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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Thanks so much guys--y'all are so sweet to me!!!

We rode up to the mountains when Rick got off today...went up to a place called Vallecito Lake. It is up in the tall mountains, big pine trees, beautiful lake. It was cool, but not cold by any means. The air was wonderful. They have this very cool restaurant called the Buffalo Gap (they have live buffalo, and have it on the menu as well.) So we pull in, are laughing and having a good time, we rode up with our friends Becky & Gary. We walk in, and there sits my former son in law! Talk about a mood wrecker! He skipped his weekend visit with my granddaughter, saying he had to work in Grand Junction---that little devil on my shoulder MADE me tell him he took a wrong turn to Junction!!! He stuttered and stammered, he works with Rick so he couldn't cover his butt at all!!!!

Well I had/have a date later tonight!!! Yep it is already after 10, and I said later! DH made the date with me, and set it all up---we were really looking forward to it! There is a big meteor shower last night and tonight, and last night was too cloudy, plus he worked today. So he took the camp mattress and put in the bed of the truck and a couple of quilts, and he fixed us a cooler to take, I have no idea what is in it. Don't tell---but I think he thought if he got me out in the dark hills under a bunch of shooting stars he might get lucky (pssst he was probably right!!!.) And then he mentioned we were going in front of my Dad, who said how much he'd like to go, but the dark roads, are something he can't do anymore....so he added a couple of chairs to the truck, and we are picking up my Dad on the way out about 11:00 or so!!! The kicker is he did not make my Dad feel intrusive, and he didn't pout about it getting messed up---sure do love that guy!!!

Well I am off to change into something to cover up just in case the skeeters are still awake....

Terry, thanks again for your help with my pics, and thanks to all of you for the support and encouragement!!!



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Welcome back Pamela!! We missed you!

Well, it is supposed to be a steamy 102 in the shade here today. Gotta love those record breaking days, right!! NOT.

Everyone have a great Monday and good luck Jennifur!!! xx

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Ok gals

I'm up... how i don't know and I have a hug list of things I need to accomplish. I am still thinking about hitting the gym but i have running to do and setting up for the picnic. and I HAVE to go talk to the guy where i use to work.

I am going to have a job this week, I know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so jealous of all you gals with the heat. It is usually like that here in August. It is only going to be 80 today and 70 on Friday.I am going to want to close the pool already. How sad.

i hope you all have a great day, I'm sure i'll be checking in

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Good Morning, Violets...

We are off today to go pick up our boat. We're excited and nervous!

Last night we went biking again and I made it 8 miles without falling off!! I got home and jumped in the pool and did my Water aerobics and then hit the hot tub. My back is still sore from the fall, but I'm sure it will get better with time.

DH lost 4# overnight after taking the water pill I suggested. Guess he really needed to get rid of that excess water!

Pamela.. great to have you back!!

Jennifur... This is YOUR week!!! I'm anxious to hear which job you get!!

Kat..hope you had a good "date" last night!!

TracyK...we're not as warm as you, but boy do we need rain!! My lawns are brown and I have to water my flowers everyday. It's 57 right now and the pool has really cooled down. Course we forgot to cover it with the solar blanket last night, but I have the solar heater on now so hopefully it will get back up to 80 today so I can swim tonight.

Everyone have a great day and remember.... WWJD????!!!

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Ok gals

I'm up... how i don't know and I have a hug list of things I need to accomplish. I am still thinking about hitting the gym but i have running to do and setting up for the picnic. and I HAVE to go talk to the guy where i use to work.

I am going to have a job this week, I know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so jealous of all you gals with the heat. It is usually like that here in August. It is only going to be 80 today and 70 on Friday.I am going to want to close the pool already. How sad.

You have GOT TO BE kidding about being jealous of our heat!!! OMG girl!! It's like your pizza ovens out there!

