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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Morning girls---make that GOOOOOOOOD Morning----do me a favor and check out this ticker under my post!!! I DID IT!!! I know I was shocked when I hopped on the scale this morning! I usually wait 2 days, make sure it is a sure change....but today I took that number and ran with it---straight to my computer!!!! 100 pounds GONE! I swear to you, I never in my widest dreams thought this would ever be possible! I am not by nature a doom and gloom person, but the weight just seemed to be an obstacle I couldn't see myself overcoming, I mean all the failed diets, the days I woke up with motivation and went to bed full of guilt at failing yet again, to eat right for even one day---I just KNEW I couldn't do it. I love my BAND!!!! Today I am celebrating----I need new boots! I have had my riding boots for 10 + years, and they are now too big, the heel walks up and down on me as I walk. I have dealt with it, but I think I am off to Western Warehouse today and buy me new boots!

TracyK---I agree that I would look deep inside to think about what I would really want to do. You might also consider something with the school system, so when your little one begins, you could have a similar schedule. I mean you are doing office work now it sounds like, so you could look into that side, or as an aide, or even go back to school to teach. I opened my Day Care when my own DD was very young. I had no training at the time to speak of, and my own day care costs were eating up my paycheck. So I went to work for one where I could take Manda and cut my costs. I saw so many people being turned away, they had waiting lists, and although they were far from mean to the kids, they were almost military in their actions. I was in a room with 3 & 4 year olds, and there was story time with them all on the floor. But there was no lap time, or giggling just for the fun of it time. And it broke my heart to know down the hall, that Manda was getting the same cookie cutter care. Then one day, my neighbor called and ask if I had any pull, she needed full time day care for her 2 DD's and after school for her DS. When I got off the phone, I realized, if she paid me what she would them, it would be equal to half of what I make a month. Add into that no fuel expense, no wardrobe costs...so I took a deep breath and jumped! My Dad worked for the county, so I put flyers up at the courthouse---and within 3 days I was turning people away. Many of them had known me as I grew up, through Dad, so I did have a start. The first month out of the gate I was making more money than I was working for someone else. I eventually licensed myself, moved into a bigger building, and went full steam ahead. I don't think I would have recognized it as my passion---but it sure worked! I did it for 20 years, and retired! It was actually longer than 20 years, one little girl refused to quit coming! I first got Megan at 5 1/2 weeks old, and she came until she was 14 years! She no longer needed a babysitter, but she was part of our family...she still shows up once every week or so. Her older sister just had a new baby, so we see less of her! It was hard work...but VERY gratifying. I tried to be choosy about my parents, more so than the kids. When we did an intake interview, I watched them, not the child! Many, many of my kids come back around. Used to be Halloween was a wild day here, I'd have kids from years past, and current, all crowding in at once! Now most of them I took care of have grown up too much, but I have the grandbabies!!! Now I put them in my lap and read, and we sit around the table with a roll of scotch tape making faces---and I am still glad they are not in another setting too!

Find what makes you happy, and also fits into your needs, if it WORKS for you, it goes a long way towards making you happy.

Terry---I never thought you looked angry or violent in your avatar! I am going to take new pics now (wooohooo) but I will need some computer savvy help! Help posting them, and creating a new avatar, mine got really dark when they did the upgrade it seemed....dunno!

Pamela---sounds exhausting, but it also sounds---dare I say it---almost finished???? Enjoy your time with Susanne!

Ok, I need to go get something started drinking.....I think my weight is floating away....all I do is drink!


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:hail::hail::hail: Yeah Kat:hail::hail::hail:

:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:Way to go!:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

:rockon::rockon::rockon:You rock girl:rockon::rockon::rockon:

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Maybe they even offer some placement services as well. Maybe talk to a headhunter for some ideas? Surely there are a hundred books on how to make that transition. If you could do ANYTHING you wanted, what would it be?

I would want to be a stay at home mom, unfortunately I can't. Maybe in a few years, but not right now :cry

I am going to ask my company if I can wor 3 days a week instead of 5. If they say no, which they probably will, I will explore other options. Seems like after so many years of service that they would say yes, but I just don't think they will. But, I can't just sit back and wonder, I just have to grab the bull by the horns and ask. I wish we still had our president that used to be there, he would have said yes for sure.

As far as the books, that is a great idea. I am gonna check it out!! Thanks for the advice :lol:

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Congratulations, Kat!

Woo Hoo! Fantastic! Wonderful! Wow! Great!

Amazing! Incredible! Super!




