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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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I think my restriction loosened up!!!!!!!!!!! I can eat WAY more than I could 3 days ago.......... things are not holding me... damn it

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Thank you girls for telling me I look nice in the pic! Sometimes I look in the mirror and I still feel like my old fat self....

Restriction and eating... hmmm... we're all in the same boat. At nine a.m. this morning I had 1/2 cup of cottage cheese with some blueberries. At noon my stomach was rumbling. I've been hungry since then. I've held out eating because I really would like to eat around 2 so that my lunch will hold me until at least 7 pm when I get home to eat. I've been drinking Water like crazy. I think I've already had half my of my gallon....

I know I need a fill. In the evenings I am very lose. But in the morning I am very tight. It's a struggle to eat my Breakfast. I might have to break down and just start having Protein Drinks for breakfast. :Cry:

April - WELCOME!

Donna - Thank you for putting my fears at ease... I lose a ton of hair each time I shower but I feel better knowing that it will grow back...

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Right now it's 1:32 p.m. My tuna is sitting in the fridge waiting for me. My stomach is rumbling...

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I'm having a Meal Replacement smoothie from Tropical Smoothie for lunch. We start our bowling league tonight (YAYAYAYA) so we're just going to stay 2 hours after work and go straight from here to there.. and get dinner on the way.

I went to Cato's during my lunch break to get some new shirts. Most my shirts aren't work appropriate because they show too much cleavage, or the tank tops that show my bra..so I go in.. and to recap, I was 26/28 busting on 30 when I got surgery.. I was wearing 22/24 shirts happily and 20/22 pants (last time I went shopping).. and this time, I found a clearance rack with cute shirts, but everything I liked only was in 18/20..So I tried them on anyway. YAY! THEY FIT! All cute and everything, and I'm wearing some 25 jeans today that do NOT fit anymore, so they fall constantly (I hate belts btw), and with the 18/20 shirts, I can see a girlie figure coming in!! Since I've been overweight my ENTIRE life, I've never had like, hips and curves.. I am top heavy, big belly and big boobs, small hips and thin legs. But now I've got a nice curve coming in on my sides, where my love handles are going away. Was neat, I was in the dressing room turning around and around wiggling my butt and being excited lol. So I got a bunch of 18/20 shirts that fit perfect, a new purse, and some girlie earrings. I put on a shirt and earrings and a co-worker came in and said "you're getting all preppy!" I said, what do you mean 'preppy'?? (The shirt I'm wearing now is gathered sky blue lace, scoop neck with puffy sleeves) and she goes 'I mean girlie.. you look all girlie'.. i said "I cant be girlie?!' she said 'noo!' and i said 'I have a husband, I have to be girlie SOMETIMES!' hehe.

So I'm in a good mood right now..

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Ok, I'm back from my fill. She put in .5cc!!! Ooooooooooo, I'm gonna be tight!!! I'm at 2.8cc now!! ;) They also showed I lost 6# in 8 weeks. That's not what my scale shows!! Whatever...It's not enough!

I showed her the picture of that brown spot by my port scar that I had after last fill (remember that?)....she was mystified too. BUT all my fill was still there from last time, so it's not leaking and that was my main concern.

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Ohh I made up a new recipe last night, thought I'd share.

Since it's my OOMTOM... I've been craving sweets like crazy, I keep resorting to my 100 calorie packs, but I wanted cake last night.. cake is out, but I thought I'd make home made muffins.. I found a recipe that had stuff in it I actually have at home (I don't have a lot of baking stuff)..

It was applesauce muffins..

1/4c milk

1/4c sugar

1 tsp cinnamon (I used more like 1 tbsp)

2 tbsp cooking oil

2c of bisquik

1 egg

1/2c applesauce (I used more like 3/4c)

So.. I replaced the sugar with splenda.. and the milk with skim milk..

They were pretty darn good. It said to dip the tops in melted butter and sprinkle with more cinnamon & sugar.. I didn't dip them, but I sprinkled a little more cinnamon on top (not a fan of splenda by itself, but baked in something or in a recipe is fine).

