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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Josie - I can do either of those days. What location is convenient for you? TracyK -- wanna meet up with us?

Schexy?? Haydee?

Terri-Since I live closer to the coast AND it is a week night, I can't go. I really wish I could but I have to pass. My DH is on 24 hour call so I have nobody to keep my DD. What a bummer because I would love to meet ya'll. I think my best chances to meet any of you would be at one of the casinos in LA. lol

I am looking forward to next weekend cause my DS is keeping my DD for the whole week-end....I am SO psyched! Me time...omg i really need it. DH is working so I will probably run over to Delta Downs for a while all by my lonesome :)

The scales are still waivering between 219-221. I really need to stop weighing every day. I want to hide the scales but by DH weighs every day.

I have got to start getting off my rear end...so here is what I am going to do...When I drop my DD off at day care in the morning, I am going to walk on the treadmill at the "parents work out facility". There, I said it, so I have to do it, right? You all have permission to give me 30 lashes if I don't do it. See, I really have no excuses other than pure laziness. A free gym that I pass right by on a daily M-F basis.:faint:Yikes...

Just remember back to before you all started exercising...nobody wants to do it, but after you start it just becomes something that you feel like crap if you miss doing it!

Everyone have a great day!

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i can do either day too so lets see what the other girls say as a preference. can you pick the place since i dont really know anyplace yet. i can come towards your way if you want. my sister in law is like a walking map so she can direct me.......

please get on my back on monday to make sure i go for a little fill reduction. if i start feeling better i know i wont go. but i'm having troublem with Water tonight. so i'm "telling on myself" so i dont backout wednesday.

Josie, Terry - Tuesday, the 24th is better for me. I already have plans that Monday evening. Meeting anywhere is fine. I'd be coming straight from work and I work on Beltway 8 near 290. Let me know!
Ok, the 24th it is. Since Haydee is off the beltway and you're coming from Katy, I'd say somewhere off of I-10 and the tollway. Haydee, does that sound ok to you? How about Cafe Express or Escalante in Town & Country? The construction traffic is a nightmare around there....so if you can think of a better location I'm all for it. What time are we talking about? I can do anything after 5:45.
LMAO Terry~ The only day I "exercised" w/ DP was on my birthday! Other than that, I had no exercise the past 2 weeks. We did walk around in Vegas, but not as much as most people do, due to her feet swelling. So, I am really excited to get back into my routine. Plus a fill will help...I mowed 3 pieces of pizza w/ ease tonight!!!

Anyway, thanks for the literal laugh out loud! You crack me up.

Oh and by the way, CONGRATS on your NSV. The day I shop in REGULAR CLOTHES I will cry tears of joy! I am so proud of you. And w/ the ups and downs of the last few months...IT IS THE GYM THAT IS MAKING IT HAPPEN. I know many people have different thoughts, but in my opinion it is the gym baby...We love our gym nazi!!!

See?? This is why I missed you so much!! :love: Do you have a fill scheduled?
I used my leftover chicken and made green chile chicken enchiladas last week...........mmmmmm.
Great minds think alike. Chicken enchiladas was the first thing that popped into my head too. Haydee, I'll bet you can make a mean enchilada! My favorite food! My DD asked me the other day if I only had 2 foods to live on the rest of my life, what would they be? ....I said enchiladas (any kind) and chocolate chip cookies! LOL Then I changed it to broccoli and fish. Figured I'd live longer on those. :tired

Man, the rain is coming down in BUCKETS this morning!!! I can only think of about 3-4 days that it hasn't rained in the last 6 weeks. This is getting ridiculous!!!

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rain rain go away, come again another day...little violets want to play, rain rain rain rain go away :)

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hi everyone,

well i finally slept through the night without reflux. i still cant drink very well so i promise to go monday o drs.

i really didnt do this intentionally. my restriction is so weird. without a fill i was becoming very hungry...altho' i havent been able to eat hard Protein (fish, chicken, etc) very well since my operation. i guess i did "suggest" a bigger fill then needed. she started with 1.0 cc and i didnt feel anything. so i had her add .5

enough about this subject...i know i have to go....

chica and terri: since i'm not working make it an easy place for you guys....i can be anywhere...anytime

tracyk. we will have others. where do you live?

hi judy, you are so level headed about this lapband/weightloss process and make perfect sense.

hi jennifur, 10 hour days are quite taxing...i gained most of my weight when i was so stressed at work. i even told my boss at the time he should pay for a spa for me to take it off ha!

