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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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I now have a DJ........... between my sis and her best friend I am sailing along...... friends Hubby is in a band and he just agreed to be the DJ... said I have to pic 50 or 60 songs, cuz they are NOT country and we are! LOL

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I can see you flying away from the reception veil billowing behind the Harley!!! I know, I know, no big poufy weil----but cant you just see it????

We went to a wedding last summer, that they "incorporated" their bikes into....kinda....they became the legs of the table holding the wedding cake, and punch fountain. I am not sure how they balanced the plywood or whatever for the table, but it was sitting on the bikes. Then they left on the new bike they had bought as their gift to one another. They are still riding along happily!

yep my page is a biggun today too!

Ok, off to finish my house---bbl


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Jennifer - I was just really reading the info you sent me. Thank you - again. I'll scan it and post it. It is interesting to me that it was recommended for you to have 1200 cal a day and I think I'm making wise choices from the list that was provided. I am having a hard time with the 1400 cals but still close. the last couple of days have been out of control for me, I have not been home and running for 16hrs a day. No wonder why I am beat today. I really hope to get back on track Wed. Tomorrow we are going to try Six Flags again, rain today, and then work at 4 so it will be another long hard day.

I am so hard on myself, i know i need to stop, but I want to be great now... I don't want to wait a year. will this feeling ever go away?

I think 20 more lbs and I'll be in a much better place. if I can get into my 16's comfortably like I am in the 18's right now I will be very happy. or will I??????

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My pages are looking normal again... yay!

Jenn... 1st of all -- You ARE great NOW! In a year you'll STILL be great, but just in a different size! Look at all you've done & are doing every day & how you're sticking with it & not giving up!! You're working hard changing your thinking & eating & behavior habits formed over YEARS + your other struggles right now (job, bf, etc.). I am ordering you to buy yourself some flowers or take a bubble bath or something nice just for YOURSELF! ((hugs))

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OK, so I'm pretty sure this is all totally in my head, but ever since I didn't get my fill today,


I ate a lot (all legal tho) @ lunch & now want MORE. No sticking today, so far.

I feel like the beast is roaring: FEED ME!! Where's my littly kitty (from the LB commercial) when I need it???

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i could spit nickels right now...i just lost a whole post with all personals on it....

i'll reconstruct....

back from washington....it was fun...lots of walking.....it was fun to be with my nieces+sister in law. my brother.....i love him but they spoil him. when he gets in a funk...he takes everyone down.

the guy i met on eharmony (we didnt physically meet yet) is going on vacation for 2 weeks. so i'm getting my butt to the gym religiously. altho' i have a feeling i may not meet him in the end. he thinks i'm in shape...and while i'm getting there....definitely not there yet and wont be in 2 weeks....

i know i know...i should feel ok....but i dont. also he has degrees up the wazoo (MD, DDS, MDS and something else) and thats another achilles heel for me....

oh well i have 2 weeks to decide.

kat: welcome back too!

tracyinks: i'm so happy for you. what a nice surprise. he (DBF) did good....and i'm very happy you felt great about yourself around the ex...mission accomplished

mdrai: your losses are great....your doctor is probably right. i'm thinking by losing more slowly we have a chance to avoid plastic surgery

laura: i had the same issue. the guy whoc started this web (i think it's alex??) sent me a link to take the Cookies out of my computer and it cleared everything up. it is frustrating to sign in each time. it got so bad i had to sign in everytime i changed screens. but it is easily fixed.

terri and chica: see you guys tomorrow. my sister in law is drawing me a map to get there...i am horrible at directions. i cant even reverse myself. ha!

hi msjen

i think i got everyone. i'm afraid to add posts onto this as that is how i lost it last time.

anyway have a good night

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Is there any books that anyone would recommend about lap bands? I have read one and that is "Lap-Band For Life" by Ariel Ortiz Lagardere MD

I really enjoyed the book and would enjoy reading more if anyone knew of one!!!



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Josie - I don't know what i'll be wearing tomorrow, but I'll PM you at some point and let you know. Otherwise, I'll try to be sitting close to the door and you've seen enough pics of me to possibly recognize me. I'm excited! :(

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MsJenn: My favorite is the frosting as well! Great job on the exercise challenge completing 18 of 20.

TracyinKS: This is wonderful news! Enjoy every moment of this time in your life. Maybe us Violets can get together to give you a wedding shower! How fun would that be? Can’t wait to see pictures of the rings. By chance did you have any pictures of you and dbf from this weekend’s wedding?

TerriDoodle: I haven’t read either book “Poisonwood Bible or Angela's Ashes” but I will check to see if audible.com has them and place them on my “next listen” list.

Kity: I need a “skinny day”. Okay – I will make tomorrow my skinny day – I will only do my Protein Shakes. I tried today – but dh took me to lunch and it went down hill from there.

The most I have lost since surgery is 28.6 – I am at 264 – so we are real close on size and results. I sometimes get frustrated thinking today is my 15 week anniversary and being disappointed in the amount of weight lost so far – I was expecting this process to be faster. But then I have to flip the coin and think about where I was and where I might be without the band – and be happy and content that I am losing and will continue to lose – even though it is slower than anticipated. You are doing great – keep up the good work!

