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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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lunasa- most definitely I have those days.. I'm tired of 'dieting' and I say screw it.. especially when I was having trouble with restriction all these months, I went off the exercise and diet train plenty of times. I am finally restricted and more motivated. Are you feeling restricted yet?

We miss you around here!!!!

mdrai- im gonna check chat and see if you're there

tracy- thanks for the recommendation, im gonna have to try those.. i've been lookin for the 'candy bars that are secretly protein' :)

I saw one on my Unwrapped tv show, i wanted to try them, but can't find a place to buy just 1.. have to buy a case, and I'm not interested in a whole case in the chance they're horrid.

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for those of you that are losing hair, are you taking your bioton???

I started taking them months before being banded and I haven't lost any more that ususal (yet) in fact mine has been growing and is thicker.

In last group they said it happens for 3-6 months and it will grow back!

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for those of you that are losing hair, are you taking your bioton???

I started taking them months before being banded and I haven't lost any more that ususal (yet) in fact mine has been growing and is thicker.

In last group they said it happens for 3-6 months and it will grow back!

How big are the Biotin pills? I won't even take a tylenol unless it's liquid now LOL (unless it's chewable...)

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They are a little bit larger than an asprin. I don't have any problem taking them at all. If they are too big you can cut them in half or quarters.

Make sure you get the one that says "hair, skin & nails" or the highest gram count. Mine are 1500's.

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Hey My Violets Sistas~

It has taken me a couple of days just to read the posts, and then people kept posting! I don't usually get behind...and I didn't like it much. Just been too busy, so I'd pop on, read a few...then have to leave. Anyway, I've now made it to the end. I don't usually post until I've read everything, which I why sometimes when I do finally post, I can't remember what to write or what personals to address.

Michelle~ I am 255-253...trying to drop 3 to 5 by Wed, so I can claim -30 on my 6 month anniversary. I don't know if I am gonna make it...but I am trying. I barely ate anything today...about 40-50g. of Protein. I had 1 shake, 1 bar, and 1/2-3/4 c. of meat sauce ( Susanne loves spaghetti, I make it a lot). I was stuffed after the sauce. We are close in current numbers, although you've lost so much more than me. Onderland is SOOO far away, but I am enjoying the journey! I'll be around for a long time.

TracyK~ Loved the pix...what I notice w/ before and after pix is how much happier people look in the after. That alone speaks volumes to the band. You looked great!

Laura~ Love that pic...very sexy! I wanna look like that!

Terry~ Yes, I enjoy the food now. I feel so healthy and great now. I don't eat anything fried...haven't had fast food since Mar. 20 (except that 1 hamburger from Vegas to Reno). I'm impressed w/ myself on food choices now...just thinking about what I am eating is new to me. Also, quitting smoking could add to yours (and mine) food enjoyment.

We went out to eat last night (yes, day after fill) w/ friends before we went to a wine tasting party (I spent over $200 on wine :faint:...and I don't drink much...guess what everyone is getting for Xmas). Anyway, I order a cup of bean Soup and a side of cottage cheese...could not finish either. It was great, felt satisfied and full. Susanne even ordered soup, and our friends ended up ordering chili. I didn't "miss" anything. 2 weeks ago, we went to TGIFridays, and they have smaller portions options on their menu. They are still very good, and in my opinion, large and satisfying...but much smaller than others!

Denise~ My biotins are capsules...but I have not had any trouble w/ any pills.

Judy~ Thanks for reminding me....I am gonna set my exercise challenge for Oct.

Lunasa~ Keep posting honey. We are all in this together!

I have more to say, but am too tired to type now! Love you all Violets!


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Welcome back Lunasa!

No need of any of you being here alone....I am a year ahead of y'all and I'm still here. Kinda like a bad neighbor, you just can't get rid of me!!!

Feeling crappy tonight. My nose is so sore from wiping it, I sit here and sniff, and that is something that annoys the hell outta me for people to do! But it hurts so bad!!!

We spent the day helping friends install a woodstove. Ok to be exact, Becky and I ran back and forth to Lowes, and the guys installed the woodstove!!! First the kit was missing parts, then the saw blade broke....but it is in, and has their house at 80 degrees, and the door is open!!!

I guess it has something to do with not being able to much taste my food, I don't want food. I DO want ice cream!!! Nice cool, sweet ice cream.....managing to avoid it so far, and going to head to bed very soon to keep on avoiding it I think!!!

