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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Afternoon Violets..

It's a beautiful fall day here today. Temp is 48 and sun is shining. I got my nails done this morning, then went out for Soup and sandwich with my daughter. Then we went to a second hand shop and I bought 2 sweaters for $2.75 each! One is an Alfred Dunner. And the best news is they are a size LARGE.. NOT XL!! Woo hooooo!

I'm off to practice flute for a performance tonight at the library. We are the warm up music for a book review. And for once I don't have to fret about what I'm going to wear and how heavy I'm going to look.

Everyone have a great afternoon!!

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NSV Alert!!

I just made dd's 9th birthday cake... a chocolate mousse cake... from scratch!... and didn't even so much as lick a finger!! Amazing & hallelujah! (Now if I can keep away from it tonight!!)

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Michelle - wow, just wow. So much willpower. I would have done like Bill Cosby and eaten the middle and replaced it with paper towels, LOL!!

Hi ladies, thank you for your well wishes! I'm feeling alot better today. My tongue is only a little swollen on the left side now. I still can't talk right though so this is pretty much the only place that I can let my voice be heard today.

Kat - the pharmacy I sent Juan to last night didn't have that anti-inflamatory stuff but I have been sucking on ice all day today. It really did help get the swelling down.

TracyKs- gorgeous! Love your hair color too. It's such a beautiful color.

Has everyone responded to our trip thread? Who is missing? Oh did anyone hear from Amanda?

Ms. Jen - Was the weekend of the 16th gonna work for you? I don't remember if you said you were gonna be able to come...

Terry - I wish I could have stayed home today!! It was gorgeous outside. I was in meetings all morning. We're about to cancel our big communications contract and we're trying to figure where we're going next...

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Funny for the day:

This is supposed to began actual letter sent to the American company,

Proctor and Gamble regarding their feminine products. She really gets

rolling after the first paragraph... .

Dear Mr. Thatcher,

I have been a loyal user of your "Always" maxi pads for over 20 years

and I appreciate many of their features. Why, without the Leak Guard

Core or Dri-Weave absorbency, I'd probably never go horseback riding or salsa dancing, and I'd certainly steer clear of running up and down the

beach in tight, white shorts.

But my favorite feature has to be your revolutionary Flexi-Wings. Kudos

on being the only company smart enough to realize how crucial it is

that maxi pads be aerodynamic. I can't tell you how safe and secure I

feel each month knowing there's a little F-16 in my pants.

Have you ever had a menstrual period, Mr. Thatcher? Ever suffered from "the curse"? I'm guessing you haven't. Well, my "time of themonth" is starting right now. As I type, I can already feel hormonal forces

violently surging through my body. Just a few minutes from now, my body will adjust and I'll be transformed into what my husband likes to call

"an inbred hillbilly with knife skills." Isn't the human bodyamazing?

As Brand Manager in the Feminine-Hygiene Division, you've no doubt seen quite a bit of research on what exactly happens during your customers' monthly visits from "Aunt Flo". Therefore, you must know about the bloating, puffiness, and cramping we endure, and about our intense mood swings, crying jags, and out-of-control behavior. You surely realize it's a tough time for most women. In fact, only last week, my friend Jennifer fought the violent urge to shove her boyfriend's testicles into a George Foreman Grill just because he told her he thought Grey's Anatomy was written by drunken chimps.Crazy!

The point is, sir, you of all people must realize that America is just

crawling with homicidal maniacs in Capri pants... Which brings me to the reason for my letter. Last month, while in the throes of cramping so

painful I wanted to reach inside my body and yank out my uterus, I

opened an Always maxi-pad,and there, printed on the adhesive backing, were these words: "Have a Happy Period."

Are you kidding me? What I mean is, does any part of your tiny

middle-manager brain really think happiness - actual smiling, laughing

happiness is possible during a menstrual period? Did anything mentioned

above sound the least bit pleasurable? Well, did it, James? FYI, unless

you're some kind of sick S&M freak girl, there will never be anything

"happy" about a day in which you have to jack yourself up on Motrin and Kahlu a and lock yourself in your house just so you don't march down to the local Walgreen's armed with a hunting rifle and a sketchy plan to end your life in a blaze of glory.

