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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Jane-you need to start thinking this way..."so what if the scales go up, today is a new day". You can do it!!!

Good morning violets-everyone have a super duper monday (how is that for an oxymoron?)

Kat you are right about the purses....they are one size fits all!! That is what makes it great!

Judy-I need to get some Spanx too. I have the same big belly problem!!

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Good Morning, Violets..

I'm up early to get ready for my staff meeting at church today. I open up our local newspaper and there is a picture of me on the second front page. I'm directing the high school flute choir and it's an awful picture of me from the back. Tiny I ain't!!! Course the jumper I wore was a size bigger than normal, but it was the only thing comfortable enough to wear for all day when we have Indian summer and it's 85 degrees out!! Oh well...at least my arms didn't look huge. There's always a bright side!!

I had a long talk on the phone last night with someone who wanted info about the lapband and I have decided to put something in the paper asking if anyone wants to join a local support group. We don't have one here and I think it would be fun to see how many lapbanders and lapband wannabes are in my little area.

Tracyk... Spanx rules. I've never worn a girdle type thingy that felt so good. No rolling on the waist, no crunching on the thighs. It doesn't seem possible that anything so light could work so we;;, but it does!!

Well, I've let the garage dog out, got my Crystal Light in the freezer, had my shower, put my frozen blueberries out to thaw and now I'm read to get dressed and have some Breakfast. Everyone have a great Monday and remember.. Patience, Trust and WWJD!!

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GOOD MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The scale... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, but I had a big dinner late and that ALWAYS does it to me.

I love all the pics... Judy I agree...... you look sooooo tiny!

Thanks Janie for the pm!

Gr8: LOL thanks.

I have a super busy week... its OPEN ENROLMENT TIME and that means TRACY'S ON STOP SHOP OF HR is in HIGH gear..... :car:

Off to heat up my oatmeal

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Thanks, Tracy.... I feel smaller, but certainly not tiny!!!

Here's a pic from a couple of years ago when I was at my highest. yuck..


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The guy with the darker hair playing the dulcimer is my family doctor and he wrote an amazing letter that really helped get me ok'd for the lap band as far as insurance was concerned. He did the same for Bob too.

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Good Morning Sweeties!

Well, it's Monday -- another opportunity to START OVER! Laura, I'm like you dear...I grazed all weekend...and my weekend was 3 days long! I made the mistake of buying some Cookies "for the kids" :car: and ended up eating about 10 of them myself! I always dream of being retired but I tell ya, it's a good thing I'm not. I'm always grateful for the work week and the more strict environment it affords....I always have my Water (Propel) right here, I keep healthy foods in the fridge and I stay busy. I weighed 186.6 this morning and I am just not a happy camper at all. :car: Oh, and I can't eat shrimp at all either!! Crab is ok.

Who pledges with me to track every single calorie that goes into their mouth this week? We have to report in at the end of every day!

Pamela - Girl, you sound sick like a dog!!! I"m glad you took the day off...there's no point going in sick. Just makes things worse!

Gina - no need to apologize...always glad to see you! WAY TO GO on reaching your new milestone!! That feels so awesome...I seem to remember something about that!? LOL

Kat - DANG that sure was a load of stuff you got for $15!!!!

I got some beading done yesterday but the project is going to be a slow one...but fun!! It's so frustrating when I can't find a component I want, though. I spent probably 2+ hours looking online and in hardware and craft stores for a 1/2" antique brass O-ring. I finally found some on Ebay...I can get 100 of them from Hong Kong for $9!! LOL Anybody need one?? So then I researched how to oxidize raw brass and making the component myself. I have the brass sitting in a dish of vinegar now...LOL Hope it works. (Fun, huh??) Well, it keeps me off the streets.

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TerriDoodle, I'll pledge to track every single bite this week! I have been slacking somewhat in the last 2 weeks and need to get back to tracking everything!

Good idea!

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Morning everyone!

Let me introduce you to Kelly, she posted above as want2bmeagain, she is the bandster I met over the weekend, and posted our pictures! She is really cool, I told her she could hang with us, her monthly support group kinda wimped out....so Kelly this is everyone---everyone this is Kelly!

