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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Shrek SAID YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He and GF are meeting me at the Lawyers office tomorrow morning at 8:30 a.m. to sign the CONSENT FORMS!

He gets to walk out of the lawyers office with a notorized copy of his consent to the adoption so that he can show the judge on Tuesday.

He was waffling on the guilt of signing Robby off so I offered to go to court on Tuesday and tell the judge the plan……….

Apparently GF is backing him on this.. THANK GOD!

Sorry I'm behind in reding post. That's great news Tracy!!!:clap2:

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TRACY!!!!!!!! That is FANTASTIC news! I can't imagine how over-the-moon you must feel!! The best news I've heard in ages!!!

OK... I see I've started something here!! ;) & I'm happy to do it!! I will call the realtor on Monday & research April dates, Fri - Mon, & costs, etc... once I've got all that, then I'll start another post w/the details & link & then you'll all have to rsvp again, as I've lost track! You're all blowing me away!! This is so great!! I'm so excited! I vote no dh's as well... girls only for this one. The cabin sleeps 16, so it'll be first-rsvp, first served! So read my posts carefully next week for the big announcement!!

We drove back today & tomorrow I'm driving the Germans down to Bethany Beach in DE... 3 hrs each way, so 6 total... we'll probably only get to stay there for a couple hours or so... phew! OH! AND my in-laws are coming tomorrow, to meet the Germans, so when I get back, there'll be 2 MORE folks here... they'll be here 'til Sunday... I think that'll bring us up to 10! Next week, w/everyone gone, + dh will be gone on work, I won't know what to do w/all my private time! Probably sleep! Definitely NOT cook!!!

food confessions... suffice to say that I have enjoyed a lot of "no no" foods this week, but in little bits (thank you band)... I'm going to get on the scale on Sunday, then do liquids 'til the 31st & my next fill. I'm not going to sweat whatever the number is (I say that NOW!)... but will [try] to just take it in stride and get back on "normal" track asap. Life happens. Enjoy!

G'nite, sistahs.

Don't book your flights yet!!!

I'm starting a new on-line travel agency and the web-site hopefully will be up and running on Wednesday, October 24th. The web site will be www.sweetdreamstravelservice.com Coming Soon! It will be a full service travel agency with lots of extras including, concierge, honeymoon registry and you will be able to purchase event tickets like those offered at Ticket Master as well as reserve your tee times and much, much more.

This is very exciting for me and hopefully I'll make enough money for my tt and a lift for my girls. If you're going to book any kind of travel please give my site a look-see. (A shameless plug.)

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I am so emotional right now.. I doubt I will be able to focus on work………….. it was like a huge balloon of stressed air was released from my body…..

Poppa Terry and Charles were both there and I just started sobbing when I hugged Terry…….. so much relief…... and a tinge of sadness… because I know that Damon does love Robby.. he just can’t emotionaly or physically step up…….. it is better this way and that is what finally got him to sign was me saying…. “It’s whats best for Robby” and he just said very softly….. “I know”

Why am I crying?? Happy for you, but sad for him even though it IS for the best!

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good morning violets......all seems to be well here with me this morning, massive sore throat, expected that, and some nice coloration on my neck, looks like I really made rick ................Kat

I really hope you're feeling better!!!

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And you missed a quiet day too Jennifer!!!

I don't feel terrible, just crummy!! My throat hurts, and I just kind of feel like I have a virus of some sort, without the fever...I ache, feel exhausted, sore throat, neck is stiff, swallowing is difficult....but I think it is getting better. Hard to tell, I don't usually eat in the evening after supper. I am having heart burn, something I seldom do---that used to be reserved for over eating, something I can't do now!!

How long has your online travel agency been in the plans---(I do know a question mark goes here....but that is one of the things I cannot do until I replace the keyboard, and I wimped out on another shopping trip...til then I improvise by going all over the keyboard, but there is only one question mark and mine does not work!!!) I am going to have to take a lesson from some of dh's family---and act like I know everything, so I won't have to ask questions---then I won't need the damn question mark!!!

I see you only have 5 pounds to make your goal---wooohooo!!!

Well, I am going to try to lay down and sleep---I believe a good 70% of my problem is likely sleep deprivation. Something is going to have to be done regardless of my pathology reports....even in the wonderful event it be benign, it is still interfering in my life seriously! I through the years have become quite accustomed to eating and sleeping!

will check in with you all in the morning....good to see you around again Ms........Jennifer!!!


