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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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OMG KAT= I am so glad you are ok, that must have been so scary.

I am on such overload so I'm just lurking around.

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SecondLife...hmmm, I have enough to deal with with just this first one, so I will deal with the second one when it gets here..LOL

So it looks like alot of us are making sure we get our Protein in. By noon I had 64 grams. More than I ever had I think. SBD has a turkey club wrap thing for lunch, OMG, I am in love with it!

I am not going to mention scales again until it is WORTH mentioning. At this point, I won't waste my breath!!

Ho hum.....I guess I will go and try to figure out what to have for supper....

Judy....cute pic!

Thanks Janie!!

Kat-Glad you are OK, that could have been horrible!

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Good evening, Violets.

Kat.. so sorry to hear about the accident. Your eye is ok, right?? And you're ok?? That must have been so scarey!!

Jennifur.. did you get your resume in alright? Any idea when you will hear back?

Laura....hope things turn around for your sister and she gets the help she needs in the hospital. Got to be a scarey time for you all too.

Ummmmmm I have a question. Why is everyone so concerned with getting lots and lots of Protein in their diets?? I've never taken a protein supplement. MyDailyPlate.com says that my protein intake each day should be 42g and I meet that each day with just the foods I eat. Anything over that amount is stored as fat and kinda defeats the purpose of dieting. My nutritionist, lapband doctor and my regular doctor all say the same thing. High amounts of protein are not necessary for weight loss. At least it's worked for me so far. I don't think I'd ever be able to stomach those Protein Shakes or bullets or whatever. Just gimme my cottage cheese, chicken and yogurt and I'm happy.

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Hey Violets~

Kat~ OMG...I can't believe your story. I mean I believe it, but how totally scarry. Last year, I was driving to a very important meeting, and a box from the truck in front of me flew off and went under my car. I thought I had dislodged it, but instead, I was dragging it. Then this other truck flagged me and was yelling, "pull over pull over". I knew something was really wrong, so I did. I am on a 2 lane mountainous road, w/ tons of dry brush. As I walk around my car and bend down to look under my car, the box, which I had dragged, combusted into flames, w/ my face a foot away. I was sooo freaked out...OMG. We are so vulnerable in the car. I hope the cops can help, and that your eye is ok.

Judy~ I am supposed to eat 60-70/day. I think the ladies are supplementing their protien intake w/ these drink thingys...especially w/ Hair loss, etc.

Laura~ I sent you a pm..I wanna see too. But I don't know or do any thing w/ graphic design. But I wanna see!

Well I ate the cheese from 2 peices of pizza sans crust today, and a small salad. Not too good, but not too bad either. Plus, I am going to Jazzercise in 30 min. I start my orientation for Walden today! That will be cool, some serious extra cash there.

Have a great night...I'll pop in later!


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Judy -

Yes I got my resume faxed over. I am done with antibiotics, I could hardly stand up today from the pains in my bely. I am so bloated with gas I can't stand it. I hurt.

I was told between 60-74g and I find I loose when I do that and maintain at 40g. I am going to do shakes tomorrow. I had 2 chicken tenders and a bowl of chili for dinner.< /p>

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HOLY CRAP KAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is sooooo scarey!

Judy: my doc says between 64-80............ I was having trouble getting 20 in and my fingernails were literally ripping off... after they all peeled and ripped off the top it started into my nail beds and they were bleeding........ and my hair is down to 3 wraps in a ponytail holder......... so we will see...

I am craving sweets tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just stuck a spoon in the pb and now it is all stuck in my throat! duhhhhhhhhh didn't wait for it to melt... I just stuck the whole dang thing in my mouth! :) I guess it was a better choice than DH's ice cream in the freezer!

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TracyKS - my nails are just peeling right off too. painfully, but they are growing in thicker so I hope there is an end to that. The Shampoo I use has helped and all the shaked I did for a while, I am down to a reasonable amount of Hair loss.< /p>

I like your new pic in your signature

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OMG Kat that is scary!!!!! Is there a bullet hole somewhere in the truck??

