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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Glad you said that Ms Jen, I watch a lot of court shows and I *Thought* what happens is, if you don't get child support, you get it through the state, then THEY go after him and put him in jail if they don't pay him back. I don't know personally so I wasn't sure if that was right, but thats what it sounds like on my judge shows.

So Jennifur, definitely find out if that's how it works.. he shouldn't be riding around on a new bike when he has someone to support.

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LOL Ms. Jen-----sure am glad you are out there looking out for all of us!!! (((hugs))) No offense but your old man likely does not have a clue what he is missing!!!

Laura---looking good girl, much...MUCH more like a girl your age! DH is gonna be scrambling to keep your attention on him!!!

Pamela---sorry you are sick! I had to think of you today. The friend I met from LBT, we are sitting in the booth at the restaurant, chatting away about band this and that, and eventually we kind of swerve off into life topics, and how the band has affected them. She looks at me and says something to the effect that she has a partner, and she is very supportive. I don't know if she thought that would surprise me, or be a problem....lol. Even without my friend Pamela, it would not have been a problem! Kind of made me laugh to myself, my cousin Deb, told me the exact same way....Kathy you do know I have a partner now...? Her being my cousin, I gave her all kinds of grief! I told her "NO friggin' way!!!!" As she kind of recoiled I continued "Does she know about the gal I saw you snuggled up to in the car at Aunt Bev's last week?" She freaks out---"that's her!!!" Like I didn't know that!!! I have no idea how difficult it is to guage how strangers are going to take to your lifestyle. I know how some of my family took it when I said I was getting married yet again, after the disasters I had created in my life prior!! Not a good feeling - being judged, for trying to make myself happy...is the best I can relate it to.

I hope my friend, knows it does matter, but only in the sense that I hope she is happy---and she seems to be, they have been together happily for 12 years....

Judy---how did the performance go last night, did I miss the post? I was full of good wishes for you, and lost my post, figured by the time I redid it, your concert was likely half over, but I was thinking about you!!!!

TracyK--does your sister just shop a lot, or own a boutique or what? I knew I needed a sister!!! My brother is super tall and skinny, and has really pathetic taste---don't hold any hope for pass ons or hand me downs from him!!!

Michelle--got ya, and got you added!!! And Claire will never know she had a temporary name change!!!

Think I will take my DD and DGD out to Breakfast in the morning. I made her a little mad this morning...being too much of a Mom!!! She is alone for the weekend, BF is on a hunting trip, and his DD is with her Mom for the first time since all the chaos----but the boyfriend is gone...no worries of him showing back up, he is in Arizona in jail, he had unpaid fines from an old car wreck, and was picked up with his brother, when his brother got stopped. Lindzie wanted to go, and they figured this would be a good time. Leaves my DD and her DD all alone.

Terry---what did you bead today???

Tracy---woohoo on the Garth tickets! Should be lots of fun! DH bought tickets today, but it was for a comedy show...Rodney Carrington....some people do not like him, but Rick about gave himself a hernia laughing last time so we are going again.

Well, I am going to go surf for a little while, and then call it a night.

Talk to all of you in the morning!


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And awww thank you guys!!

The jeans ARE getting baggy, they poof out in the front and make my belly look bigger than it is. So I only wear it if I have a tunic shirt on that hides all that. They're still my favorite jeans (if you saw the flares at the bottom?).

It is like 1 in 100 pairs of 'flare' jeans, that I can find that are TALL + PLUS SIZE + BELL BOTTOMS. It's never all 3. And it has to be all 3 for me ;)

We went and saw something called the Classic Mystery Tour.. it's 4 guys who dress up and look/sound just like the Beatles.. and a symphony plays their background.

Was pretty good, and I'm always amazed at how.. I know 100% of their songs in 2 hours, and when we left I could still think of 20 off the top of my head I wished I'd heard. What other band can I say that about? NONE! I wish they were a band of my generation, I would have loved to go to one of their concerts.

We went with my parents, and their parents.. my g'parents knew the beatles' hip hopish songs (twist & shout).. but they didn't know I am the walrus.. so my granny whispered "What's "I am the walrus kookookachu mean??"

ROFL. I read a while ago that he thought the walrus was the good guy on Alice in Wonderland that saved the oysters, then later found out it was the bad guy..so I briefly explained that..and DRUGS!!!

It made me want to see Cirque Du Soleil's LOVE again. Man, that's my all time best favorite show ever. Now I have to convince husband we gotta go back to Vegas ASAP so I can see it.

I said it tonight "Lets hop a plane and go see it" and he's like "I'm not made of money". DARN IT!!!!

If I land these new accounts, I might be made of money.. hehehe. I made a comment out loud about how I make more money than him (he complained about a Yankee Christmas Cookie candle I buy every year.. this year it was $22), KNOWING you don't say that to a man.. I had to slap myself because I could tell it hurt his feelings and in return he was being a prick. I just kept saying "Ok, ok! I'm sorry!" over and over. Weee.

