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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Wow I had my most MAJOR sticking episode to date (& I thought a couple had been on the bad side before!)!!! It was stupid. I was stressed out over having to pay $700 for car maintenance today & I grabbed the box of low-fat Wheat Thins & just started to munch... didn't realize that those things when chewed & mixed w/saliva basically turn into paste... ugh! It hurt soooooo bad ...
OH!! I have terrible trouble with those things too!!! I think mine are 'whole grain' wheat thins and I eat 6-7 with my tuna for lunch sometimes. I get pain with those things every time! I just thought it was the way I was eating or whatever. They go in the trash now!!...they weren't very good anyway.
OUCH!!! My calorie intake today was ummm 1804 calories :help:

The important thing is that you are tracking them!! This really helps you to make better choices. Just keep tracking!!
Ugh... I ate the ice cream anyway... bleh & grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
I would have done the same thing. It's not such a bad choice in your situation...you were probably damn hungry! Got a little Calcium in the deal too. But NO MORE!!! :heh:
Terri-I have a really good place I go to get it done. Believe me, I know about the "you get what you pay for" thing. Believe me, been there, done that. I will probably just put myself in her hands...I trust her that much. Still nervous though. You know how it looks great when you walk out and then it never looks like that again!! LOL
...and I trust you're using good products too? Nothing too heavy, like gel. Bumble & Bumble make a great 'volumizer' spray...see if your salon carries it. Sebastian hair spray is awesome. I'd be lost without those two products.

OK, peeps...I'm on Day 3 of my quit. Feeling a bit better today.

I go for a fill at lunchtime and I'm really bracing for some major restriction. I just feel I'm right on the edge of being loose one day and tight the next...I can't decide if I really need a fill, but I'm gonna go for it and see what happens. I'm going to be a model bandster the next two weeks for sure.

OH!! And I had a major bandster revelation yesterday!!! Just because you CAN put away 1 to 1.5 cups of food, doesn't mean you SHOULD!! Let me clarify: I had gotten a SB frozen meal for lunch yesterday. I generally HATE any kind of frozen dinner but I was in a crunch. I nuked it when I got back to the office then ended up eating only about 1/2 of it....it was disgusting....and I injested about 150 calories worth of chicken and broccoli. I remained satisfied until 5:00! Ok, so what was my lesson here?

1) I don't need to feel the food backing up into my esophagus before I consider myself 'done eating'.

2) My instrux are to eat 1/2-3/4 cup of food at one sitting (regardless of if I feel 'full' or not) and that is what I need to do!!! (It's a RULE, dammit) Now, of course, this is totally contrary to the way I've trained myself to eat for the last 49 years and it will take a conscious effort to stop waiting for that full feeling and just follow the rule of 1/2 - 3/4 c of food. I simply need to stop overserving myself. If I am in a restaurant, I need to ask for the to-go box FIRST and load up the extra before I even begin my meal.

This is good stuff. I'm posting this to my journal. I wish I could tatoo it on my arm!!

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Morning Goils!!

I refuse to say good morning, I worked my butt off the entire last week, and while I didn't always make wonderful choices, I didn't totally blow I don't believe----and I regained 2 of the pounds I had lost, putting me right back at 100 pounds lost...this last 20 something is going to be more difficult I guess!!! Dissapointing! I seriously beleive my calories burned were way higher than usual, while my eating remained in the usual range most of the days. I still have some sore muscles, so maybe I will drop it....hope so!

Hi Joann---see you lurking!!! Hope all is well with you!!!

Rick went back to work today---after him being home for 9 days, it seems awful quiet here!!! Even with Kinsey. She is such a crack up! She is just now getting old enough to remember dreaming, and is trying to convince me she has a Clifford dog when she sleeps!