For the love of God, pull your head out, man! If you just have to slap

a moronic message on a maxi pad, wouldn't it make more sense to say

something that's actually pertinent, like "Put down the Hammer" or

"Vehicular Manslaughter is Wrong", or are you just picking on us?Sir,

please inform your Accounting Department that, effective immediately,

there will be an $8 drop in monthly profits, for I have chosen to take

my maxi-pad business elsewhere. And though I will certainly miss your

Flex-Wings, I will not for one minute miss your brand of condescending

bull*. And that's a promise I will keep. Always!

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ROFL!! I start my Yaz today.. fingers crossed I'll be one of them bloat-free, happy go lucky PMSing women in the commercial :)

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TracyKS....you look fantastic! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

My plans for the weekend just shifted into a different direction. My sister calls me wanting "her baby" (my dd) right now!! So, Macy is gone until Sunday. So, I asked for tomorrow off from work :) A long childless weekend for me ;) By tomorrow night I am going to be missing her so badly though. Now, what to do with myself. Number one is to find a thigh master and buy one of those exercise balls.

Hey, the episode of the biggest loser....am I the only one that is pissed off at that jerk that drank all the Water to gain 17 pounds? That was just wrong and he should be kicked out for that. UGH...that makes me sick. No integrity whatsoever.

I will check back in later. Have a great evening ya'll.

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Yes! I thought that was terrible of him to do that. What was just as bad was that his other blue team members stuck by him & voted Jez off! So they're as bad as he is! That's more "Survivor" or "Big Brother" type thing to do... that's one of the reasons I like "BL"... folks are there improving themselves and it usually doesn't have the sneaky, lying, negative aspect to it... darn it!

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Well I had a nice big post ready to go almost this morning---complete I might add, with my new friend---the ??????

Yes I do have the new keyboard up and going, only having minor issues getting used to it, and I know this is going to sound totally wierd, but I am getting an odd "c" in cthings where I did not type it, like in the word things just then. It is so random I have no idea, but I do know I do not keep making only one mistake, and that being a c. I am going to quit correcting it, just to see if I can see any pattern....so ignore excess "c"'s. Anyway, I had some of my personals done, not others, and was working away when someone come to my door, pretty early---it was my DIL, wanting to leave my grandson while she delivered her computer to the repair guy. OMG girls---I love him, I truly do, but the messes he made in an hour will take me days to fix....one of his tricks was to reach down and turn off my computer, and the thing that really pissed me off, was my DIL sat there and watched him, then tells me later she has no idea what chappened to her computer!!!! I do!! I told cyou the other day I spent shampooing carpet, first thing he did was grab her coffee, cand over it went. Did she do anything? Nope! While I was stomping on the towel trying to absorb it up, she let him get it again, and what had not spilled did then. He trashed the programming on the TV---going to have to let Rick clook into that. I am going to have to just love him at his house or at my house without his mama. I love kids, but I am not one of those anything goes kind of Grannies! I have rules, and I have corners for ones who cdon't like my rules!!!1

OK, so now you see the "c" issue I am having! Looks like this keyboard is going back to the store too.....I cannot win!!

Haydee hope your mouth made it ok. My DD called me this morning and told me she wasn't bringing Kinsey at the usual time, she had a bad wisdom tooth. So she brought her by on cher way to the dentist. They ended up pulling the tooth---it was impacted horribly, he said the worst he had seen in years. She has had an ear infection cshe was treating, but no pain from the tooth until 4 this morning! She looked rough when she got in, they could not get cher numb---so it hurt. They are going to sedate her and take the other 3 as soon as she heals from this one. I still have Kinsey---who is sleeping---thought I would let Manda rest for the day.

Hope everyone got their lists, I sent them to the email provided, and none bounced back. Let me know of any mistakes...