I was praying for you in the car on the way in to work this morning. I just know you were denied all those other jobs because this was the right thing for you. That's how God works, y'know! :lol:

Gym Nazi says skip the gym today....you've got enough on your plate and you're tired. You'll do more harm than good if you go and that's not the point.

Good Morning, Violets...

We are off today to go pick up our boat. We're excited and nervous!

Last night we went biking again and I made it 8 miles without falling off!!

Congratulations on the boat...that's REALLY exciting. Not nearly as exciting as you staying on your bike for 8 miles, but pretty exciting nontheless!!

I'm almost finished with the bracelets! Love you guys!

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Good Morning Violets~

I missed saying that! Susanne has been doing laundry since 4am. Our bodies are used to the east coast time, and to us, it is 3 hours ahead. I was laying in bed rethinking our vacation...what a total blast. Did I tell you that we ate dinner at the actual table where...ready for this...JFK PROPOSED TO JACKIE!!!! Initially, I was just excited to be staying at the hotel...but we got reservations for dinner at table 40 where it happened. I've got pix but can't figure out the software that goes w/ my camera. I have some friends who have the same camera and who will help me. Can't wait to share.

So while we were there, we rented bikes. I had not been on a bike since I was about 14! It was soooo fun. As I scrolled through the posts (confession...I couldn't read them all) I saw that Judy had posted a link for her Revive bike. I am interested in getting a bike. My one complaint: MY ASS AND CHO CHO WERE KILLING ME. I mean...after I rode the first day, I felt that someone had punched me in the privates. The next day was the worst...but we rode. We even paid extra for the suspension and the "gel" seats. Well, let me tell you..."gel" my ass. I was in pain...but still we rode, and had soooo much fun. Anyway, since I ride the bike at the gym, I thought it might be fun to buy a bike. I like the Revive...Judy, what are some of your thoughts on it. I am still overweight and outta shape...but I am excited to try. I know you ride all the time, and I always think how much fun that sounds like. Please share some thoughts on your purchase.

Ok...that is all for now. I can't believe school is almost ready to start. What a great summer it has been. Today, they are supposed to put in the new windows. I hope they remember, I did not confirm w/ them last week. Anyway, have a great day everyone!

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Kat you look AWESOME! I can only hope to put a dent in my weight in a year like that!!

I don't know if anyone heard in the news, how Alabama is doing the campaign "Taking Back Our Highways"?

Well.. it's stupid, really. From aug 13 (today!) till like.. 21st? I don't remember end date..

All the state troopers are coming out of the woodwork, and pulling people over for LITTLE THINGS. They said if we go ONE mile an hour over the speed limit, we will be fined. *I* say kiss my white butt, if you pull me over for going 71 in a 70, I WILL FIGHT IT.

But anyway.. all these really stupid things.. We're all rolling our eyes at it. They said they're trying to 'do away' with the belief you can go 5-10 miles over the speed limit. NOT IN MY LIFETIME! Hehe.

I have a convertible and I'm a speed demon.. but after 3 tickets before I was 20, I finally locked my brain into 7 miles over the speed limit. Now they think they will take that away?! PFF!

So anyway, on our way to work this morning (DH drives), we take the interstate.. on the ramp up to the interstate, there were 7--- 7!!!!! State troopers sitting right there on our ramp.

This is going to be a loooong week. I think I'll have to make DH drive until this 'campaign' is over.. cause I know if they pulled me over for something so silly, I would go crazy on them.

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Morning everyone!!!

Laura, here in NM now you have a 3 mph grace is it, and when it gets radioed in that they are stopping such and such vehicle, they have to state the speed, and then a ticket is REQUIRED!!! No warning! It is supposedly that way due to something in Las Cruces, about pulling over a legislator several times, only to let him go, once they found out who he was, now the ticket is started before they even find out who is driving they say.

