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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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I tried making a tofu dinner tonight.. It wasn't horrible, but we didn't like it.. so husband went and got chinese from down the road.

My eyes were so much bigger than the rest of me LOL.

I was so hungry since I forgot b'fast and lunch today at work..

Had him get me.. beef & broccoli, egg roll, and crab rangoons.

Now duh, I can't it all of it, but I put the egg roll, 1c of the beef & broccoli, and 2 rangoons on my plate. 1 bite of rangoon, 1 piece of beef, and 1 piece of broccoli later, I was sliming into my little cup. And now I'm done eating. I'm very hardcore about my Vitamins lately, I know my nutrition would really be suffering right now otherwise. And I am almost emberassed to admit this..they make 'spray' Vitamin things in the diet aisle now. No more bulky pills, etc. So i bought one that is for 'energy blast!' lol. Tastes good, its berry flavored. No sugars and blah blah.. but it's 'supposedly' going to give me hours of energy in only minutes. The real bonus is, it has vitamins including b-12.. I heard b-12 is good for something on here and had it on my to-do list, I just don't remember what. So I take my chewables, my Protein test tubes, and my 'spray' vitamins lol.

YAY FOR THE WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh and one more thing.. Boredom does stupid things to me.

I was laying in bed, and I use to have a lot of 'riskay' piercings.. I took them out for different reasons, but..

I found my box of body jewelry and out of curiosity I cleaned them with alcohol and went to see if my nipples were still pierced.

Low and behold, they were.. even though I've not had them in for years. So I put some in.. and today at work my left one was KILLING ME!!! I got home, and looked, it's all pus-y (I hate typing that word). And nipple is bright red.

Stupid me, right? Should have left them alone. I took it out and put neosporin all over my boob lol.

I hate boredom moments that lead to trouble.

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Last night I was preparing for my online class and I had to take a personality inventory at Welcome To Kingdomality. It is free and pretty cool. Short survey! I think it was Gina who said she likes to do surveys online, so I thought I'd share it w/ you. I was a Dreamer/Minstrel!!! I don't know what other categories there are...so if we take the quiz, post your "personality type" so we can see!


I was a Dreamer - Minstreal also:

dreamer.gifm.gifany years ago there was a period of time that is often casually called "Medieval." It was a time, so the story tellers tell us, of tiny kingdoms, brave knights and ferocious dragons.

t.gifransportation and travel were both crude and difficult, usually necessitating that each kingdom be as self sufficient and self reliant as possible. So it was very important that within each kingdom all the major crafts and professions of the day were ably represented to insure the survival of the kingdom. In the English language we still see remnants of some occupations in the familiar surnames such as Smith, Carpenter, Miller and Baker to name just a few.

i.gifnterestingly enough, beyond the specific title the vocation also took on its own greater personality. This personality preference can also give a broader understanding of the basic complementary style and types necessary to the kingdom's survival, or perhaps any organization's success. Although the specific vocation influenced the name, it was no accident that certain personality types and styles gravitated to certain occupations. The personality of these jobs suited the inclinations of the job holders, and the predecessor to modern day job descriptions was born. The successful matching of a job-holder's personality to the personality and unique requirements of the job was necessary to the kingdom's survival, or perhaps any organization's success. The successful kingdoms more than likely were able to blend the differences into a powerful and formidable entity. With today's diverse workforce, the corporate kingdom that acknowledges and nurtures these personality preferences could become an organization as successful as the Camelot of old.

e.gifven though we now appear to have the freedom to explore many different career alternatives, we still have a medieval vocational personality within each of us. This personality, properly identified and understood, can motivate our success but, if ignored, may set the stage for our ultimate failure. Since times appeared to be simpler then, let us return to the kingdoms of medieval Europe and see what we would have done then, regardless of what our names are now.

kingbord.gify.gifour distinct personality, The Dreamer-Minstrel might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. You can always see the "Silver Lining" to every dark and dreary cloud. Look at the bright side is your motto and understanding why everything happens for the best is your goal. You are the positive optimist of the world who provides the hope for all humankind. There is nothing so terrible that you can not find some good within it. On the positive side, you are spontaneous, charismatic, idealistic and empathic. On the negative side, you may be a sentimental dreamer who is emotionally impractical. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms.

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This is what I was--


y.gifour distinct personality, The Benevolent Ruler might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. You are the idealistic social dreamer. Your overriding goal is to solve the people problems of your world. You are a social reformer who wants everyone to be happy in a world that you can visualize. You are exceptionally perceptive about the woes and needs of humankind. You often have the understanding and skill to readily conceive and implement the solutions to your perceptions. On the positive side, you are creatively persuasive, charismatic and ideologically concerned. On the negative side, you may be unrealistically sentimental, scattered and impulsive, as well as deviously manipulative. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms.

