis Neauvu fit (sp???) The last time I bought them was at Sears.......

DENISE: I SEE YOUR TICKER CHANGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!

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Panda: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes your periods are resetting themselves and that is the first sign that your PCOS is getting under control and even better a GREAT sign that you will begin to ovulate on a regular basis! (I was diagnosed with PCOS at the tender age of 22) I was infertile the entire length of my first marriage (18-32) Never even took birthcontrol during that time..... eating Low Carb is what straightened me up and gave me my son (well that and the pscyco rebound guy with super sperm) Seriously though... it is why I call my son my Miracle Atkins Baby..... every time I jumped off the Low Carb bandwagon my periods would slowly get out of whack....... So anyway........ CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!! day ONE is here, are you part of a good TTC message board yet????

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Morning Everybody -

I'm at work, feeling exhausted and depressed as hell. I know everything will work out in time, but for now it's all just kind of surreal.

I'm glad to have you all in my corner.

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Good Morning, Violets..

We got back from the docs late, late last night. course we stopped at the outlet mall on the way home. Got a snowsuit and a couple of outfits for granddaughter Amelia (11 months old). She is being baptized on the 18th of Nov. and we're going down to be there. They are 7 hours away so it makes for a longggggggg trip, but worth it to see the grandkids. When my DDIL finishes nursing school they will be looking to move somewhere closer to us and that will be wonderful!

Well, I had lost 4# last month according to the doc's scales and I got a little fill before the cruise. .5cc so now I have 3cc in my 4cc band. The Bobster gained a pound so he got 2cc in his 10cc band. I thought this would really help, but he said last night his meds went right down.. even the big ones. Instead of a Soup dinner last night we decided to just stop at Mickey D's and get a chocolate shake. I could only finish half of my medium, but he finished all of his large and could have finished mine if I had offered it to him. We'll see how things go for him this morning. We won't change anything before the cruise, but we will have to check into what's happening at our next appointment if the restriction isn't there.

My yogurt is really filling me up this morning for the first time. I can feel it slide down so hopefully I will have come closer to my sweet spot. I want another angel for my bracelet!!!

Today is a lazy day. Just going to type up some minutes for a meeting and then clean house all day. We want it spic and span when we come back from the cruise. I have a rehearsal tonight, but it's a fun one and then will watch and see who gets booted from Dancing with the Stars.

Terry.. hope things are better for you today. I understand what you are going through with your mom. We were the only caregivers for my mom and dad before they passed away and it is a tremendous responsibility making all the right decisions, etc. Hugs to you during this time.

We're all ready for Halloween here. The last few years we haven't had hardly any kids. We used to get up to 120 and last year it was 30. We had tons of candy left over that our DS took off our hands. I bought candy we didn't like this year and put it into individual bags and stapled them so we wouldn't be tempted at all. Course the mini tootsie rolls seemed to kinda jump out when I was bagging everything. yums.

The Bobster got a new sportcoat and pants yesterday, plus some new running shoes... for walking.. lol I tried on jeans til I was exhausted. Got one pair of Lees size 16. They were the only ones that were close to being slim enough for my legs, yet stretchy enough to go around my belly. I never understood why my daughter was so picky about her jeans and now I do!! Sooooooo different from wearing the K-Mart Chic elastic waist brand!!

Well, better get busy or I'll be at the computer all day!!

Everyone have a good one!

Patience, Trust and WWJD??!!

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Panda: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes your periods are resetting themselves and that is the first sign that your PCOS is getting under control and even better a GREAT sign that you will begin to ovulate on a regular basis! (I was diagnosed with PCOS at the tender age of 22) I was infertile the entire length of my first marriage (18-32) Never even took birthcontrol during that time..... eating Low Carb is what straightened me up and gave me my son (well that and the pscyco rebound guy with super sperm) Seriously though... it is why I call my son my Miracle Atkins Baby..... every time I jumped off the Low Carb bandwagon my periods would slowly get out of whack....... So anyway........ CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!! day ONE is here, are you part of a good TTC message board yet????

You cracked me up with the "psycho rebound guy with super sperm" comment! LOL. But, I have been on and off (part of TTC boards). When I visit them now it's kinda like "well, i know all this"...lol. And since time is limited, I'd rather spend my time here with you guys :D We know God will send us that blessing when he's ready, so we're not stressing it :) I guess "not preventing" is more the term to use...kinda "it'll happen when it happens" kind of thing.

