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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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hi everyone,

getting to the site late. i spent all morning setting up my new phone. i ended up ditching sprint (8 days later and they still couldnt figure out why they couldnt start up my blackberry). i bought the I-phone which is really nice and very simple-stupid which i need.

i'm still not feeling well and i didnt go to get some of my fill out yesterday. so i think i am going to do this on monday. we are leaving for washington on wednesday and dont want to feel like this over there.

i have terrible reflux now and havent really eaten anything...only liquids

houston girls near katy: should we plan to meet? it would be fun to see faces....how about monday or tuesday july 23 or 24th?...otherwise i will have to wait till august.

denise: you are doing alot of great things in your program. one thing i've done to trick my metabolism. when my calories get really low...i try to throw in a much higher calorie day to trick it into revving up. you cant go to the gym more the 6 days...well i guess you can but i think 6 is great...

kat. ...you should send them a check for 0.00...that would be really funny when the Accounts receivable dept opens it up

judy: 125 is great.....where do you live? it's raining here in houston too....i feel like i live in london

terri: i'm afraid to stop the gym....you may come after me...lol

hi tracy k, jennifur, chica, househuntress, adorable, gr8

laura...you are a beautiful girl and your pictures are so nice.

have a super saturday everyone

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Afternoon Violets~

I am finally home! 2 weeks is too long to be away...seems so surreal now. We made it home in just under 9 hours, my partner drove the whole way! I on the other hand ate the whole way home. I can't wait to "get back to normal". I am going to the store in the morning, there is nothing in the house. So we just ordered pizza...and that is it. Monday (yes, I have scheduled NOTHING for Sunday, except shopping) I am so at the gym, and early too! I've caught up on many of the posts and don't want to let my gym groupies down. I can't believe I am gonna say this, I MISS THE GYM!

Laura~ Where do I begin...you looked so beautiful, and so happy! I hope you will be blessed for life, and you and hubby have a long one. What is his name anyway???

Judy~ Sorry about the rain on your parade. Under the "grass is always greener" ideology, I wish it would rain here. But I am sure next week you'll do great, and sell sell sell.

Tracy~ Damn girl, you know how hot I would look at 239...almost as hot as you do! Congrats! I have no weight loss to report, but I am not even bummed about it. It will happen, I go for the fill Wed! Anyway, congrats...you go girl! 229, here you come!

Jennifer~ I think Dr. Terry hit the nail on the head w/ 15 mgs of Valium. You won't know or care where you are, or where your going. Seriously, my friend is like you, and was given some Xanax for her trip...worked like a charm! We call Xanax "smoothies" here...they take all the wrinkles out.

Kat~ so glad your granddaughter is well again. I kept up on some posts last week, and always kept you and your family in my thoughts!

OK...where is Sara???? Last I heard she was going to Mexico. Did she run away w/ some hot latin guy?

Gonna put my feet up and wait for the pizza...I know, I know, bad Pamela.

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Welcome home Pamela!! Hasn't been the same not seeing your posts on a daily basis!! We missed you!

Hi Josie!!!

Everyone have a great evening!

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Glad you and your partner had a good trip and glad you're safely back home. We've missed hearing from you!!

Kat.. I think you should send the $0.00 check with postage due.. hehehe

Josie.. you definitely need an unfill if you are having reflux problems and can't eat. Those are classic signs of having too much fill. I live in Northern Michigan. Here it is July 14th and it only got up to 70 today!

It's 60 now and I told Bob we need to fill up the hot tub and fire it up. My pool is down to 70 and I'd have to chip the ice to get in it!!

I just got done framing the new flower bed with paving bricks and now I'm going to go read my weekly magazines..People, Star, US.. you know.. the heavy reading!

Everyone have a great evening and remember to follow those bandster rules!!!

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Laura, Thanks for sharing your wonderful wedding day with us. May your joy increase each day together.


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Oh what a wonderful NSV day today! DH took me shopping :) for some makeup that I needed and we're walking along and he says, "We need to go get you some new jeans--those are too baggy!" I just bought these one month ago and they were just a wee bit snug. So we head to the REGULAR misses department (WOO FREAKING HOO!!!!!) and bought the 1st pair of jeans I tried on.... Lauren 16's and they fit so beautifully! Oh, and let me add that these are NOT stretch jeans!! :D So then we go to swimsuits...'cause they're all on sale and I need one for the gym and one for Vegas. 16's were too big so I was trying on 14's! OMG!! A 14!! Well, I told him I had at least one or two size 14's at home so I didn't need to buy one. I'll dig thru that dusty drawer tomorrow and see what I have. Somebody pinch me.