She has a pretty cut up finger---they were with the other grandparents the other night, while my DD and her bf went to the parents counseling for Lindzie. While they were gone Lindzie told Kinsey to stick her finger in the oscillating fan....and she did! Poor thing it cut her little index finger in several places, none too deep, but still! At the time the therapist had no idea of course---even without that instance, he suggested going back to the "way things were" for a period of time, to see if the jealousy at home eased. So Lindzie is going back to the other woman for after school care--thinking maybe the competition will be lessened if they are not together 24/7. The other woman who kept her, had been her day care provider since she was an infant, and they feel very comfortable with her, and her ability to deal with Lindzies recent outbursts. School started Monday, and she only has one little boy in her class from last year---and it is her boyfriend no less! She actually got in trouble in Kindergarten for kissing him! She seems happy in class. Still adamantly refuses to go to her Moms, who incidentally has not even called to request a visit. Both of the kids used to go to the other parents every other weekend, but both of the other parents are MIA! Kinsey's father has a new girlfriend, who is just 18, and he has been too busy he said. Makes me crazy---these poor kids!

Tracy---tummy feeling better?

TracyK---post us some pics of the haircut---I too need to do something with mine, the end is so thin, and the top getting so thick again---I don't want to go short---so am avoiding dealing with it!!!

Pamela--I find myself buying clothes in spurts. Pants are still a problem....if they fit around the belly, they are big everywhere else. Speaking of....my inlaws bought me clothes for my birthday. They bought me 2 tops, one a 2X and one a 3X...and a pair of black capris---a size 8. I can get them up---but there is several inches of belly in the way of ever buttoning and zipping them...they will be going back along with both shirts! One I will simply exchange for the right size, the other looks like it is "too old" for my Mom!!! But it was nice of her to try to find something for me, I have days even I can't do that!!! Other days, I end up like you did, with way too much, but them fitting, and looking pretty good, makes me go overboard!

Denise---I lose weight in my butt, and wierd areas first, my belly is the last to go--along with my boobs. Now what 2 places do I need it gone most???? You guessed it! I first notice weight loss in my face, and hands---which was irritating, here I have this fat body, and my hands lose weight! Then my butt and legs get thinner, and I look like humpty dumpty---I used to call myself an Easter egg on stilts!!

Terry---not sure what I will be doing exercise wise today---Rick being back at work, I guess it will be something more "traditional" than it has been the last week!

My Dad has to go to the Dr. in ABQ on the 31st so they can schedule him for carotid artery bypass surgery. Makes me very nervous. We have some concert tickets for the 1st....not sure what to do about them, whether they will send us home (surely they will) or what. I mean why put him in on Friday, when it is Labor day weekend, and they probably would not operate until Tuesday anyway. We usually attend a local rally very heavily during that weekend. Not sure how to plan for it this year. We are hoping once Dad is well again, to make a couple of desert runs before the season changes.

Well I didn't mean to miss the rest of you, but Kinseys toast just landed butter side down on the floor----time to get busy!!!



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Morning everyone.

TracyK - pics... we want pics of your new do Sat. Terry is right, just let her know what you want to be able to do and then start slow. A couple years ago when I was really mad at dbf I cut all my hair off. It was longer than it is now (if you remember from my pics) and when I was done, it was all spiked in the back and a little longer on top so I could pull it back in clips. It was cute but way too much work. It took about a year to grow back out and now is 1/2 way down my back and I get it cut every 4 weeks now.

My hair feels so thin, It was so thick, it is kind of depressing. Is it ever going to stop falling out?

well, down to 216 today, finally moving again. Survived day 1 of liquid diet. had shake for Breakfast, for lunch and 1 c lettuce and 3oz tuna for dinner. and Water, i think i'm going to float away. I am back to going to the gym regularly too. I am kind of mad at myself because I am not going to make the charts this month but there is always next month.

Oh, I was talking to my contractor, I think he is on board. I mentioned this yesterday, i'm just so excited. it is going to take time but this is my dream - and over the years, we have become true best friends. We have cried together, laughed together, and of course gotten in trouble together. We have also worked together - so it would really be a great thing, he just needs guidance. My favorite thing he did for me was hand carve my mantle around my fireplace. Oh well enough of that. In the mean time, i'm going to a temp agency next week and going to try that route, I will need to work while I'm working with him for a bit until we get really going. but if all goes like I want it to, i can work for 10/hr and suppliment with contracts.