kat: it's funny all my friends in ny think i have this huge property down here in texas. i have about as much property as i had in NYC (maybe a little more). they think everyone lives on ranches and everyone wears cowboy hats ha!

you and your DH do some pretty interesting things....thats fun

where is your ranch???

chica: well today is another day of rain...so maybe you can make it a total relaxation day. make it a "homemade" spa day....luxurious bath, do nails, etc.

i wish i would feel guilty about the house...i am so not motivated lately....they could do an alfred hitchcock movie about the spiders around my house. they build webs faster then i can swipe them down. look forward to meeting you

anyway girls...have a splendid sunday

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tracyk. we will have others. where do you live?

I live in Dickinson, which is dead center between Houston & Galveston. So really it is the best of both worlds. 30 minutes from the beach, 30 minutes from the "big city". I used to live in Galveston and it was nice except for the fact that even grocery stores are higher because of the "tourist" thing. The only bad thing about living there was that when they were having an event, ie. Mardi Gras, Beach Party weekend, Dickens on the strand. When those came around, I just left town or stayed locked up in my apartment. lol Living there in the offseason is nice though.

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Josieb - I am not stressed at work but i gain 2-3 lbs every night, it is gone by noon. I drank 90oz of Water at work and 20 at home before I left - but it is so hot in there, sometimes i sweat sometimes not, but I know it is all Fluid.

I bring dinner or if i eat there it is a sm pc of chicken and some sauce, I don't eat pizza or Pasta or anything. Doesn't matter, doesn't make a difference. I don't get it. How can I lose weight if i get up gaining 2-3 lbs every day.

I need to go see my nutritionist this week. I am still not really eating so I don't get it.

right now i'm 221 and once I wake up and can get some of this fluid out of me i'll be back down to 218-219. Does that make any sense.

I'm on my feet getting a good aerobic workout for at least 2 solid hrs and on my feet working normal for the rest of the night.

i can feel my muscles building. lots of lifting and pounding out dough

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Good Morning Violets~

(I've missed saying that)

Just thought I'd wish everyone a great Sunday. It is 7:40 here, so still early. I wish I could meet all you Texas lovlies...that is so cool! Anyone coming to Palm Springs any time soon????

I am going to the gym tomorrow. Here is the workout plan:

4-5 miles on the bike

100 crunches

40 side crunches



inner/outer thighs

ass, ass, ass (I LOVE MY ASS MACHINE)

Like TracyK said, once I've said it out loud (or in print) I have to do it. Actually, I've been looking forward to it! My biggest problem is drinking w/ meals. I get my fill on Wed (woohoo). I need lots of restriction...I can eat anything now.

Have a great Sunday...I am gonna drink some coffee and play my online scrabble. For anyone interested try Quadplex I am kity there too!:ranger:

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so because i'm slightly nuts I went on to the biggestloser.com and did a profile. I can't believe they charge money to be part of the website and get info, but anyhoo........did do a free profile. and when all was said and done, said I should be under 150 and that I should get 1533 cals a day to lose weight... so here is a thought... are we not getting enough and that is why plateau?

right now I'm doing about900-1100 a day ... still much closer to the 900 mark.

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... houston girls near katy: should we plan to meet? it would be fun to see faces....how about monday or tuesday july 23 or 24th?...otherwise i will have to wait till august.

jmmlm Josie - I can do either of those days. What lo cbcccation is convenient for you? TracyK -- wanna meet up with us?

Schexy?? Haydee?

Josie, Terry - Tuesday, the 24th is better for me. I already have plans that Monday evening. Meeting anywhere is fine. I'd be coming straight from work and I work on Beltway 8 near 290. Let me know!

Tuesday the 24th is great with me! I would suggest maybe near Beltway 8 and I-10... Papapdeauxs? or Papasitas?

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Why do I wish I lived in Texas? Not because of the rain you are having! But, because you are having a get together!!!!! I am jealous! Have a great time!!!


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so because i'm slightly nuts I went on to the biggestloser.com and did a profile. I can't believe they charge money to be part of the website and get info, but anyhoo........did do a free profile. and when all was said and done, said I should be under 150 and that I should get 1533 cals a day to lose weight... so here is a thought... are we not getting enough and that is why plateau?

right now I'm doing about900-1100 a day ... still much closer to the 900 mark.

I think you have something here - Jennifur. I get on plateau's and then the scale moves downward when I ate - ate -ate and thinking the scale is going to move UPward.

I wish it was black and white -- do this, this, and this -- and you will lose this. No guessing games!:cry


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Great minds think alike. chicken enchiladas was the first thing that popped into my head too. Haydee, I'll bet you can make a mean enchilada! My favorite food! My DD asked me the other day if I only had 2 foods to live on the rest of my life, what would they be? ....I said enchiladas (any kind) and chocolate chip cookies! LOL Then I changed it to broccoli and fish. Figured I'd live longer on those. :tired

Hi my purple Pals!!

As for the above Terry---I know we have now realized there is much more to life than food.....but to hell with the longer life, I'd still take the enchiladas and cookies!!! No broccoli for me thanks!!!! LOL---you made me laugh! Shoulda made me feel guilty over my continuing bad choice, but nah, just made me laugh!!!

Josie, our place is outside of a small town called Comanche, on hiway 36. It has been in my husbands famly for generations, all the surrounding land is family owned too, as it gets broke down and passed down through the generations. Our part is like 80 acres. It has spring fed tanks (aka ponds) and also a creek. Now the creek is seldom a good thing, it is either dry, and the cows get off our land through it, or it is flooding, and leaving debris and weeds all over the pecan bottom.....but it is what is it is! We graze nd raise cattle on it. We are not getting rich with them---they basically pay us to go back and forth, and to take my in laws back and forth! We work there, is about it! There is always shredding briars to do, and sprigging new fields, and pecans to harvest...we do get to see some family, and I am meeting up with some LBT-ers hopefully down that way next time---but mostly that place ==work!!! Are you familiar with either Brownwood or Stephenville? We are about 35-40 miles from each.

Judy---do the bugs in my teeth count as Protein? ??? Hmmmmmm

Went to Walmart to pick up some groceries and odds & ends today, and decided to try some things on while I was there, and alone, with no reason to rush. I ended up frustrated with the sizing!! A size 14 in one style of pants fits great...another style has baggy thighs and sitting would effectively cut me in 2!! And the tight at the ankle stuff is coming back and it is not a good look for an egg on toothpicks like me! I found 2 shirts in the Misses in XL that fit, and are looong enough to cover my roll! Other Misses tops were nowhere big enough through the bust. So I pout my way back to the Plus sizes for shirts, and all of them I found were like short and wide. I found one, in an 18W that was perfect! It is sleeveless (UI don't usually wear sleeveless, I have some nasty scars), but it fits nice and close under the arm, no gap...the buttons lay smooth, it is a good length---and it was clearanced!!! So I got it cheap, but it was the only one. So I bought some cream colored capri's and 2 shirts. I need to go on a spending diet as well as the food diet!!! But my DH is like Terry's always telling me my clothes are baggy, then he mistakenly told me, I show my weight loss better in clothes that fit, instead of the baggy ones---so what does he expect????

What's everyone up to on this Sunday???


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I just got up from a nice, long nap. After church we went to the Art on the Bay here. It's an annual craft show that is huge. I usually get a shirt or two and a jumper or two, but there was nothing I couldn't live without clotheswise today. BUT I did get some nifty decorations for the flower gardens. One is a copper peacock made with copper and lots of colored glass discs for the feathers. Another was an old window painted with flowers to hang up on the shed behind my flower bed. Lastly was a set of birdhouse fronts arranged together with some twigs. Really rustic looking and hubby is going to screw them to an old shovel so we can stick it in the ground. We each had a fresh whitefish sandwich without the bun for lunch and tonight he'll have left overs and I'll have my favorite.. cottage cheese with blueberries and brown sugar splenda. Then we'll go out biking and see how many miles we can cover tonight. I got a new radio/light/horn for my bike. I'll be stylin'!

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Thanks for starting an April thread. I initially decided I wanted the surgery in September and figured I'd be done by the end of the year and have some weight loss to show for it, but as you know, hiccups keep popping up. But I am so relieved now to finally have the date! I'm so excited to keep everyone posted and to see how everyone else is doing going through the same thing at the same time. :)

hi my name is Ann ford,,,, i had my lap band done in november of 2004. i want to wish you the best of luck with your journey. i just saw dr singh in albany med hospital he had to remove my band. because the doctor that did my surgery messed up..but he is going to do the ryn bypass on me. you can reach me at fordforda9466@aol.com :help::D:)

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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