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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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great article Judy, something to think about. Well off to shower and get ready for work, when I just want to sleep.< /p>

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Jenn---when you look into your throat, do you see white patches...kind of foamy looking? That is my signal that my sore throat has morphed into strep. The Dr. said they are literally pus pockets, and as you swallow it, the stomach acids will destroy the infection, but it in turn messes with digestion, and your bowels at times too. It is not something to ignore, persistant strep infections left untreated can and do attack other parts of the body---my oldest DD lost a kidney to a strep infection! And if you have any issues with reflux, be extra cautious, you do not want to take a chance and aspirate any of the infected tissues into your lungs.

I am not trying to scare you, just impress upon you that it is not a simple cold, if it is strep---take the antibiotics!! Feel Better Soon!!!

Ms. Jen---I am so sorry you are going through all of this. I have had the indifference in marriage you refer to, and it is a lonely feeling. I wish there was something we could do to help. Sounds like it is time to buy yourself something extravagant, and luxurious, and inform him it was your anniversary present to yourself!!!

Unexplained illness is difficult to deal with, for both parties...and I can understand it might be causing him to be depressed...but that doesn't help explain the last few years I know.

PLEASE know you can come here and vent, and I know I am, as I would bet the other violets would agree they are as well, open to PM's or phone calls, anytime....we do care. It seems so strange to care this way about women we have never met we come from so many different places, are different in so many ways!!! But I also know when I was at a scary place in my life, I held onto the fact that you were all out there, pulling for me, and I felt connected to you all. We will do anything we can to help---don't forget that!!!!

Your story made me laugh---I had a seagull!!! Back in Jr. High, one of our friends Moms worked at a 7/11 type of store, and she brought junk ALL the time!!! Gum, candy, Snacks, chips...you name it! She always told us her Mom gave it to her, now looking back I wonder about that...but at the time we would just swarm her and see what she had for the day!!!! LOL---just imagine, this store owner could have spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars, and never got this good of advertising for his business!!! A seagull for a thief, and he is making headlines!!!

Ok, I am off to clean, we have a birthday party here Sunday, and everything is in an uproar in my house. Be back later!


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I just had some potatoe/broc Soup from progressive, I ate the entire can 400 cals, but hght Protein (28g) (includes the extra cheese I added) and tasted good. I'm going to mushie stage I guess.
Jenn - cheese is a dairy product and has lactose!! silly girl!

I'm finally down 2 lbs this week after almost 2 months of nothing. I get a fill next Friday and the doctor is going to do it himself this time. Maybe I can talk him into a little extra to hold me. His assistant is stingy when it comes to fills.

Jen - Careful with the fills at this stage. 0.1cc can make the difference between sweet spot and way too tight! You don't want to be too tight, trust me! :phanvan

Eating the last of my vegetable soup :hungry:. I'll have to try something different next week. Maybe tortilla soup?!

Pamela - If it's any comfort to you, my kids are exhausted, too!! Getting back into the school routine has not been easy for either of them and there's just not enough hours in the day.

DS (17) is having a fit 'cause we want him to get a job to help pay for his car. He was working but quit right before school. He got caught smoking a little doobie on Tuesday and now has his car, cell phone & computer taken away from him for 3 months! :tired What a dummy. I hope it was worth it to him. He's such a good kid....and makes such stupid choices! Seriously, did he think there would be no consequences?? Duh! Did he think we'd pay for his car without him taking any responsibility?? Duh!! AAAAAACK!!

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Terry: TEENAGERS scare me! LOL We only have 1 year left til our oldest turns 13.................. aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh

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In my experience 15-17 are the dangerous years!! Ugh. I haven't seen 17-20 yet!!?! They might be worse!

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Congrats on hitting the TEENS, Tracy!! Fantastic!

Thinking of you, Laura!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi to everyone else...

Crazy busy day today & Sat & Sun... I promise to be back on Mon if I don't make it before then!!

Patience & ... something... what was it??? Peace? no, but that works too... strength?... ack! what was it?? Wisdom?? how funny! Well, I wish for each of you patience and whatever else you need!! & Slow & steady! & WWJD??

I crack myself up sometimes! Seriously, I can't remember what the other word is/was!!

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Hi everyone!!

Congrats on the teens Tracy, that is awesome!!!

Terri-I can not wait for cooler weather either. The low humidity in itself has been a treat!!

My dd is at her mawmaw & pops house this weekend. I am sure she will have a blast. Now to figure out what I am going to do....something, I just don't know what yet.