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Evening Violet~

Kat: I wanted to take a minute and let you know how much of an influence you have on me and many (all) of the violets. 100-120 is my goal to lose, and I am so proud of you that you did it. I mean it. I hope you bought some great boots w/ rhinstones or something sparkly or shinny on them (I am a true city girl). Good for you...xoxoxoxo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I sometimes feel that I am not doing this right. Sometimes I feel like I am kicking ass. My weight loss has not been great, but in all honesty, I can say, I have never felt better, healthier or on the right track. BLB (before lapband), I used to go to bed every night thinking, "I need to quit smoking and I really need to lose weight." EVERY NIGHT. I now fall to sleep thinking of flowers and angels (lol, I don't know...but I can promise it is not to quit smoking and lose weight). My goal is to be healthy and strong and to be present in my life, present for my family, my partner, and my students.

Tonight I went to my dear friends 40th surprise birthday party!!! She turns in Sept. but her sister is preggy and would not have been able to travel then. Her family came from all over the country. She was soooo surprised...she walked in the resturaunt and everyone yelled surprise. She at first thought, "who are these people yelling at me." Then she took a second and started recognizing people...then burst into tears when she saw her family from Florida and Indiana. It was awesome. They served spagetti, salad, and garlic bread. I had a little of each, yes even the pasta...really slow. I did have double meat sauce for Protein. My spagetti portion was smaller than the childs portion, but I felt great after. I splurged a bit, but I call that living. The worst part is that my dear friend, kathy, is getting the band on

August 7, and is on the liquid diet. She did great, had a shake on the way in, and did not feel bad at all. She watched how I ate, and couldn't believe how much Susanne had on her plate (btw...she had 2 plates...full of Pasta and bread...no salads), (she is a size 10...hate her skinny ass sometimes, just kidding). Anyway, I am so happy w/ the band, even if it is slower than i thought it would be...I am soooo happy.

On that note, have a great night violets.

Kat, sleep well sister...we love you and are proud of you!!!


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ps...i did have the frosting from the cake...but come on, it was fudge frosting. fudge...man o man...I am only human. oooo well, no regrets!

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Well Pamela I would say you ruined my make up if I hadn't already washed it off---you made me cry!!!

I know exactly what you mean about the thought processes changing. My thought just before sleeping have changed as well, I don't go to bed beating myself up. I sleep differently! I roll over without thought, it is a one motion thing to roll over, it used to be a few different moves, to raise up, and heft myself over! Silly sounding but true! Like you mentioned sleeping on the air mattress---when we camp we use one, I used to be a sight getting up off of that thing!!! Not an issue now!

This IS entirely possible! Last year I was right about where you guys are now---I have a weight/measurement progress wrote down but it is in the bedroom, and Rick is sleeping since he has to work tomorrow...but I will look and see where I was a year ago.

I still feel just like you guys do---some days I feel like I am on top of the world---like today--I have lost 100 pounds! But looking back at others progress...makes me feel slow! One of the girls on my '06 bunch has lost 195 pounds! Of course I didn't have that much to lose, but....I still could let myself feel like a slacker---but I chose a different approach, and I have no complaints at all!!!

So you guys keep at it, and work this band, but don't forget to enjoy today----you won't ever get it back. When you have an opportunity to Celebrate as Pamela had tonight---GO!

Of course then you have to come back and tell us what all you ate so we can be jealous!!!

I do ok with Pasta IF I eat something else with it...but alone it hurts me! Like if I eat a bowl of fettucine with just noodles and sauce, about 4 bites is all I can handle...and it grows to feel like 4 cups in my belly. But if I add some grilled chicken, it is not a problem, it is like it needs something to digest with. Wierd!!!

Hate to disappoint everyone, I did buy new boots---but they are not the kind of boots y'all imagined!!! They are super soft leather, but they are plain old everyday Roper style boots....for riding...horses. And before long they will truly be broke in. Cows and horses tend to leave piles of recycled hay in my path....someday I'll learn to watch where I am walking!!!!

Rick and I went to dinner just the 2 of us. Our friends had their grandson, and he is not real well behaved out like that, so they opted to stay home. It was kinda nice having him to myself! He is not happy with his job right now, so we discussed a change---but will likely put it off for now. With his recent health issues, we might be best off staying with our current insurance. I dunno---I hate him being unhappy.

Ok I am off to bed---talk to y'all tomorrow. Thank you again for all the kind words....even the tears Pamela!

sniff sniff


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Please feel free to add some of your own to the list!

* If you've ever eaten a double-cheeseburger with a baby spoon...

you might be a Bandster!

* If you've ever put Protein Powder in a pepper shaker...

you might be a Bandster!

* If you've ever taken 6 bites to eat a single scallop...

you might be a Bandster!

* If you refuse to leave the house without carrying 3 ziplock baggies, a portion-request card, and a bottle of Girl Scout Cookie Antidote...

you might be a Bandster!