In my little town, in our little corner of NM, they have an agreement among the 5 (yes, five) local law enforcement entities, that they work in an among the area. There are 3 towns/cities, each with their own police force, as well as the Sherrifs office (we are the county seat, so their main office is here), and the State Police also have several local branches. Any officer can stop you at anytime, even an officer from the other cities! So it is saturated!!! We run radar detectors, because DH had such a hard time going 55 mph. Yep 55----there are so many rural, county roads branching off our state highway, they will not raise the limit, in fact have lowered sections to 45 mph, out in the middle of nowhere! It is a glorified speed trap----we refer to it as "revenue enhancement blvd." DH has his CDL, so he is given NO slack, he is not allowed a single mile over the speed limit, if he is stopped, his tickets are a lot higher. Normally you are considered driving under the influence with an alcohol reading of .08, he cannot have above a .02. Lucky for us we both have good driving records, he has some tickets from his teenage years, but those are looooooooong gone!!!! Be careful, buckle up and slow down----cheaper than the ticket and the resulting rise in insurance!!!

Well I was going to try to get to Curves this morning, thinking DH could watch the girls, but he has already taken off!!! He is off getting supplies so he can come home and we can mix and pour cement in our new woodshed....will the fun never end??? It will take 3-4 days to get it all. Mostly because the shed is long and narrow, and enclosed on 2 sides, so we have to be able to get to it to work it, so will have to pour in small batches. As of now it looks like a schedule of making forms today, pouring the first section this afternoon. Hauling a load of wood for the inlaws in the morning, then pouring the second section tomorrow afternoon. Might go after wood for my parents (they can and DO do their own, but Rick feels bad making him do it alone when we have to do his folks, so we may bring them a load too.) Then the next section of cement. Finish the cement on Thursday. Hit the fair Thursday night, which is fun, finally---not work!!! Then I think we will run away Friday for my birthday, and go back up into the mountains....come home late Saturday or early Sunday....Then we have the last 3 days of his vacation, Mon-Wed. to reload the woodshed, and relax!!! Not sure if or when I will fit a traditional workout at Curves in---but I will be working out, rest assured!!! And I will continue to ride/walk/whatever it is you do on it-- my elliptical trainer each evening, I have not missed a night yet!!! I am saving them up, so when I am gone for a few days---I can still consider my goals met!

You hear that Terry??? I really AM doing it!!! LMAO

Now if Judy would get inside my head a bit better about my food choices....!!!! I LOVE this blaming someone else thing! I find myself in an ebb and flow of making good choices, I do really well, then I have a few days of slacking off, then I get with the program again!!! I think like you suggested to Jenn, I may need to chat with my Dr. concerning my diuretic again, my hands are so swollen this morning, my rings are tight, and usually they spin and slide all around. Water retention has always been an issue with me, and I ate popcorn yesterday, so I know it is the salt. Might go look through the medicine cabinet---see if any remain! Why? Because TWJWD...thats what Judy would do!!!

I only have one isse, and that is I am afraid if I take it, I will do just like your DH, and I am going to be covered in cement dust, and do not want to be running in and out of the house!!! Hmmmm swelling, or running in and out, which is the worst of the 2?????

Ok, well I am off to get some things done in the house before Rick gets back with the first load of supplies, and we get started....cement mixing with 2 kids running around, this could be fun!!! Wish us luck!!!


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Just a quick check in... I am not all the way caught up but I was laughing.

first WWJD???? I'm sure not have a bowl of ice cream for lunch... LOL

Terry thank you for your prayers... I love the sun and heat. but it is hot out in my yard, no shade so i'm happy.

Thanks for permission to take today off.... that means a lot coming from the gym nazi!!!

omg i was just going to try to add a smilie... i usually don't go there... some of them are funny as heck.... and the full line of banannas... holy smokes... some of them look a little perverted... LMAO

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Well it has been a week since I have been on this site and just got caught up, so I am sure I will forget someone so please forgive me.

Laura, congrats on the jeans and the weight loss!!!

MsJen, you look great!!!

