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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Good Sunday Morning, Violets~~

Today is my 2-month band-iversary! The scale read -39 (of course that includes pre-op wt loss, too). I'm on my way!

TOM is here... grrrrr... + I have to finish an editing job today + do laundry, etc... not much exciting but that's ok... sometimes it's nice to have a "boring" day.

Make it a great one, everyone!

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happy band-iversary!!!! -39 is fantastic. don't you feel great????

I am off to mow and get things together for the party.

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Kat: CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even begin to put into words how much your support has meant to me personally.... even though our little group has only been posting together for a matter of months I feel that your mentorship has really pulled us all together. I will wear the "KAT shorts" (the ones you sent me in the mail and didn't fit at all)all day today in honor of your 100 lbs lost..because now the DO fit nicely and I know that like you I will be looking back next summer at them thinking... dang those puppies fall off me without unbuttoning.. and it will be a reminder of how much this band has changed MY life as it has changed yours.........

I have let myself spurge this weekend because I definately want my doc to give me a fill.. I've eaten (insert food porn here) and today I am going to gorge on the Water because I feel like a bloated pile of crap........ I can tell the my fill has losened because I have been able to eat way more than I have previously...........

To all my Violet sistahs...........I couldn't have asked for a better group to get banded with! ;)

Terry: I LOL'd at your signature!

Time to start on my water consumption.

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Thank goodness my scale stuck to the right numbers this morning, I would have hated to get up here to all these wonderful greetings, and have to say I gained weight!!! I feel much more official now that it passed my 2 day rule! Ok, now for the stat report I told Pamela I would look up for her. Last year, I had measured and weighed in on 7/27/06, and that morning I weighed 250 pounds, I had lost a total of 39 pounds including pre-op. I was shrinking though, I was down a total of 26". My next weigh measure session was done on 8/20/06, and I had lost an additional11.5 pounds, I was down to 238.5. And had lost 5 more inches. Keep in mind I got my last fill on the 21st of July last year, right in this time period, and it gave me LOTS of restriction. It slowed from there, to 6 pounds the next month and only another 1 1/2". And that last measurements and weigh in day was the day before I began Curves, and seriously started exercising, to help speed it back up again. It has never picked up to the begining dropping of weight--where it seemed like each day held a new lower number---but when I make sure to get my water/tea in each day....avoid OD'ing on carbs (!) and exercise a bit, it continues to drop.I have had some plateaus along the way, but in my case it seemed like when the scale slowed down the inches dropped faster, like my body was playing catch up.

Later today when Rick gets off, I will have him do a new picture for me.

The point of all of this, is my weight loss a year ago would have fallen right into the middle range of what everyone here is doing, some have lost more, others less, but I had not lost outreageously more than average----so looking ahead, it is not unlikely that each of you will be writing about your 100 pound loss, or acheiving goal, for those of you with less than that to lose. If I can do it---anyone can!

Happy Bandiversary Michelle---you are doing great! You going to Celebrate? I have had a hard time finding a way to celebrate---we always ATE!!! I have done mani/pedi celebrations, new clothes, and now new boots!!! And it isn't just me---even at the ball park they give ice cream cones for home runs, and cokes for foul balls---everywhere you go they celebrate with food!

We have a HUGE baseball week coming up. Our area holds the Connie Mack (High School age) World Series. Teams from all over the world, (gee world series...who woulda guessed???....duh!). They have a big parade, and lots of host families, and special things going on. It flows right into the County Fair...which is the biggest in the state....all my kiddos used to be involved in it. I am thinking of entering some pictures. For the fun of it---I love the photo exhibits. We have a restored Pioneer Village here in our little town. It has original pioneer constructed buildings ---the General store, the bank, the jail, the Dr.'s office, the livery, a school house, a church, an average home, etc.....and they are all equiped with things from the proper time period. I had taken the girls to the park one day and they wanted to go in, so we went. I sat them on the porch of the school house to get their picture when one of the workers stopped me---and she went inside, and come out, and give Lindzie a lunch pail to hold and Kinsey some books. It turned out really cute, but when I changed it over to Sepia, it looked awesome! I think I might enter it. I also think that especially Lindzie would like seeing herself up on the display wall!!!

