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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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I had my 4th fill last Thursday and it was uneventful. However 4-5 days later, I am very restricted before noon. Never had this before. Wonder why it has taken several days for a restriction like this? Can't really get any liquid and no food down before noon. And I gurgle like crazy! Just wondering...

Love this thread. You girls are wonderful!!

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Bubbles I MUST drink hot coffee in the am in order to losen up my band a bit! I have been eating WC oatmeal about.. this morning I tried some of the special K Cereal and milk before coffee and nope nothing...........

The scale thank goodness went back down so my day of being bad is gone... THANK GOODNESS!!!!!!

I am heading out to my dr. support group meeting in a bit. It will be the first one since banding that I've been able to make.

I am wearing my WWJD Bracelet and I have a feeling I'll be telling everyone all about it! :o

There are usually a lot of pre bandsters curious... and since I am down 59 lbs......... I'm sure I'll be asked questions...

It is storming here.... a good day to curl up in bed and stay there.

Have a great day.. I'll be back to catch up later.....

ps. Pam: LOVE THE EARRINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Morning Violets~

Bubbles, I too am very tight in the morning. I have protien shake for breakfast, and some tuna or chic salad w/ a few crackers for lunch. Then dinner is sometimes ok...need hot tea first. This is typical for lots of people.

OK...Drumroll please...I can't believe what I saw this morning...250!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that deserves at least one:Banane20:(I love her, but I don't know how the resident lesbian ended up w/ this one, lol). Anyway...250.0 It was beautiful. I am not going to jazzercise class today, still have a nasty cough w/ the throat tickle thingy. But I'll be back on Monday for sure! I think I will sh#@ my pants when I see 240...OMG. Now, I am excited.

Off to Susanne's house. Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!


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Pam the earrings are so pretty :o

I have tricked DH. I keep sayin I want to do the haunted house stuff, and he groans. Tonight one of my friends who is now a musician and I get to do his CD's (hehe!) is on tour and he is coming to town tonight. I told DH we have to go to be supportive..

Anyway, going to go stop by just to say hi and then I'm taking him to haunted houses! Mwhahah!

I forgot about the sea salt Water, and booby is much happier today but I am going to do the water anyway..

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You posted while I was posting. Congrats Pam!! WOWEEE!

Ok going to check my scale, maybe I have exciting news..........


That's good considering I been bouncing to 282, and I've been 279 2 days in a row now.. next time it will be bouncing DOWN!

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Hi Girls..

OMG..there is always so much to catch up on whenever I am away for a few days!!

Can I just ask about the bracelets I keep hearing you all speak of ???

I must have missed that

Congratulations Pam on your new number whoooo hoooo!!

I'm still holding out down at my first goal (Grrr!!!) I must schedule another fill (I've only had two!!) It's a pain in the A** having to fly to Manchester everytime but That was my decision so I better live with it!

Still though I think the clinic is setting up base here In Ireland sometime in the near future..That would be GREAT! I know I need another fill..I will not be able to stay on top of this with out it, given my current motivation!!

I've just been looking through some old photos of myself..GoD I was SLIM!!! And I was wearing such beautiful clothes and I look so comfortable in them..ie not straining to cross my legs (lol)

I have all those clothes vaccum packed, I refuse to let go of them!!

I have a cruise next Fab to look forward to and then I want to start on making a family after that so I have a lot to motivate me. I will be starting my NLP sessions with my Therapist again on Thursday and I feel I am nearing a point where I'll get my mojo back and join all you wonderful violets again in my efforts..

I'm so happy I have you all to turn to and to watch as you prove this can be done. Although I am lagging behind I am still hopeful by your examples that I can do this...

I am gonna flip this freakin switch if it's the last thing I do..

Have a good day..

Don't forget to fill me in on the Bracelet thing!!

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Just reading through a few things ont the Violets folder!!

PAM...you're so funny!!!

Has anyone noticed that a lot of the violets have listed purple as their fav colour? hmmm just thought that was interesting.

Oh, and colour here is spelt with a 'U'..I know you guys spell it 'Color'

Us europeans like our vowels!!

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CONGRATS PAM! you have worked so hard to get there .