* If you map out "bathroom exit strategies" before you sit down in a restaurant...you might be a Bandster!

* If PB no longer means "peanut butter"...you might be a Bandster!

* If you need a stopwatch to eat dinner...you might be a Bandster!

* If slime enters your life without turning on Nickelodeon...you might be a Bandster!

* If you use children's plates, bowls, cups & utensils for every meal...

you might be a Bandster!

* If you're on first name basis with a surgeon, nurse, nutritionist, psychologist, exercise physiologist & X-ray technician...you just might be a Bandster!

* If you quit going to Hometown Buffet, Sizzler, Country Buffet, Golden Corral & Cici's because you just can't get your money's worth...you just might be a Bandster!

* If "you're restricted" no longer means you've been grounded by your parents (or spouse, lol)...you might be a Bandster!

* If you are always talking about your port and you have never been on a boat, you might be a Bandster!

* If your kids look at your plate and say, "is that ALL you are eating"?, you might be a Bandster

* If your husband looks at your plate and says " I didn't think you could eat that", you might be a Bandster.

* If Hot Dogs and Girl Scout Cookies frighten you, you might be a bandster.

* If you are obsessed with your Protein intake, you might be a bandster.

* If you tell your friend that you have to go get a "fill" and you are NOT going to the Shell station, you might be a Bandster! :hungry:

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This IS entirely possible! Last year I was right about where you guys are now---I have a weight/measurement progress wrote down but it is in the bedroom, and Rick is sleeping since he has to work tomorrow...but I will look and see where I was a year ago.

I still feel just like you guys do---some days I feel like I am on top of the world---like today--I have lost 100 pounds! But looking back at others progress...makes me feel slow! One of the girls on my '06 bunch has lost 195 pounds! Of course I didn't have that much to lose, but....I still could let myself feel like a slacker---but I chose a different approach, and I have no complaints at all!!!

So you guys keep at it, and work this band, but don't forget to enjoy today----you won't ever get it back. When you have an opportunity to Celebrate as Pamela had tonight---GO!

Of course then you have to come back and tell us what all you ate so we can be jealous!!!

I do ok with Pasta IF I eat something else with it...but alone it hurts me! Like if I eat a bowl of fettucine with just noodles and sauce, about 4 bites is all I can handle...and it grows to feel like 4 cups in my belly. But if I add some grilled chicken, it is not a problem, it is like it needs something to digest with. Wierd!!!

Hate to disappoint everyone, I did buy new boots---but they are not the kind of boots y'all imagined!!! They are super soft leather, but they are plain old everyday Roper style boots....for riding...horses. And before long they will truly be broke in. Cows and horses tend to leave piles of recycled hay in my path....someday I'll learn to watch where I am walking!!!!

Rick and I went to dinner just the 2 of us. Our friends had their grandson, and he is not real well behaved out like that, so they opted to stay home. It was kinda nice having him to myself! He is not happy with his job right now, so we discussed a change---but will likely put it off for now. With his recent health issues, we might be best off staying with our current insurance. I dunno---I hate him being unhappy.

Ok I am off to bed---talk to y'all tomorrow. Thank you again for all the kind words....even the tears Pamela!

sniff sniff


Congratulations on your weight loss...you are such an inspiration to all of us! I'd love to see what your progress has been like if you don't mind posting it....

I'm 3 months out and feel like a slow loser...of course I need to stop going out with my family for dinners! I try to make healthy choices, but either way you look at it, it's hard to find low calorie, healthy choices in a lot of restaurants. Going out with my family is not going to stop, so I've accepted that it will happen slow, however I'm doing my best to make good choices and to stop eating LONG before I would have before my band.

100 lbs seems like so much weight....

I started eating differently in January before I even had the band. I lost 12 lbs from January to April, then on April 26th I had my band....Since then I've lost another 29 lbs, for a total loss so far of 41 lbs this year. I started out with 136 lbs to lose and I now have 95 lbs to lose...slowly but surely!!! ;)

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Good Morning Everyone! :ranger:

First of all, and most importantly I want to congratulate you, Kat!! 100# is an incredible achievement and you should be so very proud of yourself!! All in just over a year, too. Did you really think you'd have come so far in a year? I totally agree with everything Pamela said, too. You are such a sweetheart all the time, you have such great advice for us all and we are SO lucky you adopted the Violets as mentor and friends. I know that I speak for all of us when I say how very happy we are for you and that we appreciate all you do for so many here on LBT!! I hope that since you are now a skinny thang you won't leave us!! We need you at LEAST until April '08!!! We love you!!! :love:

