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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Good morning everyone!!

Now if the tooth I had pulled wasn't bad enough, I have ulcers in my mouth right in the crease of my cheek & gums...OMG, is my mouth ever going to feel normal again? I put oragel but it burns so badly when I first put it on that I am a wimp to use it. With my luck it is some kind of gum disease and I have used up all my dental insurance for the year so now what? Have any of you ladies heard of any good home remedies for mouth ulcers? Would it be a dentist I need to go to? My whole left side of my head hurts. Dear Jesus, I am falling apart!! Oh, and now my medium size boobies are now small boobies. I refuse to be an "A", so if they shrink any more, it will be new boobs with my TT. I did not wanna do that BUT I am not gonna tolerate A's either!! I need to get my wedding ring downsized....it can just slip right off my finger, which I suppose is a NSV. Oh well, at least my bowels are moving. :) So I guess it could be worse!!

OK, that all the whining I can handle from myself this morning! :confused:

Everyone have a great day!

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Hi Gurls!!

Just popping in to say hello..

Laura..A BUBBLE?? that must have been bizzare! LOL.. I had a major P/B last week while trying to eat (BOLD GIRL) a BIG MAC! I peuked anyway and Martin (DH) looked at me as if I was freddie Krueger!! LOL

Serves me right for eating McDonalds shit!

I am now Back down to my first goal weight , AGAIN!! I had floated up 6lbs AGAIN!! If I get down into my second goal ticker It'll be the first time since July!! I can't believe it's been 6 months nearly since the OP!!

I am seriously not where I thought I'd be!! I guess I have a bigger emotional and psychological attachment to my fat then I thought. I have a mental block for sure..but I know I'll break through it.

I started seeing my psychologist again last week, and I'm gonna do some

NLP sessions with him over the next few weeks, I really need to reprogramme this conviction I have that loosing weight is a waste of time. I thought the band would do it for me..I guess What I really wanted was a magic wand so I could look the other way and just shrink magically! I really am resisting the responsibility of having to put the effort in myself !!

Like that A-hole man of the year award..I walked out on myself 3 years ago when I started gaining his weight back and I guess I left a bitter taste in my own mouth in doing so..I have to learn to trust myself again.

I know that I've been hurt by men before, and yes it has left a lasting distrust in me, I tend to be harsh on men by only aknowledging the dicks amongst them. I wouldn't trust some as far as I can throw them, but that is living in the past and when we live in the past we have no future only that which we remember and dwell on. And although I was hurt by many men, I still found a gentleman and married him. And I have great faith that together we are right for each other..not just him for me..or vice versa. My experience never changed my belief or my faith that there was someone out there for me..It did not shape my convictions. But Rather I learnt to tell the difference between a looser and a keeper!

I guess what I'm trying to say is that regarding my weight loss, I am living in the past, letting history dictate what my future is to be, because I am hurt by it, but I done it to myself. At least others who hurt me can be left behind, removed from my life..but me however is stuck with myself and I! And for the most part I love myself, I like who I am, where I'm going and what I can do creatively and intelligently, I love where I live and I love my Husband, my family and my life. So I am lucky, there's just one thing missing, and it's not for the want of or from others..the one thing I want is the one thing only I can give to me, and I am letting myself be denied...why?

Because I'm afraid I'll ultimately fail again? Because I don't want to struggle to achieve something that has no guarantee of lasting? Because I have associated getting slim with sacrificing instead of the many health benefits and better quality of life it will offer?

You see what I mean? I have a switch in my head that is blocking me from seeing, from KNOWING this (loosing weight) as a good thing, and until I can reprogramme this I will be stuck here. I must change my belief..


major Waffle

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Morning gals

Tracy- did I write that??? I am cracking up. First, gargle with sea salt Water, it helps. I get ulcers in my mouth if I eat too many tomatoes and drink lemon water. Sea Salt works - that is what I was told to soak my piercings in. And for the tiny boobs... LOL I am in the same boat. I keep telling my friends if they could just move my lower belly up to my boobs, I would be all over it for a minute. My step sister has fake ones... (gift from the Ex) and she has had 3 leaks, which means... 3 replacement surgeries. NO THANK YOU.