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Oh and one more thing.. Boredom does stupid things to me.

I was laying in bed, and I use to have a lot of 'riskay' piercings.. I took them out for different reasons, but..

I found my box of body jewelry and out of curiosity I cleaned them with alcohol and went to see if my nipples were still pierced.

Low and behold, they were.. even though I've not had them in for years. So I put some in.. and today at work my left one was KILLING ME!!! I got home, and looked, it's all pus-y (I hate typing that word). And nipple is bright red.

Stupid me, right? Should have left them alone. I took it out and put neosporin all over my boob lol.

I hate boredom moments that lead to trouble.

Laura - SOAK IN A CUP OF SEA SALT WATER!!!!! Swear it works, will actually pull all the puss out, ointment won't do much. But I do have to say that is amazing they were not closed up and that you braved putting them back in, I thought i was going to die when i put mine back in 2 days after surgery.

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you are all very quiet. I see you all

I'm just getting in from work and going to pass out. it was a long hard night.

Terry - thanks... I really can't eat much but can do whatever, i can't wait til tuesday!

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Hi everyone---just stopping in to say Hi and all is well. I am exhausted, we spent yet another day cutting wood, I thought we were done---but Rick approached me about cutting a truckload of wood for the man on the corner of our block. He is in his late 70's, not of normal mentality. He lived with his parents til they died, then with his Aunt & Uncle in the house on the corner, until they too died. Now he lives alone, and a nephew comes by and he has visiting nurses. He does not like women, he is afraid of them I believe. His name is Keith...he has a golden cocker spaniel named candy who escapes frequently, and I have to take her home, he barely looks as me and says thank you, as he lavishes attention on his dog. 2 years ago about this time of year, I took Candy home, after one of her escape sessions, and I heard him hollering for help, so let myself in, and he was lying in the hall, damn near dead! I called 911, then called my Dad---Keith likes my Dad a lot. He had gone up on the roof to cover his A/C, and fallen. He made it up and into the bathroom, and tried to get to his room, and fell in the hallway. In the end the paramedics puntured his lungs with his broken ribs, and he was in bad shape for a along time, but he made it home. My Dad mentioned to Rick that he had always tried to get the SWAT team at church to take wood in to Keith, but they were not doing that anymore, and ask him how much a co worker sold wood for, because he wanted to buy him a load of wood. It ended up, we went and cut it. His eyes lit up like a 4 year olds on Christmas---it was nice. My husband is a nice guy....guess I'll keep him...today!!!

All of our kids are gone, they are all in Vegas at this point in time. Rick's ex is getting married, so they went to the wedding. And Manda and her bf are going to spend a couple of days there with the other kids, and then plan to head to the coast. Manda had such a hard time leaving Kinsey, I kind of expect them to cut their week short!!!

We are taking Kinsey and meeting our parents out for Breakfast in the morning. We used to go once a month or so. Meet up at a Golden Corral or Country Buffet...so each family group pays their own way, and we all get together early (9:30) on Saturday, see each other, spend some time. We don't end up cooking, or cleaning up, or cleaning house to have a gathering. Then we are all free to do as we want or need to do for the weekend, without feeling like we never got to check in with the family. Since the kids are all gone, it will just be us and the folks!

As for the fill question, I have had 2. I have a total of 1.75cc.'s I am not tight, but have restriction enough to limit my intake to a reasonable amount without much trouble. I could lost weight at this restrictive level if I would work with it a bit, I am just lazy, and not doing much!!! It eased my mind sooooo much though to realize how easy maintenance is going to be!!!

Sorry for the work trouble Laura. Same with you Pamela, that kid would have stayed lost between the cracks with some teachers too---you hopefully got him going where he needs to be to get the help he needs. Enjoy the visit with your Dad & say hi to Susanne for us!

I wanna go yard saling with you Terry!!!! I am not one to go frequently, but when I do, I have fun!!

Well not knowing how well Kinsey will sleep until she settles herself in, I am going to go on to bed, and sleep while I can.

Will check in with you girlies tomorrow!!!


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Hey Violets~

OOOOOUUUCCCCHHHHH! My :Banane20:hurt just thinking about it Laura. I hope the "girl" heals quickly. I totally understand the ideology behind getting them pierced...but will never happen. I am a member of the itty bitty titty committee...and they don't like pain. Heal quick sista!