Glad you're ok, I would have swerved off the guardrail.. and that's why no one in their right mind would let me drive a truck!

My doctor said to do the Protein Shakes during post-op, and then when I eat meals after the diet thing, always eat Protein first. He never said to eat a whole helluva lot of protein, he just said that's what keeps you full and protein products stay in the pouch longer. Which is true, and I take my test tubes for my nails. They're sooo long and pretty now, and they use to peel very bad.

And protein shakes for b'fast is what I would LIKE to do, just so I am not eating crappy b'fast foods (normally granola bar and coffee) just for health's sake. So far, no shake that I like though.

I made my new chicken recipe tonight.. And home-made red mashed potatos. I made DH a full chicken breast, and 1/2 of a breast for me. Gosh, my eyes still aren't shrinking to meet my new RESTRICTED stomach.

I've been sooo hungry all day, I whined about it here!

But I was able to eat 2 small small teeny tiny bites with the gravy sauce and I was done with the chicken. Then I ate about 4 bites of the taters with the gravy. That gravy was awesome. And now I feel STUFFED. It's hard to wrap my brain around this stuff. I eat a granola bar for b'fast with no problem.. I could probably eat 10 of them! But chicken and potatos? Very little.

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Well I typed a post, and lost it----irritates the hell outta me when I do that!!!

My post op instructions said to take in at least 60g. of Protein a day. That was listed during the liquid stages, and the mushie stage, but by the time I returned to a normal diet, it was no longer on the instructions. It then said not to take in excess calories nor protein in drink form, to use food. I continued to use my remaining Protein Powder in different things probably until 8 months out or so. I did not notice a difference in Hair loss with it or without it. The hair loss began at about 5 months out, and lasted about 6 months...so part of that time I was seriously using the protein, the other part I wasn't, and there was no discernable difference. I never have had any issue with my nails.

I now do try to get all my protein (no specific amount) as well as other nutrients through food. The only exception to that is if I have a "stuck" episode, or when I had my PB's, I do go onto liquid for awhile then, and will drink a shake for nutrition following that.

Otherwise, I have really tried to just learn to eat healthy more often than not. I go for whole grains, and high Fiber, trying to reduce the sugars, and watch the types of fat I use. I cook with skim or powdered milk...but cannot stomach drinking it, so I drink what I like, I compromise! I eat a lot of veggies, and am attempting to eat more fish, more chicken, less red meats. I want to learn to eat in a healthy way, I want my band to help me learn that. Heaven forbid I should ever lose my band, I want to have a fighting chance at keeping control on the weight, and the only way that will happen is if I have learned to eat differently and to incorporate exercise into my daily life. Already, I am ahead of the game...I am physically able to do so much more than I could 100 pounds ago. I will never again be as sedentary as I was then. Period. Even if my band were to be gone tomorrow, I do not have that 100 pounds, so I can still move, and will continue to do so. I have learned a lot of common sense ways to eat, and while the band is limiting how much of these things I can eat, I do know that I am eating in a more healthy manner, and as Terry pointed out the other day I am enjoying it a lot more. Food is not my enemy anymore! We are in the game of getting healthy together!!!

Speaking of food, I did not fix an extremely healthy dinner, but I was so worked up earlier, I decided to cook Rick something he really likes. So I fixed a meatloaf, and mashed potatoes, and creamed corn, with a cheesecake for dessert. He loves the lemon creme cheesecake. I used to make the lemon creme, and keep it in a bowl, and add it to his as he ate it. Now I slice a small piece out for myself and then cover the rest of the pie with the lemon creme!!!

Wouldn't you know it....he had to work over! He is still not home! I tried to eat, but after 2 bites, I felt it sitting in my chest, so I quit. Too much stress maybe? I figure I will not starve missing one dinner!!! A lot of cooking for no one to eat!!!

Thanks for all the well wishes girls, it was really scary! There is a hole I see, looks kind of burnt, not like a perfect hole I would expect in the dash of the truck....