Well I am down 2.5 of the 5 I gained last weekend. I did shakes yesterday for Breakfast & lunch and had a bean & cheese burito for dinner with some fresh salsa and 2% cheese. 330 cals for that with everything I added and then a cup of lettuce and hot peppers 50cals . 980 cals total for the day. Dad comes to work on Wed night and I make them dinner, but last night he brought down steaks and mashed potatoes and brought some for me. I told him I could not have a single bite and that was when I had my lettuce. Man that is going to be so much easier when I get my fill on Tuesday.

Well - I'm off to shower and get ready to go, I have a list of things I need to accomplish today

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TracyK - I have the cure for your mouth sores!! My kids would get horrible bouts of them so I did some research awhile back and found that the Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is the culprit...it's the agent in toothpaste and most soaps that makes them foam. Turns out that it's very harsh on the tender mucus membranes of your mouth which in turn makes them susceptible to infection. I got both my kids on Biotene toothpaste (SLS-free) and within days they were much better and as long as they use that toothpaste they never had a recurrance! Below is a link to an article on the subject and then a link for Biotene toothpaste. There are others that are SLS-free, but Biotene is the only one I was able to find in a drugstore, and that was at Walgreen's.


Buy Biotene Antibacterial Dry Mouth Toothpaste with Calcium, Gentle Mint Gel Online at drugstore.com

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Terry - that is very interesting.

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Morning Violets~

TracyK~ I second what Jenn said about the salt Water. Warm salt water...repeat throughout your day.

I am pissed now at the cable company. Time Warner sucks eggs. I've been having trouble w/ them lately, and then I called a few days ago and they said they are sending a tech guy to check my wiring. I mean come on, I've been paying 180 a month to these people, right...and they said if it is a wiring issue...it is at my expense. :faint: Right now as I type...my cable box reads that is 12:13 (time)...and I have no TV. I like news and then VH1 in the morning. Silence is sooo boring (susanne loves silence...probably just doesn't want me to talk all the time, lol). Anyway, there is that prob de jour!

Long day today. I have a meeting after school, then one at 4:30...so I will just stay there and get some work done. But I won't get home until after 6! No jazzercise for me:cry...i really hate that I've missed all week. I am going on Sat. Last night, it was 11 something, and I caught myself tapping my fingers in bed. I just couldn't fall to sleep. I need 7-8 to function. I think because of lack of exercise and being sick...I am all out of whack. The last 2 nights, I've been up past 11...and 5am comes sooo fast. Usually, about 9 I am heading that way, and I sleep all through the night. OOOO and the freakin kicker...guess what I weighed this am???? Take a wild guess???? Yes that is right...everyone say it w/ me....254. At least I am consistent. I was reading someone ate a Big Mac...OMG my mouth watered literally at that one. Sometimes I miss my old ways. Although I like my new ways ( no soda at all, no fast food, no greasy food), I think I'd be happier if I can just get past this 254 shit. I'd hate to think I did all this and paid all this money and I only lost 26 pounds.


I can hear them because I have no freakin TV now!

Have a great day ladies!


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The Secret Santa thread made me think of this.... let's do a survey to get to know each other a little better. We could put this in another thread in the April 07 forum. Anyone want to add some questions?

Name your 3 all-time favorite movies

If you could pick a new career right now, what would it be?

How old were you when you fell in love for the 1st time?

If you could pick your “last meal” what would it be?

What’s the greatest thing about the town you live in?

Where were you born?

Have you ever read a book (or attended a lecture, took a class, etc.) that changed your life in some way? What was it?

What is your favorite charity? Why?

Name your 3 all-time favorite books:

What do you do when you are bored?

Do you have any vices?

Name one thing you’d like to do before you die.

Is the glass half-empty or half-full?

What is your bedtime?

What is your idea of the perfect vacation?

Ever have a dream that you were “with” :) a movie star? Who was it?

If you knew your advice would be taken, what would you say to a high school graduate?

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sorry.. no time.. Open Enrolment meetings all day!

Down to 213.4 though!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I have to stay away from all the goodies!


