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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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That is great Laura

off to work now...


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Good evening, Violets..

I just finished dinner after going to the gym and doing 30 minutes on the stationary bike. I sure love doing that. There was a young,buff guy on the bike next to me going 93 rpms so of course I had to do 95 rpms. Didn't do it for long, but I did prove my point.. lol

I had a rough time at lunch today. Our PMS group went to the China Buffet and I had everything on my plate.. a little of this and a little of that. I sat down and ate a little of this and promptly got stuck. I had to excuse myself and go to the bathroom where I upchucked the slime. I came back and didn't finish my plate. I got some fruit and pudding and that was it for the meal. Apparently "I have restriction." Kinda sounds like "We have lift off!!!"

I fixed some scallops for supper, but didn't eat any. I stuck with the veggies and some ham salad that went down easy. I'll have some yogurt for an evening snack when I get home from my church meeting.

Laura, you're doing great!!! 7# is awesome!!

Pamela.. hope you make it through the day ok. Come home and REST!!!

Which is what I'm going to do right now. Just a little snooze on the couch before I head to church for my meeting. TTFN!

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I HATE HATE HATE the stupid hospital my doc does his stuff at. Their idiocy never ceases to amaze me.

Remember I overpaid by $596 for the band. I owed $500 to the anesthesiologist. They said they'd swap it over, but I got a bill for anesthesiologist, and hospital said they can't swap it.

So I said, no one is getting paid till I get my refund.

They had to find out about the refund.

Called me back and said "There's things waiting to be resolved with insurance (my previous fills under fluero) and we can't refund until we find out what is left over, and the $596 will be applied to that".I threw a fit, because that's MY MONEY and they owe it to me.

So, insurance finally resolved everything. I owe $51.


OMFG if they lived near me, I'd go postal on them.


The whole reason they won't send the refund, is because of the $51 they were going to take it out. Now they want to keep my refund and bill me? I'm goin ballistic. They're lucky they're closed right now, I've been screaming to my husband about this. I am never goin' back to that hospital again. If my doc needs to do anything else to me, we're goin to another hospital or I'm goin to another doc. I can't believe how they try to hose me.. every..single..time.

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My nephew is in a private room now. my sister has to stay in his room the whole time and if she leaves for one minute, someone has to take her place. Suicide watch I presume. He had an outburst yesterday when he woke up. I really am not getting that many details from my sister because she can not really say anything in front of him...I will let you know how it all goes. Thanks everyone!!

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Hi ladies..wow how time flies..I missed the last 10 pages of postings..been busy I guess...plus I need to subscribe to the thread..anyhoo Just wanted to say I reached my first mini goal of under 300!! I am now at 296 YES YES YES!! I am in 26/28 and am 5.4 my goal is 160 but I wonder if that is unrealistic or not? I can remember being in size 16/18 and I think I weighed 190 I will be super happy just to get to that weigt again...but wondered what everyone elses goal is and height......

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What a day! I love my Mom to pieces, but trying to go shopping with her and the granddaughter is tiring in a major way! I am going to have to do one generation or the other!!!

I think my problem is lack of sleep. I wake up gasping for air it feels like every few minutes. This has happened now for 2 nights. I was thinking it was severe reflux...from stress. It is not---it is the nodules on the thyroid causing pressure. So now I get to try some steroids---see if that reduces swelling at all. I did my blood work this morning. I have appointments for testing on the 16th & 17th. I might end up in the hospital over night for that study, as I have several family members with iodine allergies---so it is better monitored they said. Then I have a biopsy on the 19th. That's longer than I wanted to wait, but they want to see now if the steroids bring any reaction. I feel somewhat like a guinie pig!!

Thanks for all the good thoughts, and stories with GOOD outcomes, have you ever noticed that everyone always wants to tell you horror stories? My neighbor told me her sister died from secondary cancer to the breast from the thyroid....my research told me it is usually the other way around. Which is what part of my testing will be---it is a common secondary cancer to some others, breast included. So then I see my SIL, my Mom tells her I didn't get good news, she never even ask (which is fine!!!) but launched into her Dr, reducing her medication for her bad thyroid, and now her hair is falling out. Wah, wah, wah!!!! I feel so mean!!! Good thing I am not flying anywhere, I may be in court with Amanda!!!