Well I am going to go put things away in the kitchen, and change, I have had my clothes on long enough, this bra has got to go....it's time for Girls Night Out!!!!

See y'all in awhile!


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Hey Violets~

Laura~ Thanks for the PM...I am still trying to figure it out, looks like fun. Yes, 4k for the closet (and $2600 for the starter in 2004). I wanted to offer a suggestion on protien shakes. I make my own every morning. I use Unjry (Welcome to the Unjury Homepage) the unflavored Protein powder (can not taste it). I start w/ 4oz of low carb yogart, 1/4-1/3 c. of frozen berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries), 1/3 c. of skim milk and 1 banana. I use my magic bullet. The best part is that the frozen berries keep it cold, and I use the lid and take it to work and drink it over the first hour of the day. It is filling, but more importantly, good and good for you. The whole thing is 310 cal. I am really tight in the morning, and I need to drink in the morning. Also, it stays w/ me a long time...sometimes I have a string cheese, but most days, I don't need it. Then I have something soft for lunch like chix or tuna sal. I know you have sensitive taste buds...but I would suggest this to you, only because you can change it up. If you like choc...use a sf pudding. Point is you can get 23 g. of protien in. For me the granola bar would make me starving after 2 hours..I burn carbs that fast. Anyway, thought I'd share, especially since you now have great restriction!

Well ladies, off to check emails and watch dancing w/ the stars~


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I also used the Unjury unflavored, used it in all kinds of things! Added it to oatmeal, spaghetti sauce, all sorts of stuff....

I used it in my shakes, and also used a lot of the flavored syrups to add variety, they have TONS of flavors, so surely you could find one that appeals to you!!!!


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Man ... Julie Andrews looks fantastic for 72

sorry had to say that, they just did celeb bdays.

I am off to bed. I just ate a shit loat of sunchips. My stomach is rumbling already (or still) Tomorrow I'm doing a 3 day round of shakes and salads. I need to get rid of this bloat. have not gained an ounce but I feel so full of air.

Have a good night everyone

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Good Tues Morn, Vi's~~

Oh my gosh, Kat!!! That is WAY scary!! I am so so glad that you are ok! I can't imagine!

Judy, my doc's instructions are 70 g of protein/day... he encourages a Protein Shake for b'fast for life, then yes, getting the rest from regular food... & I do the "eat the Protein first, then the veggies" routine when I eat "real" food.

Pam, have you tried the Unjury vanilla? If you like chai tea, then try the Unjury vanilla (unflavored would probably work, too) mixed w/skim milk (or I use 8oz of the vanilla micellar milk) & a scoop of the low-carb spiced chai (I use Big Train brand) & some ice cubes, whip it up in the blender, and Y-U-M!

I'm meeting by BFF (since age 10!) for lunch today @ a Mediterranean place in town... haven't seen her since early Aug... hope she sees a difference!

Speaking of eating food v. pro powders & such... I feel like I may be slipping into a bad habit & I'd like your advice... I think I'm starting to eat too little! I have a pro shake for b'fast; something for lunch, like a salad w/3 oz of some kind of meat (chix usually), 1 oz of low-fat cheese, maybe 1/4 of an avacado or a t of sunflower seeds & little bit of salad dressing; then for dinner usually a little bit of whatever I make the family (protein & veggie, just not the starches)... BUT... lately, because I've wanted to get this weight MOVING OFF... instead of eating dinner, I've been having another pro shake. And so now I feel like I"m eating too "much" if I eat the 2 meals/day. So I'm wondering if I'm trading one food head game (eating too much) w/another (eating too little). Thoughts?

Off to take on the day! Make it a great one!

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Michelle-(and all violets) I do that. It is a head game!! Bad thing for me is that when I eat less, then eat a little more, the scales go up so it is like a lose lose situation.

Haven't quite figured out a "norm" yet! If you (or anyone else) find one, please fill me in on it!!! I guess the key is probably consistency....but sometimes when the scales are not moving it is hard not to want to cut down more than you already are!

Oh well, I need to go to work....everyone have great day!

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