I'm drinking my coffee and figuring out my day. gym, work, and i just remembered i had things to drop off for my health ins with the state I'm trying to get.

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My hair feels so thin, It was so thick, it is kind of depressing. Is it ever going to stop falling out?


My hair is still falling out by the handfuls. Everytime I wash or brush my hair it comes out...I can see a bit of a difference when I look at my hair or wash it, but it's not that noticeable yet...I drink plenty of Water each day (60 oz on average, sometimes more), and I get in (usually) 60+ grams of Protein. Any suggestions anyone???

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I Am A 4/07 Bandster, I Was Banded On The 23rd @ Nyu, My First 2 Fills Was No Restrictions At All, Was Able To Eat Anything, But My 3rd Fill(8-1) Not Able To Eat Anything But 1/2 Cup Of Something But Not Everything, I Think I Found My Sweet Spot! Im Losing Inches Faster Than Lbs, Im Down From A 22/24 Pants And 3x Top, To A Size 18 Pants And Xl Top. Im Getting There.

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My hair is still falling out by the handfuls. Everytime I wash or brush my hair it comes out...I can see a bit of a difference when I look at my hair or wash it, but it's not that noticeable yet...I drink plenty of Water each day (60 oz on average, sometimes more), and I get in (usually) 60+ grams of Protein. Any suggestions anyone???

Mine is starting to slow down, but suddeny it is very noticable that it is much thinner than it was. I could actually use a small hair tie and I've never been able to do that. I have noticed a lot of short pcs of hair. New growth maybe???

I get from 70-90 g protein daily and 70-90 oz water daily. Like Denise said, any suggestions?

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I Am A 4/07 Bandster, I Was Banded On The 23rd @ Nyu, My First 2 Fills Was No Restrictions At All, Was Able To Eat Anything, But My 3rd Fill(8-1) Not Able To Eat Anything But 1/2 Cup Of Something But Not Everything, I Think I Found My Sweet Spot! Im Losing Inches Faster Than Lbs, Im Down From A 22/24 Pants And 3x Top, To A Size 18 Pants And Xl Top. Im Getting There.

Welcome - and congrats. Inches are just as important as numbers. :clap2:OMG did I just say that. ;)

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Welcome APRIL!

Good Morning Violets................. I too had icecream last night........ I could totally kick my own ass about it too.........

I had a bad food day with the wheat thin 1/2 BOX so what did I do??

I had a turkey brat which should of filled me up... but about 20 minutes after dinner I fixed a BIG bowl of ice cream W/ chocolate AND Peanut Butter and I ate the whole damn thing! This is SELF SABOTAGING TRACY rearing her ugly head.......... I did face the scale this morning and I was up to 228.4 better than it could of been but still ..... not 222 (which will be 50 lbs)

That said.......... I'm back on today....... cottage cheese w/ 6 wheat thins for breakfast (out of berries) getting ready to start on my Water.< /p>

I'll be back............

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My hair is still falling out by the handfuls. Everytime I wash or brush my hair it comes out...I can see a bit of a difference when I look at my hair or wash it, but it's not that noticeable yet...I drink plenty of Water each day (60 oz on average, sometimes more), and I get in (usually) 60+ grams of Protein. Any suggestions anyone???


I’m a cosmetologist, and I’ve answered this question MANY MANY times over the years! LOL Your Hair loss is most likely due to having surgery. Anesthesia, is a COMMON cause of hair loss. This is temporary, and your hair WILL come back!

There are other factors that can contribute, such as stress, weight loss, and poor diet.

Our hair goes through several stages. One of these is called the Telagin Phase. Normally we shed 80 hairs a day….seems like a lot huh? When we are in the Telagin phase we shed about 120-150 hairs a day. The reason is…new hairs are pushing the old ones out. So, the good news is, your hair is replacing itself! Hair almost ALWAYS replaces itself, unless of course you are prone to have female pattern baldness, which is not likely, because this happens gradually, and your hair is shedding fast at the moment.