Well, I worked on my feet all night and was at 212 this am, I was 210 yesterday am. I had 2 shakes and a burito dinner (350 total cals for the burito with cheese and salas) and drank all my Water, I don't get why work does that to me. for me that this the most important reason I need a normal job, so I can get to onderland.

tonight is my oven night. I am going to wear shorts and a t shirt but bring a sweatshirt, it is only going to be in the 50's today.

have I mentioned I need a fill. LOL

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Ok, Amanda...I'll take a stab at explaining the WWJD bracelets. First of all, I don't know if the 'fad' made it all the way across The Pond but WWJD usually stands for "What Would Jesus Do?" and people wear bracelets with WWJD on them to remind themselves to act in a Christian manner.

OK,...well that being said.... One day a long time ago I was rushed for lunch but I was very hungry so I stopped off at a fast food restaurant that serves burgers, tacos, salads, etc. I was standing there looking at the menu and thinking to myself, "Man, those tacos sure do sound good!!"....but was feeling guilty knowing I really should be ordering a salad. So as I was standing there waffling and listening to the debate going on in my head, the thought comes, "What would Judy do???" Well, SHE would order a salad FOR SURE. So...i ordered a salad. Later on I laughed out loud to myself and shared the story with the Violets...and we came up with WWJD to stand for What Would Judy Do? And we all had a big laugh about that for a couple of days

Well, I make jewelry as a hobby. I offered to make a WWJD Bracelet for anyone who wanted one...and I had about 12 takers! So some of these girls are sporting their WWJD bracelets as a reminder to eat the way Judy would eat....which is perfectly!! She is our mascot and our mentor...and above all, our constant inspiration!

So....that's the story of the bracelets.

Speaking of which....I am going to bead now!! I have the house all to myself and I am so excited!!! :)

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Wow, long day...so I will make a long story short. My nephew that had tried to kill himself had 5 seizures today and is back in the hospital. When he tried to OD last week, he tried to OD on all of his seizure meds. He has not been able to take any since because his med level was too high....well....too high of one kind and none of the other kind and it all hit him today. My DD was there while it was happening, but luckily we were able to pick her up before she actually witnessed any of it. Each time he had a seizure, he fell down, hitting things on the way down, he has a black eye, busted mouth. He is about 6' 3" and about 260, so we are not talking about a small guy so it stands to reason that when he falls down, he falls hard!! Now we are worried that all of these seizures may have caused some brain damage. As I hear how he is doing I will let you all know!!

Pamela :Banane09::Banane09::Banane57::):Banane21::Banane27::Banane09::Banane10::Banane10::):Banane20::D:Banane20::):Banane20::Banane20::Banane20::Banane20::Banane20::Banane20::Banane20::Banane20::Banane20::Banane20::Banane20::Banane25:WAY TO GOOOOO!!!!!

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Hi Violets~

How's everyones weekend going? Ours is uneventful. All our kids made it to Vegas safely, and are all attending a show together tonight, then hitting Margaritaville together. Lucky brats!!!

We took the folks to Breakfast this morning, then spent the day winterizing things. We covered swamp coolers on the rentals, and for both parents, and did the chimney sweeping thing...well Rick did that, I cut the Dads hair. Then come home, and vegged, did not even get our own done!!! Maybe tomorrow!

Grabbed some quick dinner at the local A&W, and now we are just sitting around letting Kinsey entertain us!

TracyK--so sorry about your nephew Hon, your family is hurting through all of this, and I hate that! I do hope he is improving soon, and I am so thankful you got Macy out of the way, he could have hurt her without ever intending to.

Pamela---enjoy your time with Susanne, I love your earrings!!!

