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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Kat, you are in my prayers. Everything will work out, one way or another. hair will always grown back but we can't sprout another 'YOU".

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Kat I am sure you are just fine! :)

You'll be in my thoughts!!!

My bad luck.. I started thinkin about bein pregnant the whole ride to and from, and I was like nooo please nooo. So I come home, pee on the stick. Sittin there, it's not workin. The part that suppose to fill up with results never does anything.

Looks like my pee wasn't gettin up there. GAH. I don't need to pee anymore, so I'll have to wait till another time :rolleyes:

But now that I've been thinking about it, I want to know!!

I think I'm just anemic :D

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Try your test first thing in the morning Laura, the hormone that shows is supposed to be strongest then...or at least that is what the OB told my DD.

Thanks for the good thoughts guys--I bounce, from feeling invinsible, to vulnerable---to just flat out feeling it is not fair!!!

Well I am off to bed, I am exhausted, I know it is from waking up so many times...everytime I roll on to my back it wakes me up---that really sucks! But one thing is for sure, even though I am so tired, I am NOT pregnant. If I were, I would be rolling in the dough----between lawsuits from Rick's vasectomy then a few years later, my hysterectomy---ya know it kinda lowers my odds a bit!!!!

Will check in in the morning. Hugs to all!


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I'm having a hard time with reverting back to the old behaviors of overeating. My weight loss has been extremely slow & I've never got really good restriction. What has worked for ya'll?
What Kat said -- get your fills, follow the rules and exercise. Blech. I know, I know. But we don't have any magic here....just the same ol, same ol! As for trying to establish new behaviors, I found that reading a good book about how to change (This Year I Will, by MJ Ryan) helped motivate me a great deal. Made it seem real do-able, y'know?
I responded to a post yesterday, then come here today and a long time LBT-er decided that I was talking about her! I wasn't...but found it rather comical SHE saw herself in the comment!!! PM'd me to take me to task over it. I am biting my tongue....er fingers....to just let it be, and be civil! I have NEVER had issues with anyone on this board, and know from what I read, she cannot say the same! I never had a problem with her, but really dislike being scolded for something that never involved her....and having my nose rubbed in that yes she is at goal, and she looks good and will continue to post about it...blah blah blah!!! Not a good day for her to decide I needed taken down a notch!!!
kat, you're a saint. You should have set her straight...I hope you did.
Ready for this...

I've been sooo tight this week. I have been getting stuck on EVERYTHING, even a banana yesterday. So today at the training, I had my protien shake for Breakfast. Then the catered lunch was deli sands and salad from this great place called Aspen Mills. I had 1/2 a tuna, no bread, and some chic salad. I thought, cool...I can eat again. So after training I had a granola bar...no prob. Then I got my Healthy Choice dinner ready (chix, angel hair and tomatoes in a light vinagarette sauce). Well, 2 bites of the chic in and whamo...I am sooo stuck. I am walking, flapping, holding the girls and jumping, sweating and swearing...then, yes, you guessed it...I am puking in the sink!!! I wretched about 6 times. All that came up was the couple bites of chic and the hot tea I had before (in preparation of dinner). And the kicker...my scale was back up to 254.4 today! I can't catch a break. Not the dog is eating my dinner (smelled soooo good) and I am gonna eat 6 pretzles and a sf pudding. If I was losing weight, maybe I wouldn't complain...but come on...this is just painful!

Hi Pammy :rolleyes: sorry you're haviing a very rough week. I wonder if you just were hungry and didn't chew that chicken real good. I have to be sooooooooo careful with chicken. And the skin from tomatoes and grapes, etc. can give me problems too. OK, now about your weight ...you went to Jazzercise last week 5x and your muscles are freaking OUT right now!! They're holding onto all kinds of Water trying to heal up. And the same goes for being sick... Richard has allergies and bronchitis quite often and he gains 8-10# when he's sick. Just be patient. You might be a little constipated, too (?). It'll work itself out...you know you're doing the right thing so you must have PATIENCE AND TRUST. Just get better. That's job #1.

