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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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WOOOO HOOOOOO Tracyinks!!!! Yet another prayer answered. We'e all soooooooooo happy for you and your family. I remember when we went through it with our DDIL and DS and our little Mara. No amount of unpaid back child support can compare with the feeling of freedom his signature on that little piece of paper brings. CONGRATS!!!! Give that little boy a big hug from all his Violet Aunties!!:)

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Well said, Judy!! :)

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Tracys....I am SO happy for you and your family! That is so awesome!! He will show up tomorrow, don't worry :)

Everyone have a great evening!

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TRACY!!!!!!!! That is FANTASTIC news! I can't imagine how over-the-moon you must feel!! The best news I've heard in ages!!!

OK... I see I've started something here!! :mad: & I'm happy to do it!! I will call the realtor on Monday & research April dates, Fri - Mon, & costs, etc... once I've got all that, then I'll start another post w/the details & link & then you'll all have to rsvp again, as I've lost track! You're all blowing me away!! This is so great!! I'm so excited! I vote no dh's as well... girls only for this one. The cabin sleeps 16, so it'll be first-rsvp, first served! So read my posts carefully next week for the big announcement!!

We drove back today & tomorrow I'm driving the Germans down to Bethany Beach in DE... 3 hrs each way, so 6 total... we'll probably only get to stay there for a couple hours or so... phew! OH! AND my in-laws are coming tomorrow, to meet the Germans, so when I get back, there'll be 2 MORE folks here... they'll be here 'til Sunday... I think that'll bring us up to 10! Next week, w/everyone gone, + dh will be gone on work, I won't know what to do w/all my private time! Probably sleep! Definitely NOT cook!!!

food confessions... suffice to say that I have enjoyed a lot of "no no" foods this week, but in little bits (thank you band)... I'm going to get on the scale on Sunday, then do liquids 'til the 31st & my next fill. I'm not going to sweat whatever the number is (I say that NOW!)... but will [try] to just take it in stride and get back on "normal" track asap. Life happens. Enjoy!

G'nite, sistahs.

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TracyinKS - that is absolutely the best news ever for your son and family!!!!!

Everyone - count me in on the trip to Cabin in DC area!

Confessions: I love ice cream and it goes down so well - no matter what my restriction is! My husband and I go to this soft serve shop (35 miles away) and I get a large cup almost weekly. I also bought the dark choc mint 3 muskateers - I had too - I had a coupon BOGOF, I haven't eatten them yet (I did say yet!) I also love truffles - Lindt are my favorites and yes I have eatten some each week! I am so sooo bad.... :mad:

I had my 5th fill today -- he thinks I lost 20 lbs in 6 week -- (I checked when I got home -really only 14) I told him no way - he wouldn't give up on it -- so I put my hand on my hip and told him -- "well you better still give me my fill" -- he didn't argue -- wheeew. He could barely get .4 cc's in -- he said I won't be needing a fill for a long while -- I am at my sweet spot and losing at a good rate.

I am one of those that likes it real - REAL tight. You could tell he was really worried - he kept making me drink Water, asking you don't feel any pressure- and made sure to tell me to call him no matter what time if I find it to tight -stressing whenever! WOW - that got me second guessing myself if I am/was to tight. Talk about a stressful (1hr) ride home, which did tighten the band in it's self.

This evening -- I'm drinking my Crystal Light just fine - no problems!~

Have a good night everyone!

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Tracy that is great news!!!!!!! How long have you been dealing with this issue??? Happy happy!!!

My funk is turning a lighter purple, and unless I slip up tonight which I am sure I won't NO SWEETS TODAY!!!!! I even went grocery shopping and did not buy anything with sugar!!!!

Thanks again for everything!!!!


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Hey violets~

Long freakin day here.

TracyK~ OMG...I think this calls for some boobies!!!

:mad::Banane20::):Banane20::Banane20::Banane20::Banane20::Banane41::Banane41::Banane10::Banane10::Banane10::Banane10::Banane53::Banane53::Banane53: and a couple others. We all had a victory today w/ this. sleep well sweet sista.