Chica Chula: I will post– I have been doing high Protein and low carb – but this makes since and I am going to start this system. Here you go – (hope you can’ make sense of my notes – if you have questions – feel free to ask.):

Ten Rules for Success - Guideliness and Nutrition

  1. Eat only three small meals a day.Once properly adjusted - you require only small amounts of food to reach fulliness.By eating three meals a day, you will fill your pouch, feel full, then allow enough time to empty it to feel hungry again.You only need to fill the pouch three times a day with appropiate food to give the body adequate nutrition.
  2. Eat solid foods, slowly, and chew thoroughly. (approximately 15 to 20 times a bite).The brain takes 20 minutes to detect that the stomach is full.Chewing thoroughly will permit you to eat adequate amounts of food, without food clogging the stoma.A properly adjusted band will permit you to eat only a third of the volume of food you were used to eating.
  3. Stop Eating as soon as you feel full.Because yo uare eating slowly, you can detect when your pouch tells you that it is full.Stop. Push the plate away. Just because you CAN shove more food in, doesn't mean you should.Remember your band can be at risk if you push it to it's limit.
  4. Do not wash down your solids with liquids.< /span>Liquids creates a slurry of food and allows it to slip down the stoma faster, which defeats the goal of getting the pouch full in order for the hunger signals to turn off.Don't drink within 20 minutes before a meal, and an hour after. (Some recommend 2 hrs after a meal.)
  5. Do not eat between meals.If you eat three regular small meals of solid foods and are properly adjusted, you should not be feeing hungry.You may have psychological hunger, also called head hunger and emotional hunger, but it is not real hunger.Learn ways to examine possible causes and ways to defeat it.
  6. Eat only good quality foods.Cereals: Prefer gains like Beans, lentils or whole wheat bread or oats.Vegetables: Prefer broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, corn, cucumbers, eggplants, leafy greens (spinach, collard greens), mushrooms, onions, peppers, oumpkin, tomatoes, and winter squash.Fruits: one piece for Breakfast, one at lunch, and one for dinner. Try apples, apriocots, blueberries, cantaloupe, grapefruit, kiwi, oranges, plums, pears, watermelon, and mango. Avoid canned fruit, dried fruit, and coconut.Meat, poultry, and fish: Serving size=deck of cars; most people need two or three servings a day. Prefer light meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, legumes, egg whites. Avoid hotdogs, bacon, Peanut Butter, sausage, duck, fried poultry.Milk, cheese and yogurt: Two servings a day, three if you are a teenager or pregnant or a lactating woman. Prefer nonfat and 1% milk, low fat cottage cheese, nonfat yogurt. Avoid whole milk and whole cheese whole yogurt, milk shakes and ice cream.Fat: you do need fat. Three servings a day is good. Prefer avocado, veg. oil, almonds, and nuts. Avoid maynnase, lard, butter and margarine.
  7. Avoid fibrous foods.Certain vegetables (asparagus) and fruits (pineapple) and some meats contain many fibers that may clog the LAP-BAND, even if they are thoroughly chewed. Eating these can only cause regurgitation and vomiting. This in turn can upset the normal function of your band.
  8. Drink enough fluids during the day.Drink at least six to eight glasses of fluids per day.Many banded people drinl a great deal more.As the body burns off fat, it creates waste product that the fluids are critical to providing a channel for excretion through the urine.
  9. Drink only low-calorie liquids.Drink only low-calorie liquids. Water, tea and coffee without milk and sugar and other non-caloric beverages, are acceptable.Crstal Light can be a satisfying alternative.Consuming carbonated beverages are for the most past not encouraged.
  10. Exercise at least thirty minutes a day.Phyiscal exercise consumes energy and sustained exercise increases your metabolism.You can start off slowly with walking and using a pedometer walk 10,000 steps a day and then add more strenouse exercises, such as joining a dance class, yoga, or wahtever is of interest to you that will offer you vigorous exercise.


(refer to Food Pyramid - Image:USDA Food Pyramid.gif - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Eat from every food group at each meal.

Try a little bit of every choice even though you can't finish what is on your plate.

Between meals - if you must eat, try something fresh like a fruit or vegetables.

Practical Tip refered to "The Plate"

Divide your plate into four sections, leaving the center for the following results:

  • 1st Box - a serving of protein, poultry, fish, or red meat. (size=deck of cards
  • 2nd Box - minimum of 1/2 cup green veggies (you can eat as much as you want)
  • 3rd Box - some fruit (remember fruit and veggies prevent cancer)
  • 4th Box - 1 or 2 servings of carbohydrates, or starchy vegetables (corn, carrot, potato, or yams)**It is recommended that you eat your carbs at the end of your meal, because some people have trouble eating carbs with the LAP-BAND. This way you've eaten protein, fruit, and veggies.
  • CENTER - should be one serving of fat. Remember that monounsaturated fat is best.
    • 1 teaspoon oil, margarine, Mayonnaise, butter or regular salad dressing
    • 1/5 avacado
    • 1 slice bacon
    • 2 tablespoons nuts or seeds

