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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Hi all.

Laura - OMG didn't even realize... today is the 6 month bandiversary... ME TOO...

Kat - she is opening a cafe. Breakfast and lunch, mmmmmmmm scrambled eggs, my favorite

Well, I went for my fill today, had to BEG and I mean BEG for it, and when all was said and done, I was glad I did, when he took out my saline that was originally 1.25cc where I couldn't eat for 2 weeks, it was down to .5cc so he filled me to 1.5 and I coudn't breathe and knew that would be a problem, so I am now back up to 1cc in my band, that should be just enough to take the edge off, and now I'm going to get motivated, take my energy multi vits and go to the gym every stinking day again so I can join you sisters in Onderland.

On that happy note, I'm going to take a nap before work - just a little cat nap but need it, 4 hrs at the dr kicked my butt.

Tracy - thinking about you sister!!!!!

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Hah! My cats need a complex, they're all over 15lbs!!! Apollo is my whale, I have last year's Xmas pic of him I'm going to post.. He lays around like this.. like a whale. He's 22lbs. (And these pics are when he was a KITTEN).




I just had about 1tbp of mooshed up ham & applesauce. Unfill feels like years away.

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off to go get ds, i am thinking about you kat, all is going to be great

love ya all

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I'm BACK...........

The good news... Judge Denied to Restart CASA visits (supervised visitation) HE WAS A NO SHOW!!!!!!! and get this... he CALLED the judge at 8:30a.m. to say that he was stuck in MO for child support court...... (LIE... LIE....... LIE! His MO cs case he got CONTINUED til 11/06/07)........ the bad news is that since he was a no show we have to go back to court after we send a petition for adoption........

HE HAD THE BALLS to make a request of th judge VIA THE PHONE to restart CASA and expanded on that (whatever the expanded term meant)....... My lawyer told the judge that I had remarried and we were going to petition for Adoption and forgive child support in leui of his consent........ the judge smiled and said that he would probably take us up on it since he would be going to jail if he didn't....... also the judge tacked on $350.00 for my lawyer fee since he didn't give notice for his no show.... YEAH RIGHT.......... which means that he has to pay $800 by next week and $350.00 to the court to restate the motion............. I have to get a good address for my lawyer so we can continue on with the adoption...

Kat: thinking of you!

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Tracy- WHAT A BASTARD. Heaven forbid he lets all this shit go huh??

How long till you go back to court now?

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Well.... it all depends... I will have to pay the lawyer to draw up the petition and then pay to have it served and then see what he does.... if he denies it then it goes to us proving him unfit and all that jazzz ........... OH well today we won and my son's brain is safe for another day.....

ON the NSV side of life............. I decided to get the step ladder out and dig out my BELOVED size 12 levis that have been taking up residence in the tippy top shelf of my closet... I decided I needed a new goal jean since my 14's are looking fine.............. I have ABOUT 5 pairs..... varying styles of mainly OFCOURSE Levis jeans........... wellllllll I just about pee'd myself when the first pair I tried on FIT! DID YOU READ THAT??? I AM WEARING A SIZE 12 RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE MY BAND...... I MEAN I FREAKING LOVE MY BAND!

I did try on another pair and they are a bit from buttoning... they are lower cut.... I could probably wench them on but the fact that the other ones DID fit really made my day!

I asked DH what he wanted me to fix for dinner.......... (anything, I said)... so he requested my FRIED TACO's.......... ooowww... they are soooooooo good and make such a mess, but I DID ASK so I'm off to the store.

I want you to know that I wore my WWJD bracelett today...... thank you Terry so much for it and to all my violet sistahs for sending your PURPLE VIBES today! It is amazing how much real life support I get from my online group........

And YES... I WILL be wearing the 12's to the store......

shakeit shakeit shakeit! ;)

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<Big Huge Sigh of Relief> .... Thank God, Tracy!!!! That is probably about the best news we can get right now. It could have been better...but it sure could have been a lot worse too. For now, we'll be happy with it the way it is!! Tell Charles we love him, too...for being such a good Dad and husband!!:kiss2:

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OH!!! And WOO freakin' HOO on the size 12 jeans!!! OMG!!!

