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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Hello Violets!

I got my first Fill today, and now I finally feel like I am in the Bandster Club! I finally know what "restriction" is all about. YEA!!!!!

I have to say that I am actually a little nervous, because doc said (and I have read it on here a thousand times) that the restriction may not set in right away, may take a few days... but tonight at dinner, I could only eat a few bites of mushies!!!! Perhaps it's not real restriction, but my tummy being mad that it was disturbed???

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ugh, I'm up 1.4 lbs from my lowest weight so far....that's what I get for eating like a pig on the weekend...truth is, I really don't eat like a pig, I just eat the wrong things on the weekend. I've told my hubby I'm not allowed to spend my weekends with him anymore! LOL

I was due to go in today to have a fill, however I rescheduled it. I know that I'm not as restricted as I should be, but I'm losing, even if it is slowly, and I'm not sure that I want to be so full that I can't enjoy SOME of the things that I want to enjoy - I guess I should have thought about that BEFORE I got banded! Either way, I'm losing about 1 - 1.5 lbs a week...I'm happy with that! I'll see how I feel at the end of the month when I'm due for my next fill....

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Hi Schexy!! Gosh, you're only now getting your first fill?? I find fills to be very strange things and I think everyone is different (of course!!). The best advice I can give you is to follow the rules very carefully about chewing well and taking bites slowly at every meal for the next couple of weeks....and stay away from risky foods. It is very easy to irritate your band right now and if you do that one day you make things even worse for the next couple of days...and you irritate it again...making things worse yet again....etc. Comprende? Just law low and follow the bandster rules to a T for the next couple of weeks!

Laura - I thiink that the first few fills can be kinda strange like that. The measurements aren't really precise because of air in the tubing, a new band, some Fluid 'leaking' out, etc. The numbers aren't really important anyway, right? It's the amount of restriction that you're feeling that really matters. So don't sweat it too much and leave the worry about the numbers to the doctors. I'm REALLY happy to hear you had such a great loss!!! That feels wonderful, doesn't it?? Hey, how's your dog walking going?? :P Gym Nazi at work.

MsJen - Sounds like someone has a serious crush on you!! Is he hot?? :)

Jenn - I think your plan sounds wonderful!! So you'd still have to work at the pizza place...or not? Too early to tell?

I didn't make it to the gym tonight. I was sooooooo tired after taking my mom to two doctor appts. (in 99 degree heat), then to work for 2 hours, then stuck in traffic for an hour after... I was falling asleep at the wheel!! So I came home and went straight to bed for almost 2 hours! Anyway....I hate missing a workout 'cause then it makes me feel like ....what?.... like uh.... a loser or something. I fear that lazy monster is raising his head again and this is the beginning of that slippery slope of missing workouts here and there. So then I obsess about my schedule and trying to figure out how/when I'll be able to make it up. I'll go at lunch tomorrow to make this one up 'cause it's only an upper body workout and I shouldn't get too terribly sweaty. But it's an interesting conversation in my head... so many voices bickering over missing just one or two workouts. Is that good or bad? I just DON"T WANT TO GIVE MYSELF THAT PERMISSION to miss. That just can't be one of my options. But am I placing too much stress on myself over it? I wonder. But it feels right to do it this way. Not wanting to repeat bad history and all that. So, Violets... please don't ever say to me, "Oh, Terry....it's okay to miss one every so often...blah blah blah." Just say, "So when are you planning to make it up, Terry? You don't really want to fall short of your goals, do you? Watch out for that slippery slope, Terry! Remember, Terry....just like brushing your teeth!" OK? That's what I need from you guys. Keep kicking me forward.

Love you guys.

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Denise, Michelle, Gina, Haydee----what's up girlies???? I know I am missing some of you---my brain does not go any further back than my page scrolls lately!!!!!

Everyone have a good day, I'll check in on you later.


Hi everyone! I have had a busy weekend. Friday- flew out of Norfolk, Va to Providence RI - drove to office in Boston, then cookout in Woonsocket, RI that evening- Saturday drove to Casco, Maine for Funeral - ate in Ogunquit, Maine, and flew back home Sunday night late.

Had lunch with DH at the airport (Phillips Seafood) Friday - and scared him to death -- a piece of coleslaw got stuck - OMG. Scared me too and made the whole weekend a little rough.

I need to be on liquids - but none available on my tough schedule and I don't have any here at the house either -- I need to go to Sam's club tomorrow and get some.

I hate the new airport security rules - no liquids more than 3 oz per container and all must fit into 1 qt size zip-lock bag.

Playing catch-up today at work.

Flying to charlotte Wednesday morning for Breakfast and meeting - then Charleston for lunch and afternoon meeting then back home by 10pm.

They say it is going to be 100degrees in the Hampton Roads (Norfolk,Viriginia Beach, Chesapeake, VA) area and even hotter in Charleston, SC ---can't wait!:confused:

Everyone seems to be doing good - lot's of victories of all shapes and sizes.

Terry -- WOWSER! you are looking gooood.

Well - I am tired - SOrry so much to catch up on, but :faint:I need to go to bed.

Good night all!


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Evening Violets..

Well, first day of VBS when very well. Tomorrow DD will be there to help me and that will be neat. It wasn't too hot upstairs at the church even though it got into the high 80's today. Hopefully it will stay comfortable in there for the rest of the week.

I had Ethan this afternoon and I was running after him all over the house. We went outside for a bit and more running!! Grandma tried to take a little nap when he did, but he was just finishing up his nap when I fell asleep. Oh well.. there's always tonight for sleeping! Which is where I'm headed right now.

Everyone have a great night and remember those bandster rules!!!

And Terry...... So when are you planning to make it up, Terry? You don't really want to fall short of your goals, do you? Watch out for that slippery slope, Terry! Remember, Terry....just like brushing your teeth!"

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Well girls, I am exhausted, and have no clue why. It was a mentally challenging day, but physically I did very little compared to most days.

Between the inlaws issue, and a 6 year old with some behaviour issues....it was a long day.

Nothing new on the inlaw situation, she still thinks it will all be ok if the guy stays down there....I don't!

As for the 6 year old....I am at my wits end! I don't know what to do with her! She is the DD of my daughters boyfriend. They live together, and are planning to marry, but even in that situation, she is causing problems. The kids are planning to go to a family counsellor. Lindzie is acting out---she always has, but nothing like she is now, screaming and arguing, and being mean to the 2 year old. Then heaven forbid you get onto her for something she goes nuts crying that you don't love her as much. She will tell you she wants all the attention. Giving her extra attention does not work---she finds something else to throw a fit over. Punishment has not worked---besides the fact it just feels wrong, to punish a child asking (although in a VERY annoying way!) for help. She seems to be MUCH worse following a visit with her Mom...so they thought maybe that was the problem, and have really been cautious with them. Then she went for a couple of days with her Grandpa---and come back worse than ever! This is a step Grandpa, he and the Grandma have been married for 23 years, and are now divorcing. He spoils her unmercifully!! She comes back saying bad things about everyone....and in a very demanding mood. So DD's boyfriend has put a stop to his visits to see if it improves any. We have all talked a bit to her about touching etc. and she doesn't get agitated or anything, which I know doesn't eliminate the possibility, but without the trauma of a check up, and no outward signs...we are kind of at a loss. They put the girls in the tub together, and she never shirks away from being naked around her Dad or my DD (who she refers to as Mom).

But all day long, if you look at Kinsey, you better by golly look at her, or the waterworks start! I go out of my way to treat the girls as individuals, and yet within reasonable means the same. I spend lots of one on one time with Lindzie working on her school work, trying to get her up to speed for 1st grade...and she loves it, she shrieks at Kinsey if she interupts. But if I do anything for the 2 year old, she wants it done for her too. Seriously---anything! Kinsey is still too small to get up on the toilet by herself, so she tells us, and we take her in and lift her up---and now Lindzie wants us to go with her to the potty too.

I know it is a cry for attention, I don't know how to give her more attention. It is doing the opposite of what she needs and wants, it is driving me away---all of us! We cannot and will not stand by and watch her be mean to a 2 year old. We do realize siblings are that way, and try to let them work it out if it is not physical, or verbally cruel---but it usually IS! When we try to talk to her about the advantages of being 6 and not 2, she cries that we don't love her as much.

With her acting this way I have trouble! I have only kept Lindzie for this summer. I have kept Kinsey ever since my DD went back to work. Until they moved in together, they had separate sitters. In fact they kept it that way until the old sitter ask her to be taken elsewhere, she was disruptive. That was when he took her to see the Dr. and ask for a mental health referral and was told she was 5 and jealous. So he changed Dr.'s and they are starting the family therapy this Thursday evening.

I feel bad. I truly do. I do feel differently towards the girls---as I am sure his Mom does. I watched my own DD bring Kinsey into the world---I touched her cheek before the rest of her was even born. I only got Lindzie in the last 18 months, and she was having anger issues before that. I do not go out and buy one something without the other. The boyfriends divorcing parents are trying to outdo one another with her---and they do nothing for Kinsey. I refuse to make her feel that way. Right now Kinsey is too little to understand...so hoping time will ease their divorce, and let things get back to normal.