Pamela, dear -- listen to Kat. Work the band but enjoy each day. I think that you and I are similar in our approach. I mean I'm not eating LF cottage cheese, turkey slices, brocoolli, and tuna all the time!! I don't WANT to eat diet food....ever again!! But I DO want to eat healthy foods!! I don't want to feel deprived...and eating 1/4 of what everyone else is eating is "deprivation" enough. I do exactly as my doctor said...."Don't diet. Diets have failed you numerous times in the past. Eat what you enjoy, just less of it." I'm 49 and have a notoriously slow metabolism...so I am losing 'slowly'. But how many times have we read that it's better to lose slowly??? So this is a GOOD thing! We are NOT gaining. This is a VERY GOOD thing. We are going to the gym like regular gym rats....and this is probably the VERY BEST thing we can do! So don't go beating yourself up....not for ONE MINUTE. You just keep doing what you're doing and the weight will come off eventually. This isn't a race. This isn't a race. This isn't a race!! XOXOXO

Denise - DID YOU MAKE THAT LIST UP YOURSELF?? That is hilarious!!!!!!!! I loved the one about your husband saying "I didn't think you could eat that." It's so true... it's hard for them to keep up because what I can and cannot eat changes almost daily!! LOL Poor guy is very confused. If I added one or two it would be something like...

....if you've learned how to spit like a pro (when nobody is looking, of course!)

....if you find yourself scraping food of your plate into the trashcan and saying to yourself, "Ah, to hell with all those starving children in China"

Ya'll have a good morning! Life is GOOD!

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WOOHOOO Kat...That is so awesome. I am so incredibly happy for you!!

Denise, that list is a riot. I read it to my DH and he laughed too. Thanks for that!! I needed a good laugh.

Hi Terri ;)

Everyone have a great day!

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Good morning, Violets!!!

WOW.. what great news to come back to! KAT!!!!!! CONGRATS ON AN AMAZING ACHIEVEMENT!!!! You give us inspiration and motivation and you have shown us that it CAN be done! You ROCK!!!!!

We had a great trip to see the grandkids. We spent time in the pool at the hotel and gramma is now skinnier than DDIL! I never thought I'd see the day. I got a new bathing suit cause my old one was falling off me and what a difference the right size makes!!! I felt goooooood.. na na na na na na na (James Brown singing in the background).

We attended the wedding of a young lady who had grown up in our church with DH as her pastor. It was soooo good to see her happy and doing well. She is 35 and never, ever thought she'd be married. She's also 6 months pregnant and never, ever thought that would be possible either. Her parents are now both ministers and they officiated at the ceremony. DH gave the benediction and blessing. Such an honor for him to be asked to do that.

We arrived home at 1 a.m. and now are leaving for church and then to Home Depot to get some wood to extend our back deck to accomodate the new grill DH bought last week. We leave tomorrow morning for our 4 hour drive to the doc for a fill. We both know we need one as we are eating way tooooo fast and getting hungry between meals. I'm going to weigh in tomorrow before we take off.

I'll catch up on everyone's posts later today.

Have a great day!!!

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hi everyone,

quick check in.... i still have my company so it's been hectic. i forgot how much kids get satisfied by little things. so we are running around a bit

Kat: i am so happy for you. you are really a power of example and truly offer the best insights into our problems....you also work a great program which really shows us the way!

hi judy, terri, tracyK, denise and everyone else

i have my company till thursday so i will probably be sporadic in my "check-ins"

have a great day

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Good Morning ladies!

Kat- 100lbs.... WOW... CONGRATS... that must be an amazing feeling. I can't wait for the day I am even close to that. You are so great and Terri put it perfectly, we are lucky you have joined us!

Denise - they are so funny. Last night my dad said he was going to take us to Country Buffet on our shopping trip in a couple of weeks. I hate buffets to begin with, then I think, I can't eat there, it is a waste of money!!! LOL

I hope everyone is having a good morning. No gym for me in 4 days... I am deprived. but last night I worked the ovens and I was sweating so badly (yes, me sweat) that I had to call my mom and have her bring me a pr of shorts. the sweat was dripping down my back and my pants were so big that the way it was going I looked like I peed my pants. LOL True story

So - as far as me sweating, I think that loosing some fat is causing that, not that I am totally complaining, it almost feels good to get it out and not be as bloated at the end of the night. Does that sound crazy? I could not drip a bead of sweat for years, and all of the sudden, I am soaked. who knows... just something strange

Pamela - I agree, when I freak about the numbers, which I do all the time, I try to take a step back, I am sleeping much better at night, off my meds, my bp is down to 110/70 unmedicated and I have so much more energy I can't stand myself sometimes.

Well, I guess I should finish my coffee - I need to clean the house and mow the lawn and shower by noon. It is my dd's b-day tuesday and we are having a few people over today before I have to go to work.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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