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TracyKS~I am sooooo glad for the good news. I came in and rushed to the puter to check on you. I am sooo happy to hear about todays outcome and keep us posted on the next hearing. Never underestimate the power of purple!!!! And size freakin 12...OMG are you kidding me. Between you and Terry today...I hope you remember us, those you've left behind! Boobies comin' you way!


Kat~ Still waiting to hear...crossing my fingers for ya!

I had my conference call @ 6am and observation at 9:45. Then about 1 I fell apart. I am just pooped out today. I think the observation went well, and will find out tomorrow. Gonna take a short siesta before jazzercise class.

Laura~ I love the big white whale. Hey, w/ all of us skinny biotches in the making, someone has to be fluffy!!! I want to come back as a cat in my next life!!


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Terri-wooohoooo for the scale moving!! I am SO excited for you. Its been a long wait for you! You GO girl!

TracyKS-I am so relieved for you….I know you must be relieved! And SIZE 12??? OMG….you shake it mama!! That is SO cool!

Jenn-glad to hear about your fill. Now you will be here in onederland in no time sista!

Pamela-I am sure the observation went great! Congrats on having the self control to stay off the scales. I always end up peeking!!

Kat-my BIL is treating my nephew fine so far…lets just hope it lasts!!

Well my dr visit went just like I thought it would. They did the test over again. I get the results Thrusday. My dr seems to think it is genetic. He said keep up with the diet & exercise more and gave me a few tips and said that he wants me back in 4 months to recheck it and if it is still high he will put me on Lipitor or something. I have made a decision that I will stop smoking on Jan 1st. I know it is kind of a long time from now but I am gonna need the time to get mentally ready for it. For those of you that do not smoke, you probably don’t understand that, the ones that do smoke (or did) will understand completely. This is going to be a big mental thing for me…but I have to do it! I have smoked for my entire adult life. I do not remember life not smoking! I am not giving myself much choice in the matter though. ,I will do what I have to do. OK, that’s enough of my rambling…..everyone have a great evening!!!

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TracyK: You can do it!!!!!!!


Pam: I was daydreaming about your closet today while I was shoving my clothes back and forth in my SMALL one!

Terry: Charles was in here and I read him your comment and he laughed....... he is simply amazed at our Violets.....

Laura: I meant to tell you yesterday that your chicken and dumpling Soup sounded sooooooooooo good! I may have to make it one of these chilly nights.

OK.... off to hug my son

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Kat - I definetly will tell HarleyNana-hello from you if/when we get together.

TracyinKS - Congrat's on those 12's!

I am keeping up with everyone (just staying in the shadows) I am thinking of all of you and keep you all in my prayers!

Good Night!

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I made pretend hamburgers tonight. Lean ground beef cooked with onions, seasoned, then mixed with a little shredded cheddar and shredded swiss. Wrapped in crescent rolls and cooked.

I made 6 big ones. I ate 1/3 of the inside of one (crescent didn't go down well, no surprise there). DH ate 4.. FOUR.. of them. It amazes me to no end.

Then I had some grapes with cream cheese & splenda 'icing'. Variation of the yummy grape walnut salad, but I forgot to buy walnuts, and just made a 1 serving size (4 grapes, 1tbsp of 'icing'). Spit up more cream cheese than I ate.

I'm having a 100 calorie ice cream cup mixed with benefiber later tonight. Got them from Publix this week, I never thought to look for 100c ice cream. I have a no sugar added one, but it has splenda and I'm not too big a fan of it. But they do have normal ice cream 100 calorie cups.. and other things. I had a basket, not a cart, so I didn't have time to shop.. saw Cookies & cream and went on my way.

And I have to say, I've been making sure to get my benefiber in, and I'm still 5 days NO POO! I keep feeling like I gotta go, but when I try.. nothing. I don't want to drink prune juice again, that was horrible. Mom bought me duxelox (or something) last time I had this problem, I might try one. I hate inducing poo though, it's so unpleasant.

I didn't cover the scale with the cat bed quick enough.. Weighed myself.. woops? 278! HAH! No more 279-281 bouncing..finally hit 278..at night, with clothes on, after dinner. Then I DID hide it, so no more weighing till I go in Monday.

We finally are getting some rain tonight. The home builders came by today from my BBB complaint in August. They kept screwin me around, and I refiled. So low and behold they showed up again and this time I yelled at the guy for lying to me last time (he's the one who promised to come the next day to 'fix' it, but ended up telling his boss he saw no problem, so they tried to close it).

