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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Good morning all you lovely Violets.. I've MISSED you!!! We had an AWESOME time on the cruise.. the best ever and most of it was due to the new bodies we were sporting. We walked up and down the stairs.. very rarely took elevators so didn't have to wait and wait to get where we wanted to be. We went to the gym 4 out of the 7 days and did our workouts. And I must say we enjoyed the meals. Was I perfect?? nope. Was I guilty.. nope. Am I back "on the wagon".. you betcha!!!

We had some lovely people from Ireland as table mates and Ann was admiring my jewelry. She was asking about my Pandora Bracelet and I explained that each of the angels was for 10# gone and she said.. NO.. you would never know you were that heavy. NSV right there, folks!!! I told her about my WWJD bracelet and she thought that was lovely too. Her husband took our picture instead of us paying to have it done by the ship photographer. DH said.. "she looks great doesn't she?? I think I'll marry her." Ed then said in his wonderful Irish brogue... "If I wasn't married, I'd marry her meself". Another NSV!!!!!

AND when they had the sailaway party and were dancing ... I WAS THERE dancing away to YMCA and the Macarena and I even got on the DVD of the cruise that they were selling. I NEVER would have done that 55# ago!!

We saw whales, a bear up close and personal, seals, eagles and lots and lots of jewelry and shirts!!

I tried to get caught up on all the posts since I've been gone, but that will be an hour or so project!!! I've got tons of laundry to do today and Ethan is coming over at noon. I'll be so glad to see him again. We really missed our yorkies too. It was so nice to be able to cuddle them again last night.

Everyone have a great day. I'm not even going to think about weighing in until next Sunday. That will give me a week to work off what I'm sure I gained on the trip. I had a couple of episodes of sliming, but never PB'd. I just got to eating too fast and talking and thud.. there it sat. I would get up and walk around and it would be ok thank goodness.

Everyone have a great day and I'll check back in here when I can!! Patience, trust and WWJD?!!

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JUDY - so nice to have you back, and so glad you had such a wonderful time. I can't wait until I have such great NSV"s I need them these days. LOL

well, i'm up again today, I just can't take it. I need a fill and don't have any insurance, so I guess self discipline is what it has to be. but the problem is, I'm so very very stressed the past week I just don't have it, I'm really not eating a lot, just not the best choices. My fingers and feet are so swollen - I'm going to take my Water pill and try to flush it all out the next 2 days

well i'm off to take my aunt out. My mom just told me I was earning my halo.... but I actually do it all because I love my insane family and enjoy helping when I can.

it is my time, it is going to get better. I don't know when and I don't know how, but I do know that god does have a plan and in the last 8 months I have grown religiously so much. 8 Months ago, I would have been frantically freaking out trying to make a plan, right now, I'm semi calm and know it will be ok and letting him help me, not making a plan, just doing what I feel I need to do as it comes at me.

For all you who are not religious, I apologize, just ignore my ranting, for those who are, I know you understand what I'm trying to get at here. 8 Months ago I would have just read this and said they are insane - I love my pastor and his wife, and they are real people and came into my life when I needed them most.

ok I'm done and out. be back

Hey Tracyks - how was your weekend? where you at????

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Good Monday Morning, Vi's~~

Oh. My. Gosh! I just returned from a 45 min aqua pilates class, followed by a 30 min Ai Chi class, followed by a 60 min aqua aerobics class! 2.25 hours of exercise! Me! I did that! Who am I and what have I done with the slothful gal who used to inhabit this body??? No, seriously, I feel GREAT but also very wibbledy, wobbley... wooh! (Oh, and this is going to be my Monday morning routine for (at least) the next 6 weeks!!!)

Judy -- Glad you are back safe & sound & that you had such a fabulous time!! :eek:

Terri -- Your necklace is gorgeous! What talent! Have a great time on your trip. oh, and to answer your food question, the answer is "yes" to both, I've cleaned out the kitchen of most of my munchie foods AND I also have to get to the grocery store today! I don't care for chips & such & that's what the kids enjoy now & again for the weekends, so that didn't tempt me... phew!

Jenn -- God has a plan for your life! The hardest prayer to pray & mean (I think) is "Thy will be done." It can be hard to wait to see what His will is, though... Patience & Trust!

Pam -- Could I come & live in your closet?? It sounds nicer than my whole house! lol!

Hi Janie, Kat, TracyK, Househuntress, and everyone! Make it a great day!

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Hey Violets~

Busy Busy here...I just resigned from my 2nd job...I feel so much better already!

Judy is back! Judy is back! ALL IS RIGHT IN THE WORLD NOW!

Have a great one!

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Welcome back Judy! Glad you had such a fabulous time. I don't think I have ever talked to anyone who did not enjoy that cruise!!!

Alaska is so beautiful.