They were good, satisfied my needs for something warm and fluffy. I ate 2.

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Laura: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on the 18/20 shirts! WHOOOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!

Terry: Congrats on the fill! Maybe this is what you've been needing. How are you hanging otherwise?

I am full right now....... I've GOT to eat eggs or something with EXTREMELY low carb tonight........ I ate the damn crackers at lunch........... the salty crunchy is driving me batty!

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OK HOW STUPID AM I????????????????????????????????????????


Am sitting here w/the longest "stuck" feeling of my life. I'd say it was a full-blown PB except that I haven't actually chucked anything up... not cuz' it doesn't want to, but cuz' I won't let it.


I can hear the extra saliva all bubbling down there when I do a little burp or open my mouth.

OMG it is KILLING ME! Actually, it doesn't hurt AS much as yesterday, but it won't stop, so the pain has been going on longer. It really hurts. This would be the best torture for some really evil person! I keep having to hold a hand towel up to my mouth & open my mouth & also to wipe the tears... ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow.

Oh, chicken. That's what did this. I think it had a chunk of skin on. Ok, I know it did. So it's the dam rubbery chicken skin & it's not going anywhere! Oh ow! It's mostly in my right back & throat... I keep getting up to walk around... now I'm coughing & that doesn't feel or sound good... ack!

I'm supposed to take the kids to their activities in 20 mins & I honestly don't know if I can drive like this!


Ok I"m back... bet you didn't even know I left! I had to go in the bathroom & it's official, I've now PB'd. I retched into the sink & watery stuff came up & it must've moved the gunk a bit as it's not AS painful, but still somewhat.

At least this is an "innocent" stick... on something "legal" rather than completely not. Oddly enough, that thought is not comforting the feeling in my esophagus!

I think it's high time I become a picture-perfect bandster. Y'know... the little teensy tinsy bites, chew them 30+ times, put fork down & wait, take 30 mins to eat, no bread/rice/pasta/potato, Protein first, then veggie... you get the idea. I have to hold this pain in my memory so that I do not repeat this again!

It's still obviously "stuck"... a dull pain rather than sharp & stabbing... whooh, this is kicking my butt!

Gotta go to the bathroom again... I have 15 mins to pull myself together & get the kids out the door!

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as in the words of the illustrious Terry...........

hmmmmmmmmm "chicken, I used to love that stuff"

Hope you feel better Michelle

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I've been slacking on exercise.......... I WILL get up in the morning and go workout! Terry....... this ones for you babe!

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Michelle---I hate to hear you are hurting so bad---like you say, especially when you were being so good!!!

You know to stick to liquids while you are in pain. Try every little bit to sip very slowly some liquid. My suggestion at this point would be to try some pineapple juice. It is acidic enough that it tends to help break down food that is stuck. It does nothing for swelling, but it has helped me with taking too big of bites a few times.

As a last resort, and only if you feel you are still stuck, you can try a shot of liquid meat tenderizer---it will usually break down things like you are stuck on. My SIL used it for a bite of steak that would not move, and she said it was very salty tasting, but not as bad as she anticipated, and she said within 30 minutes, she felt it pass, because by then she was swollen, and it moving through hurt some. She went back to liquids for about 3 days after that.

Keep us posted on how you are---we do worry ya know!!!

Laura--woo hoo you girlie girl you!!! I bet you look 20 pounds lighter with your upbeat mood, and clothes that really fit! DH will be glad to see you!!!

Tracy---sorry restriction is being so elusive for you!

Terry---you hanging in there? I am so proud of you for not smoking---I cannot even tell you!

I got new cookware from my parents for my birthday (I ask for it), but now I am trying to weed out the old, and add in the new....and it is like everything else, I am having hell letting go of the old! Some of these pans I have had for almost 30 years!!! I did not use them the entire time, they were stored for several years, but still---I need someone to throw things away for me!!!

Wish me luck!!!