Kinsey is in hog heaven, playing and changing clothes, and the house that was cleaned yesterday is a total wreck, looks like a princess factory blew up in here! At least she is better at picking up after herself than Connor is. That boy is so hard headed---it almost scares me for him!

Judy the change is tremendous!!! I wish sometimes (ok all the time) that it would be quicker, I would be done, and my TT done, and I'd be good....but it just feels wrong wishing time to hurry!!! You are doing so well, and doing it while enjoying it---that is important. It is a message that really needs stressing---enjoy the journey, not just the destination!

Terry---did soaking the brass in the vinegar work, or are you the proud owner of 100 rings??? So if it does not turn out exactly like you invision, do you take it apart and start over....give it some time to grow on you....what???

Jane...you DO have a problem. That is NOT a long post!!! LMAO! Sounds to me like you have been hit by the funk....not eating right, not exercising right, not sleeping good....they all go hand in hand. I got my body clock all screwed up trying to keep up with Ricks work schedule when we were first married---he worked long hours, was up early and in late, and then I had kids, and I know I gained massive amounts of weight then! Eventually I had to make the decision to work my schedule with the kids, and support him as much as possible, but I could not be awake and going 22 hours a day! The first days were KILLER!!! I would make myself get up with the kids when they got up at 6 for school. Then I would not let myself lay back down until that night when we all went to bed---and I would go to bed at 9-9:30!!! Then when Rick was late and would come in, I would usually get up, talk to him for a few minutes, pop his plate in the microwave, get him something to drink, and oftentimes, I would go back to bed then. Occasionally if it was a weekend, I would stay up and visit with him while he ate, and when he hit the shower, I went back to bed. I finally got my body used to sleeping at night again!!!

I still deal a bit with SAD....when winter hits, I have to force myself to do anything! I would otherwise find a book, and veg in front of the fire until the first signs of Spring!!!

Hang in there Jane---we will pull you out of the dumps, and challenge you to find a time to work out someway or another!

I admire you girls willing to track food intake---I am too lazy!!! I know I should probably do it sometimes to check and make sure I am within a good range....maybe this winter when I am searching for inside things to do!

Anyone wanna come brand cows??? We have to get the ones we are selling off branded, so the brands can heal enough to go to the Sale Barn. No sense in keeping a huge herd over the winter. Keeping bred cows, selling off the last calves, and some older cows. Rick is looking into an electric brander---anything brand wise is expensive, because they have to be customized to each persons brand. At least ours does not have any out of the ordinary symbols, or combined letters...they cost more! By combined I mean like MY Dads, his H instead of having a standard cross connecting the lines of the H it is the top to his Che used the top arc of the C to cross his H. Or my BIL's has a 2 laid down on its side---ours is standard upright...so should be cheaper. Hoping so anyway. The biggest fear I have during branding is the open fire. We use a propane bottle, like a weed burning torch, it heats the brand in a tube....but it is in a corral, full of hay...near dry fields. I always imagine us the headlines in the next days paper!!!

Speaking of which, I am going to go so I can call and raise hell with our newspaper. My account is paid through December 2008...and I am not getting my papers!!! We have a new delivery guy, but he has had enough time, and had to bring me back papers enough he should damn well remember! It infuriates me!!! And add into the fact, that the paper delivers 7 days a week, and they do not man the phones but 5! So last Sunday (week ago) I ended up with my Sunday paper being brought on Tuesday---with no ads! So you can only imagine how pissed off I was when I did not get one again yesterday!!!

And from the looks of it outside, I did not get one again today! Be back later, after I rant my way to the top!!!

Be nice to Kelly----I told her you would be!! Cuz I know if I don't tell ya--y'all might be mean!!! LOL!!!


