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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Morning Violets~

Judy~ So sorry to hear you've joined us in the land of pb. I've had two, one when I was in Cape Code...at the pool! The scariest feeling...my left breast was on fire. The second one was here on goolash that Susanne made. I hate them, but it feels sooo good once they are gone. Susanne knows that if I stand up from the table and walk away w/o speaking, that this is happening. I always sit on the outside of a booth if we dine in a resturaunt!

Jenn~ I would've cried. I am such a baby, and I hate pain. Take care of it, and yourself!

TracyK~ WWJD and Violets tats? Sign me up!

Terri~ What are you making this week in the Crocker? I am going to the store this morning to buy your veggie Soup.

Sara~ I love seeing you post. I think Sunday's are made to spend in your day in your dressing gown.

Gina~ welcome back! I am a popcorn freak, and was so glad that I could still eat it after the band.

Laura~ Enjoy the meds! When do you have to go back to work?

Kat~ Did I send you my xmas list info? Can't remember if I did!

Gonna get ready to go to the store and buy Terri's soup stuff!

Have a great day!


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Morning violets!

Pain still killin me if I move the trunk of my body. I was able to take the bandages off today, so now I see I have a port scar right between my boobs :car: None of my scars healed well before, but it didn't matter to me.. I think a dark purple scar between my boobs will bother me.. I show a lot of cleavage!! And now I'm wondering how long till I can comfortable wear a bra????

The nurse thought I just had RNY and said I can't go back to work till Oct. 24.. but I plan on going back to work tomorrow, figure with pain meds I can sit at a desk fine..

Here's the pic of when I got all the injections with no fill to show for it-


And here I am today with 2 new port cuts-


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Hi ya'll...:help::help::help:

I am SO depressed.:cry I have cried all morning. I am at a major plateau and then to make it worse I am back up to 204.5 this morning. I feel like a failure. I knew that getting close to onederland I would hit a plateau, I just did not expect it to take such an emotional toll on me. My head still hurts, I know crying isn't making it better. I can eat literally one thing I am not supposed to eat and the scales moves up overnight. I am going to try not to wallow in self pity. I am going to get up off this couch and go and buy something that is too small to wear for a goal. I know I can't let this get me down but sometimes (as you all know) it is difficult not to get down in the dumps.

I will get through this and my violet sisters will help me, right? Can I hear an AMEN?

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Tracy- Don't be discouraged!! You could still be losing inches if not pounds.

Go get a fill ASAP :car:

You're doing great

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Tracy - Laura is right, get your measurements!!!!! That is the only thing that keeps me sane during my time of plateau. which is now. Take today, relax, take a bath, do something for you and tomorrow get up and get your butt moving. I am queen of the couch and pitty party. Monday is the start of a new week,

I am so stressed about money it is taking a toll on me. I thought maybe just maybe I would have some child support this week, nope it is now up to $3175 I am owed. I need that money! my mtg is late and I'm getting nasty grams, my car payment is late, heat is due, I just don't have enough to go around and don't know what to do. There are no jobs out there. I am going to go to another agency this week. UGHHHHHHHHH

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Tracy, Tracy, TRACY!!! Step AWAY from the scale!!! Give it a rest. Don't weigh in again for a week. You are being controlled by that darn scale. Judge your progress by how you feel, how your clothes feel, not every little ounce the scale says!! Have you been getting your Water in every day?? Have you taken a water pill lately?? I have been at a plateau since our cruise and I'm not fretting about it. It WILL happen.. just not as fast as we would like. I'm going for a fill tomorrow and have great expectations that the numbers will start going down. In the meantime I'm doing my exercise and eating the best I can. That's all I can do and all you can too!! If I was there I'd slap you upside the head and say.. "my god, girl!!! Look how well you've done so far!!" Sheeeeeeeeeeesh!!! ((hugs))

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Oh---I hate when this happens, wake up, look in on my friends, and many of you are stressing!!! I want you all happy!

So lets see....

Laura, I had an incision in almost exactly the same spot between my breasts, and I have keloid issues with scarring, and it is the only one that has completely disappeared! I cannot see where it was at all. Relax...besides it is more towards the bottom, when you smush those babies together to get cleavage, even if it scars a bit, it will be hidden!!!!

