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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Pamela - How far apart do ya'll live from each other?

Mmmmmm! Cocktails!

NO WINE... don't let me drink wine... cocktails... i'll all over that, i'll start experimenting and find a violet drink. LOL

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Ok - last post for now... I'm just watching biggest looser from Tuesday, I love this crazy show

then off to bed.

I hope everyone has a fantastic night

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Terry~ We live 113 miles apart, door to door. Far, but not too far. At least we still see each other most weekends!


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Ok Violets..

I will nominate myself for the designated driver since I don't drink. Not that I'm against it, I just don't care for the taste...never have. I don't drink coffee or tea either. I know.. I'm weird.

Janie....You're not going through anything any of the rest of us hasn't or is now going through. Don't tell the other sistah's, but I caved in and had a new mint 3 Musketeer bar the other night. It was really yummy, but definitely a no no sooooooooo back to sugar free candies for me when I feel the urge for some chocolate. And the bonus is, they have Malitol in them and that makes me ummmmmm well, you know. I'm really into sugar free pudding with sugar free whipped cream too. And the Baskin Robbins Sugar Free Chocolate mint candies are just the ticket for my sweet tooth.

And a Violet funk is the best one to be in cause we're all here to help you out of it!!

I'm off to bed now. Got to do my volunteer shift at the hospital tomorrow and then a hair appointment in the afternoon to become a screamin' blonde again. Just in time for our cruise!!

Everyone have a relaxing night. sleep well...

Patience, Trust and WWJD??!!! (ok, maybe not so much when it comes to 3 Musketeer bars!!)

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Hi girls--it is after 11, and Kinsey just left. The kids had a sidetrack, helped a woman who was broke down. She was actually in front of them, when she lost a radiator hose, and all the steam and Fluid, shot up---they pulled over when she did, and ended up running her to Page AZ and back to her car, where Ryan fixed the hose....which made them late, but Manda refused to wake up another morning without Kinsey!!!

I dunno Jane---maybe it is the whole MRI thing, that is causing the blues---it is a scary thing. They don't just do them for the fun of doing them. I get that way each year when they do my bone scan...and then all this stuff starting up again, it is scary as hell, and for sure caused me some stress eating...as well as depression.

Probably if anyone can understand my not wanting more chemo it would be you.

My brother in law in Denver was having strange things happen to him for several months, and his Dr. was treating him, and telling my SIL it was early onset Alzheimers. He was in his early 60's (Rick's sister is 14 years older than Rick), so they were upset but not totally disbelieving. Then my niece, went into pre term labor with a child, and they were at the hospital for several days, while the baby was born, and fighting to survive (Niece is type 1 diabetic uncontrolled), he had a spell where he passed out. Well the nurses of course had him taken to the ER. The Dr.'s there said Alzheimers does not cause you to pass out, and began looking further. By the time he was diagnosed, he had a stage 4 glioblastoma brain tumor. Inoperable due to the proximity to the medula oblongata. He took infusion therapy chemo for several months, and did the radiation, and seemed to be handling it pretty well. Then the oncologist, wanted to put him onto oral chemo that was supposed to be less nauseating than the infusion...he took it 2 days and it put him into a coma he never come out of! In the end, it was not a proper medication, for his situation. Now my SIL is fairly high up the chain of command at United Healthcare, so she has the know how of who to go after and has done so...but that doesn't bring him back.

So while I know we get down over things, and that can let us make bad decisions, you survived something many, maybe most do not!!! If you can whip something like brain cancer, heck the rest of the weight will come off! It might not be overnight, but it will come off!

I have taken longer to lose the last 20 pounds than I did the first 80!!! And there were times I had just a "who in the hell cares" attitude.......quite often over the last week! It isn't that I don't think people care, it is more a matter of just feeling tired of trying.

I am not looking for sympathy....it just gets very overwhelming. I want to not worry about anything for just a little while! It has been non stop something, since I was banded. Almost immediately afterwards, Rick's mitral valve failed. He has had 2 heart surgeries, and I almost lost him (Dr. said he would likely expire in the next 10-15 minutes) from a major GI bleed. He had a bilateral tear of the esophagus where it enters the stomach---all but separated the 2! My Dad has had surgery...then Rick had to have another procedure done in his heart...I made it through all the stress of my yearly scan...and relaxed when it come up without change....only to be knocked on my butt again!

I have wondered if I was being punished for getting this band! But I don't believe God works like that...so the best I can do is to do the best I can.

My emotions at times are all over the place, and what I would do with out my friends, here and in RL---I have no idea. I say things to you guys that my RL friends I could not!

With that in mind Jane, all I can say is I understand....and log on, and vent to us! We DO care, just as I know I have you guys out there caring that I too lose it quite frequently!!!

Judy....mine wasn't A candy bar, it was white chocolate macadamia Cookies (plural), fritos, a brownie, all kinds of things the last week or so...more than I have had in over a year combined! So, I just avoided the scale until I can get myself back in control! "De Nile" is more than just a river in Egypt !!!