Laura, do you ever crunch ice? Like in a drink, do you crave the ice? That was my first clue to being Iron deficient! I had no idea---but was told when it come up in the Dr.s office. We would go to the Sonic, I would get just a huge cup of ice, no drink---just ice!! It has a name, I just can't pull it out of my head right now, when you crave odd things---ice being the most common with iron deficiencies---which I bet you Terry is right on the money with that!!! Since you aren't pregnant.....are you??? sleeping ALL the time was my first sign! Followed closely by tender breasts---which is a massive understatement---for about a week breathing hurt them, then it eased!!!

Anyone have suggestions for what to cook for dinner? I am so blah, nothing sounds good, nothing sounds fun to prepare....

Laura, I would sit down, and write a detailed letter to the hospital disputing the bill, and telling them each step of what happened with your money and who told you what....that way it is officially being disputed, and they cannot turn you into collections. Send it to as many department heads, and operating staff as you can find to send it to, starting with the Chief of Staff.

Pamela, did you make it through today? What is in store for the remainder of the week? One more day of training didn't you say? Or was today the last day?

Well I have to go make my bed up. I went to make it this morning, and the sheet pulled loose, and I was in a snit so yanked them all off, and threw them in the laundry!!! I let it air all day, now need to put some bedding back on it!

I responded to a post yesterday, then come here today and a long time LBT-er decided that I was talking about her! I wasn't...but found it rather comical SHE saw herself in the comment!!! PM'd me to take me to task over it. I am biting my tongue....er fingers....to just let it be, and be civil! I have NEVER had issues with anyone on this board, and know from what I read, she cannot say the same! I never had a problem with her, but really dislike being scolded for something that never involved her....and having my nose rubbed in that yes she is at goal, and she looks good and will continue to post about it...blah blah blah!!! Not a good day for her to decide I needed taken down a notch!!!

Will check in with all of you in awhile!


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Ya know, it's funny I almost bought a pregnancy test today.

My thought is, I just had bloodwork 2 weeks ago for surgery, if I was pregnant they would have told me. So I changed my mind.

But, I was off my b/c for the surgery and this time I did NOT bleed like crazy. In fact, I didn't bleed at all. Started back on my B/C this week. I thought that was an oddity for my body. Maybe from the weight loss.

And my boobs are getting BIGGER. I can't explain this one.. they seperate from my tummy now (YAY), but the CUP is actually bigger now.. I bubble out of the top.. I don't know why that is.

I really don't think I'm pregnant..we've been careful!

I bought Iron pills today at the pharmacy, they didn't have liquid in stock and only one they could order was pediatrics.. so I'm buying some online, but taking these tablets till it comes in.

As for the hospital, now that I've calmed down.. I guess that's my biggest concern, I've been working on my credit since I was 16! My parents had the 'credit is important' discussion with me.. I refuse to keep shelling out money to them just to keep my credit good, I didn't know I could send a letter and it keeps them from being able to do that! That's what I'm doing tomorrow. Sending out letters to all departments (Anesthesiologist, head of the hospital accounting, and my doctor)

Explaining what I've been told, that was wrong. Being billed too much, my refund not getting sent to me, etc. They really are idiots there, it's like they don't do any real paper work, they just make up numbers.

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Checking in early, cause I ate dinner early (very hungry), and now I'm stuffed and making my body know I AM NOT GOING TO snack A LOT TONIGHT. And I'm going walking tonight, seems to have cooled down a bit.

B'fst- Capri Sun (110c) & Kudos Bar (100c) = 210c total

Snack- Puffed corn- 120c

Lunch- Turkey & Cranberry Sauce= 270c

Dinner- Kielbasa & Saurkraut (157c) & creamed corn (131c)=288c

1/2 IDS New Whey= 88c

Snack Tonight- Normal pudding Cup 120c

Total= 1096c

And according to myplate, the walking I plan on doing will burn 218c.