Oh, by the way...that spinning class this morning absolutely kicked my butt and I will NOT be going back! I left after about 1/2 hour...my heart rate was WAY too high and my sciatic nerve was acting up (still is). Jeez!!! I coudn't get out of there fast enough. So I went swimming then to the sauna. It was 180 in there today! Whew!!! Felt great.

Anyway, I'm now convinced that the scale is not accurately reflecting my progress. And apparently neither is the tape measure. But my clothes are!


PAMELA - I am SO glad you're back!!! I missed you terribly! Not surprised that you're missing the gym. What did you do for exercise while you were gone? Wait, nevermind.... you had DP with you. :) 'nuf said.

Josie - I can do either of those days. What location is convenient for you? TracyK -- wanna meet up with us?

Schexy?? Haydee?

Kat - I'll bet you a hundred bucks that if you send them a check for $0.00 they'll deposit it. That's how bright those folks sound! DUH! I think you should do it....with a note, "NOW am I paid in full??"

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Oh good lord...My family and I went to the lake today, rented a houseboat, towed the kids on the inner tubes, fished, etc.

I ate 2200 calories!!! HOW DID I DO THAT??? I need a fill...I'm going in on Monday.

Hope everyone else has had a wonderful weekend so far!!!

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oh my god terri...congrats on your NSV. the day i can shop in a regular dept i will throw a pool party. see :whip: all the cracking of the whip to get yourself to the gym really paid off...and as i told you before...you helped me to get off my butt to start going.

i can do either day too so lets see what the other girls say as a preference. can you pick the place since i dont really know anyplace yet. i can come towards your way if you want. my sister in law is like a walking map so she can direct me.

judy: one of my newfoundlands is from lake traverse??? a kennel called harbourlight. she was one of the best breeders i ever met

please get on my back on monday to make sure i go for a little fill reduction. if i start feeling better i know i wont go. but i'm having troublem with Water tonight. so i'm "telling on myself" so i dont backout wednesday.

anyway have a great night everyone

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wooohooo Terry----great progress!!!! I had hell buying a swimming suit---ended up with one I am less than thrilled with. But....next year without this belly ---watch out!

omg Josie---do not back down, you need just a smidge removed, before you start an evil cycle----swelling caused by a too tight band can be a really bad thing. You did not gain the weight over night, and it is going to take a little while to get it off again, just be patient, and do it in a healthy manner. We will be here to help you come up with ideas if the hunger strikes too hard. I don't think it will. I think when you get some relief, and are able to eat hard Protein, you will find it easy to eat and forget about food for awhile.

I am so jealous of all you guys getting together!!!! I go to TX 2-3 times a year, but I am going to the central part...between Abilene and Austin. We have a small (by TX standards) ranch there, and go down to check on things, and deal with cattle sales etc. And we go once around Thanksgiving time to deal with the pecans. Wish it was in your path!!!

Denise, you may have ate that much but don;t forget to factor in all the activity you were doing too----it won't totally counteract it, but when you add to it the fun and together time you had with your family, and you don't do it everyday---it was worth it! We all want to lose this weight, but don't forget to enjoy TODAY---while we are working towards being thin TOMORROW. Our tomorrows are never guaranteed, and you had a wonderful today with your family--don't let a simple overrun of caloric intake for one day influence your enjoyment. Glad you had fun, it sounds like a blast. We are going to the lake with our kids on Thursday. Our son and future Son in law both have boats.

Pamela it is so good to have you back!!! I am glad you had a good time, but isn't it wonderful to just snuggle back and be home finally! I love to travel, but am usually equally eager to get back home!