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Hey Violets~

I know most of you are sleeping. We've had a long crazy day. Susanne and I drove an hour to have the BMW serviced. She was quoted 700+ for the oil change, break Fluid stuff, etc changed in Palm Springs; but was quoted 500ish in Riverside an hour away. Her appointment was @1pm, so we drove 40 min. back to Palm Springs (from our friends house), then 1 hour to Riverside. We had an omelet Breakfast at our friends house. So we were werent quite ready for lunch before the appointment. Well, (long story not that short) we bought a new BMW and left there at 7pm freakin starvin!!! The car is gorgeous, but the hamburger (w/o bread) and the garden salad from Denny's was the bomb!! I don't remember EVER being that hungry. The guy was explaining the navigation system and setting our bluetooths (or is the blueteeth) for our phones and all I could think of was "where did I see Denny's again???" So...we will be reading the manual.

We had sooo much fun at our friends last night. We drank 3 bottles of wine, ate great Cuban food (I was really good, only shredded beef and black beans) and we played Scattegories and Monopoly!!! Susanne and I got to soak in their HUGE tub!! It was a great night. That is what life is about. Family, friends, food, good times...great wine! We all commented on how we felt truly blessed (this morning, not last night in our wine fog)!

Kat~ Hope the ice cream is helping. Take it easy. NO work tomorrow!!! Stay in bed and do the Lifetime Movie Network (or something totally indulgent like that:cool:).

Terry~Glad to hear your 5k and your day went well.

TracyKS~ AAAAAAHHHHHH! Exhale honey!

Laura~ Congrats on the scale moving. I swear I am the slowest loser. I weighed again Friday am and it was 250.2! After all the exercise too. But, hey...at least it wasn't 25freakin4! I mean this will total love..."you'll be a skinny biotch in no time".;)

Judy~Your day sounded so wonderfully relaxing! I love hitting the road and doing that kind of stuff! I swear, you seem to have a peaceful life. I spent years living w/ such high anxiety, that I strive for peace. I have it (after school at least).

Ms. Jen~Congrats on the new business! I am sure the violets will help you out when travel plans come up!

Gina~Great new pic! Nice to see you;).

Hi TracyK and Jenn!!!! (and anyone else I forgot to mention). It is 11:09pm here. We are gonna go to sleep as soon as I get the shit eating grin from Susanne face! She loves loves loves the new car!

Sweet dreams!


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Good Morning, Violets..

Well, today was weigh in day and I stayed the same. I'm getting a little fatutzed that it's not going down like it used to. But, my clothes are fitting looser and my size 14 pants I bought yesterday are baggy with my Spanx on so I guess I can go "commando"! I'm wearing a sweater that I have had in my closet for about 7 years when I was at my lowest weight in my adult life. Today I'm wearing it and it's loose. So I'll take my nsv's and let the doctor talk to me about the numbers when we go for our fill on the 29th. My new sweatshirt I bought yesterday in Xl is loose on me too. Bob says I should have bought a L, but I just never thought that would be my size, I guess!! Oh well, when it's washed it will shrink a bit and I like to wear them baggy anyway.

Sooooooooooo I'm in the process of getting ready for church this morning. It's so nice to have a choice of clothes to wear. Daughter Kris and SIL Nathan will be coming in for church today so we'll probably go out for lunch together afterwards. It looks like it is going to be a beautiful day so I'll get my walking in this afternoon.

Kat.. hope you're feeling better today.

Pamela.. wooo hooooo a new car!! We need pics!!

Ms. Jen... wow.. a new venture for you?? What made you think of doing the online thingy? With all the traveling we do, I'll be mighty interested in seeing what you have to offer.

Everyone have a great day. Get out there and exercise, make smart choices.. Patience, Trust and WWJD??!!

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Good Evening everyone!

just wanted to say hi!

Gina! I love your new avatar! We can FINALLY see who we're talking to. Each picture has gotten a little closer and closer....and now we can see how beautiful you are! Yea!!!
I'm starting a new on-line travel agency and the web-site hopefully will be up and running on Wednesday, October 24th. The web site will be www.sweetdreamstravelservice.com Coming Soon!
WOW!! Isnt that the coolest!! That sounds like a LOT of work! How long have you been working on it? Have you always been in the travel biz? Do you have partners or what? Forget the questions...just give us the entire history!
I am going to have to take a lesson from some of dh's family---and act like I know everything, so I won't have to ask questions---then I won't need the damn question mark!!!

Well, I am going to try to lay down and sleep---I believe a good 70% of my problem is likely sleep deprivation. Something is going to have to be done regardless of my pathology reports....even in the wonderful event it be benign, it is still interfering in my life seriously! I through the years have become quite accustomed to eating and sleeping!


Kat, you always always crack me up!! Are the inlaws irritating you AGAIN? LOL So funny!!