Kat, wowww!!!!

Judy congrats on your weight loss and your pics!!!

Tracy I hope the swimming was great, you look fine in a swimsuit!!

Terri, my Dr. told me that one of the needs for a fill is being hungry. I have pretty good restriction but was hungry a lot and I got another fill, it has something to do with a nerve on the top of your stomach, and the band pressing on it telling you you're not hungry.

I don't think I will make 100 pounds lost by Thursday...Oh well at least I am close.

Have a great day!!! And sorry again if I missed someone!!!


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Evening All :eek:

Didnt post 1st thing as I had to be out of the house by 6am, now Im knackard, lol, its always a very long day Monday is, but I got through it. Hey guess what, well occupational health at work have a scheme going for staff, massages, for 40 minutes I had my neck sholders and back done for £5!! BARGIN! She said I was pretty tensed, it hurt a bit on my right shoulder area, but it eased off...wow Im going to have that done again :D

Pamala....its great to see you back!!! Im so pleased you had a lovely holiday we all missed you :lol:

Janiebug....OMG youve nearly lost 100lbs already, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judy, Im really pleased your DH lost 4lbs, he must feel great now!

Oh Kat, a night under the stars with your hubby.....how romantic!!!!!

Gina, thank you for your prayers for David, he is getting a lot better now.

Laura, I drive like a granny, lol, I got 2 speeding tickets in 2003, and ever since then Ive driven real slow....they catch you out these sneeky cameras.

Jennifur, let us all know re the job, were all routing for you to get it :P

Terry...lol, gym nazi......lol !

Take care all,

Love Sara xxxxxxxx

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Evening Violets..

Well, it's been a hell of a day at sea sir!!! The boat is safely parked at DD's house and DSIL has already started gutting it! By the time we're done it will be a brand new boat and hopefully won't sink!!!

I was at a Dem's meeting this evening and haven't had an hour to myself today. Tomorrow will be a fun day though. DD and I are headed out of town to do some final clothes shopping for our Disney trip. I'll be trying on clothes left and right!! NOt sure how much I'll buy, but we'll see.

I did a boo boo on the pool this evening. I was playing with Jetta, the "garage" dog and I decided the pool needed a little bit of Water so I put the hose in it and figured I'd give it about an hour and then turn it off. Wellllllllllllllllllllll.. I went to the Dem's meeting for 2 hours after fiddling on the computer for about a half hour. We were headed to Taco Bell to get DH some supper and I just freaked and said.. OMG!!! we have to get back home NOW!!! Well, needless to say in 2 and a half hours the pool was filled to overflowing. My flower garden by the pool will not have to be watered for many weeks now. And the pool is still filled to the rim.... arghhhhhh!!! That's what old age will do to ya!!

Pamela... I LOVE my bike, but it takes a little getting used to, to be able to ride it. It has those small wheels and is very sensitive to movement.. like reaching out to straighten out the radio on the handlebar. Needless to say, a HELMET would be my very first recommendation!!! But the good part is I was closer to the ground when I fell, so not as much damage as there could have been. And I did get back on and ride 8 miles last night so I have conquered the "fear of falling". Plus I get many compliments on my bike everywhere I go. It IS really unique.

I can tell you that it is wayyyyyyyy more comfortable riding now than at +54#.

Well, time to head to bed. Everyone sleep well tonight!! Tomorrow is a new day!!

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All the state troopers are coming out of the woodwork, and pulling people over for LITTLE THINGS. They said if we go ONE mile an hour over the speed limit, we will be fined. *I* say kiss my white butt, if you pull me over for going 71 in a 70, I WILL FIGHT IT

This must be a national thing, because they were out in full force today here in Missouri too. I was crusing down the highway at about 85 when I saw them pull someone over and in less than a mile I must have passed 5 cars that had been stopped. Needless to say, I slowed way down.

Judy - Glad you got your boat.

