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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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My DD got a clean bill of eye health...thank God.

Jennifur-no I have not tried fiberone yet. I tried mineral oil and it has been working pretty good so far.

Michelle-I know you didn't just refer to yourself as a fat a**. Don't ever say that about yourself again young lady!!

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Laura - Doesn't WebMD have a symptom checker thingy? Maybe that would help.

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hi ladies.

TracyK - so glad DD is good to go... i knew she would be fine

Laura - that doesn't sound fun either way. He could just have some pollups (sp) or something that is blocking him up... tell him to eat veggies and Fiber LOL

well, off to bring dd to cheerleading, ds is tired and cranky so he is going to bed the second we get back.

oh, I spend an hour on the phone with child support today - no one who works for dbf's company has received the monthly check, but i did find out that he may be getting some lump sum bonus from work and they put in for state and federal taxes so when he files his return in Feb I'll get $1200 of that. at least that is a start

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I did try WebMD, but it's very vague, and everything I found that is remotely close, DH says 'that's not it'. So..I give up now, I'll wait till he talks to the other doctor.

Tracy & Jennifur- Hooray on the good news ;)

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Tracy, glad to hear dd is fine! and no, I didn't refer to myself as a fat "a**"... or "*ss"... I really said it. So much for the positive affirmations earlier. Maybe they should go something like: "I am a healthier fat ass." "I am a stronger fat ass." "I am a thinner fat ass." LOL! Now I'm just getting goofy!

Time for dinner, then PTA, then bed. See ya'll tomorrow!

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Hi everyone---scan is done, and I did not throw up on anyone!!!

Laura, I tried to figure out what was wrong with your DH---but I believe what he has is likely a combination of his current problem, and the fact that he has testicles---and he is therefore---full of shit! Sorry---it was too easy to pass up!!!!

Hope they figure out what is wrong with him soon, it sounds painful! Keep an eye on him! Not all appendix present normally!

Michelle, 25 minutes on the elliptical is great! My program I am doing on it is 20, so I do it and am done, unless I am involved!!! I listen to books while I walk---and only then. I am not allowed to listen at all unless I am exercising. So sometimes, I even make myself go further to hear something that is going on!!! I have a CD player hooked up to mine, and I check books out of the library for it, I have "I've got a Secret" by Sophie Kinsella now, I bought it at a yard sale!!!

OK, now sit back and laugh at me for a few minutes!! 4 years ago when I went to renew my license it was flagged, the computer said I have a hold on it in Tennessee. Interesting, considering I have never been to TN. Seems all the computer goes by in this case is name and birthdate--and it flagged. So I called the 800# to TN Dept. of transportation & safety. Talk to a dozen people, finally get this guy who is like normal to talk to, and he is kind of laughing, he ask for my description---saying everytime he asks that he feels like he is on a chat line! Anyway, he took the last 4 of my SS# and said they did not match, and that anyone in his Dept. should have realized the problem, because the other woman had a D in front of her SS# on their MVD records. Apparently in TN they flag all deceased persons licenses etc, for a year to help with identity fraud. So he faxed the paperwork to my local MVD office explaining that I was NOT the 5'3'' 123 pound DEAD, BLACK woman they were flagged on there!!!! No indeed I am not. So I finally got my license. So, today, following my scan I go in to renew my license again....only to be told I have to go through a security clearance, as she is explaining this to me, my head is swimming! With the new homeland security fiasco, anyone who has ever had a flagged license or is obtaining a CDL etc. has to have clearance. I had to go to the Police Dept. and have an NCIC check run on myself. Then the officer had to hand deliver the paperwork showing I am not a wanted woman in the USofA. BUT.....the paper shows I can get my license...but I am still in the system as a PTTS. So he says I might want to look into clearing it up, because I cannot obtain a CDL, or a passport...I am not allowed on international flights now... and could be held at any border at any time. I am flabbergasted and asking why? He says it does not say---only that I am a PTTS. What the hell is that I ask....are ya ready my friends? I am a Possible Threat To Society!!!!! He said it is likely tied to the other "me" in TN, when she died she had both local and federal warrants. I ask this man, our esteemed Chief of Police, who do I see? How do I go about clearing this? There is a high liklihood of me traveling out of the country! He has no idea........aaarrgghhh I love incompetancy!!! By the time I left there, (yes I did get my license renewed, did it for 8 years this time) I was very likely a threat to several people. I need to be making calls, but wonder where the hell to call??? Guess I will start with our state office of the MVD...have to begin the run around somewhere!!!