It was a crazy food day for me...way out of the ordinary because I had a lunch meeting with a limited menu and then out for dinner. Anyway, I won't bother with the detailed menu but I did go to the gym to work off 300 calories and ended the day with net 997 calories (goal is 1000) but only 48g Protein. Will only get in about 60oz of water at best. Tomorrow I have 2 more meals out! Service awards at a fine steak house for lunch and then wine and dinner out with the girls (and HAYDEE!) at an italian restaurant. I'm going to try real hard to be good.

I have been so amazed at how my WC oatmeal is holding me for breakfast!! I'm lovin' it!!

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Hi gals, just a quick check in. I am such a mess, cravings, tom... blah blah blah. I have ice cream every month but I found Eddy's Samoa's 1/2 the fat, I had a huge bowl, feel like crap and actually threw the rest of it away! I have a bowl every night of plain, no sugar eddy's and never feel like I do right now.

I am going to do liquids tomorrow, have to get rid of the bloat, dr appt tues!

night all

Laura. holy smokes, you are as crazy as me sometimes.

oh and just to make you a little crazier about the pt.... i have been 5 times, with 2 children and all 5 times... pt was not positive until i was 10 weeks! yes almost 3 months. I should have bought stock in EPT. LOL

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Terry, I am heading off to bed, just wanted to say thank you for always being there, and being strong for me---I have no idea why but your post reduced me to tears!

I am so glad to have all of you in my corner!!! I truly feel blessed.

Night All~


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Night, Kat. Hugs, sweetie.

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Laura - You may be a little anemic. You can either have your doctor check your blood count...or just take a good Iron supplement. When I was pregnant I became anemic and within one day of taking the supplements I was like a new person!!! Especially since you've been having so many periods, too...that's what I would suspect first thing. Ask the pharmacist about a liquid supplement...I don't think you want an iron pill sitting in your pouch..as I recall they can be hard on your tummy.

I take a chewable iron tablet from BariatricAdvantage, in fact all bmy Vitamins are chewable.

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Hey All,

Thought I'd share a pic of my baby. This is Klaus...he is the man! He is 140 pounds but think he is a lap dog. Susanne and I have fun cleaning up after him every weekend! Since this is an old pix on my puter, I was able to post it. Thought you'd get a kick outta meeting him.

Terry~ Thanks for your kind words. I agree w/ Kat, you always make me feel better!

Kat~ That should reaffirm your faith (not that it ever waivered) in the Shrinkin Violet thread. There are some people here on LBT who make me crazy...are pompous...and who need to have their ass kicked! Then I return to my Violet thread and all is right in the world again. It is too scary out there.



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Laura, just be careful what you take until you know for sure....you know to be 4 weeks or 6 weeks pregnant---at some point you have to be 2 weeks pregnant!!! And I kid you not, extreme fatigue was my first clue. I would nap after sleeping all night! And it was well before I could turn a pregnancy test positive. NOW bear in mind---these were antique pregnancy tests, the ones now are much more accurate, much earlier!!!

Just be careful, and if you get any other symptoms (because yes the bigger boobs is another sign!), then buy a test and check.....

Are you currently taking folic acid???? Sorry the Mom in me slips out sometimes!


Fatigue is what made my daughter check to see if she was pregnant BEFORE she even missed a period....she was soooo tired all of the time, and her face started to break out, breasts were tender like she was going to start. She took a pregnancy test and BAM! She was pregnant LOL

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Well jeesh guys! Glad I got the tests, you guys would have be all paranoid!

It's negative, yaayayaayayayaya!

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Hey All,

Kat~ That should reaffirm your faith (not that it ever waivered) in the Shrinkin Violet thread. There are some people here on LBT who make me crazy...are pompous...and who need to have their ass kicked! Then I return to my Violet thread and all is right in the world again. It is too scary out there.

When I am PMSing or in a bad mood I like to go over to the rants & raves thread and piss people off and then leave...LOL...very theraputic :rolleyes:

Everyone have a great day!!

Terri does have a great way of making people feel better, doesn't she!!