So after I chewed him a new one, I told him since he lied to me, everything he is saying (cause what he SAYS sounds nice), he is writing down and signing..and dating. So I got paper trails now. He said he's coming tomorrow to break up the cement in our flower bed, replace the dead bushes, and put new soil down. We'll see. Either way I have paperwork to give to the BBB if he tries to screw around again. Honestly as I stood out there in my pjs (that I put on when I get home every day).. white shirt, with boobs just pokin out.. and I'm fussing, and we're going inch by inch looking at it, I was really tired of the whole thing. If I hadn't made such a big to do about it already, I was gonna say just forget it. Next spring I'll put bricks down (I looked into this already, seems like a major undertaking to build up a wall).

This is turning into a long post.

Kat where is YOUR update?!

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I'm home too!

Glad to hear things went as well as they could for a court system, and his no show crap!!! You just take it a step at a time, and the deeper hole he gets dug into financially the better your odds I would guess. Woo hoo on the 12's!!! I have 2 pairs of old 12's I was given that I can wear, but all my new and regulars are 14's and likely will remain that until this belly goes!!!

Was also happy to hear the Dr. is going to run things again for you TracyK. I know exactly what you mean about psyching yourself up for the quit! I quit as a New Years Resolution, and chose the day of April 1st. In 100% honesty I know I chose that day in case I wimped out I could claim it was an April Fools joke. Then my ex said I couldn't quit, I was too weak. Just the thing I needed to do it! Last April was 16 years ago!!! We will help! Get your Chantix!

Pamela I am sure your observation went fine!!! Enjoy your class!

Terry--glad you remembered to thank Tracy's DH for being one of the good guys, they don't get remembered for it too often, they are all usually lumped together as jerks, and they aren't all bad!!! You are always so with it!

Well they did 2 different scans today, the MRI and a contrast scan. I had to lie with my head hanging for over an hour, I have a killer headache, and cannot take anything! Then they did an allergen test, and I passed, so they wanted me to swallow a horse capsule, for the scan tomorrow! I said uh uh!!! They found it in smaller capsules in the other pharmacy at the hospital. So tomorrow I go back to have this one done. They measured me, and drew all over my throat with marker! Now my plan was to go to Walmart and grab the things I didn't do yesterday----but I have on a deep V neck shirt, with markings all over me---so just come home, my head hurt too bad anyway.

Come home to get Kinsey, and found out the dog had bit her in the face. They have this (sorry but it is) Stupid teeny tiny chihuahua....he weighs like under 3 pounds! It was given to Manda's bf---and the girls love him, but he is attaching to my Mom, and Kinsey went to hug her, and he nailed her. I called Manda and told her the dog has strike 1------she knows I will personally eat the dog if necessary at strike 3!!! No, she really is a good Mom, and will not keep the dog if it is not good with the girls---but I was furious!

Thank goodness I put dinner in the crockpot, I do not feel like doing anything!!!

Thanks for all the prayers that went with me today, I could feel them! I told Rick, that I had the waiting room full of people waiting for me today!

I will come back later tonight, and check in with everyone---going to get Kinsey fed...her broccoli and cheese is ready!


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So you have to go back again?

And you're right about the chihuahua.. one of the few things I actually take a strong stand against.. is dangerous animals. I did a research paper on it, and this guy who trains dogs to be biters (for whatever dog sport that is), and does professional training of dogs with behavioral problems.. said the worst dog bite he ever had, which mauled his hand and had to have nerves re-attached.. was by a TOY POODLE!

It doesn't matter how small they are, if they're mean.. they're mean.. and are dangerous, period!

So keep an eye out, don't let that dog alone with your gd ;)

When our dog was a puppy, we held her jaw closed till she cried when she nipped at us. And everyone says how it's normal, they grow out of it.. but they don't if you don't teach them to!! A co-worker of mine has a small fuzzy dog, not sure what it is.. but when we visit, he bites everyone! It's to be playful, but it sure does hurt. And she does a baby voice 'aww stop that'. But she never tells him not to, and then she complains about the bites she gets. If you're playing with our dog and make growling noises, she'll get all worked up, but if her mouth runs over your hand at any point, she immediately lets go and nudges the toy waiting for you to loosen it. I'm rambling again.. but.. like I said, one of the few things I will take a strong stand on!!

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