TracyK 3 Posted July 11, 2007 Ahhhh....home from another trying day. The girl that works with me decided that she is going to stay for a while longer thank goodness. I guess my tears worked Congrats to everyone with a weight loss today!! Wow, I am at a loss for words...that never happens! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TracyinKS 7 Posted July 12, 2007 Terry: Did you ever eat your nanner? I agree with Michelle... do you really think I'll get to the point of only eating HALF? that would be a miracle.... truly........ me the gal that can put away the better part of a large pizza...... (scratch that........ the gal that USED to be able to ) NSV today.. the ladies at my sons daycare asked me how much I'd lost because they could really tell...... I said.. the same 31 lbs plus a HALF pound.. they were shocked because she said she could really tell especially around my middle....... WOW twice in one day for someone to mention my shrinking belly... I'll TAKE IT....... that and me getting so close to the 230's.. I have been EXTREMELY good...... I put a sun chip in my mouth and spit it back out......... I started to have count chocula Cereal but I put the bowl away and then b*tch slapped myself into submission and had a couple bites of cottage cheese instead...... I ate less than half of my leftover porksteak and then forced myself not to have desert......... and now it has been over two hours since dinner and I am DUE for my drink........... I WANT THOSE 230's I went to my sisters and picked up two push mowers and tomorrow I'm going to push mow my yard... (I broke the rider when I treated it like a brush hog) I have a rather large yard for living in town.... it spans 5 lots that I had privacy fenced in when I bought this place post divorce.. I had moved from the country and 6 acres so a yard was one of the things I required..... ANYWAY.. I hope everyone is having a great evening.. now I'm going for my drink. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TerriDoodle 6 Posted July 12, 2007 TracyKS- Nope, never ate my nanner! I'll save it for tomorrow. I like it mashed togethr with Peanut Butter and eaten with a spoon for breakfast! Weird, huh? But oh so yummy. Mashed bananas is one of my comfort foods....from like when I was 3!! Yes, I honestly think you'll only be able to eat half of that. Jenn?? Don't you agree? (She's got good restriction) Today it took me 45 mins to eat a scoop of crab salad; it just had crab, dill, lite mayo, celery and green onion in it. My salad plate also had a scoop of chicken salad and fruit salad and a piece of pita bread. Of course, normally it would all be gone within 20 min (pre-band), but after the crab, I had to put the rest away. Later I had 1/2 of the chicken salad and 1/2 of the pita bread at about 4:00. After my workout tonight I had 1/2 banana and <1Tbsp of peanut butter. (Bkfst was 1/2 c cottage cheese and some raspberries; later was a SBD Protein snack bar). That's it for the day. I calculate that to be roughly 1050 calories. Minus my workout, that's a net of about 800 calories. A pretty typical day here in bandland. Cool Beans on the NSV, girlfriend!! I'm jealous! Not one single person has said anything to me. (except for those who 'know') Kinda irritating. I KNOW I look hawt! Hello!!?!?! TracyK - Feeling better?? So glad to hear about the work situation!! Maybe she was just jackin' with ya. Michelle - your fluids will feel the same. You may first notice restriction when you eat solid tuna or chicken. Do yourself a favor and go slow between bites until you know how a food will go down. The very minute you start to feel pain in your chest...slow down, smaller bites, chew well. Wait for the pain to go before taking one more bite! Where is PAMELA?? I forget. I miss her.... and LAURA too!!! Haydee?? You 'round? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Teachlady 3 Posted July 12, 2007 Dh and I finished our 40 minute bike ride tonight. We did only 5 miles cause coming home we were fighting the wind. It was not as much fun as when the wind isn't blowing. I had to go to Fashion Bug and buy one of their clothes racks... my little white one kept collapsing with all the clothes on it. Fashion Bug is closing here and they are selling EVERYTHING.. Sooooooo I got the clothes rack for 10 bux and it will come in handy each time I have a garage sale. Tomorrow we put in the last of the garage sale items and then wait for the onslaught on Saturday. Time to head to bed. Ethan wore Grammy out today!! Everyone sleep well and remember to follow those bandster rules!