TracyK---getting over that hump is HUGE. I cannot tell you how long I hung hovering between 205 & 202...I think that was my longest plateau of all, and ironically, when I lost the most inches wise. I did everything, altered my diet, upped the exercise....it was a mental thing with me. I wanted to be under 200 so badly....I truly did, but at the same time, I was always screwing it up---I ate the wrong things on a daily basis!!! I don't know if it was psychological...or just my own brand of stupidity....but it was not until I quit worrying about it, and began enjoying the fact that I could wear smaller sizes, even if the scale would not work, that it finally fell below. I don't do well with buying things small and working to them...I feel defeated before I start, but I went out and bought clothes that DH and DD said looked good---people were noticing the loss---and I finally began feeling good, and suddenly the plateau broke....it has been very slow going ever since, but overall, I feel good, and will take the last bit as slow as I have to. I don't want to risk a too tight situation at this point to get a fill. It is working...when I work too!!! So it really is up to me, if I behaved it would come off. The wierd thing is, if I really watch what I eat, and lose say a couple of pounds...then go back to eating at will, and not paying a lot of attention to it, I do not lose, but neither do I regain the lost weight. So that is what I find myself doing---work it here and there, and drop a bit, and then lose concentration, and just maintain.

I need someone to follow me around---make me behave!

Jenn---I had a burn like that once, where it pulled the skin off--got mine on an old radiator type heater, fresh out of the shower, hit a goat head sticker in the edge of the carpeting and laid my leg up against it--left the skin from behind my knee bubbling on the heater. OMG---I yelled so loud my BIL next door come barelling over, to find me in a towel and in serious pain! Since I couldn't get jeans over it--they were too stiff in the bend of my knee in the back, I wore sweats---big mistake, the fleece worked into the adhesive on the bandage, and I got it infected. Took 6 weeks of debriding it every other day to heal it. So be SUPER careful of it!!!! Will Step Moms business insurance cover you to get it looked at, and get a Dr.'s opinion on how best to treat it? They are not anything to mess with! You poor thing!

Pamela--yep, I just looked and I do have your info. Waiting for a couple that I don't have, to see if they want in, or are opting out, and will send them out to you all.

Laura, mentioned on another forum she belongs to they do a gift exchange, and was wondering if anyone here would be interested in doing on...so everyone chime in...she said she would help organize it, which is good, I have never done one before, I have participated on another forum, over at B2G, but never organized one.

Well I am supposed to have between 20-30 people here for a BBQ, and an ice cream sundae party this afternoon, and it has been raining all morning. I do NOT want this in my house!!! Too many kids, and that much ice cream--uh uh. So sitting here wondering what in the heck to do. I keep looking out there....and willing it to change, but it isn't working!!! Thinking, I might end up calling everyone, and meeting at a local restaurant or something....wish me luck....hey I think it is brightening up! yeehaw!!!

Well I have lots to do, in case we do get to party here! So I better get a move on.......will catch up with the rest of you later.

Judy sorry to hear of the yucky PB, I have had 2 yucky ones.....not pleasant!

Take care all, enjoy the day!


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Tracy~ I second everything the V's already said. This too shall pass girl. Hey, if your feeling bad, just think, "hey, at least I am losing faster than Pamela!" HaHa. Can you even imagine that your sad cause you weigh 204. Man o man...I will be dancing a jig when I hit 204. Deep breaths and a Water pill honey! Judy is right, don't weigh for a week.

Jenn~ Sorry your having trouble now. My friend prayed and prayed that she would sell her house. She wanted to get the lapband! She prayed for months, then she decided to do a fast. She fasted and prayed for 24 hours and her house went into escrow the next day. I know that may seem far fetched, but I know your spiritual. She now has the band. Just thought I'd share that story, take it for what you will.

Ok, Terri's Soup is in the Crocker! Lifetime Movie Network is on, Susanne and I are in our PJ's and the house is starting to smell like good food! AAAHHH, this is what we call a GREAT DAY!


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I am not a cook, but for one hour cut up veggies and cooked the meat and put it in the crock pot. That recipe sounds so good!!! Did it take you an hour Pam??

Tracy, don't despair!!! You are doing great and I am sure it is FRUSTRATING when you are so close to a major goal!!! Keep your chin up and try not to let it get you down. I agree with Judy about not weighing yourself.