Jenn~ I've had 4 fills. The first 2 were not good ones, could eat anything. Then beginning of Sept, had one in hospital. Beginning of Oct, had one. I am now at 2.4 and have good restriction. I couldn't eat anything when I was sick. The last 2 days have been good though. I have an appointment on Nov. 1, but I think I am just gonna get my B6/12 shot and not get a fill. I hope this stays for a bit. When I went in beginning of Oct. he said I had all the saline from the earlier fill, which was good.

Tonight at dinner, we went to Fisherman's Market (great frest sea food). I had grilled salmon on a bed of greens, tons of pico de gallo and tomatoes, no dressing (now, how would I ever calculate that...I know it is not many calories). Anyway, we we eating dad and his wife and then we hear this guy choking.. I stand and say, "hiemlick" and I was hesitate but going over toward him. My dad rushed over and "hiemlicked" him...and saved him! How cool was that. I've never seen that, especially w/ my dad. His cancer is still "chillin", he is not on any treatment now, but he is hiking an hour a day, dirt bike riding, and living to the fullest!

I went to Gottschalks today and bought myself some diamond (very little) and gold hoops, some Lancome concealer (got a great red patton leather bag w/ it as a purchase w/ purchase) and I bought Susanne 2 pairs of PJ's. I had soooo much fun. I'll try to take a pic of earrings to show you. Remember, I can only use my camera phone. Anyway, going to see her tomorrow. Gotta run and watch All My Children now, then hit the hay!

Have a great weekend!


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Terry~Thank you so much!!! I just got my mail today because I was sick, I didn't check for a week. I love the Bracelet, and it fits perfectly! Now, I am officially gonna start shrinkin!

Speaking of patience and trust...I say those 2 words every time I step on the scale. I went by the surgeons today to pick up some Unjury and I jumped on their scale. I think I got my last fill 9-29 (earlier I told Jen it was beg. of Oct) anyway, according to their scale, I lost 4 pounds. That is only in the last 2 weeks. That is cool.

Ok, I took some pics of the new earrings. If you don't wanna see, scroll through em. They are not half as cute as they are in real life. Sorry, I am tired and bored.


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last one i promise...i took it and emailed it tomyself and now, aftr all that work, I have to share it.


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Love the earrings, Pamela!! I bought some kind of like that about a year ago and wear them all the time -- they go with everything! Love em!! Wow, cool story about your dad!! Was the guy ok afterward?? That would freak me out! Glad the Bracelet fits now! Wear it in good health....and skinny jeans! LOL

Laura - Ew!! ( :o )

Kat - You AND Rick are saints!! No wonder you're made for each other! That was a truly wonderful thing you did and I am proud to know you. I wish you lived down the street from ME! I miss having good neighbors. My neighbors aren't "bad"...I just don't know them! When my kids were little it was different...we were always outside with the other kids and parents! But we've moved twice more since then and people just pull into their garages and you never see them. It's a shame, really. I used to love the "instant party"...no driving, sharing meals, kids are safe, no babysitters, etc. I'm hoping when we retire we'll be able to get back into that sort of life. have two kids to get thru college. I won't be retiring anytime soon!!

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Laura-ouch ouch ouch. I am sendng you good healing vibes for your boobie. :o

Pam-LOVE the earrings. I want some...

wow....how long is it before kids actually sleep later than 6 AM? I can not wait for that day!! Well, I need to get off my rear end and pack macys some clothes to go to her aunts house. I will check back in later....

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Morning gals

well, my aunt and uncle left this am, i told them to wake me up so I could visit but she came up and gave me a kiss and told me to stay in bed, so........I did. LOL

It was tight quarters here so I'm glad they are gone but was nice to see them. It is nice to have a quiet house. Remember my bathroom issues, I have not really gone in a week because of the anxiety of having people here - so I hope I'm fixed because I had horrible pains last night. And yes, have been putting Miralax in my shakes and drank some tea and still nothing.

Kat - you should be sainted. I love cracker barrel for Breakfast, I love the potatoes, and they have turkey sausage and they make great scrambled eggs - the only kind I eat. We go there as a family once a month, Enjoy the quiet while they are all away.

Well - thanks for the fill info gals, right now I am at 1 fill and 1.25 and probably am like Kat, I have some restriction but need 100% will power and discipline, which I don't always have. I am thinking about having him put me up to 1.75- just enough to give me a reality check and slow down and a l ittle restriction. at the 1.25 I was on liquids and tuna for 10 days and couldn't do more than that, so I think asking for 2 would be too much. When he filled me all the way, I felt so very tight, I don't think I will ever be at that point. It felt like someone was squeezing me to the point i could not breathe. he told me that is what I should not feel like when I'm full, it was so strange.

Pam - love the earings. You are so funny with the pics

TracyK - I am so glad my kids sleep in, and when my ds gets up he will climb into bed with me or dd and watch toons until he sees movement.

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