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jennifur 0 Posted July 12, 2007 Yes, I honestly think you'll only be able to eat half of that. Jenn?? Don't you agree? (She's got good restriction) Michelle - your fluids will feel the same. You may first notice restriction when you eat solid tuna or chicken. Do yourself a favor and go slow between bites until you know how a food will go down. The very minute you start to feel pain in your chest...slow down, smaller bites, chew well. Wait for the pain to go before taking one more bite! Terry - Yes I agree - that is great restriction, I am just starting to be able to chug Water, I think I might have been too tight but just starting. I've lost 12lbs since my first fill last Tuesday. I just started eating a week out very moist ground turkey and cottage cheese. So 1/2 of that plate would be tight, but good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jennifur 0 Posted July 12, 2007 I started to have count chocula cereal but I put the bowl away and then b*tch slapped myself into submission and had a couple bites of cottage cheese instead...... TracyKS - see that was what I was talking about the other day when I asked if anyone else did crazy stuff like me.. I was cracking up when I read this I went to my sisters and picked up two push mowers and tomorrow I'm going to push mow my yard... (I broke the rider when I treated it like a brush hog) Again, this is me, I just had to get my mower fixed and the guy told me I was the worst lawn mower owner he has ever seen, needless to say it was in because I attenpted to mow down a tree. LOL Sorry for the dbl post, I couldn't get the mutli quote thing happening for me. Just getting in from work, I drank 3 bottles of Water tonight alone and hardly had to pee so I'm sure I am going to want to take the bridge in the morning when I weigh myself - but yes, I have to do it so I know what I need to do tomorrow. the humidity is suppose to break tonight, lets hope so Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mdrai 3 Posted July 12, 2007 Good Thursday Morning, Violets!~~ It's 5:51am here... what the heck am I doing up?? (I'm a night owl, NOT a morning dove!) When dh's alarm went off this morning he just about beat it to pieces trying to shut it off... so awake I am since 5:15am! Once I awoke, I had to get up to pee, which made the cats think they were getting fed so they climbed all over me, so I went to the kitchen & fed them, then I had to idea to make dh a nice lunch, then figured I'd check the 'puter... oh, and I had a sugar-free popsicle, too! One thing leads to another, I guess! I'll probably crash at 8:30pm! LOL! 12 lbs since last Tues, Jenn?? Fantastic! Judy, you're a real go-getter! Terri, that's the only way I can eat nanners... w/pb! Keep workin' it, girl, & someone who doesn't "know" w/notice soon! TracyKS... Count Chocula?? Now where in the world did you ever get the idea that THAT was a good food choice?? For you or ANYone?? Step away from the cereal! My new theory is that if I don't buy it, it won't be here to eat. (Part of my "loving my family w/food" recovery I'm in right now.) That + I used to store all "my" food in a separate cabinet from the general food so that it would be for only me (which only made it more appealing to them, of course!)... then it dawned on me that maybe my whole family should be eating a 100 cal pack rather than a sleeve of regular Cookies -- duh! -- so now I get the "good" stuff & share w/everyone... nice of me, huh?? It's amazing how the kids enjoy healthier cereals once their sugar buzz died off! On the other hand, I am so impressed w/you HAND PUSHING a mower for 5 lots! Oh my! TracyK... Hope work things calm down now... too much drama wears me out! Ok, well then... now it's 6:05am! What do all you early-birds do when you get up early?? This is so strange for me! + I have to be quiet as the kids are still asleep... so the things I need to do (unload dishwasher, vacuum, laundry, etc...) need to wait. Maybe I'll go for my walk now & get that done with... that's probably a good idea, as I have to have dd @ the eye dr's @ 9am sharp -- we went & picked up her new prescription sunglasses yesterday (she's 8 & has been in bifocals for 2 years now, her eyes are that bad, poor thing!) & left her regular glasses to have the lenses changed, then we went to the pool... well, we went back to the eye dr's @ 4:15 to pick up her regular glasses and THEY CLOSED @ 4 yesterday! Whoopsie! So she had to wear her sunglasses all evening! (It was kinda funny!) So since I'm on liquids today (bleh... my tummy's rumbling loudly!) I told her I'd take her to Starbucks (she gets the juice & I get an under 200 cal "creation") & then the eye dr's 1st thing this a.m. And that takes us to 6:11. BBL! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TracyK 3 Posted July 12, 2007 Good morning everyone.... Terri-she was not just jackin with me cause she took the call for the interview while I was sitting there. Anyway, it all worked out good, so now i can relax! At least for a little while. Michelle, you are right, the drama takes alot out of a person!! Looks like I am going to teeter around 219-221 again, but thats OK. I expected that considering I went from basically all liquids to solids. Makes sense to me so I am not gonna let it get me down (yet, lol) Everyone have a great day and remember what Judy always says... PS, TracyKS, great NSV!!! Feels good doesn't it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jennifur 0 Posted July 12, 2007 Michelle, My 3 year old was jumping on me at 7am YUCK, since I didn't get home from work until almost 11. so I'm only at 10lbs this am, I have not gone to the bathroom in 3 days which is not a pleasant feelilng. Plus, whenever I work at the shop when it is really hot, I don't pee at all. I drank 3 bottles of Water last night and hardly nothing, and I did take my water pill yesterday which I knew I should have. I am going to drink some of that special tea tonight. I with the interview yesterday I didn't want to take the chance that it would work to well. lol All I ate last night at work was a 3oz turkey burger with salsa that I made home, so we will see, but i'm feeling backed up so I'm sure that is my problem. or so i hope well, here I am tryin to wake up and drink some coffee.< /p> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mdrai 3 Posted July 12, 2007 Back from my walk! Got sidetracked w/a neighbor chit chatting for about 15 mins (what are all these people doing UP so EARLY???)... got back & kids are STILL asleep! I'll have to start clanking around w/the dishwasher, etc. to start rousing them... Jenn... I'm "backed up" as well... I hate that feeling!... I think one of my non-scale victories will be becoming "regular" again... those were the days....... TracyK... don't let the evil scale get you down!... focus on something else... exercise, or getting all your Water in, or measuring, or whatever... just something else! Evil scale! Make it a great day, everyone! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
househuntress 1 Posted July 12, 2007 Just a reminder that a get together is being planned for all of us that want to attend. Go to the thread in the General Lap-Band Discussion on meeting planned or something like that. It's getting closer to becoming a reality. Vegas BABY!!!:whoo: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mdrai 3 Posted July 12, 2007 I'd go to a Violets gathering in a heartbeat! Ladies? Shall we plan something??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jennifur 0 Posted July 12, 2007 Michelle I would love to plan something. I am afraid to fly, but not afraid to drive. so what is in the middle of everyone? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TerriDoodle 6 Posted July 12, 2007 I've lost 12lbs since my first fill last Tuesday. I guess I haven't been paying close attention!! 12 POUNDS??!?!?! Good Lawd!! I think I've lost 1 or 2. <SIGH>Congrats, girlfriend!! Ok, well then... now it's 6:05am! What do all you early-birds do when you get up early?? Well, duh! I get on LBT!!! Back from my walk! ...LOL this is always so funny to read a post saying, "I'm going to go for a walk (or to rehearsal or to the gym, etc)" and then 2 posts later.... "I'm BACK!" Like a time warp or something. Just a reminder that a get together is being planned for all of us that want to attend. Vegas BABY!!!:whoo: Somebody say VEGAS??? Oh, I am SO there. I'd go to a Violets gathering in a heartbeat! Ladies? Shall we plan something??? Ve-gas, Ve-gas, Ve-gas, Ve-gas!!!! :cheer2: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Teachlady 3 Posted July 12, 2007 Good morning Violets! Oh my gosh... I think I'm psycho........errrrrrrr I mean psychic! I was just thinking yesterday how neat it would be to be able to meet you Violets in person. I am on several communication programs and have met lots of wonderful people I have chatted with. We really need to figure out how we can do this. I'm willing to travel!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites