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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Thanks Kat and Laura for the kind words. I was not too scared, feeling very knowledgable about the band and some of it's kinks from LBT, but when the doctor looked so worried and perplexed I got a bit scared. He said, "wow, this has never happened to me." I am soooo bruised and sore today, but am trying to stay positive. Thanks for the cyber hug. I needed that. Sometimes life is soooo overwhelming. I am learning a lot about myself, which after 40 years on the planet, was long overdue.

Just got out of the shower and am planning my outfit around my WWJD Bracelet, it is black and white/gray. I love love love it. I will take a pix of it later and post it here!


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Good morning! Hope everyone had a nice Saturday morning. I'm getting ready to go to a wedding shower.

Pamela - So sorry about your fill!! I skimmed over the posts because I'm in a hurry but I hope you're doing okay today.... No more tears....

Laura - You look so good!!! Wow! Your legs and your arms, I wish!! I'm at 254 and my legs and arms are huge! Your waist is coming in...

Talk more later girls... I'm running so late and I still have to pick up a present!!!!

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hi everyone.

just popping in real quick, just woke up from the best sleep ever and now off to work. Suppose to hit 100 here today and tropical.....

Last night was interesting and my bf had some very interesting words for me.

Kat - I can function on very little sleep - something I've always been able to do.

TracyK _ YOU LOOK FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!! hair cut is nice but you look so cute. Did you darken your hair too?

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TracyK, it is a little hard to see the haircut itself in the picture, but it looks good!!! I like it a lot!! The swoop across the forehead is really flattering. My bangs got so thin, it was hard to even see them! They are coming back, but my hair looks soooo bad! I am not willing yet to give up my length, this time of year it is too easy to just whip up into a ponytail and go! Last time I cut it, not being able to put it up was really hard for me, especially if we go riding.

I love that you made you a new avatar!!! Looks soooo good! Did your hairdresser say you had any new growth? I do, I can see it, 2 inches tall sticking out all over my head! Seriously!

I really like your color!

Good job----now order me to do mine!!!


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Hi all!~~

A late-eve check-in... was up before 6a & out the door by 7! Spent all day @ a soccer fest in the 100 heat... ack! Drank a case of Water & refused to use the port-a-potties so kept driving down the road to the McD's... too funny! Crashed for 2 hrs when we got home, am now cooking a nice dinner -- my in-laws are here! What a day!

Tracy -- your new hair cut looks fab-u! Fantastic! :huggie:

Tomorrow is the last day of summer... kids go back to school on Mon!! Am scheduling a pedicure for Mon morning to celebrate! I deserve it after 10 weeks of summer!

I love Fall & Back-to-School time... to me it's a lot like New Year's... fresh starts & new routines... can't wait 'til the days are crisp & cool!

Have a great night, everyone!

OH! PS -- Clothing NSV today! Had nothing to wear today so I "shopped" in my closet & pulled out a cute hot pink/white gingham check searsucker shirt dress w/ short sleeves, size 22 & it fit! The sleeves were always the problem -- too tight! -- but not today! Yay! It was perfect for a hot day in the sun! :)

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TracyK _ YOU LOOK FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!! hair cut is nice but you look so cute. Did you darken your hair too?

Thanks Jennifur....yes I colored it yesterday. It was blonde highlights, now I am Auburn. What interesting words did your db have for you? Inquiry minds (aka nosey me) want to know!!

Michelle-thanks for the compliment!! Congrats on the NSV!! That is so awesome!

Kat-My hair is way too thin now for bangs, so the lady said a "swoop" would look good. My regular beautician called in sick today so I went to a lady I had never been to before...I will go back to her next time. I am like you, I love to just be able to pull my hair up & go but I decided to go ahead and bite the bullet! If you did it, you would not regret it!!! GO! :huggie:

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Thanks Haydee~ Enjoy the shower!

TracyK~ I love love love the new 'do!!! I told my girl last time that I wanted red/ w/ the blonde in the front only. I think red is sexy!!! Your cut looks sassy!

Michelle~ I am glad you love this time of year...I on the other hand don't, lol. My favorite time of year is the beginning of June. Just kidding, I do really love my job and am excited about teaching the new stuff this year. Enjoy your pedi...you deserve it!

My neices are here (6 and 8). We are having a girls only weekend!!! We took my brother to lunch today and Kaya told him, "well, ok, but I don't want you here for dinner!" We went to a thrift store and bought dress up gowns, shoes, and the like. The girls are dressed to the nines now, and in my big closet "playing school". Kaya says, "I am the teacher, I need to be really dressed up." I am thinking, "yeah, right." Every year Aunt Pammy takes them school shopping for clothes and supplies. 300, plus 50 for lunch later...aunt pammy needs a drink. I am exhausted and I've had them 5 hours! Susanne and I were talking about having kids the other day...don't think it is gonna happen. I love my neices and nephew visiting...then leaving.

Ok, off to make spaghetti for dinner!


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TracyK I may bite the bullet, but not til we park the bike for the season!!! Then I might do it!!! It is the middle length that is my problem, I think if I went short, I might be ok, then it isn't hanging in my face when I bend over, but mid length it is always hanging, and I am constantly tucking it behind my ear---the style never lasts, because I can't leave it be!!!

When we ride, I either wear a helmet, or a do-rag....I know I should always wear the helmet, but I don't! So I like the freedom to take whatever off (helmet or bandana) and brush it out, flip it into a ponytail, and going. When it was short, it was horrible, I would brush it out, and the nylon padded liner in the helmet made it static-y and it was sweaty flat yet fly away----so maybe when we park the bike!!! Yours really does look good, I like the swoop fo kinda sorta bangs, but not really---that gives me ideas!

We got Kinsey to her Chinese food tonight, and the girl put away the pot stickers, and some crab rangoon, and almond chicken, she ate and ate, like I had not fed her all day! She ate both Breakfast, and a late lunch and had 4 bananas through the day as well!!! She must be on a growth spurt!!!

Rick bought a new (old) bike to part out today, I should be listing things, but prefer to do them all on Sunday!!! That way I always know when our Ebay stuff ends! Hoping the neighbor takes a look at this one, and buys it whole! Seriously, really, truly hoping, he would like to trade some concrete work for it!!!

Pamela, I have my Paternal Grandmothers old camel back trunk, still with the tray in the top. It has a picture of a woman buttoning up her boots, with the hook in the top, and has the price of the trunk wrote on it $3.25. Where the wooden strips come across the top of the trunk they are each dated MAR. 1880. All of the metal is floral embossed, it is so pretty. I totally restored it several years ago. Inside are all the girls dress up clothes. Costumes from Halloweens past, thrift store finds, garage sale goodies. Gloves, hats, high heels, purses, feather boas, fairie wings, you name it!!! We don't play in it real often, it is saved for special times! Over the top of it, I have a lap quilt that a friend quilted for me several years ago, from squares we found under my Maternal grandparents house. They were hand quilted squares made by my Great Grandmother and her sisters. Mice had gotten to them, and I thought they were beyond hope. But she bonded them to some interfacing, and trimmed them down, and made me a lap size quilt from them. So it lies across the trunk. I love them both. As the girls grow up and play in the trunk of clothes I intend on telling them about their Great- Great grandparents!

I expected this weekend to be tiring, and trying both. But it has been wonderful. The one on one time with Kinsey has been such fun. Listening to her giggle as I lotioned her after her bath tonight--I had forgotten how sweet that sound was! Granny has had a fun weekend.

Well I think I will go put away all the produce my inlaws brought from their garden. Tomorrow I volunteered to go pick Beans and black eyes peas. My DIL was instrumental in wanting this garden, and now she is gone for 2 weeks, and my 80 yr. old MIL is left to be bending over doing the gardening. And there is no way in hell they will just let it go, that is 100% against their nature! So I am going to go get the picking done. Will likely spend the next several hours canning the beans---will leave the BEP to dry. Will have to see what else is ready, to know what all my day will be spent doing. It won't be shampooing my carpet as planned though! Oh well....

Catch you all tomorrow!!!


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Kat - I have to lecture,... I know you know better... HELMET!!!!! dbf is mental but things have been much worse since his head injury. He was stopped in traffic and a car flew out of a parking lot across 3 lanes and in the 4th one was dbf stopped on his bike. needless to say, bike is totaled and his helmet saved his life. He now wears a full helmet.

just getting in from the worst night ever. I am disgusting, going to shower and go to bed.

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What a night.

My sister and her gf spent the night, and we watched tv.. then my parents called and wanted to have a talk with her, so she left and her gf stayed behind. We played some video games..my parents offered her a position at the company, doing filing. Well, she's VERY dykey and tattoo-d and pierced from head to toe.. she's not very presentable basically(complete opposite of professional looking). They offered her receptionist at first, but they realized that wouldn't be very good for business.

So anyway, mom said she needs new clothes.. girl clothes.. where can we buy plus size girlie clothes.. so we went on a trip to Cato's. Got a bunch of girlie clothes that would cover up her arm tattoos, and in the dressing room it was a riot.. it so does not look like her..

Anyway, then we go to Avenue.. a place I've never heard of, but has really nice businessy plus size clothes. I bought some nice tunics there..

So we're checking out, my sister pulls me aside and says.. "When can you take a pregnancy test?" Mind you, she has been living with her gf for years, they talkin about runnin off to a state where they can be married, yadda yadda.. So I'm confused.. I said 'Why??' and she goes "Well about a month ago, I was having a confused moment and slept with some guy blah blah, think I'm pregnant'. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Crazy stupid kids. Seriously. So I told her, and she just turned 18.. so I asked if her gf knew.. and she said she does.. I'm like wow.. I'd have so kicked your ass to the curb, but whatever..that is their business.

So now I'm stressing wonderin whether or not she's pregnant. If you knew her.. oh boy. She can't even take care of herself.. won't keep a job for more than 2 days, no responsibilities in life, yadda yadda. Acts like she's 12 in maturity.

So I asked her, you didn't use a condom or anything??? And she said, well he didn't stick it in, he just did it on me. I had to laugh. Explained how unlikely pregnancy would be from that.. thinking more and more every day how she really shouldn't have dropped out of high school.