Susanne is sleeping in the recliner next to me as I type this. We were up so early. I didn't make it to my class this evening...had a meeting until 5:30, was gonna leave early, but I was too tired to go. So I've made it to 3 this week...I'll take it. Those are hard work outs. I may be able to go Saturday. We are going to our friends (another couple) house. They just bought a 3200 sq. ft. house...just beautiful and brand new. We are bring some wine and Susanne and I are gonna take a bath together in their huge tub. (Starting to think I may have already typed this a few days ago...if so, skip ahead). Anyway, if we get home, I may go to class.

I too am soooo excited for our trip. I can't wait to meet everyone. I've dreamt about a few of you. Been to Kat and Judy's house in my dreams. It is just the sister hood, I love it.

Confessions...Haydee, I have coffee and Creamer and sweetner daily. I'd kill the little bastards if not. I do use SF creamer, but it is 25 cal. I have other cheats here and there. Today went to a meeting called pizza and Pedagogy. I had a piece of pizza...well, I scraped off all the cheese and toppings, and had a small salad too. I had 0% of the bread...but felt like I was "part of the group" and wasn't missing out on anything. Yeah, greasy cheese and toppings are not eating like a good bandster, but I also am living life!

Speaking of the little bastards, did I tell you what happened yesterday? There were 2 fights during the passing period between 5th and 6th and then between 6th and 7th, there was a huge fight. The girls were running and started a mob of kids running in the hall, and an aide (disabled and uses a walker, and is about 80 pounds dripping wet) gets pushed to the ground and gets trampled. Then the bastards kept trampling her and laughing. I am talking about 100 kids and me and one other teacher doing crowd control. I wonder why I am so bitter at the end of the day. This has really been a rough year. Mind you these are the 8th graders mainly...they are huge. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, one of my students told me I need to go to my happy place today. NO SHIT I thought to myself!

Ok, long long post. Sweet dreams!


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What a day

TRACYKS - I'm so very happy for you... what a great year for you and your family!

Jane - glad you are feeling better. I was bad today, had a shot of strawberry vodka in my crystal light tonight at work, they were all drinking wine... and I will never do that again, I got one of the 1 shot bottles $.99 LOL

Kat - I sent you my info right? enjoy your couple days of quiet

Laura - what a difference, if you want I'll send you some tea. LOl (ok i'm serious)

Michelle. I'm so excited ... is it april yet

Everyone else... HI.... I just read the entire day so I know I'm forgetting something

I brought my friend who brought me to surgery to have her eye tuck done today and spend most of the day there today, then right to work. She told me to leave, but I told her I was not running out on her - she is such a good friend I was just being the same for her. she is older than me, going to be 50 this year (I'm going to be 37 12 days before her bd) so the nurse asked her if I was her daughter. we laughted but I know she wanted to smack the nurse.

Also, I went to the liquore store tonight, (we were celebrating the city passing the varience for step mom's cafe) and the girl at the counter who was not much older than me would not sell me wine without my id. I told her I was flattered! I went to my car and got my license, as I handed it to her, she said I didn't look close to 30, I told her I was ++++++, she took my license and told me she never would have guessed I was even close and what ever I was doing was working! Can you imagine....

Well, I'm off to bed in just a minute

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Hi girls,

Sitting here moaning and groaning. My side hurts soooo bad! It is my stomach---but I am not stuck, I do not have any chest pain, other than I cannot breath deep without the side hurting. I keep thinking maybe gas??? I dunno! We went to dinner with Ricks folks, and his brother who was in town from Denver, and our son and his family. I ate a few nachos, but just breathing was difficult! I drank a lot of tea. Then even tried a few sips of DH's diet soda, to see if I could burp and ease it...no dice. I have no problem drinking, I am not stuck....it actually feels below my band....but it hurts like hell! I cannot sit...I am kinda slouching!!! Possibly, probably stress.....

Going to go ride my elliptical for a bit and see if the movement helps or hurts...what the heck???

