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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Oh, and by the way...I just got back from the gym so I DID meet my July exercise goal ... 22 of 22 workouts. Whew! That was close!

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Good evening, Violets..

Whew.. it was a hot one here in Northern Michigan. It got up to 92 today and will hit 95 tomorrow. And tomorrow I'm stuck in a NON air conditioned building at the fair passing out Democratic Party literature. I'll be there from 9-5. DD is coming to keep me company in the morning while DH has a meeting out of town, but he'll be back at noonish to either relieve us or sit with me while DD goes back home. I've got some Crystal Light in the freezer and will take that with me to get me through the heat.

I did two workouts in the pool today. The Water temp was 84 so it was a nice relief from the high heat.

Tracy... congrats on the NSV!! I can't even get a 14W over my belly, let alone even THINK about zipping it up. I bought a 16W skort today and hope to wear it in Florida n three weeks. I can get it on and zipped up, but I have that infamous "muffin" top. My mini-goal is to be able to wear them comfortably in Florida. We'll see how that goes.

Pamela... I agree with Terry 100%!! You shouldn't even have that junk in your house!!! What were you thinkin'??? Certainly not WWJD!!! Get rid of it and start tomorrow fresh. New day, new resolve, new attitude.. K??

Mdrai...sorry to hear about the ticket. That would put me in a bad mood too!! How expensive is it????

Laura.. again Terry is right about setting reasonable goals. Just like our weight.. if we set goals too high, we can't possibly reach them and we give up. We are all taking baby steps in here. And each step gets us closer and closer to our goal.

Time for me to head to bed. I'm not feeling a whole lot of restriction with the second fill. Maybe it will show up later. I was nervous that everything would get stuck, but so far, no problems.

Everyone have a great night. sleep well and remember....WWJD???!! Got that Pam??? :)

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Hey Gals...

I'm in a bad mood... I got a speeding ticket on the road in front of my house that I drive on umpteen times a day! Uh, hello?? I live on the TOP of a steep hill, and if that crazy cop who was just sitting there at the BOTTOM of the hill thinks that it's reasonable to expect folks to drive 20 measly mph DOWN the hill he's coo-coo!! 'Rickin' frickin' speed trap! Can he be any MORE obvious that he's trying to make his quota at 4:30pm on the 31st of the month by sitting at the bottom of a very small neighborhood's biggest hill? What a jerk!! I am seriously considering arguing it, but don't want to make a fool of myself w/my only "defense" being: "I was driving down a hill" it sounds kind of stupid but it's true! You can't even drive UP the hill @ 20mph! You definitely can't go DOWN it @ 20! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Why the he11 wasn't he actually on the busy road through town where everyone is passing & speeding & where at least 1 person dies every 6 months or so... actually doing some GOOD??? I am so mad! (PS... this is only my 2nd ticket in my entire driving life... the first one was a "fair catch" on the highway & didn't make me mad... but THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I know it sucks... go to court, plea not guilty, 99% of the time they will reduce it to a non moving violation, no points and collect your money... that is what they want anyway. (not that I know this from experience:rolleyes)

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I miss you guys uring the day. so much goes on.

I set my august challange the same as july. 15 weight sessions and 8 cardio is perfect. I usually don't do them both on the same day so that is 23 days!

Pamela.... I love those things.. LOL... but get rid of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my mom is here and she does not have an ounce of will power... she has celiac disease and gets very sick if she eats wheat... well she found my 3 year old's Cookies (golden oreo's) that were stale and she ate them! wonder where I get it from... I told her junk is not allowed in the house unless discussed. she insisted I got chips and shit for my dd's bbq sunday, I told her not and all that stuff around was why I am a fat ass... she got it. LOL

Anyway - I hope you all have a super night. I am going to bed so I can get up in the am and hit the gym at 9 am! I hope I get a day job, i miss night Water aerobics at the gym and hate getting home this late.