Then we went to waffle house for dinner.. I had 2 eggs w/cheese and hashbrowns with onions. Ate about 1/4c of it all together. Love my band.

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now i know how you adies feel when you do a long post and lose it!!!

anyway, thanks guys and Jen - I didn't take it the wrong way - feels kind of nice to see how much you guys mean to me.

anyway short version of what i typed

they can either, 1. take his license

2. freeze his checking account (I vote for this one)

3. take his tax return(already in the works)

4. jail. (i don't want this one)

It is just so hard for me right now because I had such a nice good paying job and didn't need his money, I saved it and used it for vacations, but right now... at this point in my lfe... I NEED IT

I'm getting stronger and more pissed off every day


OMG .... I am a big scale person... but I don't care what yours says.... YOU LOOK ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!! and the jeans look great.

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I Was Encouraged To Read That You Lost 150 Lbs On One Fill At 10 Cc, I Am At 9.2 And Finally Have Some Restricton But I Was Very Depressed Because I Figured My Band Was Almonst Filled ( I Think My Vg Only Holds 10) And I Still Had 150 Lbs To Go. Would Love Some Feed Back

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I don't think everyone is ignoring you Linda, I personally am just not sure who you are addressing.......

Since I have not lost 150 pounds, I know it isn't me!!!

Let us know and we can try to help!


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Linda- I know that wasn't directed at me, BUT THE GOOD NEWS.. bands can SAFELY be overfilled.

For a 4cc, I think I heard you can hold up to 6cc.

I think with 10cc they can go up to 12cc at least.

So you still have some room to go, don't worry ;)

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Laura - You are really looking so good!! so sexy!!

Ms. Jen - I ALSO recommended that same book to Jennifur a long time ago. In the Meantime helped me turn my life around and get out of a relationship that had my head really messed up. I still recommend that book and I read it 8 years ago!

Kat - Would you believe I didn't get to sit down to bead until 6:30p!! I'm doing a similar necklace to the last one...in antique brass but with reds, oranges, yellows and golds...(sponge coral, pineapple quartz, citrine, honey jade, carnelian, topaz, and Swarovski crystals).

Pamela - sorry you're sick!! Hope you're planning to take it real easy tomorrow! Yeah, when my kids (14 and 17!) are here I have a hard time keeping the house clean, too! That's why I didn't get to bead until 6:30!!

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Good Morning, Violets..

Sooooooooooo glad the week is over. It was a very busy one and a very satisfying one. The concerts were a success. Friday night's concert was awesome. I looked good and sang good. Doesn't get much better! And last night's concert was just amazing. It was given by Ervin Monroe, the principal flautist of the Detroit Symphony for 40 years. We had met with him during the day for a workshop and then we taught a high school flute choir and a jr. high flute choir. After the jr. high group, I was just thinking.. shoot me.. kill me now!! To go from the very best to ones that can't even figure out what note to play really tests my patience. But it all worked out. The choirs each played a piece they had worked on and they felt good about themselve. In the evening my flute group, Wind Song, played with Mr. Monroe on a piece he had arranged andi t was really neat. I was just floored by his flute playing. What a gift.

I gave my Lap Band 101 lecture to a lady who sings in the Community Chorus with me and was at the concert last night. She was sooooooo complimentary to me and she was really interested in the band. Hopefully she'll follow through with the information I gave her.

I bought a new pair of size 14 pants at Penney's the other night and when I had my Spanx on last night and put the slacks on, they just about fell off.. But I needed the Spanx for the new blouse I had bought. I tell ya, I swear by the Spanx. My belly is my biggest (literally) trouble spot and with the spanx, it makes it possible to get into clothes without that big bulge in the gut.

I weighed in today and lost a pound this week so that leaves only one more stinkin' pound to go before I am back at pre-cruise weight. Boy, did we learn a lesson from that adventure. We cruise again in 28 days and there will be no more eating between meals on that one. We also booked another cruise for February to the Eastern Caribbean.

Well, enough about my adventures....

Laura.. you look realllllllly good in those jeans, even if they are starting to bag on ya. Isn't it a great feeling???? And remember when you were sure this band wasn't going to work for you? All it took was Patience, Trust and a major adjustment on the port!!!!

Everyone else.. I read all the posts, but don't have time to respond to everyone cause it's time for me to get dressed for church. Can't believe the weather here. It's been hot and muggy for several days now and today looks like more of the same. And this is October in Northern Michigan????? We had the a/c on in the bedroom last night.

The great thing is that I have a choice of things to wear for church which is so much better than the same outfit each Sunday.

WWJD everyone. TTFN...

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Judy-I am glad that your concert went well! Congrats on the 1 lb. I think all of us may have learned what not to do from your cruise experience! But in good ol Judy fashion, you are getting the pounds back off....I knew you would! YAY YOU!