What I don't understand is the fact that this and the last one hit me like a mack truck! I'm used to slow progression (light to heavy and 'not so bad' pain to "ugh, i'd rather be home")....but today...and last time.....i was fine, knew it was coming and then WHAM!! BAM!! POW!! and i'm doubled over in pain and fighting off tears...:cry

I REALLY just want to go home....if i don't get any better in about half an hour (i took some pain meds - which i try to avoid these days), then i'm going to ask to go home....first day is always worst...so if i could be home today i think i'd be ok....

anywho, i'm off to *try* to do some work....


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Good morning ladies. Gosh, I’ve been so busy! Usually the end of the month is crazy for me because as soon as the month ends I have to compile all these reports to submit to the banks that hold all our loans. So I have to make sure that all expenses are in and allocated correctly. I know, I know, boring accounting stuff... But seriously I am really getting sick of my job. I just haven’t figured out what else I could do. I used to LOVE coming to work but lately I’ve been slacking off so bad because I don’t CARE anymore. That’s not good… for me or for my employer. AND I’m not losing any weight. Just thought I would also throw that in there. Okay, done with my rant.

Michelle – You caught up to me girl! And you were banded almost three weeks after me!! You are doing so well! You should be so proud of yourself.

Jane – I wanted to comment on what you said a few days ago. About how you felt guilty because the weight was coming off at first so easily. I felt the same way too! At the beginning each time I got on the scale I would see a lower number. Every couple of days...lower number. I felt so guilty because I really wasn’t doing much to warrant that. But now, now that I’m actually DIETING, the pounds are clinging to my body for dear life. I get so frustrated every time I step on the scale and the number is the same. UGH. The worst part is that my fill doctor doesn’t have an appointment until the 17th!! I’m considering going to another fill doctor. He doesn’t use flouro and that’s the only thing that is concerning me. I really don’t know how you ladies do it. The pushing and prodding when you’re trying to get filled. I didn’t know that that was the way it was done until I went back to my band doctor to get a fill. He pushed and prodded and pulled my stomach fat. Then stuck the needle in and WOW did that hurt. Okay now I’m rambling... Original question was should I just suck it up and go to a doctor that does fills without flouro?

Terry – How’s your mom doing? Fight off the depression by coming here with us. We’ll cheer you up. Call me anytime, k?

Denise – You look so good! Your double chin is gone for good!

Panda – I love Lane Bryant jeans too! They make my booty look good. But as soon as I was able to fit into clothes at Sears, Macy’s or at JCPenny I vowed that I would never buy another thing from Lane Bryant. I feel like they are price gougers. They know that plus size women don’t have hardly any choices when it comes to buying stylish clothes in their size so they jack up the prices.

TracyK – Now what’s that comment that I read about you not liking your avatar? You looked beautiful in it! I vote you put it back up!

TracyKs – How are the wedding plans coming? Anything new? My cousin is getting married next June and I just LOVE LOVE going with her to pick stuff out and helping her with her plans. Did ya’ll pick out the flavor of the cake yet? She wants something like chocolate chips in white cake with mango filling. Gross. I need to talk her out of it... Wait, unless that’s your flavor too, and then it’s a GREAT combination, LOL!!

Pamela – I am a hair color virgin. I’ve never colored, or highlighted my hair! But now that I’m getting old I’m getting tons of gray hair. I will have to make the plunge soon. Good luck at your carnival tonight, with all those hopped up kids!

Kat – I love 4 wheelers! Never actually drove one but I love holding on to someone driving. I’m always so scared that I’m going to let it die while going up a hill and then rolling backward... That was so sweet of your husband to surprise you with that picnic. You are so lucky to have such a strong, caring partner.

Jennifur – YAY!! I’m so glad you got a little bit of money! Hopefully this is a recurring thing... You looked awesome in your picture! I couldn’t tell if your hair was still two shades though. I think I remember you saying that you part your hair and put one color on the bottom and one on top?