So, I am off to mow the lawn. Will check in with all of you later!!


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Kat- GEEZ! Gotta love the government. When we went to get a mortgage this year, we found out my DH was born in '59, had an alternate alias and owed over $50,000 past due 10 years.

Now, it took a lot of money and running around on OUR end to fix THEIR errors, and the best part.. you can't take that off the credit report!

They put a 'fixed' note on there, which hurts your credit score, to say that was an error, yet the companies could still use that. It's infuriating. And couldn't do anything about it, reported Equifax to BBB and said 'whatever'. These people control our lives, and yet their errors make us pay.

If I were you, I'd be flipping out!!! I would be sue-happy too. I get so mad that they do that to people.

Speaking of flipping out, we've been paying 100's of dollars in Water bills since we moved here, to keep our precious sod from dying in this drought. Today we come home from work, there's a huge hole dug right in the middle of our lawn.. and mud and red clay EVERYWHERE. It's horrible. I guess someone ran lines, and ran a big ass truck over our yard.. and didn't clean anything up. So, I'm miffed about that. We called the builders out here, voicemail of course-- they already sold us a house, now they aren't talking to us. Waiting for someone to call us back and let us know when they plan on at least filling the hole back up.. but of course, it's going to be all on us to replace the grass, and pay MORE MONEY for water.. gah.

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Good Evening Violets!

I had a busy day..... I did see my lawyer and we have a plan of action.. not going to type it down on here just in case I have some pieces of shit cyber spies googling me.......... just too important not to disclose at this point.

Anyway.......... I had a weird thing happen today.. but first Kat I laughed at your post!!! PTTS LOOK OUT!

OK.. so the weird thing... after my meeting my boss and I stopped for lunch at the Longhorn Steakhouse... Once there I was like ohhh crap what am I going to order.. I ended up with that crab bake they advertise on the commercial and trying to be healthy I opt for the sauted mushrooms instead of a baked potatoe.........

So this is the weird thing........ ya know how before the band you always were amazed and happy with BIG portions (well at Least I was) always wondering if it was worth the money and happy when you could gorge on bread and you meal til you were miserable........ this time was totally different for me......... I'm crossing my fingers that the portions are small enough that I can "pass" with not eating much. I was relieved when they brought out the plate and it had a smallish dish of the crab bake on it.... (pre band I would of been PISSED) the mushrooms looked so good... but what the hell was I THINKING....... too rubbery for me luckily I stopped myself after two small mushrooms... then I picked at the crab bake eating MAYBE half of it.. more like a third.... I was just praying that I wouldn't PB in front of my boss, who has no idea that I've had surgery.... I picked, I put my fork down, I pushed the food around, (all the tricks I've read about) hell I even hid a few of the mushrooms under a big leafy green......... I MANAGED IT.. put my napkin over the plate and called it done.......... weird feeling, but a good one......... totally UNTracy the volume eater.

Getting ready to head for bed.


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Kat - what a mess. Working in the Mortgage industry for 15 years... I have to agree.... it is almost impossible to get it fixed. You might want to start by requesting a copy of your credit report so you can make sure you don't have the dead woman's stuff on there. it takes months of letter writing and verification to get that cleaned up. You get a free copy once a year. Write to all 3 bureaus. That is a good place to start.

Laura - OMG that is just insane. Are they going to pay your Water bill?

well. I'm home just relaxing, visited with a couple neighbors, kids are in bed and nothing for me to do. I should go to bed... but i won't

so earlier today dbf called and said he would be over in 30 mins.. I fell asleep and while I was sleeping, I had 3 missed calls with no voice mails. 1st call showed up private, 5 mins later another private call (which means someone has a private number - it is not a business) and the 3rd call was a number that showed up but I get no answer, like it was a payphone or something, still no message. I can't get in touch with dbf and he never showed up. I know he has head issues but omg, I am actually very worried about him. He never just completely vanishes on me. I did a reverse lookup on the number and it just says it is a landline and that is it. Tell me either way I'm not worried to death about him. OMG - seriously - this is a ton of the relationship problems and he doesn't understand why I get so tense.