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Finally bounced back to 279 today! Whew. All the damage I did last weekend is gone. Moving on.

Lunasa, I know what you mean. Especially now that I think I'm a bit too restricted, so it's a lot easier to eat junk than 'good food'. I wanted to go to a psychiatrist about my eating habits, but they couldn't get me in until end of Oct, and then they called and cancelled that, so I'm not doing it now. I probably should, sometimes we just need help!!!

I don't have a cure for mouth ulcers, but I know if I drink ANYTHING citrus it makes them worse.. so no OJ, lemon stuff, etc.

As for boobs, you girls want some? My boobs are getting BIGGER. I was really looking forward to losing SOME of them. I was a 46D when I started.. I am now a 40DD. The seperation between tummy and boobs makes me very happy now, but I can't keep them in my bra anymore. Today I am wearing a semi-wonder bra kind of thing that makes them nice and perky looking.. but I have a 2 inch bubble coming out of the top of each cup!!

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Laura posted a thread for our "friend survey"....Thanks Laura!!


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Husband just mailed me this joke LOL--

The Consultant and the Shepherd

A shepherd was herding his flock in a remote pasture when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced out of a dust cloud towards him.

The driver, a young man in a Broni suit, Gucci shoes, Ray Ban sunglasses and YSL tie, leans out the window and asks the shepherd, "If I tell you exactly how many sheep you have in your flock, will you give me one?"

The shepherd looks at the man, obviously a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully grazing flock and calmly answers, "Sure. Why not?"

The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Dell notebook computer, connects it to his AT&T cell phone, surfs to a NASA page on the internet, where he calls up a GPS satellite navigation system to get an exact fix on his location, which he then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans the area in an ultra-high-resolution photo. They young man then opens the digital photo in Adobe Photoshop and exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany. Within seconds, he receives an email on his Palm Pilot that the image has been processed and the data stored. He then accesses a MS-SQL database through an ODBC connected Excel spreadsheet with hundreds of complex formulas.

He uploads all of this data via an email on his Blackberry and, after a few minutes, receives a response.

Finally, he prints out a full-color, 150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized HP LaserJet printer and finally turns to the shepherd and says, "You have exactly 1586 sheep."

"That's right. Well, I guess you can take one of my sheep." says the shepherd. He watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on amused as the young man stuffs it into the trunk of his car.

Then the shepherd says to the young man, "Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my sheep?"

The young man thinks about it for a second and then says, "Okay, why not?"

"You're a consultant." says the shepherd.

"Wow! That's correct," says the yuppie, "but how did you guess that?"

"No guessing required." answered the shepherd. "You showed up here even though nobody called you; you want to get paid for an answer I already knew; to a question I never asked; and you don't know crap about my business ...... Now give me back my dog."

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The Secret Santa thread made me think of this.... let's do a survey to get to know each other a little better. We could put this in another thread in the April 07 forum. Anyone want to add some questions?

Name your 3 all-time favorite movies

If you could pick a new career right now, what would it be? Lounge Singer

How old were you when you fell in love for the 1st time? 21

If you could pick your “last meal” what would it be? Chinese Buffet

What’s the greatest thing about the town you live in? Though small, it offers a lot of cultural events

Where were you born? Northville, Michigan

Have you ever read a book (or attended a lecture, took a class, etc.) that changed your life in some way? What was it? Hearing "Bridge over Troubled Water"

What is your favorite charity? Why? CWS.. Church World Service .. taking care of people all around the world.

Name your 3 all-time favorite books: Tuesdays with Morrie, The Glass Castle, Anything by Stephen King

What do you do when you are bored? Sit for hours at the computer

Do you have any vices? Sitting for hours at the computer

Name one thing you’d like to do before you die. Sing a duet with Clay Aiken

Is the glass half-empty or half-full? Definitely half-full

What is your bedtime? Anytime I feel tired

What is your idea of the perfect vacation? On a cruise ship in the Caribbean

Ever have a dream that you were “with” :) a movie star? Who was it? Sean Connery.. woooo hoooooo!!

If you knew your advice would be taken, what would you say to a high school graduate?

Be yourself, do what you enjoy and don't use credit cards!!

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