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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Hi all

I don't want to know my BF% because I already know... it is not pretty

I did another workout, I feel so much better, I don't think it is good for me when I take too many days off.

Off to get my resume printed... then work.. fun fun

hope you all are having a great day

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I made it to page 375 before I had to finally comment!


Love the new avatars: Kat, Judy, Terry, Ms_Jen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jennifur: GOOD LUCK on the mail room job!

Everyone else that I've missed because I was too lazy to read the next 10 pages of posts.................... HIYa!!!!

I'm back from vacation........ it was not relaxing..., it was hot, the boys did nothing but fight with each other and us, my son decided that he would would become an instant hellion at 4 and drive me insane........ we came back early if that tells you anything.

I had trouble eating.......... unless I ate crap............ I ready to go back to work just to get away from the amount of testosterone in this house. Hopefully we will take the three older boys home to their mother today.... I just broke up two fights and I am sick and tired of yelling.....

I got on the scale this morning and I weighed in at 233......which is what I weighed when I left.... I know that I am retaining Water because my rings hurt my fingers.......... I tried to sneak off to the clubhouse and log on mid week, but their connection wasn't working.. I MISSED MY VIOLETS!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to all the newbies!

Signing off for now.

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TRACY!!! We've MISSED you!!!! Glad you're back safe and almost sound. Sorry the kids were driving you nuts..

Do you have a Water pill you can take? I swear by them!!

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Hello Violets,

Welcome back Tracy sorry your vacation was not relaxing. Hang in there Terri you have the right attitude about it being about health, but I want to see the numbers change too!

I had my second session with personal trainer yesterday, whew! She worked me like a dog! I told her my therapist makes me pay for an hour even though it's really only 45 mins and she should do that too, but she wasn't buying it! I am wishing I had some pain meds left from surgery to take the edge off today! Ouch, but a good ouch.

I dropped my bunny (JJ Le Bunny 7.5 years old) off at the vet to have his bladder flushed out, he has Calcium deposits and I am on my way to the hospital to visit my Mom who has triple phnemonia! We are all supposed to leave on a cruise on Monday but who knows now with Mom in the hosp. the whole family is hoping she gets well enough to join us, there are 16 of us going on this cruise.

I want to stress eat like you wouldn't believe! I am actually sitting in Toyota dealership right now getting a 29 min. oil change that they say will be at least an hour!!

Sorry to blabber on, but I am really feeling the stress as I type. Just FYI, the bunny doesn't come before my mom in the grand scheme of things, just the order of my day. As I read back it looked like mom was an after thought, not at all. Anyhow drinking my DD Iced Caramel Latte Light and wishing it were a piece of cake.

Have a good day violets and say a prayer for my Mom, Bina, thanks!


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Oh Theresa........ I LOVE DD carmel latte x shot of expresso and skim milk... you know what is better....... Starbucks ice carmel machiato (sp) OMG to die for. they are expensive so a treat.

I mailed my resume out, had lunch, got home just in time for my ds's speech therapy session and then to work in an hour. what a day

TracyKS - not going to take mail room job, 9>75/hr, WTF who can live on that?????????????


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What Terry said:

"I have to adjust my attitude some other way. ... Ok, so I look at it this way: "Oh well!" I mean, look...getting a minimum of a 1000 calorie deficit every day and I'm working out at a reasonable level. This is THE prescription for losing weight and better health regardless of what the scale says. There is no other prescription! SO, I will just keep doing what I'm doing and TRUST that I'm not some freak of nature...and IN TIME the results will come. PATIENCE and TRUST...."

THIS is EXACTLY the mind set I need to cultivate!! Better health no matter what that stupid hunk of metal says! Patience & trust! Excellent mantra! Maybe we need braclets that say that, too!

Hi Tracy!! Glad you're back but not glad to read about the boys... it's bad when work looks better than vaca!

Jennifur -- I'm w/you... I don't wanna know my BMI... why add inslut to injury?? Also... I LOVE love love the Starbucks iced skim caramel machiatto... had one this a.m.! I also make a fake-y one @ home w/decaf, micellar Protein milk (or skim) & sugar-free caramel... even my 12-y-o loves them!