Michelle, if you get to move into Pammy's closet---move over you are gonna have a roomate!!! Hey do we get cable in there??? We need our Lifetime Movie Network fix too!!!! LOL----Pamela please do not be offended by this---I just had this giggle when I realized what a beautiful closet you and Susanne now have to come out of!!! Pathetic sense of humor I know!!!

My horrid dream did not come back last night, Thank You God! I have not had issues going to sleep, other than being afraid to last night. I was sleeping well, when this horrid vivid dream, that was soooooo real feeling happen. I don't know what I would do if it had become a recurring dream.

Well I go to the Dr. today to have my mouth checked, I am going as a walk in, and they are going to work me in---could be a long wait. But it is now swelling into my glands, so something is going on---want it fixed before we go to Albq. for Rick's appointment, and they State Fair.

Tomorrow I go get smushed---mammogram....I have been putting it off!!! When I scheduled my scan I scheduled all the icky appointments, in a now or never frame of mind!!!

I keep having to stop and clap. Kinsey thinks every time she counts to 10 it is time to clap! We were in Olive Garden the other day, and there was a birthday or something going on in the next room and they were clapping, and she ask her Mama, what is that clapping? Across the table I thought she ask her "what is that crap?" Manda calmly looked at her and said I don't know---maybe a birthday party. I was shocked she let her talk that way, then she told me what she had said!!! She talks a lot, and very plainly for a 2 year old, but in the noisy restaurant especially, it is hard to always catch what she says. She has such a quiet voice, unlike my grandson, who could wake the dead! There is such a HUGE difference in the 2! My oldest grandkids, Mason is 7, and Ally is 6, they were very similar in temperment, and in how they acted. When she was born, Mason was gentle with her, and when we get to see them (which is very, very seldom, sadly) they are still that way. Not so with the last 2....she is quiet and tiny, and if given a choice of toys, will choose something small to carry around---Polly Pockets are (were til the recall anyway) her favorites. He is 15 months younger, has already outgrown her, is loud, and a wild child in every sense of the word---if given a choice of toys, he wants the biggest thing he can grab, and he wrestles around with it!!! The toy car in the back yard---Kinsey takes her babies, and gets them all settled in, and drives around the back yard. She uses the gas meter, and pretends she is at a drive through, and places her order!!!!! Connor on the other hand, prefers to tip the car over, and try to get all 4 tires spinning at one time!!! And they do not play well together at all!!!! Connor has a problems playing with anyone who cannot handle his roughousing, which includes Kinsey. It is going to be interesting watching these 2 grow up!!!

Jenn, I too am retaining tons of water----going to see about having my diuretic Rx renewed at the Dr. today.

Well I am off to clean the kitchen, surf awhile, maybe just be lazy, and sip a cold drink, see if it helps my mouth any!



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Hi chickes! How was everyone's weekend? Judy, we're glad you're back but I'm sure if given the chance you would have stayed another ten days! I heard Alaska is beautiful, hope to visit someday.

Terry - WOW, that necklace is beautiful. I've been wanting to take a beading class with my mom and you just have me the inspiration to go out and sign up. My mom is turning 50 on Thursday and I think that us taking this up together would be a wonderful gift. Not only will we be spending some quality time together but I'm sure that we will create some beautiful things together...

Pamela - Your closet is my dream home, LOL! Sounds so luxurious and decadent. You deserve it woman!

Jennifur - Have you heard anything back about your interview?

TracyK - Did you go to the casino this weekend? Perfect weekend for staying indoors. It was so hot and humid. And we chose this weekend to move and to go pick up a pallet of tile!

Speaking of tile, we went and purchased the tile that we are going to lay down in the house. We unloaded 78 - 60 lb boxes of tile from the back of our truck. It was slow going and my arms and back are killing me today. We had to be so careful in taking them out of the truck and putting them in the garage. We also moved all our big stuff into our new house. The rest of the little stuff will be moved next weekend. Now we have to finish stripping the house of carpet and linolium. FUN FUN FUN...

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Man - dd went to the dr. she got a good check up, they put her on another med as a preventative and then has to go back in November for an appt. She is feeling so much better she wanted a special dinner...

I just made the best shrimp scampi ever I know, not the greatest of choices, I actually ate speghetti, but it was whole grain and it actually doesn't expand like regular Pasta. I had 1/4 cup and some shrimp... YUMMY

well i'm off to take dd to cheerleading practice. she has to go but is not going to participate, which stinks. They lost 4 girls already and 1 more broke her hand in 4 places so she is done for the season. YUCK.

Anyway, I"ll be back after the gym. I'm going after I drop her off

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Good afternoon, Violets..

It's been quite a day here. I've done unpacking, laundry, Curves and uploading all the pics. Here is the link to them. I am soooooooo proud of the way I look in MOST of them. There are a couple of doozies in there, but for the most part, I am pleased I kept saying... Take my picture here... take my picture here. And I did NOT say... make sure you take the picture from the neck up. Woooo hoooooo NSVs!!! I'm off to a Democratic party meeting and then will check in when I get back. Had some turkey for supper and it got stuck, but good. Still haven't ever PB'd, but darn close tonight!!