I am sitting here downloading music on the computer---from our own CD's, but music I want on our MP3 and on the Ipod. We carry one or the other on the motorcycle, and they hold thousands of songs, I have just been lazy about adding music to them!!! So I am putting my new CD on, and adding some from our personal collection, which is huge. I bet Rick has 4000 CD's!!!! He has music going ALL the time!!! If he is in the garage, his music is on, in the truck-it's on...ALL the time! He will be happy with me putting new music on here for us!

I took bioten, from pre-op til several months out, it didn't help me personally, but I am sure we all react differently, same as everything else. Time is all that helped my Hair loss. It is growing back with a vengeance. I can feel it thick again, next to my scalp, and it is taking a long time to blow it dry again. The ends are still straggly---but it'll get there.

I had a wonderful visit with my friend and her new fiance. They come over this morning, and it was like time fell away. We shared pictures of kids, and grandkids...it was so great!!! We now have granddaughters, the same age our daughters were when we became friends, and we had to laugh, the kids look so much like their Mamas, it could have been our kids!!! Her fiances family lives locally so she will be here much more often. That was such wonderful news!!!! She has lost 112 pounds! She had gastric bypass just over a year ago. She was shocked I had lost almost the same with lap band, her Dr. told her that was not possible with the band. Makes you wonder how many people are detoured that way. Glad I researched. BUT she looks good, she does not look haggard, she looked healthy, and very happy...made my heart happy! Pretty ironic, through the years, we were able to share clothes back in the day 20+ years ago. Then several years ago, we would have been able to share our XXX Large clothes, and now we are back to where we could share again if we had the notion!!!

I too ended up shopping today Tracy. I hit the Door Buster sale at JCPenney. I bought Saint Johns Bay Corduoroy blazer style jackets, regularly $44.00 for half off, then another 10% off the total ticket. They have lycra in them so they stretch through the shoulders, are not binding in the slightest. The sleeves are nice and long, and I can move!!!! And I bought them in Misses, XL. Becky bought the same thing, also an XL. We ended up with 4 of them, in 4 colors!!! I bought a brown and a black, she bought burgundy and tan. I was so happy!!! And no one looked at me like I was going to destroy it by trying it on. It will look better when the belly is gone---but til then I will wear it anyway!!!

Well I am going to surf for a bit, then call it a night. See y'all tomorrow!!!


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Hi gals, what a busy day here

so today just as I was running out the door to work, I got a call from a friend - she told me she told her husband to keep his eye open at his work, in a steel shop, for work for me. They had 2 people leave last week and they called me for my resume and to talk to me. I'll be going in for an interview Later this week or the beginning of the following.

After chatting with my friend with her hubby in the background, I got a few of his main concerns and guess what.... all my feelings about being a female.... yup all true. He said they had a female a few years ago and it was good for all of them and would love to have another around but... they don't have a co=ed bathroom, they are in a shop and lots of shop talk... Hello, is the bathroom semi clean... I just need to pee and wash my hands.... and shop talk... they can't scare me off, I know what I've signed up for!!!!! OMG, my mom, is into crystals, rakie (sp) and such, and she said 2 months ago not to get down but I won't find a job until October. that is monday, they day I'm faxing my resume!!!!I am excited and nervous. what if it doesn't work, he has been looking for about 4 months for me and a job comes up when my mom said I would have one. Pay is only $3.50 more than I'm making but it is in my field!!!! HOLY CRAP!!! Could this be my dream? There is o/t, and some travel for training... did I mention OMG!!!!! PRAY FOR ME LADIES. I am calling in this job, this is what I've been holding out for~

Well, I just want to say goodnight, and you are all stuck with me, as crazy as I am. You guys are all so special, and we have met and bonded during a very exciting yet trying time in our lives. I know our violets have shurnk to a handful of us, but you guys are so special - and to have our old violets pop in and even be able to jump back in and get support or just say hi, well it is just an amazing thing.

night all

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Good Morning, Violets..

I'm up early so I can let the "garage" dog out and play with her for awhile before getting ready for church. I'm lay reader today plus directing the choir and we have a guest minister today so my job will be to make sure the service runs smoothly.. yikes!!

