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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Sara...I see you lurking. WE MISS YOU HONEY! HOPE YOUR WELL.


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Dear All,

My goodness its taken me an age to log onto this site and change my password!

I last spoke to you about a month ago, and said I was going to Mexico for my holidays....well a month later I have literally returned from Mexico.

David and Sophie (my youngest) did a canopy trip (Puterto vallatra) I didnt go, as I dont like heights. David had an accident and smashed his back on a rock, he was given a wrong rope. 4 weeks later, and a 26hrs journey back home in 2 airoplanes, 3 ambulances we got back home on Tuesday evening, my eldests daughters 20th birthday.

It feels sereal, telling you this, its like a dream, and it hasnt really happened, if that makes sence? He isnt paralysed thank god, they did emergency surgery on his L1/T3 and put 2 plates and bolts in his upper back, his coxccix is broke and he can only sit for 1.5hrs. He in a upper body cage, hes ok, and is really positive. The Mexican consultant was fantastic, all of the staff were, he was sent to a hospital in Putro Vallatra called the Ameri Med, who were just brilliant. He told David he wouldnt be able to continue his profession, but were hoping when he sees an UK Dr it might not be so bad. But if not, its ok, he can retrain, or try a new profession. Everyones been wonderful.

My diet/band isnt great, I havent got on the scales, Im sure Ive put weight on, living in a hotel for a month with 5 themed resturants and 2 big massive normal resurants, and unlimted drink! I dont care to be honest though, I'll go and get help (fill) again soon.

I thought I'd let you know I'm back, Mexico was lovely the people were lovely, but my life has changed drastically now, my whole future.....my family are just bricks, and I love them so much, so I'm blessed.

Take care all,

All my love Sara xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

P.S Just seen your post Kity, bless you xxxxxxxxxx

Trying to add 2 pics, one of dave on his birthday prior the accident, and one of Sophie my angel xxxxxxxx (Daves in the strectcher!!!!!)

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Not very good with attachments will try and send, plus its 4.30 in the morning here, still on Mexican time!

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Morning girls,

Denise, I can hear the sizzle-----HOT Mama indeed!!!! Doesn't it feel awesome to know you can still turn a head or 2!!?? I actually got some looks at the rally---and it was so bizarre! I could show some cleavage, and it actually be cleavage, rather than just another roll!!! I bet your DD was in awe! WTG!!!!

Speaking of cleavage...I'm losing mine!!! LOL :yell:

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Ok, Ive tried again....this is my darling Dave on his 47th Birthday, and the day we left this week, my baby Sophie

Well, Ive tried to upload a pic? I better try n get some sleep, its nearly 5am here now!

Sara xxxxxxxx

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((((SARA)))) Your news is heartbreaking!!! You poor dears...I am just SO sorry :eek: There is nothing I can do for him but pray, so pray I will. Is he in awful pain? What type of work did he do? What kind of recovery period will he need? Oh, honey... I can't even imagine how you are feeling about your baby. Please take care of yourself thru this, too...don't forget. We'll all be concerned so try to keep us posted periodically.

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OMG...I am so glad to see you post, but I am so sorry to hear your news. I can't begin to believe what you've been through. Don't worry about the band stuff...hell, you have some serious stuff to worry about.

So, Dave is ok? Not walking? Glad to hear he is positive, especially for the career. You share w/ us what you want on your time. I can only imagine your world is all over the place. Your very lucky to have a wonderful family, and that is the most important thing now.

Please know that the violets are here for you, in any capacity you want. I know I speak for the group when I say, we are just glad to see you back!


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TGIF Violets!

I have my next fill on Monday and I HOPE he will give me one...

To him I will most likely show about a 15-20 lb loss since my last fill.. with about 7 lbs of Water weight.. (I was real swollen when I weighed)

someone just walked in.. back in a sec

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my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. It is nice to have you back too.

Morning violets....