We don't have any big vacation plans, not knowing what Rick's health was going to allow, we didn't plan anything. Next weekend we are hitting another small motorcycle rally. It is pretty mellow---my DH wants to go to the Foghat concert. It will be fun, we are going with our friends we always bike with. Tonight we rode over, and had dinner at Chilis, and then went downtown and walked through about 12 -15 blocks of Street Rods. Man there were some awesome cars! I ran into an old boyfriend!!! He paid me the nicest compliment...and he likely has no idea! Each of the entries had a paper in the window detailing the make and model and year of the car and the name of the owner. Well I see this name I recognize from over 20 years ago! So I look around, and sure enough---there is an older version of the Dave I remember! So I walked up to him...he was facing away at an angle, and said "hey--remember me"? and he turned, his eyes went wide, and he gave me a hug, and said---"I would have known you anywhere, you haven't changed at all!" The remember me line was his old line---he used to come in to where I worked and always ask me that---"hey, remember me?" We talked, introduced him to Rick, and my friends. He never saw me at my fattest---I am still bigger than I was back then, but by no more than 15-20 pounds....and he had about that much extra too. He thought I hadn't changed!!! I loved it! Smiled all the way home----big....BIG mistake on a bike!!!

Judy---I love the postage due idea!!! What a waste of money! The paper and ink to print it, the extra mailing envelope, the postage to send it to me, and the personel time to do so---for an account with a $0.00 balance!

Well I am going to look around a bit, then head off to bed--I have full intentions of sleeping in tomorrow!!!! DH is going to work, so he will leave early, and I am going back to bed... talk to y'all tomorrow!


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LMAO Terry~

The only day I "exercised" w/ DP was on my birthday! Other than that, I had no exercise the past 2 weeks. We did walk around in Vegas, but not as much as most people do, due to her feet swelling. So, I am really excited to get back into my routine. Plus a fill will help...I mowed 3 pieces of pizza w/ ease tonight!!!

Anyway, thanks for the literal laugh out loud! You crack me up.

Oh and by the way, CONGRATS on your NSV. The day I shop in REGULAR CLOTHES I will cry tears of joy! I am so proud of you. And w/ the ups and downs of the last few months...IT IS THE GYM THAT IS MAKING IT HAPPEN. I know many people have different thoughts, but in my opinion it is the gym baby...We love our gym nazi!!!

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Josie, Terry - Tuesday, the 24th is better for me. I already have plans that Monday evening. Meeting anywhere is fine. I'd be coming straight from work and I work on Beltway 8 near 290. Let me know!

Well, I sat down this afternoon to watch my movie but my guilt wouldn't let me. Augh! I got up and cleaned the house. After it was all spic and span, then I was able to sit down and watch my movie...

I made a roasted chicken for dinner last night and I still have more than half the bird left over. I'm tired of making chicken salad with the leftovers. Anyone have any other ideas for my leftover chicken? I've already deboned it.

Getting ready to hit the hay. Anyone else still up at this hour?

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I used my leftover chicken and made green chile chicken enchiladas last week...........mmmmmm. Also did my own version of a chicken pot pie. We do lots of chicken around here!!!


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Thanks Kat. I had brain freeze or something tonight because I couldn't think of any other way to use it other than chicken salad. Helloooo, there are hundreds of things I can do with cooked chicken. I was just tired I guess. Thanks for reminding me about enchiladas. Green chicken enchiladas are so yummy.

Now I'm really off to bed. Good night Violets.

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Hello everyone. Just kind of getting in from work. It took all I had today not to go to the gym but I didn't and I'm not going to go tomorrow. I am off on Monday and Thursday this week, I'm already tired of working 10 hour days but what can you do. Actually I don't think I would car so much if i had 1 weekend night off.

anyway, I ordered chinese eggplant & black bean sauce for dinner. yum and hopefully the oils will help.

I'm off to bed. I'll check in tomorrow when I wake up

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Good Morning all..

Well, today was weigh in day as usual and for the very first time since getting surgery April 10, I showed a gain of 1# And yup.. I followed the bandster rules.. EXCEPT for taking 1/2 hour to eat. I can scarf down my meal in 10 minutes so I know now I need a fill. I'm not depressed,not upset. Just wanted you to know that even with following those bandster rules, you can still gain. Now I'll keep at it and hope that pound an at least one more come off by next Sunday.

I'm up at the crack of 7 a.m. going to get dressed for church. Everyone have a great day today and remember to follow those bandster rules.

Oh.. and Kat.. hope you get all those bugs outta your teeth! You sure made me laugh.

And Terry.. WOOOO HOOOOO on your NSV!! That's AWESOME!! I can't wait to be out of women's sizes and into the misses department someday!!!

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