Pamela ask me about Amanda's (Lunasa) address, it is so different from what we are used to. So if I miss her when she comes back cto let us know how it went in court, someone be sure to ask her if it looks right. I cjust copy & pasted it----so-----I can't tell you anymore than that, I have no idea!

Pamela--in my wonderful perfect post my grandson elimintated this morning, I joined in with everyone in how good your pictures were, and yes red looks wonderful on you!

Tracy---your change is awesome girl! Doesn't it seem odd not to dread or refuse to take pictures! cIt does to me. Dammit, from no ??? to extra c's...........I give up.

I did not hear anything from the endocrinologist today, but I really didn't expect to. Figure it will be tomorrow or Monday. I have talked to so many people who know others with this, just like all of you, I am quite confident and comfortable both with the suggested treatments and having it done locally. If the treatment he suggested was vastly different I would insist on going elsewhere, but it seems the 2 avenues he mentioned are the usual--so staying near home will ease some stress alone.

Today I went shopping. Spent all day in the mall with Kinsey. I must have tried on 30 pairs of pants. I bought 1. I am solidly in a 14 comfortably. I do not do tight. A 14W is too big. I tried on some 12's....and if I wanted to do Tracy's breathing optional thing, I might have pulled it off----but I hate anything tight!!! When this belly goes, and 12 will be smooth sailing. They go over the legs and across the butt without an issue one, it is the belly bulge. And it is soooooooo gross!!! I can roll it, and twist it!! It has a layer of fat in there, but it is mostly skin, wrinkled, soft dough like skin---yeeeeech!

I did try and find a pair of pants I loved the fit on---they were in Maurices, they were a Junior size 15--- I just could not make myself buy them, the pants although they fit great, were mighty ugly!! But that was towards the end of my shopping attention span, so I do have another avenue to explore in pants. Juniors---who woulda thunk it???

DH's pants are too big on me now! I never wore his anyway, he wears work pants, nothing I would want to wear, I just wanted to see if I could, and they were big. I love it!

OMG I have to tell you what I did to myself today---no one to blame but me, and I embarassed myself sooooo bad! Kinsey said she was hungry, so we hit the food court, and I am munching a salad, from Subway, while she eats a corndog, and we are talking about this and that---and she needs more ketchup. So I get up to go get it, and my back was killing me, so I made "the get up noise" you know it--the ugh kind of noise. Kinsey asks me what is wrong, I tell her I am old, I am an old lady. She says no, so I am teasing her telling her yep I am an old lady. She laughs. We go to walk out of the food court, and there sits this woman within 10 years of my age, and yep, you guessed it, Kinsey says "She's and old woman too huh?" I was wishing for a hole in the floor to swallow me up. I quickly tell the lady I have been teasing her about ME being an old lady. I tell Kinsey not to ever say that again, we sat down out in the mall and had a little talk that I was playing, and saying that might hurt someones feelings.....I about croaked!!!

OOOooh Tracy, an adults only weekend----any fun plans, besides buying exercise equipment? Do you ever do any yardsale shopping? Both those items are at sales around here all the time....might look since you have the weekend to yourself! You are going to have to give me some get up and go power, we are almost the same distance away from the same goal! My Dr. said my weight loss should pick back up following this surgery, and getting my thyroid levels evened back out, right now with the level as low as it is, basically non existant he said my metabolism is shot. But that will improve he said, so there is hope! You have done sooooo well! I know it will make such a difference in your life, and also that of Macy. Good Job!

Notice my rogue c has not shown up in awhile....wierd I tell ya!!

Rick went to help a friend do what today???? Haul wood! It is supposed to be the last day. But he hates for anyone to go out alone, in the hills, with chainsaws.....

Ricks Dad turned 80 on the 4th of this month. We have a surprise birthday party planned for this Saturday. Today he went to see a friend, and come home and informed everyone that he had a job. He is going to be dry watching a rig. For those not in oil and gas areas, they have to have someone on site 24/7---but not all rigs run 24 hour shifts, so for those, or the wells they are waiting to do something else to---like frac (which is what type of cdept. DH runs) they have to be watched. So now everyone is freaking out. He goes to work tonight already---not sure what this is going to do about his birthday. I hate that at 80 he thinks he needs to work---it is not something he needs to do, and it will just leave more around the farm for Rick to do!