BB in a few!


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My funk is turning a lighter purple, and unless I slip up tonight which I am sure I won't NO SWEETS TODAY!!!!! I even went grocery shopping and did not buy anything with sugar!!!!
Yea Jane!!!! Good girl!! I'm glad you're feeling better.One day at a time now.

Pamela - Is the aide OK? What do ya'll do to kids that get into fights? In our school district they have a "zero tolerance" policy and the kids go straight to alternative school..."A-school" as they call it. It seems to keep the kids in line. My kids say they feel safe and don't have trouble with gangstas or anything like that....which is amazing considering it's a very mixed bag of kids. They also installed lots and lots of security cameras all over the schools this past summer which will be a great help in showing what "really" happened...as well as showing it to parents who don't believe their little angel could ever do anything like that! My daughter got punched in the face late last year but fortunately a teacher saw the whole thing....and THANK GOD my daughter didn't fight back...she just walked away! I was so proud of her for having the smarts to do that. She didn't get hurt beyond a slight shiner and the girl that hit her went to A-school. This year they stay far away from each other. (Oh, and the girl did end up calling Hannah to apologize.)

I've got the day off tomorrow, going to the gym first thing, then the grocery store and then I get to do some beading! :mad: Saturday I walk in a 5K for the SPCA. I raised $750!!! I'm very excited about that.

I'm not gonna confess nuthin'!!! :heh:

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Here's a Body Bugg fun fact: You don't have to wear the bugg every day (like if you're wearing a sleeveless top or one with tight sleeves). I have been wearing mine every day this week and find that I burn pretty much the same calories during the day while I'm at work: 880-950 calories. So on days that I don't wear the bug, I can just plug that in as my calories burned for that time period and strap it on when I get home. I didn't have any problems wearing it under my clothes this week...and nobody noticed it that I know of.

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OK... I see I've started something here!! :mad: & I'm happy to do it!! I will call the realtor on Monday & research April dates, Fri - Mon, & costs, etc... once I've got all that, then I'll start another post w/the details & link & then you'll all have to rsvp again, as I've lost track! You're all blowing me away!! This is so great!! I'm so excited! I vote no dh's as well... girls only for this one. The cabin sleeps 16, so it'll be first-rsvp, first served! So read my posts carefully next week for the big announcement!!

OK, now I'm stressing. Surely there is more than one cabin, right? What if there are more than 16 violets? Do they have any others, like singles that are close together? (for just in case)

My dd woke at 5:10 AM. She normally wakes up at 6 and that gives me time to relax a little and get ready before she is up...not today (or yesterday). SO, so much for a quiet morning! She starts barking orders as soon as she wakes up "momma, I'm thisty" "momma, I am hungry" "momma, come turn on my movie" Momma I wanna go brush my teeth". OK, you all get the picture. Yes, I am PMSing :) Pretty bad that one of the guys at work asked me yesterday if I was "on the rag". LOL, I said YES and leave me alone!!

Everyone have a great day!! Kat-I hope you feel better!

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Morning gals

Kat - I hope you are feeling better, actually sounds like you have the bug that was going around here, horrible stomach pain, consumes your entire upper body.

Tracyk - I'm cracking up reading your post, I can so relate... ds is going to be 4 on 11/6 and we are taking him to ChuckECheese - so this am first thing he saw a commercial... well you know what happened next, and after 5 hrs sleep for me. LOL

Terry - Nice job on raising $. and doing a 5k walk... you go girl. I am committed to going to the gym monday am, no matter what. Need to get my vits today so I can have more energy on 5 hrs sleep.

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PRAY that they show up!!!!!!! Leaving shortly to go to the lawyers office. He called a couple times last night wanting to TALK.... UGGGGGGGGGGH... almost hitting on me..... Blah... it is taking every ounce of my willpower to baby him along......

I will be back later to post....

I will catch up on all the posts when I get back..

210.2 lbs this morning! Cancelled my fill appointment for Monday

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It's quiet in here lately. Or is it just my imagination?

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