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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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My dd has her halloween costume. She decided to be Aerial (the little mermaid). Cute, cute, cute. I will post pics when I have the patience.

Someone please please please explain this one to me...I got the results of bloodwork from my yearly well woman check up. Could one of you fellow bandsters please explain how in the heck I have high cholesterol AND high triglycerides?? A total mystery to me...I was looking forward to getting my results cause I just knew they would be great!....wrong! Diabetes runs in my family, so I need to make an appt with my PCP and see what he says about it. Since April I have not had any rice, bread, Pasta, my potatoes are minimal, I do not drink sodas of any kind. I just don't get it! It feels like a kick in the gut to be working so hard and then this! Mom said it may be because I did not fast before my blood test. If I was supposed to, they didn't tell me. I guess I shold have figured that part out myself. In retrospect I feel kind of dumb for not fasting before my blood test.

Michelle-have a great time. Just reading what you accomplished made me tired!

Everyone have a great Sunday evening!

PS...my nephew has not had another seizure...whew!

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Tracy - Your mermaid is precious!!! Oh, I love my pics of Hannah at that age. She used to play dress up ALL the time!! Brings back memories!

High cholesterol goes hand in hand with high triglycerides...that would not surprise me. Perhaps you are thinking of HDL and LDL ...where you want high levels of HDL and low levels of LDL (good & bad cholesterol). And yes, if you are having bloodwork to check lipid levels, you definitely should be fasting. If nobody told you that you should take the test over at their expense!

Judy - I was thinking the same thing about Michelle! ALL that work for 2 days?? But at least it is done....and that's a good thing!

Kat - You are a diplomatic person. I honestly think you should write a note to that minister and express your disappointment in her attitude after all your dad has done for that church. Her performance was absolutely pitiful! I know you would be able to word a short letter in such a way that would get your point across without being 'bitchy'....she needs a wake-up call!! She's obviously forgotten her purpose!


Kity - too early to tell yet on the BB. I'll keep you posted though...rest assured. How's Susanne?? Ya'll have fun?

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Tracy.. your daughter is cute as a button. That smile on her face is one of the things I miss now that I'm retired from teaching Kindergarten. (However I don't miss the day after Halloween when the kids come in the morning with huge sugar buzzes!!)

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CUTE CUTE ariel.. and she looks so much like her momma!

Pam I Loved the earrings

Laura: Glad the girl is not infected

I am just cruising tonight.. about time to hit the hay.......

I did see a new low this morning and I hope it holds. or goes lower...........

Have a great night....

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Hey Everyone,

I've been on the puter all day...man, I am tired. Just wanted to pop in and say hiddy ho (Mr. Hanky). Gonna go play one game of scrabble and hit the hay!

Sweet dreams!


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TracyinKS - You sure have been laying low lately!! Everything OK with you??? Congrats on that new low!! You are doin' it, baby!!!

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Hi girls!

Well Kinsey is asleep at last, she ended up with a late nap and kinda through things out of kilter! We went to our friends Becky & Gary's for a cookout today. Gary's folks are in town, so it was nice to see them. Kinsey had their grandson to play with, so wore herself out, and fell asleep coming home. She put on quite the singing and dancing show for everyone today! I'll try to get some pictures of her Queen outfit...she is very excited for Halloween. But she is pretty iffy about the scary things!

TracyK, your Ariel is adorable!!! I always wonder about how to keep kids warm with cute things like that! So we went with a long sleeve, long dress, that she can wear sweats under to try to stay warm!! A friend has a Red Riding Hood cape, fully lined with red fleece, that I think we will put over her dress to go trick or treating. Manda said it has slit for the hands---I just don't know if she can manage all those layers!!! You know, that is the night they have to potty every 10 minutes!

Judy, if you get struck, I will be sizzling right next to ya!!! I SERIOUSLY thought about making an appointment and talking to her face to face, but I don't think it will matter. She is totally lacking in personality. She is very close to my cousin and his wife, both around my age. She smiles and laughs some with them, but otherwise she is very serious all the time, and comes across as almost shy...but yet something about it feels insincere. Church attendance has dropped drastically. My parents say nothing negative about her....but they do not seem "excited" about their new classes. And as Judy said many extra activities, and such have been just let drop. Our church partnered with a woman doing a feeding program for children in Kahzikstan (sp?)... she has nothing to do with it. The childrens ministry has dwindled, she is not married, has no children, and does not seem to relate to them any better than anyone else.

Sounds like we both need Bob for our churches!!

Pamela glad you had a nice time with Susanne. Hope the week flies by quickly for you!