I am back down to 221 this am. that is a bit better but still not great, how did i gain over 10lbs with my monthly visitor????? at least it is going in the rigt direction again.

so check this. I had this guy bugging me to go out with him for months. I finally figured what the heck, maybe something good will come of it and I can get stronger and have the guts to tell dbf to poop or get off the pot.... so after months of him begging me to do something, I called monday night, said lets see a movie, go rollerskating, play lazer tag... anything silly and fun... well he fell alseep and then when he got up didn't like any of my ideas... so last night we were talking about going to alive at 5, which is a concert at the park, I went called and told him I was on my way down, and you will never guess he fell asleep again. Then he calls after 9 and I was such a witch, I told him off.........you beg me to do things with you and I make plans and you blow me off, he told me i was cranky and needed to drink to relax which turned into a whole nother arguement, because he knows I quit in April but was convinced I was at the bar when he called. I don't need that crap! I love dbf and don't deserve what he does to me, so if i every leave him, it is not going to be for someone that I have to beg to be with me or blows off plans we make, DBF is different, 17 years and 2 kids and I love him, as wrong as it is, but someone new.... NO WAY

whew.... poor guy... he is catching me wrong week... LOL

anyway, going to get a cup of coffee. I need to wake up, got in at midnight

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So, Jenn,....is this guy narcoleptic or what?? You can write him off! Loser!

Didn't you say you stopped taking your diuretic pills? ? Jeez, that can easily account for 4-5#, even more! Add TOM on top of that....and summer heat & humidity!.... it's a wonder you don't EXPLODE!!:eek:

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Dear Terri, Pam, Jennifur & Tracy,

Thank you all for your kind messages and prayers. David can walk, thank god, infact its more comfortable for him to stand or lie down than sit down. The pain isnt too bad now, but hes got loads of meds if it does flare up bad. His profession is a chartered surveyor, and in he has to go up lots of ladders, roofs etc, he would be the guy if you wanted to buy a house and get a loan off a bank etc, he'd go in and survey a house etc, its a lot of bending etc.....so we'll see what the UK Dr says, but he's prepeared now to have to do something else if the answer is no.....

Ive taken more time off, but Im going back to work next Thursday, Lucy & Sophie are at home, and mum n Dad live down the feild from us, and my brother and cousins live a few miles away, so we've got a great network of family helping out!

To be totally honest though, its made me feel I just want to be at home though, my work lifestyle isnt great, so its something I'll have to sort out pretty soon, as I dont want to be away from home anymore, but something will turn up Im sure :eek:.

I'll keep you posted, I know I need to sort out the band (as no restriction) but for the next few weeks, I'll leave be until things are more in a pattern here.

Take care,

Love sara xxxxxxx

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i needed a good laugh. Can you stand it. it was/is a good lesson that I deserve more from dbf and that there are people out there who want to be with me.... but hello???? I'm not going to leave 1 situation where I am starving or attention to get into another with someone who doesn't have the balls to fight for me...

I guess I am getting stronger every day, even if I don't always know it. LOL

Well I took the Water pill yesterday, and going to take it again and again, it is already so humid here and I have a 10hr shift in the sweat shop.

so look, i met my exercise challange and have not gone since LOL

Monday is the start of a new week, at least I met my challange.

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OMG Sara---I am so sorry to hear of Dave's accident. I know when Rick was so sick, I don't know what I would have done without all of you here, I could vent, and express my worse fears, and while you all offered support, I was then able to remain strong for him and the kids, and the parents, everyone I felt was depending on me. Please know you can do the same....we will listen, and offer a cyber shoulder anytime of the day or night. The best part is no one here judged me on my attitude, when I got angry at family or nurses, or even at Rick---even though he was the one who was ill! These girls are wonderful---we would be there helping if we could!