Judy – I have 4 cc’s in a 10 cc band and I have absolutely no restriction. At my last fill my doctor only gave me .2 cc’s and the next day I was able to eat tortillas with no problem. It’s absolutely frustrating having to limit your intake and stay constantly hungry. If your husband’s restriction doesn’t change would it be possible for him to return for a higher fill before your cruise?

Laura – LOVED your costume! You’re not going to be scaring anyone in that though. All the teenage boys are going to come knocking on your door more than once, once they see you in that!

So I bought a new set of couches a few weeks ago. I’m already not liking them. I begged and pleaded with my boyfriend to get this really nice set of leather couches. Well now I’m having to yell at my dogs to stay off the couch because they’re going to scratch them up. That’s causing me a lot of tension because I’m not usually like that. So right now I have them all covered up in blankets and sheets. Nice huh? So now I want to get rid of them and my boyfriend is going to kill me. If you don’t hear from me in the next few days please come look for my body under the rose bushes...

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Finished typing the minutes for the meeting and here I am... still at the computer.

Haydee.. the Bobster just ate his Cereal and banana for Breakfast and no restriction. Unfortunately we are 4 hours from our Doc so we won't be going back til after the cruise. But I think I might call and see what the nurse says. The doc does not use fluro, but maybe with Bob's next one he will. And who knows.. maybe in a day or two it will be different. I just know I'm going to have to really help him monitor what he's eating and how much. He says he will NOT go in for any more surgery so hopefully this is something that can be fixed just with more fill.

We have a leather couch and chair and our dogs get up on them all the time, but then again they are 5# and 11# yorkies so not much damage with their tiny nails.

Sure is a cold morning here. It's only 35 right now. I wanted to get out in the yard and start the fall trimming on the plants, but not until the sun comes out and warms it up a bit more. Maybe by this afternoon.

One last comment about our fills. Our doc does not use fluro, nor a numbing shot. The fills are quick and painless. No prodding at all. He hits the spot every time. I have had no problems with the fills. I just hope we can get Bob to where he needs to be. Our next appointment is the 26th, so we have Thanksgiving to get through... arghhhhhhhhh This is where the teamwork comes in. I'll be watching him and he'll be watching me. Now if we can just refrain from being each other's enablers, we'll be fine!!

There.. I've posted a book too.. NOW I'm really leaving to get some work done. TTFN!

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Morning ladies!!

About the jeans, I do not shop for clothes in person, so someone else might have better suggestions in that department. Lane Bryant, Wal-Mart, etc.. all plus size pants fit bad on me, I don't have hips, so they poof out, and I'm tall, so I need longer inseams. I get 100% of my pants from alloy.com You can specify the inseam you want, so that's my bonus. As for the hips, they don't have any 'built in' shapes to the hip area, so they fit me perfectly. They are all low-medium cut, fitted on the thighs, then flare out either a little (boot cut) or a lot (flare). They started selling 'skinny jeans' BLECH I can't believe someone wants those to make a come back. They have got to be the most unflattering pants in the world. Even on anorexic skinny people, it makes them look fat.

Anyway.. I can point out jeans in Alloy that would look great on your figure, but it looks like God blessed you with the curvy hips (waaaaaaah) so you could wear the hippy plus size pants I always see at stores.

The jeans in the picture you posted look like men's jeans.. does nothing to show off your figure and even poofs out (I'm betting they're too big because of the weight you lost!!).

Running late again today at work, mouth is dry and icky. Forgot my yogurt, so I'm having a fruit leather for b'fast.

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Haydee - yup 2 different colors. I just did it this morning actually. out in the sun you can tell or when I have it pulled up. it is jet black under and dark red brown on top. I use to do the top red and you could really tell but with job hunting i figured I should grow up a little. LOL

Judy - my doc is the same, 1 minute and he is done, no floro, no numbing stuff. he usually has everything out and done before his nurse can gather stuff. He is the best!

Well, it is freezing here today too, my nose is running off my face. This is horrible allergy time for me and the leaves are just really fallilng after this weekend. I had to take an allergy pill, and i hate that.

keep your fingers crossed ladies ... Once I get regular checks and get my bills undercontrol I am going to stop killing myself at work. I will not bail on family... but I cannot be there 5-6 nights from open to close...

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Good Morning-

Panda, sorry you are hurting, but it does sound like this is a good thing, it will make conception so much easier if you ovulate voluntarily. Til then, I can only say I sympathize, but don't miss that!