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I just had to share this nostalgia. I was browsin pics on my computer.. Found these. This is when I did Atkins, and got to my 'smallest weight ever' which I believe was 260lb. I'm 24lbs from that now, I can't see my body looking like that again, oddly enough. But looking at these pics, WOW! I forgot I ever had a body like that lol. It only lasted like 2 months, I gained it all back and then some.

I'm daydreaming that I'll look like this again. I was a solid size 18 at the time. And my hair was long and thick. Now it's long and THIN. Waaaaah.



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Ohh about the gift exchange.

Here's a brief run down.

If you're interested, turn in your name & addy. Dec. 1 you'll be assigned someone's name. We set a $$ limit, and it's secret-santa style (until you send it, then of course reveal who you are!). So everyone would buy someone else something, as their secret santa.

If you guys do want to do this, let me know! I'll get it organized :car:

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hi gals

i have a bandage and antibiotic ointment on it. I am going to put some tape on it when i get to work to make sure it sticks. I have some aquaphor, it is a burn ointment, my mom turned me on to it years ago when i worked with stepmom in the past, they use it for radiation burns for cancer patients. I could go but I know they are just going to do what I'm doing. the 3rd degree spot is really small and I'll just keep it clean and I should be fine. When it rains it pours

Pamela - I pray every day, for the right thing to come along and I know god has a plan for me. I also know that I need my child support to be able to live on what I am right now, so that is a problem that I will need to address again. I'm going to scream for military money - I'm sure he has enough to pay his bills and for his new Harley he just bought! I am going to let them repo mine, I need to make that call this week. Sad but I don't need that like I need a house and car. I have to do some more paperwork to get things together for the fall/winter around here. You would think being stressed I would lose more weight, since my band gets tighter as I get stressed. Tomorrow, back to the gym, no matter what. I am not going to push it with aerobics. I am not at a good place to try to throw something else in there.

OH, I just had a 500cal lunch.... but OMG was it good, I had sunchip nachos, with hamburger (taco seasoned) refried Beans 2%cheese and fresh salsa. The good thing is was there was just about 40g Protein.< /p>

well, time to go to work, I'm glad today is sunday

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It sure doesn't take me an hour! I only brown the meat if I feel like it...and most of the time I DON'T! I just cut it into small bites and throw it in there. The other veggies I chop into pretty large chunks so things don't get too mushy and cutting larger pieces goes faster too.

I think I'm going to make chicken Tortilla Soup today. I'll cut up all the stuff and get it all put together tonight then let it cook tomorrow. I don't have a favorite recipe, but I'll find one. I use All recipes – complete resource for recipes and cooking tips as a resource. Next week I'm going to try Italian Sausage & Lentil soup...I had some at Carabba's the other night and it was delish!

TRACYK- (Hugs) I think that we're all going to have to make some adjustments in our attitudes and thinking as our weight goes down. (Except for Judy!) Remember that as your weight goes down you will need fewer and fewer calories....so you can eat the same way but now it's not coming off as fast. So it's just something we're all going to have to be ready for! And besides...how long has it been since you dropped that last pound? It doesn't seem that long to me! Do you keep a chart? I've hit 3-4 week plateaus twice already! I expect there will be more to come! I eat very similarly to Kat....when I'm really diligent I'll lose a pound or so, then relax a little bit and maintain. Are you tracking calories?...maybe you're eating more than you realize? One way or the other, you'll figure it out! This is a process, remember??! The process is not always perfect or reliable...there's so many factors at play here! Don't be hard on yourself. Enjoy your day! It's nice out!

Laura - Hope you're feeling better today!

Well, I gotta get back to my closet, laundry and kitchen chores!! Sheesh!

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Ok, Laura...that avatar is really throwing me off!? That is NOT how I picture you!! Is that a recent pic???

What do you mean you'll never look like that again!? Are you kidding me? You're going to look even better!! You are so gorgeous!!!

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Jane, it took me 20 min to put it together. It is smelling sooo good, can't wait. Plus, I like the idea of having lunch all week, healthy and low cal.

Laura, those are great pix. You'll get there again. Slow and steady, huh Michelle. I am in for the gift exchange.


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