I would do my best to get to a gathering---I am hoping by then to have my TT behind me---providing all goes well with the tests I am having now. That will guide much of my future. Heck we have a pecan bottom to harvest, and I can't even make plans to go to Texas!

I love my DH dearly, but he is a man, and would want something, somewhat entertaining....and while he would be kind and gracious to all of you, we would likely bore him within minutes!!! Maybe bore is not the right word, but make him feel like he was the only one not in the know of an inside joke. I also know he would prefer me to go and have a good time, alone with my friends!!! Same as when we go to Denver, and he goes back to the shop to see his old crew, I usually opt to shop....

I would have to fly out of Albq. give me where I need to fly to again, and I will check into it.

Well I have typed a book here.....I just so totally related to what some of you were saying to Jane, and how she is feeling---I got carried away!!

I am free tomorrow, Manda is staying home the rest of the week with Kinsey---I am going to miss that little girl. She has behaved so well, I am just in shock, at how simply it went. Once again my heart is walking around outside my body, being controlled by a child!!

Will check in when I decide to drag my lazy butt outta bed in the morning!

(((hugs))) to all....


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The past few weeks have been really hard for some reason. I have been eating sweets like they are never going to appear again. I need to stop, I tell myself to stop, but I don't. I tell myself no sweets today, but I still eat them.

Janie-I am a chocoholic myself...but this is what I do....I have a bag of dove mini dark chocolates. I have one a day, just to keep the craving away. So far it has not been hurting anything. I just make sure I limit myself to one. Still feels like "cheating" but I know one is OK. At first I was kinda nervous about having a BAG of them in my house, but if you convince yourslf that it is a "one a day" thing it could work for you too!

I had somebody come up to me Sunday at church and said how skinny I was. I am still over 100 pounds overweight, I am not skinny. I said thank you and changed the subject, but it did aggravate me. I thought I was the only one who felt like that.

This is a compliment and I see how it could be depressing but you need to look at it as a NSV!! The people around you that compliment you are doing just that....complimenting you! I am sure you are looking great and they just want to give you some incentive to keep doing such a great job!! Take it easy on yourself!! You are doing great!

I also had am MRI monday just for a routine check up because I had a brain tumor 10 years ago, and they couldn't get it all because of where it was, so I get it checked out every couple of years to make sure of no growth. I am always a mess before and after til I get to the Dr.s and he tells me it is fine. I mean after 10 years of it not growing, it is not going to start now.

You are right...it is not going to start now!! Keep the positive attitude, but keep the positive attitude in all aspects of your life! God has great plans for you...I just know it!

I think I am in a blue funk or maybe I should make that a VIOLET FUNK!

Well, I can't think of a better "funk" to be in than a violet one. Know why? They do not last long and you have your violet sistas here to slap you back into shape!! :)

Janie, we all get into the "funk" mode at times...just come in here when it happens and we will all be here for you! Take care violet sister!!

Good morning all violets...count me in on the trip!! My dh blew me away this morning when he said he would not mind at all if I go!! So now, knowing he is really OK with it, I will be there! He is not a controlling person, we just always do everything together by choice. I am SO excited at this trip being a reality!!

Lots of drama going on at work, so I need to hurry up and take off my spongebob pajamas and get to work soon!!

Everyone have a great day and remember...patience, trust and WWJD??!!

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Good morning, Violets..

A cold, rainy morning here. No Ethan today so my schedule is more flexible. As soon as I get my butt in gear,I'll get dressed for my hospital shift.

I told Bob about the possible gathering next April and he said he's willing to drive me there. It's only a 10 hour drive from here and he loves that area. He's a Civil War buff and could make a jaunt to Gettysburg while we Violets had our first annual get together. Sure hope we can get this all coordinated!!

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Good Morning Sweet Violets!

Judy - I LOVE LOVE LOVE your banner!!! I might just have to go over there and make one myself...that is just toooo cute!

Amanda & Ms Jen - did ya'll have a great birthday?? (Amanda, you understand "ya'll" don't you??...LOL) Personally, i try my best to ignore mine!

Janie- Feeling better today? I hope so. I've been in a funk, too...so i can relate. I just kind of had to re-group and start over with baby steps and it seems to be working. I may or may not ever get back to that gung-ho gym nazi mentality again, but this "everything in moderation" thinking is OK, too. Try not to expect perfection from yourself...be as loving and forgiving of yourself as you would be with any of us!

Kat - (((BIG HUGS))) for you this morning. I can feel the nervousness in your post. I wish I could be there for you. Please know that I think of you several times a day (not just when I'm logged in). Oh, and in your list of things you had to deal with since your banding, you forgot the time when Kinsey was in the hospital!!! That was horrible!!! As I've said before, you have had way more than your share lately and I just can't imagine that God would burden you with anything more right now. As you've said...it's time for a rest and you are so right to let go of the discipline "dieting" requires. You are maintaining without effort, and you are beautiful just the way you are, so just enjoy it. If you can't make it on our trip you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be making a trip to NM!! I have just GOT to meet you somehow!