My Kinsey is still not feeling well, she is again complaining her tummy hurts. This is like a recurrent nightmare! I want them to ultrasound her, and check her appendix, they seem to only want to make sure she stays hydrated. Poor baby, was in the hospital for the 4th of July, and looks like she might be sick for Halloween. It scares me so bad, she is so small. They said her normal eating, digesting, and passing of waste is normal, so they do not think there is physical abnormalities say in the intestine, due to her prematurity...I don't know, I just know it kills me when she cries because she hurts, and I can't help. Then Manda calls to check onher and cries because she can't be with her without risking her job. I know it sounds bizarre, but the fires in California are taking a big toll on my DD's job here in NM. Teh company she works for is considered a gathering company, they work to get all the natural gas wells into a central pipeline organization, and the gas we drill for here, is piped to CA. Well when the process is interupted anywhere, it causes compressor shutdowns and over pressurized pipes, and under pressurized pipes....just a world of headaches, and government guidelines for containment. So now is not a good time for her to be taking time off. Without knowing Kinsey was going to be sick of course, and with a massive infection, she took a day and a half of last week and had an impacted wisdom tooth pulled. So now she hesitates to try to take more time off.....especially since we don't know if it is a simple bug, that will go away soon, or if we might end up with her back in the hospital---it is so hard to be a working Mom....I am just glad it is me that has her!! She has actually woke up and eaten a cookie. Not the healthiest, but it is food! No complaints of pain right now! yea!

Judy, we used to get in the neighborhood of 300 trickor treaters, it is down by close to half the last couple of years. But a year ago, both houses across the street had just sold and were empty, so this part of the neighborhood was kind of darker than usual. Plus there are so many new subdivisions! OMG---they pop up everywhere, with beautiful new homes, I just have to wonder where all these people work, and what they do to afford such homes. It used to be when we would go to a community event, we would run into several people we knew. When we would go to dinner, we would always see some aquaintance, or work associate or such. But these days we can go shoppring, or out to eat, or to a local parade, and know no one. Wierd! We have not always lived here, but we grew up here, graduated HS here, and have been back for several years. Our families have been here for years as well, my Grandpa was mayor for a long time---so I am used to knowing people in our town---seems so strange!

Terry---hope things at work settle soon, that is such a hard thing to get past. And it seems just as the reality sets in, the funeral comes along, and it starts all over again. I am so sorry you are having everything hit at once. Is Mom fighting being at the hospital, or is she ok with that? She will feel so much better, quickly with the IV fluids. Wish I could be there to help! I am headed to TX soon, but not all the way to Houston! Our place is about half way between Abilene and Austin.

Well I left mid post, and we decorated some Cookies. Amazing what a lazy Granny can do!!! We took ready made rolls of sugar cookies, and sliced them, we used the end pieces and made stems, and now we have trays full of pumpkins, and no rolling out! Which is beyond a 2 year old. You should have seen her eyes when our white icing changed colors with just a few drops of food color, you would have thought I performed the greatest magic trick around!! We made faces with other icing, and chocolate chips. Others may not see jack o lanterns in them, but we do! She ate some choc. chips---hope it does ok!

Pamela, I used to work the Halloween carnivals at my kids schools. We always had fun. But how you deal with some parents is beyond me! We had a refrigerator box one year, and we painted a giant jack o lantern on it, and had the eyes, nose and mouth cut out, and used it for a bean bag toss. The school kept it, and stored other games inside the box....when my kids left the school it was still appearing at Halloween! Have fun today!

Jenn--you got some CS? AWesome!!! Maybe more will be on its way! You did the right thing forcing the issue I think. What a great time to finally get it! I know I read in the paper, it is like in the neighborhood of 60 days until 2008------I have about half my Christmas shopping done. Most of that has been on line. I also picked up some things for the boys (DS and SIL's) when I was in the tool store in Albq. Gotta come up with an idea for the girls!! We bought coats for everyone! I mean everyone, from the parents down! Slowly getting it done, but suddenly it seems like it is looming closely!!!

TracyK---I SOOOO understand the skinny legs! Try some junior sizes---I know it sounds like foolishness---but they are cut differently!

OK, will catch the rest of you after the next batch of cookies!!!


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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