Jenn---games, they accuse women of playing games, I swear men do it as bad or worse. Some of them EXPECT you to work and wiggle your schedule around them, and if you don't-you are not the one they want. I watched these guys try to "work" my DD's and about went ballistic! Stick to your guns girl---you ARE worth it! I am wiped out today too. We ended up out at my inlaws again, since Rick's brother and family are in town (leaving this morning) and we were up til after midnight playing Mexican Train Dominoes. I won!!!! LOL

Pamela, glad things are slowly getting done. I am somewhat concerned though that you are sleeping on the couch with an open front door.....doesn't sound real safe! I mean I live in Podunk USA and I still lock up!!! Looking forward to the pics!

Denise--if it were possible I would gladly share cleavage with any and all who wanted it! I have lost in band size, but not anything in cup size, it in fact went UP! I am told it didn't really change, just the discrepency between the band and the full part now is bigger so that calls for a bigger cup. Still no cute bra & panty sets in my future!

I wish I had more encouragement on the Hair loss thing, BUT I think Terry may be right, and I do have a history of hair loss. I lost it all---smooth as a babies butt with chemo. Then with Atkins, I lost tons! And with my jaw surgery, I lost hair. Mine lasted from about 4-5 months out from surgery to about the year mark, maybe just a bit longer. Now it is not falling out, it is regrowing with a vengeance....figure it is just in time for the TT and it to fall out again! Mine was severe, I could see the shape of my scalp through the thinning hair, my part got very wide....it was the worst side effect of banding without a doubt.

Terry---I do not remember a weight loss percentage for that time period, I might be able to go back to my earlier posts and get an idea. I lost quickly in the begining. My SIL didn't, she was a slow loser in the begining, and she lost hair too. Now she is having serious issues, being unable to eat--and her hair is looking realllllllly thin again. But she is losing SUPER fast now. But she is not taking anything in and keeping it in either, so she is totally malnourished.

Judy, I think we might just strap wheels on you---you are still on the go!!! Hope all your travels are safe, we look forward to having you back with us. Are you noticing more stamina --or---get up and go, on your trips with the weight loss?

Gina--wow, that is horrible that insurance won't cover physical therapy. I wonder if they make any kind of home exercise video or anything that way. It is so important to be taught the proper way to move for the injury.

****WARNING food PORN****

Yes I bake bacon---I refuse to fry it, it pops! I take a couple of cookie sheets, put a couple of paper towels down on them, and cover the paper towels with waxed paper. Spray it with Pam (or something like it), and just lay the raw bacon on it, bake at 375 until it is as crisp as you like. It is MUCH less greasy,plus it is more tender by far. I refuse to do it in a fry pan anymore! It makes less mess than the microwave and I can do an entire package at once. I actually do 2 pkgs. at a time, cook one, remove it, lay out the next on the same paper, and bake it. Then store it in a zip lock in the fridge. I don't have to stand over it non stop....I know we likeours crisp, so it takes about 20 minutes, Then let the pans sit for just a few minutes, and the paper toweling absorbs most of the grease, slide it off and into the trash, and the only thing to clean up is the sheets need washed, there is not grease popped all over the kitchen. If I keep it handy I can make DH his beloved BLT's in nothing flat that way! And I crumble it in my salads a lot. And like I say, my 2 yr old DGD could eat her weight in bacon! Try it, I bet you quit frying it too!!!

Laura, is your tummy feeling any better? That is such a miserable feeling, you cannot "forget" about it at all! Sorry about your classes being all full---want me to go down and boot some butt???

Good Luck on the fill front. I am still cruising with mine---it is now over a year old! I never even knew they would last like this, but it sure eased my mind when I thought about maintaining...just knowing it is not something that will keep at the Dr.s' office non stop!

Jennifer---you have completed your exercise challenge!!! WTG!! Thanks for the page # I would have made myself crazy looking back through for it!!!

Ok, I am off to check email, and get us dressed we (Kinsey and I) are off to have lunch with Papa. He is needing some granddaughter time too! And by the time he gets home she is gone...

Have a great day everyone, and Sara, prayers have and will continue to be said for your DH, and your entire family. (((HUGS))))


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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