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Yes Sara, we had a really nice time watching the stars, probably saw about 150 shooting stars---My Dad is very into astronomy, and he loves pointing the constellations out, and tells how they got the names they have, etc. Rick is so patient with him, listening, and asking questions, just made him feel like what he was saying mattered. There are times he irritates the Sam Hell outta me---as all husbands do, but times like last night, just take my breath away, wondering how I got so lucky!

Pamela it is good to have you back! I missed your posts!!!

Girls if something happens tonight, and I have to run out of my house, I am in deep trouble! I cannot move. Everywhere on my body is sore---cement kicked my butt!!! We prepped,digging out some areas, adding dirt & gravel & sand to others---to level it, built and set our forms. Went & picked up the sand & gravel, and set up---getting things done about 4...and started mixing. We went through 800 pounds of cement and over a ton of sand & gravel! We poured a slab, that is 4 foot wide, by 30 foot long, and it is about 8 inches deep on the high side, and 6 on the low side. It is sloped away from the house. It took us about 30 mixers full, we finished up about 8:30 or 9----I had put a roast in the crockpot thank goodness, I would not have had energy to cook! Rick ate, I didn't even care to...if I eat too late, I reflux...eeewww! Every muscle in my body hurts!!!! I mix, Rick dumps and skreets (sp?), and finishes it. But I am telling you moving that much cement, and sand & gravel even if it is a bucket or a shovel or a can at a time, it all adds up---and weighs a ton regardless!!! We actually use old coffee cans, it takes 3 cans of cement mix, and 12-15 cans of sand & gravel mix to mix it to the strength we needed. We have mixed so much cement through the years, we have a routine down, but let me tell you I had thought the lost weight would help---I really did not see any difference, other than it being harder than I remembered!!!! Must be age catching up to me!

Add to the fun of working so hard today, I had hell with Lindzie, every time I turned around she was hitting or pushing, or yelling at Kinsey, right in her face! She even KICKED her, making her fall off the couch,and bashed her face on the coffee table. It took all of my control, not to lose it with her! She spent so many time outs today, it was a rotten day. Rick has not spent a lot of time around her really, he was really irritated with her. He ask her if she wanted to go with him to get the cement and the gravel, Kinsey was sleeping, so he thought he would take her, and let her go do something. She give him a really dirty look (was kind of comical coming from a 6 year old) and said "I want to go, but not with you, I want Granny to go." We told her too bad, and he left shaking his head!

It kind of scares me, I hope my little granddaughter is safe. I know Lindzie has a lot going on in her, and anger is normal, but her taking it out on Kinsey cannot happen. She has a black eye, and a bruised stripe from her eyebrow, across her eyelid, and down onto her cheekbone, from hitting the coffee table when she got kicked off the couch. Lindzie knew she had screwed up! I told her "get in the corner, do not open your mouth, I do not want to hear it!" She back talks something terrible! My DD has her work cut out for her, I personally, wonder if it is too much....I wouldn't be a good one to take it. Her Grandma---Dads Mom, the one who is divorcing is in their business all the time, and told her she didn't have to listen to Manda or I, we were not really her family. Then let HER deal with this unruly child everyday!!!! I keep reminding myself, that she is only 6 and something is not right in her life, we need to be patient and kind....oh well...I can't solve it tonight!!! Wish me luck tomorrow!!! We are taking them to get a load of firewood!!!

Will the fun NEVER end????

Ok girls I am taking my sore, aching body to bed!!!


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Morning All!

Well, it is pouring with rain here, its really wet n wild! I guess the garden needs it though. Judy, pleased you got your boat, lol, its awful when you remember that you've left something running (tap) I remember leaving my hair tongs on once, and I raced home ( I thought I may have burnt the house down!) at least your flowers will be happy :wacko:

Kat, the shooting stars must have been beautiful, and its lovely that your dad can tell you all of the names of them.

Have a great day everyone!

Love Sara xxxxxxxxxxx

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