Terry---I have mostly good neighbors, there are some exceptions!!! The crazy lady I told y'all about!!! And then right next door there is an older couple who own a local real estate agency, with several office branches---and they are SOOOOO much better than us, just ask them!!! Actually the husband, is pretty nice, he had heart valve surgery not long before Rick, so he comes around and talks, she would not lower herself to mix with us rif raf!! Otherwise, it is a great neighborhood. It is in high demand, houses do not stay on the market long. It is an older neighborhood, most of the houses being built in the 50's & 60's. I love it here. I actuall lived in this house in High School. My parents bought it in the early 70's, for under $20K!!! Then they moved into a bigger home, and rented this one out. When I come back here following my divorce, I rented it with an option---by that time the appraisal on it had quadrupled---and it appraised and sold to me for $84K. Then I rented it out when we went to Denver with Rick....then we moved back here and decided to just live in it!!! Then the government finally turned loose of some property behind our houses on this block, that used to have a railroad on it that quit running back in the 60's. Gave us an option to buy the land adjoining ours. Our houses are the last row of houses, butting up against school property and BLM land. We have lots of wildlife, and yet are only like blocks from down town! With the addition of the land, we are now on 3 city lots, and our last appraisal for insurance come in at $283K. Quite a jump from what my folks paid back then $19-$283!!!

We have some property out of town, but it adjoins the land his parents live on, so we are not willing to move out there just now, they like to monopolize him and his time if allowed anyway. Eventually we will likely move out there and build.

Rick wants a bigger shop, and when we have big gatherings, like holidays we have a lack of space---both in the house, and parking wise. We jokingly call it our 5 year plan, because in 5 years, everything else will be paid off, and the child we battled over in court will be 19---and her mother will be out of our lives! Then we will do it!

But as for the neighbors, it is nice. I can always borrow an egg if needed, and have someone to watch my house when I am gone. We do gather for impromptu parties some in the summer. Good people. The ones right next to me are the worlds biggest alcoholics I think! But it doesn't affect me, they never have infringed due to it...so I let them be! They go through over a case of Coors Light a day, between the 2 of them!

Is Judy gone again? I remember reading about her busy schedule, but thought they had awhile before their next cruise. Miss seeing her!

Laura, hope the girlie is feeling all better!!! Was DH surprised by the additional jewelry?? LMAO!

Well I am off to play Barbies!!! We bought some new ones and a jeep today, maybe I will get to drive!!! wooo hooo!!!!

See ya in awhile!


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Sadly DH hasn't noticed the jewelry!! They're for me really, without going into it :)

He didn't come to bed last night, was up till 10am playing video games with his friends.

My parents decided to go to Tunica this weekend last minute, I SO wish they invited me to go. I love gettin away. Room service & pay per view & slots. Mmm.

Instead, they called and said I'm my sister's go-to person while they're gone. She's all suicidal and drama drama lately. I told them that's not such a good choice, because they coddle her, but when she does this stuff, my opinion is.. toughen up, you're the most spoiled person I've ever met, you don't know what having it bad even means. So stop having a poo-poo on me party.

But anyway, I'm suppose to call her every night and make sure she's alive.

Me and DH cleaned the house and set up the guest room!! I'm so excited, it's so nice. I even hung up posters. Now I need to finish unpacking the boxes we through in that room.

I made a new recipe tonight, YUM. And DH pointed out how filling it was, he had 1/2 bowl and has been full 6 hours so far.

Wanted to make chili, but I'm out of any ground meat :)

So, I found a cornish hen Soup recipe. I added some of my own things, but this was how it went--

Sizzle the chicken (in pieces) in oil for a couple minutes till brown, then add a sliced up onion, minced garlic, salt & pepper.. cook till onions are tender (suppose to add carrots & celery too.. but don't like those in food).

Then added about 4cups of chicken broth, thyme and sage.

Boiled for about 30 minutes, till chicken was cooked and potatos soft.

Took chicken out, pulled it off the bone. Added cornstarch to the soup mix, made it thick, put the boneless chicken back in.. Cooked a little longer.


I took pics of my animals with a pumpkin tonight, made prints at cafepress to hang on my wall. I think I'll do one for each holiday and then just 'normal' and rotate them out throughout the year. I have this spot on the wall in the living room where I have all my animal stuff.

Anyway, here's the pics that I am putting on the walls-

Apollo (Ragdoll.. my sissy boy)


Pandora (Ragdoll.. my old lady cat, she wouldn't have anything to do with the pumpkin)


Gracie (Ragdoll rescued mix... She posed for all kinds of cute pics with the pumpkin!!)


Cassy (Boxer.. our lil sweetheart, by this pic, I had about 15 pics of her and she was gettin tired of pics and I fussed at her to sit down and stay.. hence the 'mooooom' look..)


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