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Oh, Kat! I'm a VERY good thrower-outer!!! Wish I could be there to help!! Thanks for the kudos on the Quit. I'm hanging. Today is much better than the last 2, but still not easy. Haven't heard from Sara!? Not a good sign.

Michelle - Yeah, I used to love chicken! (LOL Tracy) I'm a big fish fan now!! Used to hate fish! <sigh> Were you trying to swallow all that slime or were you spitting it out?? Swallowing it will only cause more pain, y'know. (Well, you do NOW!) Most important thing now is like Kat said: liquids and mushies ONLY for the next 2-3 days!! Otherwise you will most likely have another PB, and another, and another....until you go on liquids! Might as well get it over with.

I have tried the paypaya enzymes, BTW, and they work very well to get things unstuck.

TracyKS - I've been slacking too...all week! I did a zillion lunges on Sunday and haven't been able to WALK ever since! OMG. I had a ear/throat infection of some sort AND on top of that I wasn't smoking. I was like, "To hell with it all" and didn't give a rat's a$$. Still don't. Legs still hurt anyway. I AM NEVER DOING ANOTHER LUNGE EVER. This is the 4th time they've done this to me. No more lunges. Ever. Tonight I have to visit my mom. I'll be back at the gym tomorrow. I'll try to be happy about it.

Laura - I've seen you post a few times that you're eating late at night. You better be careful, girlfriend, you're gonna end up with reflux and you do NOT want that. No eating anything within 3 hours of bedtime, ok? I want you to stay healthy as possible. Maybe have a glass of milk to take the edge off...it's good for you, too!! Major congrats on the huge drop in sizes!!! That's incredible!

Haydee - How'd your lunch hold you? If you're starving like that again (like at 11:00a) just have a small piece of cheese or 10 almonds! I promise that will get you thru to lunch. No point in starving like that...besides, it makes you want to wolf down your lunch and that's the path straight to PB-ville, baby.

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Ok, I'm back from my fill. She put in .5cc!!! Ooooooooooo, I'm gonna be tight!!! I'm at 2.8cc now!! ;) They also showed I lost 6# in 8 weeks. That's not what my scale shows!! Whatever...It's not enough!

Patience & Trust Terri ;) I hope this fill is just whaat you need!!

I am still just at 1.0 and am not going to get another fill until I feel like I could eat a horse. I can eat 3/4-1 cup and feel fine. I had such a bad time at 1.5 that it is going to take something major for me to get another fill. The nurse told me that everyone is different with the amount of fill they need and to consider myself lucky that I do so well with so little. I would much rather feel a little hunger than PB all the time. So, I guess its a good thing.

I will take before & after pics of my new do Saturday. I am actually getting anxious about it now and not so nervous.

I see that others have a tought time with chicken...I know I am not alone now. I also have trouble with mashed potatoes at times...when they are dry. F Fries are a definite no-no...those little suckers get stuck every time, which is also a good thing, so I stay away from them.

What are some of the things you all eat that are definite "stickers"?

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by the way...my DH b-day was yesterday and he has a giant chocolate chip b-day cookie with icing on it...OMG I have to get that biotch out of my house like right NOW!

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It's now 3.25 hrs after the fateful bite & I'm still not right (altho some may say I never was...). My throat/esoph feel shredded & I still think something is still down there.

I must say that I am impressed w/my own ability to multi-task while in pain. While driving the kids, my mouth kept getting full of "slime" & I kept wiping it onto a towel I brought w/me, but then I felt there would be more so I grabbed the zip-lock bag I'd brought w/me & heaved into it -- WHILE DRIVING! -- & lots of nasty rubbery chicken skin & pieces came up (sorry)... dumped it on the side of the road... that made me feel better, but as I say, I still feel nauseaus & sore.

Thanks for the liquids reminder! I feel so stupid right now I probably would've gotten steaks for the grill tomorrow!

It was/is a very juicy rotisserie chicken... not dry at all... sigh...

I'm going to go up & crawl into bed. DH is picking up the kids. I may try some hot tea later... it sounds soothiing.

7pm: Good night!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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