Pamela-I hope that you feel better soon! Sounds like you and your neices & nephews had fun though!

MsJen-Wow, how great it was to read how much you are in love with you! It is so refreshing to hear people say that. I am starting to love me too! it is a great feeling.

Jennifur-I agree with everything MsJen said. How is your aunt?

Kat-no my sister does not own a shop....she and her dh work, they have no kids and she is able to spoil herself. She is one of those marathon shoppers. I do not like to go with her because it is an all day affair. She can wear out a 3 year old when it comes to shopping! I would be your sister and pass things along, but lucky for you, my stuff would be way to big for you!!

Terri-the necklace you described sounds like it is beautiful. I wish I had the time & patience to do that!

tracyKS-sorry about the gain, but it will come back off in no time...you are a violet!! Besides, you are turning mens heads, remember? That NSV alone will be what gets the 2 pounds and even more off!!

So, yesterday I lost my everloving mind. For a split second, I literally forgot about the band....I mean FORGOT! I was walking through the kitchen, saw my DD mini chocolate donuts, opened the bag and stuck a whole one in my mouth and chewed it up and swallowed it in one big gulp and then thought...OMG!!!!! The chest pains immediately started and that is when I realied what I did....Every since I was banded I have been diligent in what I stick in my mouth, but, I just forgot! I can't believe it. How can I forget something like that? Amazing how quickly I could revert back to the way it was by just not thinking!! The strange part is that I remembered that I should just have one...but, forgot that I physically can not do it! I mean my goodness, I have been banded for 6 months!! How could i just block it out like that?

Anyone ever do that? Or am I the only one with short term memory loss?

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Morning gals

I feel soooooooooooooooo much better today. PMS aparently didn't help my already explosive situation. And on top of that I don't have grocery money until tuesday so I have not had any fiber... so you know it has been 5 days and no potty. I'm dying.

i know... tmi

Tracy - my aunt is amazingly better. they think she might have had a mini stroke because she cant talk right, but she is sitting up and alert. I am going to see her tomorrow.

197... you are well into onderland.... you go girl. when I get my fill next week I'm catching up quickly.

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It's Sunday Morning, Vi's!~~

Too much to do! Too much to do!

It's crunch time now w/getting the house ready for our guests who arrive in 1 week!! The chaos that is everywhere as we paint & gussie up the place now has to be reigned in & cleaned & arranged... yikes!

+ I'm still editing like a fiend... + getting ready for the ES book fair... + my regular stuff... +...

Endurance, patience, & the ability to take it all one piece at a time... the keys that will get me through this week!! (NOT pizza, brownies, & Chinese... which is what I thought would help yesterday... whoops! They didn't!)

Make it a great day, Vi's!

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TracyK -- When did you get to 197??? Last I remember we were celebrating 199.5!!! How the heck did you lose 2.5# since then??? DANG!!! We need some WWTD bracelets now! Oh yes, I've 'forgotten' that I have the band before...at least a couple of times. And always doing like you did...just popping something in my mouth as I pass. That is a bad habit that I would love to break.

Michelle - BREATHE!!! It will all come together in a day or two...you know you have to make a mess to clean up a mess!! A week is a long time. It'll be great!

Yesterday I filled up a pitcher with Water (64 oz) just to see if I was drinking as much water as I thought I was during the day. I mean, I knew I had to kick it up but I thought I was around 40+ oz. without 'trying'...y'know? Well yesterday I really was trying to PUSH the water and I only drank 42 ounces!! What an eye-opener!!! So I'm doing it again today and see if I can do better. Jeez...that was pitiful. It's 10:30 though and I've only had coffee which doesn't count.

Judy - sounds like you had a great time!! We were thinking about you!!!!

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Terri & Jenn-Thanks for noticing the ticker!! I wasn't going to say anything about the other 2.5 pounds because I didn't want to make it seem like I was rubbing it in. I hit onederland and I figured enough said. Plus I had said that I was not going to weigh again for about a week. But When I woke up I justfelt like I had lost more, so I weighed and confirmed what I thought. I have looked back in my calender because I thought there was a pattern in my weight loss. Weird, but, every month since the lap band I have lost 3-5 pounds the week before my TOM. Every month has been that way so I was not too worried about getting on the scales. I was just kind of afraid to make too big of a deal over it. Don't wanna piss anyone off. Thanks for noticing though...I am very proud!

jenn-glad to hear that your aunt is doing better!!

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Take it Tracy - you work hard for that 2.5lbs. next week... I am all over it.

I have not been eating, stress is swelling me and I ran out of Water and that is the only way i really drink enough. That is ok. at least TOM will be gone by my fill and I can get it under control.

Ya know what is funny... usually I want chinese food... crave it... nope. kind of grosses me out, just thinking about it.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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