When I say Rick runs a frac dept. He runs the crews that do so, and the crews cthat maintain the equipment. When they used to drill a well, mostly natural gas around here, not oil, they would get permitted to drill down to certain formations in the ground---you know how the ground is in layers, well they would only permit them to one layer....which the gas would flow, for years, but then natural shifts in the earth, or the pocket would dry up, and the well quits producing. Now regulations have changed, and they can use one well on several levels of formation. So Rick's guys go in, and frac the well. Frac being short for fracture---they fracture the in cground formations with Water, sand, and liquid nitrogen as well as other gels. They get pumped down the well hole and fracture the ground, and get the gas flowing again. While the water etc. is being brought in, and things set up, the site is not actually being worked, but has to be dry watched....which is an easy job IF you can stay awake. Have no idea how my FIL is going to do it. He can't stay awake during the time people are visiting!! Could be interesting!

Well I guess I better figure out what I am going to feed him when he gets in.

Will check back later---


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hi gals

Kat - I'm cracking up... ya have to love kids...

well, today was a total food day for me again... i better get my period soon or I'm going to explode. If i am going to get it early it better hurry.

Well I'm off to bed

spent 4 hrs at jc penny at a super sale, got 4 shirts (M) and a cami for $24 how can you beat that?

ds was so funny - he spends too much time with girls. he was trying on clothes and picking out tops like my dd. You can tell what I do all the time... when he said, mom, where is the mirror so I can see how I look... did the total turn around and had to check himself all out... my mental issues rubbing off

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lets see if I can do this... here is ds with his new outfit. He wanted to come home and send a pic to my aunt in LA, who sent money for his birthday clothes. sorry about the date, I didn't realize it reset to something crazy - I dropped the camera and pcs were everywhere


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oh i'm so excited for me... i shrunk the pic and did it all on my own! he was waving and yelling to my aunt and uncle in the pic... he was nuts tonight


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Awwwwwww what a little cutie!! And great job on getting the pic the right size 'n everything!!

Just got in from the hot tub and I'm headed to bed. sleep well everyone..

Patience, Trust and WWJD!!

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Hey everyone!

Jenn~ TOOOOOO CUTE. What a sweetie, and he looks like you!

Susanne surprised me today. I was translating a conference for my friend (in Spanish) and I happen to look up as she walked by. She was in full uniform so she was hard to miss. (So cute in her uniform). Anyway...what a nice surprise. Funny thing is the cleaning lady didn't come this morning (comes every Thursday) but will be here tomorrow. But the house is a mess. There are dishes in the sink, and I didn't make the bed. Susanne is a neat freak, and the house usually doesn't look like this when she is here (or when I know she is coming over). So I was busted! I think I even had cabinets open too, which I do alot and she hates. LOL...I guess the surprise was on her. She stayed at work w/ me tonight and helped me cut some bottles for our bottle biology project. It was fun and great to see her in my classroom. As far as work, I am "out". My principal is gay and work w/ other gay people too. Everyone at work really loves Susanne. My kids don't know anything about my personal life. Some people are out w/ students too...but I don't think it is the kids business. It was just great to see her (especially in her uniform;):()

I can't believe you guys are wearing sizes 14 and large tops. TOTALLY JEALOUS. I am happy to be wearing my 22/24s. Good on you guys!

Kat~ I taught preschool for 5 years as an undergrad and I wanted to write a book called, "Out of the Mouths of Babes". Kids always say the funniest things. One of my favorites off the top of my head was, "Do teachers have eyes in the back of their heads like mommies do?" To which I replied, "Of course!" Thanks for the kind words on the pix!

Well, I am gonna snuggle w/ Susanne and watch Young and the Restless. (Another perk of being a lesbian). I am an "All my Children" girl, but I watch Y&R w/ her when she is here. Have a great night Violets!


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