My PCP had his nurse call me and try to schedule an appointment to "strategize a treatment for my high cholesterol", I was shocked, when I donate blood it gets checked and has been fine...I know it is not a fasting test with them, but my numbers have steadily dropped. So I ask her what is was, she tells me it is close to 160, and he would prefer it closer to 100. I was pissed!!! I told her I felt like that number was acceptable at this point, and I had other things to think about, I was not interested in strategizing over something so piddly to find someone else wanting to turn over a co-pay!!! Yeah I was in a bad mood by that time! I was coming back from Albq. with my Dad from his check up, and Rick calls, she had called and left a message with him for me to call the office ASAP. With everything going on right now, he was in a panic, which made me the same way---all for that! Heck when I began this lap band journey I was in the high 230's....so where I am is fine! Made me mad!

Hope your numbers are all ok, and you get satisfactory information on them.

Jenn-you work this weekend? What's on the agenda for Halloween for you and your DS?

Tracy---how about your little guy---what is he going to be?

Don't think we have anything major planned for tomorrow, maybe some laundry. I go for the first part of my 2 day test on Tuesday. Manda will be home she said---I hate that I caused them to cut their trip short, she says I didn't...but seems like!!! She says she is missing Kinsey too much to stay much longer. Today when she called Kinsey sang "You are my Sunshine" to her and made her cry!!! It really IS adorable!

If I show no adverse reactions with the test, then they will administer the actual iodine junk, and I can go home. If there is any possible reaction to the iodine, then depending on how severe, they might keep me at the hospital, or scrap the test all together. My Mom is highly allergic to iodine, so they are making me do the testing.

Oh! I did get some possible good news! You know when I went to get my license and they decided I was a Possible Threat to Society!!! Well technically my given name is Kathleen. I have NEVER gone by it! My SS, everything is in Kathy. I was told to go to the MVD, and see if they will check and find out if a block comes up on Kathleen, and if not, simply changing my ID to my given name, will clear me to obtain a passport again!!! I really am NOT a threat!!

Well I am going to bed. This Mommy business is tiring!!!

See y'all tomorrow!!


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Good morning all!!!

Thanks for the sweet words about my mermaid...I am certainly treasuring every minute of her being this age...it is so much fun! I guess having her later in life I have learned to really appreciate these times!

Kat, around here we have to worry about what the kids can wear so they won't overHEAT! Not cold here at all, so the skimpy mermaid outfit will be perfect for a SE Texas halloween night!!

Haven't gotten my TOM yet...no chance of being preggos so I guess it is just the body change. Either way, i am staying away from the scales for a while because I feel so bloated!

Everyone have a great Monday!

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Morning gals

You have all been busy this weekend

Kat - I am so glad you are no longer a threat to society, LOL

Well, what a weekend, I got out of work at 9 on sat night but worked with my 2 step sisters and the 3 of us have not been together in such a long time.... BAD... we got a bottle of wine, and 1 had to go home so the 2 of us drank the entire thing. I coudn't even drive home, then.... I went to my neighbor's party and had another glass there which completely put me over the edge. Not only did I drink way too much, it was wine which never agrees with me - but I had 2 shakes and a burito and that was it, I couldn't eat because even though I was so drunk I couldn't function, I knew I couldn't eat because I didn't want to gain an ounce. I AM MENTAL. LOL

Needless to say, I was a mess yesterday and I had dd's cheerleading competition - which she was advanced to the next round, if they win that then we go to NJ and should we win that (i doubt/hope not) we go to Disney for the national competition. Like I have money for that.

I am so tired, ds got our cold yesterday and he gets croup, which of course started last night so I was up all night checking on him and he is cranky this am. He is going to the sitter - I have some things I have to do and dd has a dental appt, she needs braces (again, something I just can't afford) but they were going to have to pull a couple teeth, the fell out on their own but one broke, so on a happy note, they are going to have to pull it because it broke and not for braces so the cost of braces should be a few hundred less.

My step sister is opening a cafe - hopefully in the next few weeks, so I think i'll be working 3 days a week and 2 nights. that would be so nice. I'm so very tired.

Well off on my adventure, I have to get my referral for my appt for my fill tomorrow. I was down to 208 yesterday am but going to check today, I didn't want to change my ticker until I was there for a day or 2, but hopefully with my fill i'll be in onderland with you gals ASAP.

Laura, you are so funny with the dog's costume, they are very cute.

HI Terry & Tracyks

TracyK - dd is very cute... I have to work on Halloween, I'm kind of sad about that.... but I asked someone to work until 6 for me so I can go on 1 run with my kids and then go in. DS is going to be spiderman and dd is going to be a pirate.