If you are really experiencing A LOT of loss, you should consider getting a shorter haircut, maybe layers. This will help it look thicker while replacing itself. If not, get a good ALL OVER trim, and start taking Biotin pills. This will help more than anything else you can do. I had gall bladder surgery a few years ago, and I thought I was going to be bald! I trimmed my hair, and started biotin. After a week or so, it had stopped!

Most important thing is….don’t stress over it! It will come back!


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thanks for that info. I had very thick full hair so it is not horrible, but to me it is.

TracyKS - as long as it is only 1 bad day, that is ok. i was craving wings the other night, i had some from where I work to hold me over and thought they were not going to be the same as the ones i really wanted. they worked and never had the big fried ones with extra hot sauce I really wanted LOL

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Luckily (knocking on my wood desk!!) I have not lost any additional hair since surgery. I've been holding my breath, but I'm wondering.. I have those back injections, had my last set 2 months before banding.. and they put me to sleep.. so if anesthesia makes it fall out, wouldn't I have had it from these? I've never noticed it fall out from this before. My hair fell out when I did Atkins, and slowly 80% grew back.. now I have normal shedding I believe, with a thin spot I've had since Atkins.

Anyway, I feel like I'm sabotaging myself. I do make good decisions more and more.. which is a YAY thing.. but, I don't only eat 1-2 cups. The doc asks me, 'Can you eat 1 cup of food in a sitting?' and I scoff and say 'much more.' when i told him I can eat AT LEAST 3 cups, he gives me a fill. Well, like I've said I'm frustrated with the rate I'm getting fills.. and I don't have the restriction I need, and it's a vicious cycle. I can tell myself (bless you Terri for your will power!) *DON'T* eat more than 1 cup, but I'm still hungry..

More so near the time I had my fill (but rarely now) I get stuck at certain times of the day on things.. like real early morning or late night.

My sister and her gf came to watch a movie with me last night. We were up till Midnight (my bedtime is 10pm), so I was hungry when they left. I just made a piece of toast with jam on it. I was struggling with it. Every bite was getting stuck, so I stopped eating it. Why can't I be like this all day long? I think it would help.. anytime I get stuck it curbs my appetite.

Yet, around dinner time, I can eat 1-2 cups of chicken casserole, about 10 brussel sprouts, and 1/2 cup of corn.. without feeling anything from my band. Sigh sigh sigh. What to do.

Oh, so you gym nazi's know. I took out my ticker for exercise because it made my signature way too big... But I have been walking my dog regularly at night, and I just got 'Walk Away The Pounds' DVD version. I use to do the VHS ones, loved em, but then we got rid of our VHS and it was no more.. so got the DVD version this weekend and I love it.

Yay exercise.

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Laura - i'm doing liquid diet this week and it is not easy, not because i'm hungry but because i'm a basket case and want to eat. last night when I left work I made something I love. had lots of hot peps and onions and I wanted to eat, not because I was really hungry but because I thought I was. I came home and went to bed.

good for you with the exercise DVD. I don't have a lick of ambition to do that at home. I so want a normal job so I can do my Water aerobics Tues & Thurs nights.

well, off to the gym.... then to work. Hope everyone has a great day!

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Laura - no matter how healthy I eat I can't seem to really lose, I lost 15lbs after my fill on liquids and maintained it with no real issues. I have indreased and decreased my cals and work out like crazy, backed off because they said i was working out too much. So I'm going to jump start my w/l and then maintain.

I am going to do this once a month - may be good may not, but i have super restriction so it doesn't much phase me not to have 3 meals. Tonight I'm having black bean Soup. making it now

so I was just about to walk out the door and ds/ speech therapist finally called me back, I had her down for noon and here she s. 1:30. Makes me crazy, I can't live like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

whew.... i want to scream, screwed up my entire afternoon

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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