I never, never had sleep problems until I hit menopause (at the 'young' age of 46-47) and then sleep almost became impossible. I know you had your female organs all removed (right?) but maybe it's some other kind of hormone related problem or just something we go thru at this age. It sucks, I know. Just a word of warning, however. I started taking Tylenol PM because a friend recommended it. My doc said it was fine, but that all it really is is Benadryl (!!)...which is cheaper, so I would take that at night. Well, I didn't heed the label warnings which said to only take it for 7 days max in a row...and I became terribly irritable and depressed and finally figured out that was the reason. Have you ever taken yoga? OMG, they teach you so many wonderful methods of relaxation...it's very helpful. Or relaxation tapes? They work wonders as well. Try em all! You are under strict VIOLET ORDERS to take it easy today!! Let others do for YOU for a change!!!

Hey Violets~........ we bought a new BMW and left there at 7pm freakin starvin!!! The car is gorgeous, .........

We had sooo much fun at our friends last night. We drank 3 bottles of wine, ate great Cuban food (I was really good, only shredded beef and black beans) and we played Scattegories and Monopoly!!! Susanne and I got to soak in their HUGE tub!! It was a great night. That is what life is about. Family, friends, food, good times...great wine! We all commented on how we felt truly blessed (this morning, not last night in our wine fog)!

WOW!! What a great weekend!!!!!! What model did you get?? Drop top per chance?? :) I had a loaner car once....a little 330 or something and I LOVED driving that car!!! I swore that next car would be a BMW (I was driving an Avalon at the time) and for 3 years kept dreaming and planning which one I would get. In the meantime, Richard (dh) got a nice bonus and bought himself a beautiful red Lexus GS300. He drove it for a year and decided he wanted to go back to an SUV, so I got the Lexus. LOL.... I am way spoiled now!!! I still love Beemers, though and so does Richard. I'll drive this Lexus til the wheels drop off, I'm sure....but I still dream of having a little BMW drop top!

Your weekend sounds absolutely heavenly. You might find this interesting.... kinda wierd subject but .... I typed out and put in our safe my "last wishes" because they're so NOT traditional! I wanted to make sure it was understood what I wanted. But I hate hate hate funerals...probably a throwback from attending my father's when I was 8 and being horrified at looking inside the casket. I just think they're horrible all the way around. Anyway, not surprisingly, I want to be cremated. And as for a 'memorial service' I just want all my friends and family to gather at a restaurant or someone's home and have a great meal and lots of great wine and just sit around and enjoy each other's company. That's all. But I want them to gather to Celebrate life AND death....and if my name happens to come up in the conversation, they are welcome to talk about how wonderful I was. That's ok. :) As for my ashes, I want my husband, children and my 3 best friends to spread them at the top of Enchanted Rock on a breezy, clear Spring day. It's a special place in the very heart of the Texas Hill Country and it's perfect.

Speaking of which....it's a perfect day again here. Think I'll get my shoes on and go for a splendid walk.

HAYDEE!!! Forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :happybday: Hope you had a great weekend with your girlies!

Love you all!! ;)

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Hi my friends!!

Still being a know it all----still have no question mark!!!

Terry if you had ask me a half an hour ago was I irritated with the inlaws, I would have laughed and said yeah usually----but since you are asking me now---the answer is a resounding, very, VERY loud HELL YES I AM PISSED!!! Rick called me, and they are having trouble with Water leaks in one of the crappy mobile homes they rent out, and guess who gets called to fix it---yep Rick. They can't call a plumber---oh heck no! THEY choose to rent these crappy little things, I think it makes them slumlords---THEY choose what low lifes to rent to, but do they do any work when something breaks....nope, they call Rick. And they know it makes me madder than hell, so they don't call the house for him in these cases, they call his work cell phone, and avoid me completely. I am furious! I just told you all his brother was here, from Denver, will they ever ask him to help with anything---nope.....just Rick. Now if my MIL wants to shop she calls his sister, but that is the limit of her contributions. They actually want him to think about re roofing their house---they have a large home---and roofing is NOT fun and easy---we have done our own home years ago, and when it needs done again, we will hire it done! I really feel like if they understand it is a sore spot between Rick and I, they need to back off, they do not need to deal with renters anymore. They are terrible landlords---they think what the renters do is their business....and they are vocal, one day someone is going to take offense, and my FIL is going to get hurt, probably because of something my MIL says!!!! So anyway----yes I am furious with them, they are on all my lists, and have stomped and wallered my very last nerve today!!! Oh and BTW---thanks for asking----I needed to vent!!!