For the next 2 years we will once again host the National High School Rodeo Finals. There are 1500 kids from around the US, competing. I volunteered before, and helped register them, I think I will do it again, maybe try to get more involved. Back when we hosted it before I was at my heaviest weigtht, so avoided the volunteer positions that required me to ride---I had quit riding. Now---bring it on! I think volunteering will be lots better this time around, without the limitations. It will be back the summer of 2008 & 2009. I WILL be at goal then....I WILL....I WILL!!!!!!!

Tracy--wear the shorts and enjoy---and enjoy passing them on when they fall off, or sell them in a yard sale, but ENJOY getting rid of them, by next summer they will be huge on you! Glad you are getting to use some of it though!!! If anyone hears of someone needing clothes, let me know!!!! Have Box Will Mail!!!

My house is clean, laundry is done (well one load left drying), I read the newspaper....I feel so efficient! I wish Rick was off...til then I guess I'll read and play on the computer! For now I'll go check my email.



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Hey Kat, a question about riding... what weight would you suggest is appropriate for someone to ride? My dd has been riding for 3 years and we're switching stables & my friend thinks that WE (she & I) should take "Mom" lessons. I love horses and always wanted to learn to ride when I was a kid, but we didn't live in a horse area + didn't have the money. It never even occurred to me that I could ride NOW -- duh! -- but now that she has mentioned it, I keep thinking about it. But I don't know cuz' of my weight... so... what would you suggest? I don't want to hurt the horse or embarrass myself by suggesting it when I'm too big still!

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Hey Tracy... I think I should've done that food loading thing last week, then maybe they'd have filled me! Good thinking!

I went to the nutritionist on Friday and it wasn't really all that productive... she just kept telling me I was the "perfect lap band patient", blah blah... and I was honest! I told her I ate pizza & fruit (we're not supposed to have it for a year!) & other no-no's occassionally... but she still just kept smiling & saying I was doing great. She did clear up a few issues, like calorie range & drinking w/meals & fruit, etc... She *did* agree that I could use another small fill, so I'm going to call tomorrow & see if I can get in either Tues, Weds., or Thurs... I can't go later than that because we go to the beach the following Tues, and while I don't want to be able to eat as much as I can now, I also don't want to be on liquids or mushies while there... so if I can't get in by Thurs., then it has to wait 'til the week of the 13th. So cross your fingers for me!

Caught sight of a reflection of myself in a shop window yesterday & I looked HUGE! ;) Not good. I know I'm doing great & all, but it was just a shock to realize that I still look like a big piggie to the world. Bummer.

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Michelle, I don't mean to skirt the question, but it really depends on what kind of horses the stable runs, some are much stockier than others. I have a friends Dad who rides hours everyday, he works for the sale barn, and he is almost 300 pounds, but he rides a short legged mustang bigger around than a 55 gallon drum, the horse is as stocky as they man. I personally ride a quarter horse, and did not get back on until I was in the neighborhood of 225. I was afraid at that point of being unable to mount up. I had not hefted my own weight, even if I was 60 pounds less, in years. I practiced that----I was really worried about it!!! I did manage it, but it was akward at best! It has improved, a lot of it come back to me.

I would suggest calling the stable, you could always do it anonymously! And ask about weight limits, etc. Get the nerves about that out of the way first, you want to approach the lesson with as much calm about you as you can. And I will tell you---you will get addicted.....!!!


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Please feel free to add some of your own to the list!

* If you've ever eaten a double-cheeseburger with a baby spoon...

you might be a Bandster!

* If you've ever put Protein Powder in a pepper shaker...

you might be a Bandster!

* If you've ever taken 6 bites to eat a single scallop...

you might be a Bandster!

* If you refuse to leave the house without carrying 3 ziplock baggies, a portion-request card, and a bottle of Girl Scout Cookie Antidote...

you might be a Bandster!

* If you map out "bathroom exit strategies" before you sit down in a restaurant...you might be a Bandster!

* If PB no longer means "peanut butter"...you might be a Bandster!

* If you need a stopwatch to eat dinner...you might be a Bandster!

* If slime enters your life without turning on Nickelodeon...you might be a Bandster!

* If you use children's plates, bowls, cups & utensils for every meal...

you might be a Bandster!