Laura- I am so sorry to hear you had such a bad night. I hope you are ok now... and get a good night sleep, great job on the jeans

Tracyks - you go girl... I am wearing 18's at the moment but they are getting big and no muffintop as Judy would put it. That is how I am in 16's so i'm just go to go with it so I don't make myself feel uncomfortable.

what a great week for everyone!

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fatty mc fatfat checking back in. Thanks ladies for the positive words...I am happy to say there is no more junk in the house. I don't know where my head went today. I ate the rest of the chips...

I only have 100 cal. snack bags in the house now. I don't want to go shopping because we leave friday morning. I haven't eaten like this junky in a long time. I had some Go Lean (kashi) for Breakfast, and then 3 oz of tuna w/ onions (yum) and goobers and chips. Not nearly enough Protein today. I had about 40 oz of water...again not nearly enough.

OK...enough of this shit. Tomorrow is a new day, and a new month!!!! I will be at the gym when I wake. (I've said it now i have to go).

BTW...as I was eating the chips today, I actually thought of Judy's cottage cheese and blueberries...I thought this is NOT WWJD???

night all

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I've lost 40 lbs this year...and I can't see hardly much of a difference. I see a little in my shoulder/chest area (go figure), and in the side view I see a difference in my neck/chin...other than that I can hardly see a difference! :)




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Good morning, Violets.

Denise....I beg to differ!!! I see a big difference all over, especially in your belly and chin!!! 40# is a great accomplishment!! Look at how loose your pants are since the first pic. YES, there is a difference!!! Keep up the good work!!

Pamela... August 1st today. New month, new day and you're going to remember WWJD?!!, right?? RIGHT?????

I'm sitting here with my cottage cheese and blueberries. Everything is going down well, just like before my fill. I sometimes think the doc didn't put a band in, but then I look at myself and my clothes and think... wow!! This thing is amazing!! I take my 4 month pics in 9 days. I'm wondering if I should take it in the same bathing suit as the other three pics, or in my new suit? Maybe I'll have DH take it both ways.

Everyone have a great day today. Gonna be a hot one here and I'm at the fair with the smell of elephant ears and french fries all around me. I'll have to keep repeating to myself.... "it's not about the food... it's not about the food" and WWJD??!!

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Denise, I agree with Judy 100%....I can see a difference all over. That is great!

Good morning fellow violets!! After my TOM I weighed this morning and am down -2 Water weight or no water weight, I am taking it....

Everyone have a great day! And WWJD?

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Morning girls

Denise. I can see a huge difference!!! you look wonderful

but I do understand, I can't see a difference in myself either - so I have started to convince myself that no matter what, I am lighter and I am healthier and that was the purpose of all this

Well, I need dog training or I need to get rid of the dog, he is eating everything and destroying everything - I love him to death but it is not fair to him or to us. HELP??????

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Morning Everyone!

Jenn- What dog?? Did you get a new one? (brain like a sieve)

Ok, so my little 'experiment' produced the expected results. Last week my exercise was WAY off...when I skipped 3 days at the gym, I lost 3 pounds! Then the rest of the week I went to the gym but didn't put in my usual effort, especially with the weights...and the 3# stayed gone. So my theory was that the glycogen (water) needed to repair muscles had left my body during that time. I was interested to see what would happen this week as I got back to my routine and really stepped up the weights. Sure enough...I've gained 2# so far which can't be explained by any radical difference in the way I'm eating. Bottom line: Strength training adds scale weight. Scale cannot be trusted as a measure of success. Training logs and measurements can. So there.

Tracy - I love your new picture! You are precious!

Denise - I can especially tell around your waist and tummy... You're doing it! Our perceptions are just so screwed up about ourselves.

Judy - I'll be interested to see if you feel more restriction as the days progress...I did...and 'peaked' at about 10-14 days. Wierd, huh? How are you doing on the slowing down thing?

Pamela - GOOD GIRL!!! Sometimes that's the only thing that works...at least until you lose your taste for junk food, which does happen over time. How long are you going to be gone?? You've had a fun summer, haven't you?

Check ya'll later! Have a great day!

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I have done the same thing but I miss the gym every day but I feel better.