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Okay, just lost my big post because I have ADD. I was typing away in this little Quick Reply box but then I saw the new post that Tracy created that is called "Running Total of Lost Pounds..." and I clicked on it! After I realized what I did I hit the back buttong but my post was gone gone gone... I'm gonna attempt to recreate it. It will not be filled with witty sayings and dry humor like my other one, as such great works can never be re-created. But I will try... :car:

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Okay, here I go... had a great weekend, blah blah blah. ate too much... blah blah blah.... okay for real now :car:

Good morning Violets, I hope everyone had a good weekend! Mine was good. I did eat too much but luckily it didn't show on the scale. My mom has a food to-go place that only opens on the weekends and since she and my dad left for Italy that means that I was in charge of running it. I tried to be a good girl but the smells coming from the kitchen were intoxicating. Luckily everyone knows I'm banded so that alone made me have some self control!!

Terry! Hi! I'd love to join you on Wednesday. PM me the time and place and I'll be there.

TracyK - Way to go on those other 2.5 lbs!!! Believe me, we all work hard for every ounce that we lose so we all need to Celebrate our successes together! I'm also 5"7! Can't wait till I'm down in the 190's! I'll look HOT just like you! We need to get together, you don't live that far from me! I'm gonna come down to Galveston one of these weekends and we can meet for coffee!

Laura - you are truly looking amazing. Seriously, you look like you weigh less than me!

So I've scheduled my fill for this upcoming Saturday. Hopefully that'll give me some good restriction for awhile. Terry, I'm logging my Kashi oatmeal on myplate.com right now! I'm gonna keep up with everything that goes in my mouth this week. Every jelly bean will be logged!

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I feel like this might be a long post, I have been such a bad bad bad food person the past few days. I haven't been feeling well for the past few weeks and this weekend it really hit me. Now, I slept late today, since I was really sleep deprived, now I can't sleep. It is almost 3:00 in the morning. I need some serious attitude and thought adjustments. I am so jealous of everyone being able to get up early and exercise!!!! I am so frustrated!!!! We will see tomorrow if I gain weight this week....

Well I hope everyones week starts off well!!!


Jane, don't feel bad. I don't get up to exercise. I love to sleep :notagree. Part of it is because of depression and the other is that I'm a night person. If it were safe to go out at midnight I'd be at the gym pumping Iron or something.

For attitude adjustment try reading the book that was suggested to Jennifer "In the Meantime" and I just starting "Winning after Lossing". I'm learning that if we don't start addressing our issues NOW, we will not be able to keep the weight off. In addition to the issues we all have now that ran us to food we will still have and new ones will develop because of the weight loss. i.e. jealous friends, not being able to deal with attention then lack of attention when everyone gets use to the 'new' you...

So we have a lot of work to do!!!

...So there was these two ants at the golf course and a bad golfer. The man kept swinging and missing the ball. Swish-h, the ants duck. Again, the man swings and misses striking the dirt. Again and again the man misses. Then one ant said to the other, "quick, if you love life, get on the ball!"...

We/I need to get on the ball if I'm going to be successful!!!! :biggrin1:

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Morning violets

I got to sleep in, but a rough night of sleep. ds's eyes were stuck shut again in the middle of the night so when he got up to pee he freaked out and came in with me then was wide awake. Then my insane aunt came up at 7:30 to tell me she was leaving... WHY DO I CARE?????? then she woke up ds and he went down with his sister and I finally fell asleep.

I am going to Walmart in a few, I have been out of Water for a week and need to get back on track. I feel like I've gaine 5lbs so I'm not going to get on the scale. I am going to do liquid diet tomorrow - but today is first real day of tom and I am sure that is part of it.

I can't wait for my fill next week. I am anxious, I can eat a lot but I need to get a grip on things too. I need to get some egg beaters and things that I can throw together quickly when I'm in a hurry - and things I can have for lunch.

ughhhhhhhhhhhh. I remember this is how I felt right before my 1st fill.

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Okay so I wimped out halfway through my post up there. My original one was twice as long but now I can't remember what I had said or to who.

I'll check in later with ya'll. Oh I did mean to tell Jenn that I was thinking about her last night. Jenn - I was thinking about you last night girl. I want to come up there and give you a great big hug. It's only a few weeks more till I see you. I'm gonna bring Ms. Jen with me if things don't sort themselves our with your man... :heh:

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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