Gr8ful -- Hope it all works out & your mom feels better soon (& the bunny)... it's in these stressful moments that we really get to USE the positive tools we're trying to develop & to stop the stress eating. Not easy, but necessary -- you're doing great!

Hi Judy!

Hey... anyone have pre-teen daughters who are counting down the minutes 'til High School Musical 2 debuts tonight @ 8pm on Disney channel?? Obviously, I do! We're going to an HSM2 "party"! What a money-making machine Disney has going there -- wow! But it's fun... my ringtone on my cell phone is "We're all in this together"! Ha!

Enjoy the day!

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I'm going swimming on my lunch break today to see how that works out as far as timing. If I do weights or cardio I keep sweating long after my shower and it's gross getting re-dressed & putting on makeup. I'm going to try swimming to see if that cuts down on the sweating. It should!

It didn't.:ohwell:

Patience & trust! Excellent mantra! Maybe we need braclets that say that, too!

Ooooooooooo!! Thanks for the idea!! I like that!! ;-)

:lock1:<---- Isn't this the stupidest "smilie" EVER??? A dancing lock? Why would you ever need this?? Someone explain.

Tracy -- So glad you're back!! WTG on not gaining anything! Musta been the stress that kept your motor running! :D Sorry the vacation bombed out. Next year leave the kids at home. HA!

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Hello.............. well its 3:30 and I just had my first "meal" of the day...

I had tried eating a leftover burger but it didn't work............ just like so many things over the last week.......... I guess this is true restriction and time to learn my band....... so I had what else???? Cottage cheese and blueberries! :D and thankfully had no problems.........

The boys are not going home tonight.... mom wants an extra day1 (who could blame her) I love them, but I will be so glad when they get their hormones under control....... The oldest and I went around today because he found mouse turds in his room and was disgusted.... I was like... well that's what you get when you leave food in here and never clean your room. (he makes a big deal about cleaning his room everyweekend and usually dad lets it slide til the next time........ I decided that I WOULDn't clean it so I'm kind of glad it happened because now DAD even realizes what happens and I just heard him announce that HE WOULD be cleaning his room today! I am done yelling...... today is my last day of vacation and I am done being drill seargent.......... so anyway EnOUGH bitching .... I am getting a glass of Water and trying to rid myself of this water weight......... I may end up going and getting a water pill from walmart............ anyone have a favorite OTC version???

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Good morning, Violets~~

PS -- What happened on BB? Did Evil Dick get the boot? I hope so... I hate that guy... and his sniveling daughter, too!

Nope Michelle, sorry to disappoint you but Evil Dick is still there. That is why I was glad. So, we have different likes & dislikes of people in the house. Dick & Danielle (or Jen, I can't believe I just said that) are the only people that I actually hope win the darn thing. I jumped for joy when that jerk Dustin got voted off last night. He was a pompous as**. That whole "late night crew" make me sick. If I see Amber cry one more time I think I will eat a bullet. Now if they can get rid of Jameka & Amber. I just like it when there are controversial people in the house that speak their minds instead of a bunch of boring people that ride everyone elses coat tails.

YIKES...you got me on one of my favorite subjects so i could type a blue streak!!

Tracy-glad your back!! We missed you and congrats for not gaining any weight!! You must be glad about that!

Terri-you are a poster child for indurance...hang in there!! You are doing awesome!!

Jenn-Glad you and your mom had some good quality time :D

Everyone have a great evening and week-end!!

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Ok, I'm done pouting and I'm going to do something about it. I have gained weight and it's killing me....although I'm eating WAY too much. I have a fill scheduled for the 28th, hopefully I don't gain another 10 lbs between now and then....

I was 220.6, and as of this morning I'm up to 222.8. After my potluck at work today, I'm sure I'll be up another pound or two by tomorrow. Then tomorrow is my hubby's 30th birthday so I'm sure we'll be eating a ton then too...