In the meantime, any advice, or guidance would be appreciated! I had none of these problems with my step kids. They are much closer in age, to my own DD---I don't know if that is a problem or not. Son is a year older, other DD a year younger---they were all right there together...and it was pretty easy to treat them all similarly. Where it is harder with 6 and 2. One still wants to cuddle at nap time, so now the 6 yr old does too. If I give Kinsey a sippy cup to avoid spills, I better have 2. I have tried making being 2 more unappealling, she just doesn't care..... HELP!!!!!!

Thanks so much for listening......I feel like a rotten Granny....and I hate it because my DD is feeling the same way, like she is a horrid evil Step Monster Mom. It has the potential to ruin the relationship---she questions if she can make a child so unhappy.

So....that was MY day! Sucky! It is blowing like crazy trying to storm. I love laying in bed, listening to it rain-----so think I will do just that. Everyone take care, see ya tomorrow!


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Terry - yes, i will be working somewhere, I still need a real job until I am up and running, but if all goes well, I would think that I can be self supportive within the next 18 months, 12 if I'm lucky. I want to branch out and do project managment for people who live out of state and own homes local to me, and from what I found out this weekend, there are lots of people like that.

Anyway, i'm still stuck at 219 - i have an appt on Tuesday, but I know I'm not going to get a fill, I was at 233 when I was in his office last month, (4 weeks between appts) I don't know if I really even need one but I know I need to loose more. liquid diet ... I hear you calling.

No gym for me today either, I did put down a floor but no gym, I'll be hitting there in the am. I can't wait to give up a few nights and start working days.

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sorry, we posted at the same time. I am so sorry and you are in a situation that must be so hard. I think a good therapist is the key. Consistancy and discipline? Let her know how special she is but that if she carries on like she does that she will not be able to do fun things and go places. ????? Make her stay behind a few times as hard as it is. don't get her something when she is crazy, but maybe put it aside for when she earns it. Find something she likes to do to help so she feels important and not like she is in the way.

I didn't have to deal nearly as bad, but my dd was 9 when her brother was born, and she was feeling a bit left out for some time.

I am sure you will get it in time. You are a strong woman!!!

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Good morning everyone...

NSV again...2 more guys at work told me how good I am looking....I love hearing that!!

OK, so I have a goal...onederland by Thanksgiving. I think it is an attainable goal. I should be able to lose 14 pounds by then. If there is a will there is a way!!

Everyone have a great day!

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You go girl. I was trying to get to 200 by Labor day but no way that is going to happen. I can't move off 219. but i feel like my belly is getting flatter. my muffin top is going away. My size 20 pants are getting sooooooo big, I shrink them in the dryer and they almost fit for about an hour and then gone. I looked cute last night. my mommy told me so. LOL

anyway, I'm going to the gym shortly and then going to bake in the sun before work. It is going to be sooooooo very hot here today and I'm working a 9 hr shift. YUCK

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DID YA THINK I'D MISS THIS??????????????????


Terry made it to the 180's!!!!!!


Banded 4/4/07 by Dr Spivak, Houston


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TracyKS - thanks for point that out...I'm not that with it lately

CONGRATS TERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :whoo::clap2:

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I have a busy work day, but I wanted to check in.

I DID make it to the gym this morning... it is going to be in the high 90's with heat index of 110 today.. YUCK!

Kat: DF's 7 year old is our resident monster.. he is so dang handsome and charming but he will literally throw him self down on the ground screaming at the top of his lungs in public... grocery, Walmart, restraunt, amusement park.. it matters not..... I often think it is a jealousy thing with my son because he is used to being the baby at his moms but he actually does it more with his mom....... part of it is dad doesn't follow through at our house and I get stopped if I do.............. last time we had him He ran from me (more likely I told him to stop and come to me and he crossed his arms, started hissing and stomped out the front door) usually at this point dad stops and lets him go.......... I didn't, I ended up chasing his butt down outside and grabbed him and then announced he was spending some quality time on his bed (top bunk) and I placed him there with him screaming the entire time........... dad tried to stop me and I unceromoniously told him that I was handling it and he was not aware of what happened so to back off............. then I told Josh that he WOULD NOT run from me because I would chase him down each and every time and he WOULD respect the rules............ anyway..... enough about that...... just know I understand.

Laura: YAY 8lbs!!!!!!!!!!

TracyK & MS_Jen: YOU GO GIRLz!!!!!!!!!! HAWT MOMMAz.. enjoy it!

Ok... gotta go

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DID YA THINK I'D MISS THIS??????????????????


Terry made it to the 180's!!!!!!


Banded 4/4/07 by Dr Spivak, Houston


LOL.... I was testing you!! We're all gonna have our own nicknames before long and yours should definitely be "Ol' Eagle Eye". Thanks for noticing :confused: I've been waiting for that number for quite a while!

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