As for the sleeping issue, it is this thing growing in my throat that is my problem, it is not being unable to go to sleep, it is finding a position, that it does not cut off my air supply. I cannot lay on my back at all. I have to lean forward towards my stomach and yet be on my side---or it blocks my air supply, it has gotten so large. It is now visible from the outside. It is not a huge knot like some goiters you used to see on people, but it is just above the soft hollow in your throat, mine is huge swollen. It would fill the palm of your hand. So if I lay wrong, then I wake myself up gasping! I have fears of not waking up at all!

I was going to go with my DD to take the girls to the pumpkin Patch---they have a hayride out into the field, where they have games, and face painting, and they get to watch a pumpkin catapult, and go through a corn maze, and use hay to stuff and make a scarecrow for the field....and then they get to pick out a pumpkin before they get on the wagon for the hay ride back to the barn. I was not looking forward to it, simply because I don't feel good. Then Ryan (bf) got off in time to go, so she called to tell me he was going to join us, and I begged off, told them to go as a family and enjoy!!!

Gina I love being able to see you now!!!

Wooohooo, a new car, lucky you!!! I keep thinking about it, but am currently enjoying the lack of a car payment!!! I am glad you finally got food!! Can you imagine how you would have eaten before the band---after having gone for so long with no food (insert question mark here)

Judy, enjoy your day with your family---sounds nice. It is not a nice day here, we have a storm blowing in. It is probably 50---and windy. Manda said the girls were wearing long sleeves, and little jogging sets with hooded jackets, so thier hair is not blowing in their faces all day.

Our crew must be having a busy weekend---they are all conspicuously absent!!!

Will check in later girls---hugs to all of ya!!!


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And you missed a quiet day too Jennifer!!!

I don't feel terrible, just crummy!! My throat hurts, and I just kind of feel like I have a virus of some sort, without the fever...I ache, feel exhausted, sore throat, neck is stiff, swallowing is difficult....but I think it is getting better. Hard to tell, I don't usually eat in the evening after supper. I am having heart burn, something I seldom do---that used to be reserved for over eating, something I can't do now!!

How long has your online travel agency been in the plans---(I do know a question mark goes here....but that is one of the things I cannot do until I replace the keyboard, and I wimped out on another shopping trip...til then I improvise by going all over the keyboard, but there is only one question mark and mine does not work!!!) I am going to have to take a lesson from some of dh's family---and act like I know everything, so I won't have to ask questions---then I won't need the damn question mark!!!

I see you only have 5 pounds to make your goal---wooohooo!!!

Well, I am going to try to lay down and sleep---I believe a good 70% of my problem is likely sleep deprivation. Something is going to have to be done regardless of my pathology reports....even in the wonderful event it be benign, it is still interfering in my life seriously! I through the years have become quite accustomed to eating and sleeping!

will check in with you all in the morning....good to see you around again Ms........Jennifer!!!


It seems all my life, but actually this is something I've been want to do since about 1990 but could never see a way to get into the industry and make money. That time was a time when there was a shift in travel agencies and the internet was starting to become the new up and coming thing. Now I'm able to have my own business and the internet does it all for me! An opportunity was presented to me several weeks ago and I jumped on it.

You'll see more when my site is up and running hopefully on Wednesday!!;)

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Hey Violets~

I just snapped some pix of the new car!!! Thought I'd post a couple to share. Susanne just left and I've got tons of work to do, but wanted to say hi!



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WTH????????? It's not PURPLE????????????? (notice the question marks, Kat.. hehehe)

Cute car!! And I'm sipping on my Crystal light slushy as I type this. Just got up from a nice nap. Can't believe I had the bedroom a/c on towards the end of October, but it's 75 degrees out right now! I have some acorn squash in the oven and Bob went out to give our son some gas money so he could deliver his papers so we'll do our walk when he gets back. It really is a beautiful, fall day. Our neighbor just cut down a huge tree that was leaning towards another neighbor's house. Big excitement in the neighborhood.. lol

Kris, Nathan and I had lunch at a chinese restaurant and it was a buffet today. I just had a half bowl of Soup and a little tiny bit of this and that. Nothing got stuck and I was comfortably full after a cup of food. This is the week for the pound or two to come off. I can feel it! I'm going to try and walk as many days this week as I can. That's in addition to Curves and the gym. Wish me luck!!

course a week from tomorrow is fill day so I'm looking forward to that. And two weeks from today is cruise day. woooo hoooooo!! Western Caribbean here we come again!

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Bob and I just finished our walk with our two yorkies. Everyone is tired out. We did 1.8 miles in 30 minutes. Everyone will sleep well tonight. It's still 66 degrees and I'm all sweaty. Hot tub will be nice when the night air gets a bit chillier.

Off to have supper, watch tv and then chat a bit on ISPQ. Will check in here before I head to bed.

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