I weighed in today and have lost 5 of the 7# I gained on the cruise. It's taken me 3 weeks to do it so that's a real good lesson we have learned about cruise eating!!! At least I know the fill is working for me now.

Kat... I used ZiCam for my cold and it really made a difference. I used the nasal swabs and didn't have half the runny nose I usually do. My voice seems to be ok so I think I'll be ok singing my solo tonight at the Peace Concert. Our flute quartet will also be playing tonight. I'll be glad when tomorrow comes and I can relax a bit before our singing concert on Friday.

Jennifur.... fingers crossed, legs crossed (I can do that now!!) and prayers said for good results on your job possibility!!!!

Tme to get dressed for church. Everyone have a great day.. Patience, trust and WWJD??!!

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Thank you everyone!! You're all fab as always!

And may I say you are all looking B-ootiful!

What's this about Christmas pressie exchange? Can I join in?

Well. as usual I am re-invigourated after having logged on again and posted! I'm delighted to see you all on here again!

As tomorrow is the first of October I will for the first time make an excercise challenge pledge...WOW..now how to I do this?

Ok I pledge 20 days walking at least 30mins for october! how about that!! haha...now I've said it and it shall be! That's certainly a start and I know if I actually stick to my promise my ticker will be moving again..I must correct it actually. The last time I was posting I was -8lbs into my second goal. Now I have gained that 8 back and am at my first goal again looking through the gates at #2!

Laura how is married life? I love being married..we just celebrated our 2nd anniversary 2 weeks ago!

Anyway girls, despite my perpetual falling off the wagon I'm still here, with goals in mind but a lack of serious ambition in achieving them.. At least I am not suffering from negative motivation, I am still waiting on the "switch" to go off in my head that will allow me to truly have faith that I can do this. I have identified that I am harbouring a conviction

that I will always be fat, but at the same time I am allowing it to be upheld by not making the effort to change it. I know I am 20 walks away from refuting that mindset, and I am allowing laziness to uphold my beliefs. And just because I'm not freaking out over my failure so far it does not make my failure's ok...but I am definatley happier, more content and albeit possibly false and drug induced (LOL) I am not complaining. I have much more energy since starting this course of anti'd's...my home is more organised, cleaner and I'm on top of the laundry again!

For a while there I couldn't even keep my housework up to date which was a sure indication that I was falling into a dark place, because I am house proud...

Speaking of house...we're still not in our new home as of yet, still building away but nearly finished. I must post a photo for you all if I can transfer it from my phone to PC....

So I'm just gonna update my siggie now to reflect my first excercise challenge, and hold myself accountable for maintaining the momentum and promise so that by halloween I will be "scarily" slimmer!! LOL

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Thanks for the nice words on my pics ladies. I did not notice the collar bones until Judy said something then I had to go back & look. LOL

This is funny...last night I dreamed that I got a fill. Has anyone dreamed about their band & getting a fill? It seemed so real. In my dream I called and made the appointment, drove to the office and when she stuck the needle in to pull out the Fluid that was in there, there was none....it had all disappeared. Then, they said that they weren't going to put any in there because I was losing weight without it, I cried, so they put in 1.5 for me. LOL God do I have issues or what?

Kat-sorry about your sore nose, that is a horrible feeling. Even the softest tissues are not soft enough!!

Judy-Congrats on losing 5 of the 7, that is outstanding!! Sing pretty today :)

Jennifur-I have a good feeling about this job opportunity for you! I will keep my fingers crossed and say a prayer!

Pamela-I think this fill is just what you needed! You are doing great so far and you will do fantastic!! You are right about the after pics where everyone looks much happier!! I am!

Michelle-yooohoooo!! Hi there! Thanks for the group hug...those are always so helpful! Makes me feel like we are on a Dr. Phil show :Banane20:

TracyKS-how many calories are in the Protein "candy bars"...I have found alot of different ones but most have so many calories. I am trying to find a tasty high Protein Bar with reasonable calories. I like the SBD ones OK, but if there are better ones, I am game!

GR8-Sorry about the plateau...they suck. Just keep on keeping on and you will do great! We are all in this together!! You are doing a great job!!

Terri-:rose: How is your exercise going?? hmmm? (look whos asking, right?) lol

Wow, when I woke up this morning (after my fill dream) it was pouring down rain. A real frog strangler!! It is supposed to slack off some today so that is good. I went to Walmart yesterday and got 2 more pairs of my 12/14 jeans and when I gt home I realized that one of them were petite....ugh, I hate to stand in the return line!! I would rather be beat!