Alaska cruise 2007

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JUDY!! Thank you so much for sharing the pics! You and your DH look awesome and I am so glad you had fun! Like I said before, that is my dream cruise! Looked like a wonderful time! We are so glad to have you back...now Terri is on vacation for a week!

Haydee-yes we went to the casino....nice and cool with no humidity! Hauling tile? :eek:OMG...I hate to say this but better you than me! I bet that you are to be done with the majority of the moving process!

Jenn-glad that your dd feels better. You are probably right about the Fluid pill...water weighs alot! Flush yourself out girlfriend!! B)

Michelle-I got tired just reading about all your exercise....whew!! Good woman! :clap2:

Kat-glad you slept better last night!!

Everyone have a relaxing evening!! :notagree

Pamela-I had to edit my entire post because I had asked you to reveal who wins POV....and I changed my mind, I don't wanna know LOL :car:

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Judy, those pictures are great!! You and your husband look so happy and thin!!!

Haydee, I think you need to hurry up and get on the scale, sounds like you lost the rest of your weight with the boxes of tile!!!


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Well, i found out the other reason why i'm gaining a few and so bloated. yup. my visit from TOM is early this month. Stupid change in season is a bit early this year, usually don't count on this until October. Man - was I not pleasant, I ripped everyone in my path a new ass this week. Not that it is an excuse, I really felt like I've had it with everyone and everything, I thank my band for that, for making me realize I am better than the way people have treated me over the last 4 years, I am better than waiting around for dbf to call me, tired of new guy (I told him to f' off too) falling asleep and then saying "when are we going to get together?". Done, I want a steady relationship, but I don't want to be second best anymore! Have not told dbf to get out of my life but did give him the lecture too. Today... he decides to worry about our daughter... I felt like saying why are you worried sick, you have not cared in a long time about any of us to justify that, but I didn't, I just told him I was just overwhelmed with life and then proceeded to list everything, including what was wrong with our relationship.

I am in rare form,... then i got my period. LOL

Seriously, not funny because all these things have been consuming me for a very long time.

Anyway. I am going to go look at Judy's pics from her cruise. Going to meet Melissa for a liquid lunch, she is getting a fill tomorrow. I'll be back in a few

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Judy - what wonderful pics. you guys look fantastic, and it was so beautiful in the pics, must have been breathtaking being there

Kat- how did you make out today at the dr? I'm glad your dream did not come back!

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Hey ladies, I found a cruise out of Baltimore 5 night starting at 649 goes to Bermuda. I might call and find out about packages. Do you guys have southwest where you are, they have all kinds of specials to baltimore all the time.

May 10th next year

I had someone recommend a travel agent.

well i'm looking at this as I don't know where I'm going to come up with $800 to pay my mtg - I do get a large tax return - so that is how I would pay for it. LOL

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well I thought I was at 4 post and was going to try to beat Terry's 5 consecutive from the other day, but i'm beat and really going to bed right now

night all

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Dr. said my mouth issue is some sort of infection---he cultured it, but gave me nothing---total waste of time and money even going. Plus he got sidetracked, telling me my thyroid was several times its normal size, he focused everything on it, and blew off my reason for being there. He was unhappy that I cannot fit my schedule with another thing this next week!!! So I have an ultrasound of my thyroid on the 20th. I do new blood work this week. The blood work I just did for my scan---has abnormal Calcium levels, also a thyroid issue. Maybe cause for my fatigue???

He seemed very concerned---not sure if I should be or not. It was kind of an awkward visit for me, my first with him, since my DD quit her job as his nurse, he has been through 4 since her!!! If he would lock his wife out of the office, he could keep help!!!

Judy pictures looked great, I scanned through them quickly, I am exhausted, and heading to bed soon.

Jenn sometimes, you just have to let people know where you stand. I did with my SIL's today---yep plural!!!! One sits in Denver with her blinders on---pretending all is well here, while in reality it is not. There is lots of work to be done, and out of 4 kids, my DH is the only one doing anything!!!! The other SIL has her niece living out there, and she is not paying her rent---so she needs to ride her butt, get her caught up, or I am evicting her!!! Talk about persona non grata----that will be me!!!

Now....ask me if I care???

TracyK---I will get back to you on the PM about my TT plans---just did not find time to sit down and do it this afternoon---mornings work so much better for me, Kinsey is sleeping, and then running around playing with me, afternoons are chaos!!!

Jane---good to see you, I agree, Haydee definitely got her work out!!! I think she should have unloaded them at MY house!!!

Gina I see you on, the same time I am....missing what you are saying---so...HI!!!!

Everyone take care, I am off to bed....I am OOOOoooolllddd it is just after 9!!!


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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