I got a dog last sept and he is just getting nuts, with me being gone every night now he is just getting more out of control. I don't know what to do. he is just a year old and big.

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GOOD MORNING VIOLETS!!!!!!!!!!!!! August is off to a great start because I was at the GYM when it opened at 4:30 a.m. I did three rounds of the circuit (think Curves) and then I walked for 18 minutes on the treadmill.........

Denise I can tell a huge difference....

1. You look much much younger

2. You side view REALLY show how much you've lost in your cheeks, chin and neck

3. I do see the difference in your chest area... you are losing width.

4. Your belly and again width is going way way way down.

5. Look at the bagginess of your pants.. you actually have gathers of material in your booty area.

You are ROCKING on down that scale!

Pamela: GOOBERS... YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judy: I vote new and old suit!

Terry: Good observation on the scale and this morning when I was suffereing through those gawd awful tricep exercises I was thinking about you and those pants that are now falling off you with a measely 7 lbs.

I was BORN with a muffin top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do have these jr size 17/18 denim capris that I can now barely wear because they are SOOOOOOO baggy! its funny because when I first started the process of losing weight I couldn't hardly button them and breathe........... as for the 14's... my belly protrudes out of them so much that I look like one of those pregnant basket ball belly girls! I might just set the self timer and get a pic of myself doing this tonight......... you guys would die from laughter........

I went back to the cottage cheese and blueberry breakfast this morning. The stuff has really grown on me. WWJD!

Have fun everyone................ drink that water!

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Good Morning Violets~

Denise, I can totally see a difference too. But more importantly than physically, I see an elevated since of self. One of the before pictures show a different woman than in July. Your doing great. Keep it up. 40 pounds is amazing.

I went to the gym, but did not weigh. Just didn't want to. I did 3 miles on the bike and then left. I can't explain it, but the last 6 days I've been sooo tired...just exhausted. But at least I went.

Terry~ We leave Friday and will be gone for 10 days. It has been a fun summer, but then at the end of August, I have 3 jobs:faint:. (I am pretty sure I'll be cleared for the online teaching job...they do an extensive background check...if not fall semester, then the next one). On Friday, we are staying at the Omni Parker House Hotel...the place where JFK proposed to Jackie. I just think that is soooo cool.

Judy~ Yes, today is a new day. I won't be repeating the pity party I threw for myself yesterday. What the hell was I thinking???? Plus, I ate all the crap. Cottage cheese and tomatoes w/ pepper for breakfast for me. Have a great day passing out the Democratic literature. I think that is great to get involved...I wish I had the time.

Terry~ Can I buy a WWJD Bracelet from you? I assume your going into business w/ the WWJD idea.

Everyone else have a great day too.

Tracy~ I'll have someone take a pic of me coming out of the closet ASAP. I still laugh about that.

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Good morning! No time to read post. Went to gym this am now I'm off to showerand to work. (Have to be ther by 10:30 and its 9:50)


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Hello all

so I went and applied for a job at the regional food bank, I don't know how much it pays but I so want that job. Something keeps pulling me there. I also got a call from a car dealer I applied for a special finance position 2 weeks ago and I have an interview there Friday morning, and I have a 2nd interview with Lowes Friday. Is it possible that I might have to make a choice???? Wouldn't that be great>... I want the food bank, I don't really want to sit behind a desk but will if I have to. Money is a huge issue right now.

I am going to gather info I need for health insurance appt tomorrow and then hit the gym and pick up the kids and off to work from 4-11... I am soooooooooo tired, you can not even imagine

hope everyone is having a good day. I'm so excited.... and since I ramble at least once a week for the last 4 months about the job, I had to share.

OH... i stopped and had lunch with a few people I use to work with, and as I was running to the bathroom, I heard one of my fav people (they have no idea about the surgery) say loud enough for me to hear... Boy she is really getting skinny..... IT FELT GREAt... although I know that I still have 45more lbs to lose, it was nice to hear people say good things behind my back. LOL

Watch out DBF.... people are taking notice!!!

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