Jennifer-I sure hop you feel better soon! I feel bad for you!

My headache has eased but I am scared to death that the crown I just had put on is going to require a root canal...I will just keep my fingers crossed and hope it is a sinus headache or something. KAT-I can still swallow pills. I did not want to be that restricted. (thank GOD)

OK, question everyone...I know that we are not supposed to take anti-inflammitories, but, why not? I really really really need some Aleve...

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Hi everyone!!

Congrats on the teens Tracy, that is awesome!!!

Terri-I can not wait for cooler weather either. The low humidity in itself has been a treat!!

My dd is at her mawmaw & pops house this weekend. I am sure she will have a blast. Now to figure out what I am going to do....something, I just don't know what yet.

Jennifer-I sure hop you feel better soon! I feel bad for you!

My headache has eased but I am scared to death that the crown I just had put on is going to require a root canal...I will just keep my fingers crossed and hope it is a sinus headache or something. KAT-I can still swallow pills. I did not want to be that restricted. (thank GOD)

OK, question everyone...I know that we are not supposed to take anti-inflammitories, but, why not? I really really really need some Aleve...

Anti-inflammatories can irritate the stomach lining. My doc recommends liquid Tylenol, but when I have to take an anti-inflammatory he said the Children's liquid Motrin is ok. Talk with your doc....

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Hi Violets, I was wondering if anyone knows if Airborne (the herbal tablet for colds, allergies, etc.) is ok to consume? It is similar to Alka-Seltzer (fizzy). I just swallowed a drink and then remembered that I do have the band and this might not be good for my band. My doctor doesn't allow carbonation at all. Just wondering...

I really enjoy this thread, even though I rarely post. You all all doing great!:clap2:

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When my friend here who is banded tore the ligaments in her ankle they gave her anti-inflamatories, and told her to take it with Maalox. You might check with your Dr. about that option.

I had no issue with teenagers, until the age of 17....and then I would not have given you a plug nickel for either one of the oldest 2!!! Don't get me wrong, we did not live in paradise all the time prior to that, but holy smoke, when the son turned 17 he copped an attitude of being able to do any damned thing he wanted...including some drug experimentation, skipping school...got a couple of speeding tickets, wrecked his car....we were literally counting the days til he turned 18!!! But hold on a minute, less than 3 months after he turned 18 Manda turned 17 and it all started over!!!! Not so much the drugs, but pushing her limits I have never seen such!!! If I told her to be home by 11......she would stand on the porch, until 2 minutes after just to show me! For years we had an alarm clock on the back of the sofa in the living room (wierd I know) we set it to go off at curfew. If whoever was out come in on time, they could turn it off, but if it went off, we were up. I swear it went off every time she went out the door!!! And she took the punishment!!! The rule always was an hours work for every minute they were late...she put in her time, bitching and moaning, but she did it....only to go over the next time she was allowed out! She had a steady boyfriend, and he had no rules, and she hated that she did. She ended up getting married right out of high school, in fact, she married 2 months after her 18th birthday. She graduated with honors as a Junior---she had scholarship money she just blew off...to follow the love of her life to Hawaii (Army). They made it 5-6 years, and are now divorced.

The youngest DD was not any trouble whatsoever. To say she marched to the beat of a different drummer, would be putting it VERY mildly!!!! Abbey, come to us in junior high, with a pair of her Grandma's old plastic framed cat eyed glasses begging to have them fitted with her prescription. Now it is in style, then she looked like a clown!!! She found some old tennis shoes of her Uncles, original Converse basketball shoes, well over 12 years ago, and went on a thrift shop hunt to find some like them. Now if you look around, she would have fit in perfectly today, with all the retro things, not so then, and she loved being different. She has sold several of her art pieces, she is very into the abstract art, which I do not get on any level!!! She currently has shorter hair than our son...and it is died copper penny colored. Next week your guess is as good as mine!!! She has 2 fair sized tattoos---a starfish and an octopus...which is a little odd for a child raised in the desert!!!! I love my little rebel. She is the quietest of the bunch, and then will let out with a warhoop or something, she loves being with the family---or loved---her DH is not comfortable with our family. He is germaphobic, and I am not clean enough for him. Neither is Abbey, but he deals with it. If he treats her well I will cope. She used to go to her room and listen to music, and create, whether she painted, sculpted, drew, or made what I referred to as her kindergarten art...with yarn, and shells, and lint from the dryer, she was always making something!!! But she never rebelled, never smoked...seldom argued. What she did do, was wreck cars....her attention is not geared long term for driving!!!!