* If you're on first name basis with a surgeon, nurse, nutritionist, psychologist, exercise physiologist & X-ray technician...you just might be a Bandster!

* If you quit going to Hometown Buffet, Sizzler, Country Buffet, Golden Corral & Cici's because you just can't get your money's worth...you just might be a Bandster!

* If "you're restricted" no longer means you've been grounded by your parents (or spouse, lol)...you might be a Bandster!

* If you are always talking about your port and you have never been on a boat, you might be a Bandster!

* If your kids look at your plate and say, "is that ALL you are eating"?, you might be a Bandster

* If your husband looks at your plate and says " I didn't think you could eat that", you might be a Bandster.

* If Hot Dogs and Girl Scout Cookies frighten you, you might be a bandster.

* If you are obsessed with your Protein intake, you might be a bandster.

* If you tell your friend that you have to go get a "fill" and you are NOT going to the Shell station, you might be a Bandster! :hungry:

LMAO...heres one

*If you go through McD drive thru and order a double cheeseburger with no bread, you might be a bandster...

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Michelle - When my daughter and I went to a guest ranch in Colorado last year, they said you couldn't ride if you were over 215#.....just to give you some idea.

I just got stuck BAD on some deli turkey....sliming like crazy for quite a while. It finally went down. Does anyone know....is sliming as bad for you as PB'ing?? We have filets for dinner tonight and I wonder if maybe I should abstain....and go with cottage cheese instead. ;)

We 'rescued' two little dogs earlier today. Fortunately one of them was wearing a tag and we called the owner. She was 2 hrs. out of town but said she'd be back in a few hours. So far it's been 5 hours. These dogs are penned up in my kitchen 'cause they have fleas! I guess I should throw them outside but they're so dang cute...and they just sit at the glass back door and look in with pitiful faces. What a sucker I am.

We've been VERY lazy today. I've been beading but haven't finished anything... maybe I'll work on my WWJD Bracelet instead :)

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I'm on fire this month! I have completed 23/20 exercise sessions and walked over 70 miles. By Tuesday I hope to be at 75 miles!:flame:

I added weight training to my program so I expect not to loose much in pounds but it will more that make up my lost in inches an din the long run the pounds will just drop off (I hope).

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Evening Violets..

Was a really nice day today. After church we came home and I took a nice, long nap. Then we went to Home Depot and got the wood to extend our deck. DH will be working on that this week. We went biking and ended up going 9 miles again through the neighborhoods looking at houses and landscaping. It was a great ride. When we got back home I changed into my new, SMALLER bathing suit and I hopped in the pool for 30 minutes of Water aerobics. Then into the hot tub for a nice, relaxing half hour and now back inside since it's getting dark. We are headed downstate tomorrow morning for our fills. I'm a little bit nervous because I know there is going to be a new feeling of restriction with this second one and I will really have to watch the bite size and speed of eating. But then again that's what it's all about!!!

I finished the Kaliaha Ali book and found it pretty interesting. She sure looks amazing.

And my entry for the list is.....

***if you think "WWJD? " when you're sizing up food, then you might be a bandster. AND a Shrink'n Violet!!

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Jen.. you go girl!!! You're gonna walk right over to Michigan at the rate you're going!!! Keep up the great work. It's really going to pay off for you!

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I'm on fire this month! I have completed 23/20 exercise sessions and walked over 70 miles. By Tuesday I hope to be at 75 miles!:flame:

I added weight training to my program so I expect not to loose much in pounds but it will more that make up my lost in inches an din the long run the pounds will just drop off (I hope).


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Good job Jennifer = I have not tracked my miles - I am going to revamp my exercise challange for next month, I am not quite sure what that is going to be yet - but I have already started thinking about my schedule. I am really going to try hard to do aerobics 2-3 times a week and weights 2-3 times a week to balance out. I love aerobics just was not working in July for me.

Oh well, I need a normal job, I think that would do so much for my mood.

Have a great night, see you all in the am

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Denise it's on page 344 about the middle of the page.

thanks so much, Jen. I seem to be doing everything correctly. I

just wish the scales would show it! I seem to only lose right

after a fill. I wish I was losing as well as the rest of you!

You Violets are hard to keep up with . I was out of town for a few days,

and have a lot of reading to do!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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