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Kat~ That should reaffirm your faith (not that it ever waivered) in the Shrinkin Violet thread. There are some people here on LBT who make me crazy...are pompous...and who need to have their ass kicked! Then I return to my Violet thread and all is right in the world again. It is too scary out there. xoxoxoxoxoox
Stop it you guys!! Really! It's just the principle of 'what goes around, comes around' at work here. You all are the highlight of my day, every day, and I'm just trying to give back a fraction of what I receive. :rolleyes: Mmmmuah!

"It is too scary out there..." LOL!!!!! So true.

When I am PMSing or in a bad mood I like to go over to the rants & raves thread and piss people off and then leave...LOL...very theraputic :)
ROFL!! This totally cracked me up!!! Rants and raves scares the poop outta me....but maybe you've got something here!

Laura - Not that I don't love babies...but I'm glad (if you're glad) that you're not pregnant! Hey, did you ever paint like you wanted...or pick out a good color? What rooms? I love to paint. Well, I don't love to paint...I love the results! I'm pretty bold when it comes to color....my bedroom is the color of creamy coffee. Hannah's room is the color of the sky. Richard's study in our old house was a dark plum. FUN! I love the color of tangerine...I just can't figure out what to paint that color! Maybe the garage?? LOL

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GOOD MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kat: I'm sorry someone took you to task.... I don't "get" personal attacks.... I've only had a couple flames in all my time on boards (not on LBT... yet :rolleyes: )

Terry: You DO have a way of making people feeling better!

Laura: Glad your not preggo! also, your comment about my golden nuggets on another thread cracked me up!

TracyK: Any update on your nephew?

Denise: Hows the nannatobe today????? (I LOVED LOVED your pics!)

Pam: How you feeling sweety???

Judy: How's restriction? How's Hubby's Restriction?

Jenn: Good for you on throwing the icecream away!

MS_Jen: I haven't tried any chewable vitimins but I can swallow a Centrum carb assist horse pill with no problem.

Remember from way back in May when I helped that lady at work get a job, and then I took her to my moms storage unit and got her some furniture????? Well.... things have happened, she's still here but right after I got her signed up for our insurance she got sick and ended up a week in the hospital.. and the chip on her shoulder about her hearing impairment reared its ugly head with the other housekeepers ...and drama has ensued... (they are a petty bunch ANYWAY) ............. and I had to really distance myself from an HR standpoint because she kept running to me instead of her boss.......... (her boss is my GOOD friend) anyway...... things have settled down and way back when I got her the stuff from storage I also went to the DMV and picked up a practice book and printed out some practice tests from the net so that she could get her instructional permit for driving.......

Well YeSTERDAY I took her down to the DMV after work and she PASSED the written test........ She was so proud of herself that she started tearing up she kept looking at the temporary license, shaking her head...... I was so happy for her.. as this is her first step into freedom...... (I've had my own car since I was 14 so I can't even imagine NOT driving and not KNOWING how to drive) Now that she has the permit she could get insurance and then buy a cheap car....... (she has driven logging trucks in Canada, but it wasn't on a highway or in a city) When she lived in the UK she walked, road bikes, and didn't have a need for a car........... I will probably take her to a big parking lot and give her some lessons, but I drive a rather large TRUCK..... :)

Oh and in scale news I saw 214.8 for a SECOND.............

OK time for my WC oatmeal

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Miss a day, miss a lot!!

Let me jump on the "Love My Vi's" bandwagon!! I don't know what I'd do w/out my daily dose of encouragement, understanding, and kick-in-the-pants that I get from you all. I second what Terry said: MMMMMUAH! :kiss2:

Our trek into DC took us ALL day... didn't get home 'til 9p & then crashed. We walked & walked & walked (in record-high heat & humidity in Oct... lovely!)... + I did the eliptical in the a.m. before we left... so do you think I dropped any lbs?? Nooooooooooooooooo... actually UP a lb! The scale must be broken... it's going in the wrong direction!!!

BUT, on the + side, I am wearing my new jeans & new 14/16 top & my hard-to-please fashionist daughter said I looked "stylish" today! FINALLY! So... if I have a moment, I may try to take some pics "a la Laura" in my "stylish" outfit.

Gotta dash... meeting my friend who's hubby just left her out of the blue... I'm both eager to see her & a bit anxious, too... will check back later.

Make it a great day, everyone!

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