So then she and her gf go home.. me and my mom go on to Target & Wal-Mart.. to get some random things we needed.. we decide to go to her house to watch a movie, so she drops me off at home and I run in to change into jammies before heading over. Husband comes up, kisses me and asks if he can have kinky Birthday sex tonight. CRAP! I FORGOT HIS BIRTHDAY!! This is 3 years in a row, I forget the actual day. We do birthday celebrations at our Sunday cook outs with family, so I go to moms and say.. I FORGOT HIS B'DAY!!! We were AT target & wal-mart and I didn't get a cake or card, etc. Boooooo. We watched Stranger Than Fiction (I HATE will ferrel) but it was a pretty good movie.. Then I was planning to run back to wal-mart in my jammies.. but then dad saved the day, he is going to go by the store on his way home from a poker game.. whew.. he asked if I wanted him to buy me a card to give dh.. lol.. told him no, I'd do it later.

So anyway, what a night. Glad to be home, waitin for dh to finish his 'raid' in his video game (everquest.. i call it evercrack) so he can get his b'day sexin' on!

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That reminds me while we're talking about motorcycles. One of my co-workers has a daugher in high school.. her bf was riding his motorcycle with her on the back, they crashed.. neither was hurt.. but then found out, a year ago he killed his girlfriend in a motorcycle accident, so co-worker told her daughter she is NOT allowed on his motorcycle again.. their accident where no one was hurt, was about 2 weeks ago....3 days ago, her bf got into ANOTHER motorcycle wreck, and died.

I love motorcycles, and want to own my own someday (parents both drove harleys, dad a hog, so as a kid I loved riding on them).. but if I was that kids parents, I'd have taken his bike away when he killed his gf.. so sad.

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SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'S BACK!! We had a great time at Disney World.. except for the ungodly heat!!! It was in the high 90's with high humidity and i have never walked that much in my life! I got lots of exercise in, but also ate things I shouldn't have. Enough to gain 3#. DH gained 4#. We go for a fill tomorrow and theno n our Alaska cruise. I know we will do much better then. It was just too tempting with the grandkids and late night suppers and Snacks. But now I have my TA DA!!! WWJD Bracelet. It's just beautiful, Terry and came at just the right time. I'm back on track and will have those 3# gone by the time we leave for Alaska on Saturday.

We got in at 1 this morning and I have lots of laundry and cleaning to do before the choir party tonight so I haven't had a chance to look at all the posts yet! Will try and get a chance during the day today sometime!!

Everyone take care and have a great day. My WWJD bracelet is complimenting my angel bracelet, both dedicated to the lap band and weight loss. I'm good to go now!! THANK YOU TERRY!!!!!!

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Laura. I'm sure that was a crazy day, but boy sounds funny from the outside.

Wow, after accident 2 I would probably not get back on and take it as a sign or ride more responsibly.

So - friday, I was on my way to drop off my bff, we went out for the morning to take care of health insurance stuff and on my way to drop her off, a co worker was waiting for the bus to get to work, we stopped and asked him if he wanted a ride blah blah blah. We drop off my friend and then I bring him to work, come home - get changed - pack a bag because I was going out after work and go to work. I was going out with the guy I use to work with. Slow and steady> Yes dbf is still around but as much as it breaks my heart, i'm loosing him more and more every day, and all is going back to his accident and his extreme depression, they wanted to admit him to a mental hospital for a month!

Anyway...I went out and had a great time. This guy treats me like I know I should be, but I don't have those feelings. While we were there a group of bikers came into the bar. Man, this one guy was so hot! But first of all I am there with someone else... second... I don't have an ounce of confidence in myself even if I was not there with another guy. I leave the bar (only had 1 drink - so proud of myself there) but because I worked all night and it is now 3am, I called bff I was with earlir in the day, woke her up to keep me awake going home. She asked if I got my email - of course not. so come to find out she sent me an email asking what was going on with me and co worker! WHAT!!!!! He is like a big brother to me, which is ironic since he heard all these horrible things about me from dbf's x and didn't like me until he got to know me. Now we are very good friends. No more than that.

Here is what I got out of all this. I love attention. It is approval for me and makes me feel good about myself. I still see myself as being 65lbs heavier - when I was younger, i did use sex for attention - There is too much crap out there and it scares me, so I would not do that now, but to know someone is interested makes me feel good, like there is hope for me. I don't feel like i look good enough to be with a guy like the hot harley guy in the bar so I won't even attempt talking anyone new. I love my biker friends I do have, but they are just people i see out, How do i meed a crew like that I can be part of? How can I meet someone that can help me move on when I can't even talk to someone new?

I am so mental.

My bff said to me at 3am, I KNEW IT... I knew you were going to be one of those people I see on Dr. Phil that can never see themselves as anything but fat. We laughed, but I am afraid it is true.

Oh well. Off to church... I don't go as often as I should, but boy have I been doing soul searching over the last 10 months since I started going (dbf's accident changed my life!)

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Welcome back Judy!!!!!!!!!!

Glad you had a good time, I'm sure drinking Water you will get rid of those lbs quickly! You are the woman!!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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