878 Net calories today

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Laura, just be careful what you take until you know for sure....you know to be 4 weeks or 6 weeks pregnant---at some point you have to be 2 weeks pregnant!!! And I kid you not, extreme fatigue was my first clue. I would nap after sleeping all night! And it was well before I could turn a pregnancy test positive. NOW bear in mind---these were antique pregnancy tests, the ones now are much more accurate, much earlier!!!

Just be careful, and if you get any other symptoms (because yes the bigger boobs is another sign!), then buy a test and check.....

Are you currently taking folic acid???? Sorry the Mom in me slips out sometimes!


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I'm having a hard time with reverting back to the old behaviors of overeating. My weight loss has been extremely slow & I've never got really good restriction. What has worked for ya'll?

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Evening Violets~

Laura, when I was pregos I was exhausted. It was all I could do to make it until my next nap. I'd get a preg test ASAP, especially before you start taking Iron etc.

Yes, I made it through my day. I actually laid in the back of the room (multi purpose room w/ carpeted teirs and I just couldn't sit any longer) and I fell asleep! I think it was only for a minute, just hope I didn't snore. Tomorrow, I have to teach minimum day, then meetings all afternoon. :faint: Is it June yet. I don't know why, this has been a hard year...usually I still have lots of mojo still in Oct. I have never complained that way I have this year. But tomorrow is my children! W/ the excitement of the minimum day, I am sure I won't be able to teach much anyway. Thursday we have a meeting to get the boy "j" placed in special education. Keep your fingers crossed for me on that one!!!

I didn't go to exercise class again...just still too sick. And I have late meeting the next 2 days, so can't go until Sat. am...that sucks. Next week, I am going 4 days though...I am at the point I hate missing it.

Ok, gotta go do some work for my online teaching job! Have a great night! I'll pop in later!


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Chantay: CONGRATS ON MAKING TWOterville!!!!!!!!!!!! I am 5'5" and I weigh 215-218 and all my 16's fit and I'm even getting into some stretchy 14's.............

Mis42: Old behaviours come back to bite me in the butt HOWEVER having GOOD restriction really forces me on the straight and narrow........ meaning ONE bite of pizza and my band says........... SLOW DOWN... NOW! :eek:

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Proper fill level is the best thing for getting back on track, long enough to learn a new way of eating.

Also, even though some of us were hard to convince of this (me!) exercise is key! It does not have to be an hour of non stop sweat inducing work....even walking the dog in the neighborhood, is exercise! You just have to move. If putting on the music and dancing is something you enjoy then that works! Just find something you can do, and work from there. Curves works for a lot of us---it is low impact, and you choose how hard you work...it doesn't take much time, and they help chart your progress.

If you feel like you are eating properly and still not losing, try logging your food intake for a week or so, see if you have a weak area, that is thwarting your progress. If you want to post here what you are eating we can try to give some imput....

Hang in there, it takes awhile sometimes to get to a good point of restriction, and it truly does help when you do!!!


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Ready for this...

I've been sooo tight this week. I have been getting stuck on EVERYTHING, even a banana yesterday. So today at the training, I had my protien shake for Breakfast. Then the catered lunch was deli sands and salad from this great place called Aspen Mills. I had 1/2 a tuna, no bread, and some chic salad. I thought, cool...I can eat again. So after training I had a granola bar...no prob. Then I got my Healthy Choice dinner ready (chix, angel hair and tomatoes in a light vinagarette sauce). Well, 2 bites of the chic in and whamo...I am sooo stuck. I am walking, flapping, holding the girls and jumping, sweating and swearing...then, yes, you guessed it...I am puking in the sink!!! I wretched about 6 times. All that came up was the couple bites of chic and the hot tea I had before (in preparation of dinner). And the kicker...my scale was back up to 254.4 today! I can't catch a break. Not the dog is eating my dinner (smelled soooo good) and I am gonna eat 6 pretzles and a sf pudding. If I was losing weight, maybe I wouldn't complain...but come on...this is just painful!

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Alright, just cause I want to be safe and sure, goin to get a prego test. I hate buying those things.. even though I got a wedding ring and ITS OK FOR ME TO BE HAVIN SEX. Boo.

Got to think of a cute excuse for me to leave the house without hubby askin all kinds of questions.

If he thinks I think I might be pregnant, he'll cut me off from sex thinkin I'm doin it on purpose rofl.

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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