    [*]Liquid - 2 servings of dairy products daily (can be used in-between meals)

    • non-fat yogurt
    • glass of skim milk
    • cup of non-fat frozen yogurt

Bread Group - 6 - 11 servings Carb's 50-55% of total Calories 1 carb = 4 calories

One Serving =

  • 1 slice bread
  • 1 corn tortilla
  • 4 crackers
  • 1 oz ready to-eat Cereal (3/4 c)
  • 1/2 c cooked cereal, rice, Pasta or beans
  • 1/2 c oatmeal1 baked potato (that fits in the palm of your hand)
  • 3 cups of popcorn

Vegetables Goup - 3-5 servings

  • 1 c raw leafy vegetables
  • 1/2 c other vegetables, cooked or chopped raw
  • 3/4 c vegetable juice

Fruit Group - 2-4 servings

  • 1 med apple, banana, orange
  • 1/2 c chopped cooked or canned fruit
  • 3/4 c fruit juice

Dairy Goup - 2-3 servings

  • 1 c milk or yogurt
  • 1 1/2 oz of natural cheese
  • 2 oz process cheese
  • 1 cup of non-fat frozen yogurt

Meat Group - 2-3 servings Protein 15-20% of total Calories 1 gr protein = 4 calories

  • 2-3 oz of cooked lean meat, poultry or fish
  • 1/2 c cooked dry beans counts as 1 oz lean meat
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp peanut butter
  • 1/3 cup nuts

Fat Group - sparingly (2-3 servings) Fat 30%or less of total Calories 1 gr fat = 9 calories

  • 1 teaspoon oil, margarine, mayonnaise, butter or regular salad dressing
  • 1/5 avacado
  • 1 slice bacon
  • 2 tablespoons nuts or seeds

Sorry for the extra long post -


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Is there any books that anyone would recommend about lap bands? I have read one and that is "Lap-Band For Life" by Ariel Ortiz Lagardere MD

I really enjoyed the book and would enjoy reading more if anyone knew of one!!!



Hi Jane -- I just finshed "Lap-Band For Life" as well and posted some notes of the content.

The first book I read was "Life after Gastric Bypass - 6 steps to ensure your weight loss success" by Katrina Segrave-- this was after attending Bypass seminar with my doctor -- I was determined this was the way I was going to go.

Then I bought "The Success Habits of Weight Loss Surgery Patients" by Colleen M. Cook from the doctor's office.

This one is quick easy reading as well --

Have a good night!


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OK, so I'm pretty sure this is all totally in my head, but ever since I didn't get my fill today,


I ate a lot (all legal tho) @ lunch & now want MORE. No sticking today, so far.

I feel like the beast is roaring: FEED ME!! Where's my littly kitty (from the LB commercial) when I need it???

It's not in your head. I did the same thing last week for 2 days! Today I'm having a hard time geting down 800 cal.

Jennifur - I rarely get to 1200 cal. Usually I'm at about 900. So I bought some 100 cal pack cookie crisp I enjoy them with sf pudding if I'm too low. Makes me feel like I'm cheating.

Terry (aka Gym Nazi) - You'd be proud of me today. Spent 2 hours at the gym. 1 hour 45min cardio and 20 min weights. Had a walk this am for 1 hour. Came home picked string Beans out of the garden (about 4 lbs of them), trimed a bush and watered flowers the yard. I'm TIRED, but to worked up to go to bed just yet.

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what great info tonight gals... thanks

Michelle - I went to the mall and walked around, I could not find anyoneto go with but I did have a very nice relaxing night.

I ran into an old friend I have not seen since last year, he didn't say a word but never said I looked horrible either. He has always been a great friend.

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TracyinKS - CONGRATULATIONS!!! First on the engagement and setting the date; second on your weight loss! 232.2!!! You're SO close to me...makes me want to get my butt in gear and lose faster! LOL

I had my first REAL episode today....I was talking with one of my mom's friends while I was trying to hurry and eat lunch so that I could get back to work on time. I don't know if I ate too fast, too much, or both, but almost right after I left my house (I was a few blocks away), I had to pull over and I was sliming like crazy, and I felt like I was going to PB. I did dry heave twice, but nothing came up. I tried walking around for a few minutes, but it was hurting like crazy in my chest. I've had small episodes like this, but this one hurt worse and lasted much longer! It took about 30-45 minutes before the pain eased up and went away. Wow, I'll definitely eat slower next time!!!

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good morning everyone,

heading to do a spin class.....then i have to get my house ready. i have visitors coming tomorrow for 1 week. i love company but get stressed before they come.

i had a semi-normal dinner last night. i feel like i am having the right restriction finally...not too much or not too little

hi tracyK

hi missjen

gr8: thanks for posting the excerpt from the book. there is alot of helpful info in your post

terri: i do know what you look like from photo's. i'm not sure what i'm wearing yet but i'm 5'8"..blonde hair. ..

have a great day everyone

adorable: those episodes are horrible arent they? it scares me evertime.

will check back in later

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