I know i know... dump dbf... so many issues... I wish he didn't get into that stupid accident. He just looses time and memories and it is sad and scary. So until the day comes when i just can't take the stress of this, i will worry about him.

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nice job TracyKS - so proud of you.

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Terri, I wore my Bracelet again today. The more I wear it, the more I love it!!! It's colorful and I can pretty much wear it with anything! Thank you so much again!

** Update: My hubby just came in and commented on my bracelet "Oh hunny, are you wearing your 'What would Joe do' bracelet?"

He's so full of sh*t!!! LOL:wacko:

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We do a yearly check on our credit report, it is part of one of our credit cards actually. And it is clear. She never contacted, or used our similarity in any way. The problem arose, when she died. SHE had had many problems prior to dying, causing all the warrants! But since we shared a name, down to the middle initial---and an exact birthdate it triggered because Tennessee puts a hold on ALL deceased persons idenitifying documents for 1 year. So when I tried getting the license, it kicked it out. Now the only place that has ever tied the 2 of us together is MVD....

Back a season or 2 Boston Legal did a show on a similar thing, the one lead guy (Captain Kirk) tried to fly out of the country and was removed from the plane as a threat risk. In the court room, I remember he had an entire audience made up of people who shared his name, and would have had the same thing happen.

My Dad said his cousin has this issue, and my nieces husband does---they both have very common last names. I didn't realize ours was as common as it is. I got an email not long ago that told you how many people shared your name---and according to it, there are over 1400 people in the USA with the same name as me!

There is a woman in our town here, who has the same name, and the exact month and day of birthdate, but 10 years earlier!!! She is 10 years to the day older than I am. I got her prescription in Walmart one day!!!

So anyway....since I got kicked out of the system on that identity thing 4 years ago, I stayed flagged, and apparently always will! It is not going to just go away....which sucks big time. What if I have to go back to Mexico???

Tracy---hope all goes as planned with the attorney---good idea to keep it under wraps!

Jenn--hope your dbf is ok---I am horrible I always imagine horrid things!

Gonna go show Rick some email---catch y'all later!


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Kat - well that is good at least her name didn't cross with yurs pulling credit or cause a problem there

Yes I always think the worst when he goes missing, the night of his motorcycle accident could have possibly been 1 of the 2 worst nights of my life, 1 not knowing and finding out a couple hrs later and the other when my bf of 20 years hung himself, 3 years ago last month. He doesn't get it why i worry so much

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I have an American Express card, but a few years ago they were offering a new kind and I thought I would get it. I applied and they sent me back a letter that stated "due to your deceased status we cannot issue you this card". First of all why were they sending a deceased person mail? Secondly what about the American Express card I currently had and used and paid? It turns out that it was a clerical error on my credit score check. I had two accounts at one bank and closed them both at the same time, and on one they put account closed at consumers request and the other account they accidently put down deceased. I did think it was very funny, but it did drive me CRAZY having to fix that. It took FOREVER and tons of letters from me.


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Ok dbf just called to say goodnight. he mentally lost most of today so after i told him i was glad i was ok, i wanted to kill him... He has been officially dignosed with depression the worst kind ( i don't recall exactally what he said - sometimes mymind works on o/t just obsorbing what is going on) and short term memory loss, so between the 2, he looses what he is doing or thinking and then gets so upset about it he just goes to sleep and doesn't care about anything. He went from 280 down to 205 between the accident, when he was in the hospital they discovered his heart was 85% blocked and had surgery, rehab, the whole nine yards. So he was getting stronger, stopped eating burgers and am cheese and mayo and went to rehab and the gym every day. The more he doesn't care the worst it gets, no gym, not eating as well, and has gained 15lbs in a month. He cares but doesn't if that makes sense. it is a horrible place and not good for me either. I just want him well, with or without me, the entire thing breaks my heart. An I get my money no matter what, he has disability and military pay - just changes when i get it. He was always a leader, strong and funny and now he is sad, and angry - his yard is a huge mess and overgrown up to your knees, his pool is yucky and has a hole in the liner and he - mr clean cut military man - had longer hair than I ever have seen on him in 20 years. It is horrible. I love him so much as I'm sure you all know, but right now I just want him well

anyway, that sums up that saga in my life. I just can't get sucked back in myself

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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