Teenage years come fast and furious here. With the 3 kids, they are each a year apart...so, when it began it was full speed ahead!!!

I don't want 17 back, but the younger teens were fun!!! Now the older 2, have kids of their own....they have no idea!!!


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darn lost my post

We just got back, I hate to say but this is a lot more painful than the original surgery !!

I'm going to pop a demorol then hobble to bed.

I'll give ya the scoop tomorrow, just wanted to let you guys know I made it and all is good! (aside from the unavoidable pain)

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I see you lurking often Bubbles, chime in!!! You are always welcome!!!!

I know I read of people recommending the Airborne when they fly...so I know people use it. Try sipping it very slowly, see if it causes any discomfort.

With everything going around here, it makes me want to replace my tea with it!!!!! Fend off all the flu and colds---the best answer to all of this illness is usually a good hard freeze, but man I am not ready for winter yet!!!!


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I had no issue with teenagers, until the age of 17....and then I would not have given you a plug nickel for either one of the oldest 2!!! Don't get me wrong, we did not live in paradise all the time prior to that, but holy smoke, when the son turned 17 he copped an attitude of being able to do any damned thing he wanted...including some drug experimentation, skipping school...got a couple of speeding tickets, wrecked his car....we were literally counting the days til he turned 18!!! But hold on a minute, less than 3 months after he turned 18 Manda turned 17 and it all started over!!!! Not so much the drugs, but pushing her limits I have never seen such!!! If I told her to be home by 11......she would stand on the porch, until 2 minutes after just to show me! For years we had an alarm clock on the back of the sofa in the living room (wierd I know) we set it to go off at curfew. If whoever was out come in on time, they could turn it off, but if it went off, we were up. I swear it went off every time she went out the door!!! And she took the punishment!!! The rule always was an hours work for every minute they were late...she put in her time, bitching and moaning, but she did it....only to go over the next time she was allowed out! She had a steady boyfriend, and he had no rules, and she hated that she did. She ended up getting married right out of high school, in fact, she married 2 months after her 18th birthday. She graduated with honors as a Junior---she had scholarship money she just blew off...to follow the love of her life to Hawaii (Army). They made it 5-6 years, and are now divorced.

The youngest DD was not any trouble whatsoever. To say she marched to the beat of a different drummer, would be putting it VERY mildly!!!! Abbey, come to us in junior high, with a pair of her Grandma's old plastic framed cat eyed glasses begging to have them fitted with her prescription. Now it is in style, then she looked like a clown!!! She found some old tennis shoes of her Uncles, original Converse basketball shoes, well over 12 years ago, and went on a thrift shop hunt to find some like them. Now if you look around, she would have fit in perfectly today, with all the retro things, not so then, and she loved being different. She has sold several of her art pieces, she is very into the abstract art, which I do not get on any level!!! She currently has shorter hair than our son...and it is died copper penny colored. Next week your guess is as good as mine!!! She has 2 fair sized tattoos---a starfish and an octopus...which is a little odd for a child raised in the desert!!!! I love my little rebel. She is the quietest of the bunch, and then will let out with a warhoop or something, she loves being with the family---or loved---her DH is not comfortable with our family. He is germaphobic, and I am not clean enough for him. Neither is Abbey, but he deals with it. If he treats her well I will cope. She used to go to her room and listen to music, and create, whether she painted, sculpted, drew, or made what I referred to as her kindergarten art...with yarn, and shells, and lint from the dryer, she was always making something!!! But she never rebelled, never smoked...seldom argued. What she did do, was wreck cars....her attention is not geared long term for driving!!!!

Teenage years come fast and furious here. With the 3 kids, they are each a year apart...so, when it began it was full speed ahead!!!

I don't want 17 back, but the younger teens were fun!!! Now the older 2, have kids of their own....they have no idea!!!


Kat, With my oldest daughter, she was such a model child growing up. She was pretty good in school, involved in sports and cheer within the school and martial arts and equestrian outside of school. It was when she turned 17 that all hell broke loose. And I don't care what anyone says, just because they turn 18 doesn't mean that you don't still deal with their problems...My youngest started using drugs at 11, but that's because she hung around her big sister. However she quit everything by the time she was 16 and she's been focused on her school and the love of her life since then. Until now that is - with the baby and all. That kid beams from ear to ear...seriously she's absolutely glowing lately with happiness. Her and her boyfriend are so happy together and now they're going to have a family...I remember feeling like that when I was their age and having her....

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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