11 days and counting...pray for me! I have told myself that I'm definitely going to get up and go to the gym first thing in the morning....Teri, I need you to stay on me little miss gym nazi!!!!:help:

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terri...ha! ...a yankee girl like me doesn't know how to BBQ. i placed a nice order at "Swinging Door" and will pick it up 2 hrs before the party starts ha!

my cousins kids are coming tomorrow for 1 week...so the following week i definitely would like to have lunch. i can meet you near your work...since i'm getting so good at directions :D

gr8fulgal: i hope your mother gets better quickly

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Good Morning, Violets.

A last round of painting for me today and I hope to be finished! I also need to pack for our Disney trip. It's coming up so fast!

Tomorrow is weigh in and I'm anxious to see how I did. I haven't had my exercise this week like I have before (gym nazi is lurking), but have been so consumed with painting. It's only 47 here right now so obviously the pool is too cool to get in. I know I'll do a lot of walking at Disney so I'm not too worried.

Denise.. it seems you have already decided what you're going to do as far as eating. You have to change your mindset!!!! You say thngs like "I'm sure I'll be up another pound..." and "I'm sure we'll be eating a ton then too". LISTEN to yourself!!! When we go to Disney, I'm thinking about all the fun we'll have with the grandkids and food doesn't enter into that fun. I know it's tough with all the temptations around, but the band will only work for you if you work for it! Portion Control and healthy choices... that's what you should be thinking of!

End of sermon... Amen.

TracyinKS... I have a script for Water pills so don't know any over the counter ones to recommend. I just know they make a big difference!!

Gr8ful... your mom will be in my prayers..

I'm off to have Breakfast with our cruising buddies. Then it's paint, paint, paint for the rest of the day. Everyone have a good one!!

And remember... Patience and Trust!!

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Good Morning!

Denise - Judy nailed it. When i read your post something struck me funny too but I couldn't put my finger on it. I'm a big believer in listening to our self-talk....and how that in turn creates our reality. Turn these events into challenges for yourself...goals you can meet and be excited about! CHOOSE healthy foods. CHOOSE to get at least 2 hours of exercise this weekend. Leave the victim mentality in the dust and get on with the business of working that band, girl!! Amen and Amen.

Josie - Hope you can enjoy some of that BBQ! I've been wanting some for the longest time but all of those foods give me trouble so I've stayed away. How's your restriction this week? Getting better? Will you be able to have some BBQ? HEY!! I like your "inches lost last month" idea in your signature!! I'm gonna have to find about 6 more places to measure before I start doing that! ;)

Judy I guess you hate to see the summer leave! Although I'd give just about anything to have it be 47 degrees outside right now. We won't see those kinds of temps until November!!!....and those will be our morning lows! Oy!

Tracy - Are you going to be able to relax a little this weekend? I hope so.

It's gonna be a crazy day for me today. Lots going on with the kids....although they are fast asleep right now! My son's 17th birthday is today so I'm off to make him breakfast in bed...his favorite: French Toast and bacon. I'll make it extra gooey and stacked high today! He's 5'11" and weighs 148#....although he's had a weight problem his whole life too. He shot up 6" in one year and then got put on ADHD meds (a stimulant) so he's skinny as a rail. He still sees himself as being fat, though. Hmmm. Sounds familiar.

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Denise-I third what Judy & Terri said. You need to find the "skinny thinker" in you. Once you do...everything will fall into place. ;)

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Good Sat morn, everyone~~

Denise... I had the same thing going on... gaining, bleh... so I jumpstarted myself back to losing by doing 2 shakes (am & pm) & a healthful lunch and it seems to be working! yay! oh, + add in more regular exercise... walking or something... speaking of which, I'm on my way to work out on my friend's elipitcal right now!

Tracy, I am so *not* a BB regular or really a fan, I've just caught it a few times here & there simply cuz' there's nothing else on summer tv! I realize that the "difficult" folks are more interesting/fun, but I can't stand the negative energy and really hate it when the bad guys win... it's probably all just for show, anyway, but still... I prefer to surround myself w/ positive input v. negative... I guess I'm just not made for "reality" tv! Oh well! Viva la difference!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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