Jenn - I am thrilled that we found a spot that you can drive to easily. I mapped it yesterday and looks like it's only about a 5-6 hour drive?? Is that right? I actually think youre lucky that you don't have to rush around at Christmas and get tugged in 5 different directions...it's not all it's cracked up to be! It's going to be a quiet one for us this year and for that I am grateful!!!...after 15 years of trying to make 4 celebrations in 2 days, I'm ready just to enjoy Christmas morning with a nice Breakfast, gifts, the paper (and the sale flyers!) and staying in my jammies until 1:00!!

Oh, I've got a million powerpoint slides to do today! My fingers are all warmed up now so I better get to it. Ya'll have a wonderful day!

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Buenos Dias Hermanas de Violetas~

I am not too sure if that is correct...but hey, I try! I've been up since 3:45 this am. Susanne is off to Fort Irwin today and had to be showered and in full uniform and out the door by 5. It is gonna be a lonnnnnng day.

I wanted to comment on the "skinny" compliment thing. I love love love it when someone says, "hey skinny" or the like. However, the bullshit someone said to Haydee "pretty under all you fat" would piss me off sideways. Chuck you Farley! I don't mind the word skinny. Yesterday in Jazz class, I said, "ok, I am skinny, can I go home now..." to which he replied, "hell no, go get your weights!" Anywho, I think it is personal. What I remember is that I didn't do this for anyone else but me. This is my journey, I need to own it. I don't use other people to validate me in any way. Although I am terribly sensitive and get hurt easy, I "cowgirl up" pretty quickly and have a sharp tongue. Bite me...I'll bite back harder (I'm Italian...take no shit from anyone). By the way, look at the saying under my avitar!

As far as funks...we are all in good company. This is my place, my Violets! Kat said, in some ways you all (or ya'll for my southern sistas) know more than anyone else. I take solace in my relationships w/ you guys. Funks, or victories...we are in it for the long haul.

Where the hell is Sara?

Ok, got a long day. Leaving at 7 and wont be home til 6:30 (but yes, I am going to jazzercise class)! My body is totally changing I can feel things lifting! I am gonna weigh myself tomorrow instead of Sat. We are going to a friends house Fri night and sleeping over. Our friends (another couple) just bought a huge house and closed last week. It is brand new and beautiful! So we are going over and drinking one of the bottles of wine (from the tasting party)and spending the night. So I will weigh before the wine and good food!

Have a great day!


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Morning gals

I am going to try to take my vits again today, I ran out and i'm going to get some energy multi's. I need to get back to the gym but I'm so stinking tired. these nights are killing me.

Anyway, I'm claiming my 208 today. 5more lbs and i'll be to my -75 mark. I'm so excited and want it badly.

Ok so now that we are confessing, dark choc peanut m&m's ... I love peanut m&m's and I know it is a better choice than some of the other things I could have so on the occasion I want something, I buy the smallest bag I can find no matter what the cost and get them.... see Jane... you started this weeks confession It is kind of funny, if we look back there seems to be one every week or 2.

Terry - that would sound right 5-6 hrs. I love road trips so that is cake.

Ok so,,, my poor son - he is so very funny, infact he is just so stinking cute I can't stand it, but he spends way too much time with teenage girls (his sister and her friends) I am still working on my 1st cup of coffee, and he had to show me the cheer that they taught him yesterday. He is always full of smiles and to make it worse, had a croup episode this week and is on steroids and they make him nuts, funny nuts... but omg. 2 hrs at the grocery store yesterday because he wanted to show me everything.

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LOL that is so very funny Jennifer... well.. happy birthday to someone...

mine is not until March so I assumed it was you.

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Well today is a new day and I feel a bit better, fell asleep thinking all the positive thoughts you guys have given me. I don't know why this is going on right now. It just seems like I have so much good going on that I try to sabotage it? Anyways for today I will eat no sweets!!!

As far as the Dove dark chocolate goes, my dads cardiologist told him to have one a day as his medicine! Maybe I should buy a bag and take my medicine too!!

Jenn if I write down all the stuff I eat I would be banned from the board, just know that it is always sugar, and sometimes chocolate and it is usually in the form of candy. I also can't eat one of the art. sweetners, causes bad tummy issues, so I need to find which it is, and avoid just that one instead of all art sweetners!! I also like Judys idea of the chocolate with the Malitol!

Thanks again and wish me luck on a non sugar thursday!!!


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Jane - we would never ban you (MUAH) just want to support you

well, i'm off to bring my friend to the hospital, she is having eye surgery today


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Don't worry so much and stress about the weight staying a t a certain point. I did that and it got me so stressed I started losing clumps of hair, not worth it I think. I was told by my doctor that it is normal for lap banders to plateau for a while, especially if you are exercising. You start to gain muscle and muscle weighs more than fat, so your weight stays the same, Once your muscle gets strong enough to burn the fat, then the weight will start to come off.

Trust me I know... I stayed at 230 for about amonth and a half. I stuck with the calories of 680-800 and exercised 5-6 days a week and now I am down to 223. It will pay ff I promise.

So don't get discouraged and hang in there. I know you can do it!!

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