My mouth is still sore from having my tooth pulled, but it is bearable. I know that we are not supposed to take NSAIDS but, I do not have much restriction and do not have problems with pills so Aleve here I come. I have to get the swelling down.

When I posted my pics yesterday, I had taken one with my shirt pulled up to see my belly, but I didn't have a before pic showing my belly so I figured what is the point of showing the after belly with no before?

OK everyone, I will be quiet now ... have a great day

(if I missed anyone, I am so sorry)

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Lunasa-drug induced or not, at least you are happy :rose: That is what counts the most!! Good to have you back!

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(((((LUNASA)))))) We missed you so much!! Boy, I can tell those anti-d's are helping you immensely!! Just re-read the tone of your post and compare it to a few months ago where you would have been crying (literally) about how you just "know" you're always going to be fat and with SUCH a feeling of hopelessness!! And NOW....you've got your head on straight!! You acknowledge in a neutral way that you're not losing as much as you could be if you were exercising. You are choosing to change that....you're no longer seeing yourself as just a victim of your DNA or self-sabotage. You simply have analyzed what needs to be done and realize the choice is yours. Plain and simple. No need to lay in bed crying about it or plead with the Universe to change it....you alone have the power....and you DO have it!! And you can choose or not choose to exercise....as long as you realize that you are also choosing the consequences. Not a big deal, right? This is the philosophy I try to use with my teenagers....I try not to lecture, scream and get all emotional when they break rules. I TRY to re-state the rules, re-state why they're in place, dole out the consequences and then give them a big hug. I try very hard not to get mad and behave as though I've withdrawn my love....because I haven't! I am just in the business of teaching them about life...that every choice has consequences. Simple. Take the emotion out of it. No need to withdraw love from yourself over it. It just is what it is. Choice & Consequence.

You sound VERY happy and whole. It's not medically induced...the medicines are only balancing chemicals that should be balanced on their own. It's not like you're taking LSD or something! LOL (Can you tell I've been listening to the Beatles lately?)

Anyway....just so very happy to hear from you. We are ALL....every one of us....going thru our struggles now. Yours is no better or worse than the rest of us. That's why we're here and why we realize we need each other so badly. In that process we've found absolute treasure.


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***For those of you with colds and allergies ***

I am very lucky. I do not suffer with allergies at all but the rest of my family does! They are all going thru BAD episodes right now.

KAT (and whoever else) - My DH's doctor told him that the very best way to deal with that stuffy head is to use a sinus rinse....it reduces greatly the need to keep blowing your nose AND reduces the chance of subsequent sinus infections. My DH uses what the doctor recommended and it's called NeilMed Sinus Rinse. I've used it myself and it does work VERY well. Sounds like you would really benefit. Get it at any drugstore.

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Sorry - Post #3 - still 2 away from my previous record.

TracyK - I'm back into my gym routine....sorta. I haven't managed to get back on the weights, but I am doing cardio. Yesterday I burned 280 calories. Today I'll go back and try to do a full body...cardio and weights. I just miss my trainer!! When he left it just really messed me up....but maybe I'm just using that as a convenient excuse!

Jenn - Your mom is a reiki practitioner?? Cool. She sounds like an 'intuitive'....is she?? Best of luck with the job interview! What does the shop produce??

TracyK - glad you are better!! Careful with the aleve! Scares me.

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No, Tracy I don't dream about my band, but I DO dream about beading and come up with ideas in my dreams!! Cool huh? But earlier I was dreaming that I was working for my old boss (yuck). He was throwing a party to Celebrate his new house (I always dream about houses!). The invitations were going out to select few but very important people....and included the recipe and ingredients for some cajun thing. The ingredients included sliced strawberries (!) and I had to figure out a way to slice and package the strawberries, along with the other ingredients, and get them fed-ex'd to the people by tomorrow without ruining the strawberries (but HOW?)....and I only had an hour to do it. But first I had to find his house (for some reason) and I was driving around and around and couldn't find it....and meanwhile the clock was ticking and I was running out of time. I was becoming VERY anxious when I woke up. LOL My life as a secretary feels like that sometimes, but it's never that bad!!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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