Amanda... hi... glad you are back with us.

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Good Monday Morn, Vi's~~

Still @ 262... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... I am nervous about being up @ the Lake w/lots of yummy food & without my regular exercise routine... I know we will walk, but... will do my best, that's the best I can do!

Speaking of good food, I made my "famous" slow-cooked baby-back ribs yesterday for dinner (w/lots of other yummy stuff)... they cook for hours, & just fall off the bone. So I was busy & really didn't eat much prior to dinner, I was all ready to enjoy a small portion... I took about 2 bites... & I was stuck! & for only the second time since being banded, I was "run by the hot guys & throw up" stuck (thinking of you, Laura :cool: )!! TWICE! & this w/guests at the table & I keep hopping up & once I think I said, "I have to check something in the kitchen" but then I didn't even go into the kitchen -- ha ha! So that was very disappointing, to say the least.

TracyKS, you're doing great these days!! What is your secret??

TracyK... she's adorable!!

Laura... they're adorable!!

Judy... Yes, all for 2 nights (you certainly do pay attention!!)... I'm a nut... as I said, this visit was really a catalyst... it's all stuff we should've done years ago... Imagine the red carpet I'd put out if a Violet ever visited!! I so enjoy hostessing...

Pam... Good luck this week w/school... maybe having that kid moved into Special Ed will help calm down the others??

Kat... You're energy is amazing!! So involved & helpful & kind!

Terri... how are you liking your BodyBugg? Can't wait to hear the review!

Make it a great week, everyone!!

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Hi michelle

I am glad you got everything done.Have a nice relaxing week.

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WASabb posted this article for me in another thread about the dreaded 6 month plateau -- something I think many of us are facing right now: WeightWatchers.com - Weight-Loss Plateaus - Visitor

Kat - your mentioning about Kinsey not liking the scary stuff reminds me of a story... When Richard and I got married we moved into a new house, in a new neighborhood and 2 months later Halloween rolled around. My kids were 7 and 11 then. We got all excited about being in our new house and decided we wanted to make it real scary....strobe lights, scary music, cob webs, dark porch, candles, etc. and I dressed like a witch. It was a blast....EXCEPT that it didn't take long to figure out that 90% of the trick-or-treaters were under the age of 5 (!!) and they were too scared to come to the door!! It was pretty funny, though. I probably traumatized all those poor kids that had to walk by our house....not to mention the ones whose desire for candy was stronger than their fear and made it to the front door, but then ran as fast as they could back to their mommy & daddy!! LOL! Ah....fun times! :cool:

it's too early to really give a full report on the BB...I'll let you know when I lose a damn pound!!! I was (again!) at 185.2 this morning. When I hit 184 I want some freakin' dancing boobies!!

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Good morning all!!!!!

I guess I have been laying low.. but not on purpose.... the last week was preparation for Open Enrolment, and tomorrow is THE big day in court. I've been losing lots of sleep over it. I have 23 family and friends attending with me and we are ready to go forward with an adoption if needed. (this is what I really want) My very logical child would understand both he and I changing our names at the same time.... and we would both HAVE the same last name.......

Shrek owes $9240 in back support to ME..not the state, ME... He owes the state nothing because I've always carried my own insurance and never been on any kind of assistance..... I guess he had court in Septemember and showed some paycheck stubs where support was taken out...... but then those checks written by the employer to the state bounced.. so he has until 10/23 to pay $800.00 of which I received $10.42 to my CS account today........

The funny thing is......... this man is so slick.... I swear if he put his talents to use for good he would be very well off.....

The employer name........ Big 8 construction........... I think this was a completely bogus company........ and I'll explain,

He is a Demo Derby FREAK...... his derby number is 8 as in 8ball, and he has several times tried to start working for himself under Big D Construction/HandyMan/Painting..........

He even had business cards and flyers made up before me and during my time with him.... he could never follow through or keep his word and it always flopped.......

I've also seen him try to pass off old money orders as child support payments...... and then it buys him time when the court puts tracers on it........(See.. slick ass manouvers to buy him time and to get his ass out of the courtroom)

So anyway....... my guess is that he or someone he is close with set up a checking account and paid him from it, showing support was taken...... and then the bad check was written off the account......... I could be way off...... but the name is just too fishy... and the fact that ANY employer would bounce a check to the STATE........ doesn't add up.......

I have to bust booty today to get as far with my payroll as I can, because I'll be off tomorrow afternoon...

Lots of drama... and it stays in my head......... rolling around with all the what if's......

I just wish the judge would QUIT giving him chances!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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