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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Good morning violets....welcome to the new violets :P

Terri-well, I managed to get my lazy a$$ out of bed this morning so that at the least is a positive thing, right? LOL

The good news is the scale went down the 1.5 I had gained. The Fluid pill did its job. Thank God. Now for the other 1 I gained....the fibersure should take care of that...TMI i know.

Everyone have a great day and remember what Judy always says!!

We miss you mdrai & pamela!!

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LOL TERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P I'm laughing so hard my lazy ass is jiggling!

I have a crazy morning today............... but I wanted to pop in here and announce...................

I saw a NEW LOW TODAY! 241 even............ I got to drop the .6

I AM getting to the 230's this week! I AM I AM

back later

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Morning Violets


I am back from the gym, feeling great of course... do not feel so great getting up but I did it. Going to get ready for my interview.

TracyK - I am caught up with you again... how is that for motivation. LOL I am able to eat about 3oz of food but very moist, but I'm eating so I'm happy.

Tonight is back to work at the pizza shop, I'm going to grill some chicken to bring with me so I have something I can eat and not get absolutely starving. I always gain from retaining there so I'm going to drink an extra bottle of Water to try to flush myself out.

I am so excited I wanted to hi 215 by July 15, at this rate, I can lose 4lbs by the weekend with all my hard work. or very close anyway. I know i can...

Remember what Judy says........

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LOL TERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P I'm laughing so hard my lazy ass is jiggling!

I have a crazy morning today............... but I wanted to pop in here and announce...................

I saw a NEW LOW TODAY! 241 even............ I got to drop the .6

I AM getting to the 230's this week! I AM I AM

back later

:clap2: wooooooooo hoooooooooo!!!!!

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Good morning all you lovely Shrinky Dinks!!

Welcome Melissa!!

Ok, I like Terry's idea of coordinating outfits, but the visual with my choir is really burning into my eyeballs. HOWEVAH...I think it's time we all got some kind of uniform for the Shrink'n Violets. Push up bras are a must along with a lot of duct tape. Since bellys seem to be a problem with some of us, I'm suggesting no thongs. I'd put mine on and then never find it again! How about lo-rider jeans? Then it can all hang out!! Ok.. bad ideas. We'll just stick to our lovely nammies we all wear when we type first thing in the morning. Don't even tell me some of you don't check here right after you wake up!!!

DH just weighed this morning and he's down 47#. I'd be thrilled, but now he's lost more than me. This is WAR!!! I've got to hit -50 before he does!!!!

Just finished my cottage cheese and blueberries with brown sugar Splenda. yummmmms. Crystal Light is chillin' in the freezer. Got to go get dressed and head to a flute quartet rehearsal. Then Ethan comes over for the afternoon. I have two racks of clothes yet to price so my day is planned!

Everyone have a great day and remember to follow those bandster rules!!!!

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Good Wednesday Morning, Violets!~~

Wow you girls are a chatty bunch lately! I can't keep up! I did a quick scan of the last few pages... a rowdy group, I see! (something about we're all getting uniforms of leopard-print push up bras??? Thank & Judy's lost her thong somewhere unmentionable??) (ha ha... see what a "quick scan" will get me!!! :P)

Anyhoo... w/the kids home over the summer, I have no routine to speak of, so some days I can linger on the 'puter, & some weeks I hardly get to check it (like the last few weeks!)... I am a creature of habit & I LOVE routine... too bad for me in the summer! Sometimes a week might have a routine (camps, whatever), but not always... It's hit & miss... oh well... Sept will come in its time & then I'll miss the summer! I'm a nut! I guess that's my (long0winded) way of saying that if I don't post a lot, don't fret... it's just me having no routine!

Welcome new folks... I'm a May bander whom the great gals of April adopted!

I've walked every day this week -- yay me! (No aqua pilates this week... it starts up again next week).

TODAY IS MY FIRST FILL!! I'm a little nervous, but not anxious... I feel like I have all the info I need from you gals... and I NEED NEED NEED some SERIOUS restriction... the last couple days have completely reminded me why I had to get the band... each day I've woken up and said "today's the day I'm getting back on the wagon & being "good" w/food"... and then by 4pm my sneaky brain has figured out some loophole of why I *need* to eat 2 pieces of pizza or an ice cream from ColdStone... which is why I got the band... so I'm not physically able to do the things that my evil brain wants me to do/eat!!! I'm still holding at -30, but haven't been able to go lower... I'm hoping that this fill can kick me back into losing mode!!!

Make it a great day, ladies! :)

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Hello everyone, I was banded April 3, 2007, at the SWLC by Dr. Mumford, and would like very much to be part of this group. :P

I've been working out with a trainer since the middle of May and find that I have been loosing inches, alot...15.5 overall, however the weight loss seems to be a little slow...10lbs overall since May 17. I've been told that this may be do to the fact that I am building muscle which weighs more than fat. Regardless of the reasons I am getting frustrated. I have been at 222 lbs for the past 2 weeks despite the fact that I am working out 5 hours a week, feeling more restriction and that I am eating less then before.

Has anyone else been through this? Does anyone have any suggestions? What do I need to do to get into the teens?? :help:

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Hi Everyone...I see we have a few new violets...hello to you all..

You guys have been giddy since I checked in here last, goo to see everyone's spirits up!!

PUDDY...you can't really depend on the scales when you're working out. You are now in a frame of mind that has you depending on seeing that number go down in order to motivate encourage you and make your efforts feels justified. Your work out's will transform your body very subtley until one day you'll put something on and it'll fall back off you AND you'll get stronger. For us women it's so important to build our muscle to keep us upright as the years go by. So PUDDY, you need to train yourself not to depend so much on the scale and and find some other form of measuring to track your progress. Ask at you gym to get inches done or body fat / muscle ratio anlysis done once a month and you will see the difference there. Muscle weighs A LOT mor than fat but takes up less room in your body hence loosing more inches than lbs...keep it up, what your doing is fantastic and you'll be a fabulous strong wonder woman in no time..

KAT...speaking of body Fat...OMG...THAT IS FANTASTIC!!! down that much!!! Holy S*** girl, congratulations!! Amazing..

TRACYInks..YOU will hit the 230's this week...I admire your tenacity and your refusal to get down when I know it's so frustrating to break a plateau! You deserve a break and it shall be done!!

As for the Tummy Tuck, I've had one. the last time I lost this weight, I lost 100lbs, worked out to earn a body fat of 20% and was fit as a fiddle, and so I decided to have the belly cut off...

It was the BEST THING I had ever done at the time and it gave me so much confidence & to be able to wear stuff I couldn't before. Even as I was slim I still had that Crease where my pouch was, my belly smiling through my clothes for all to see!!

What I didn't know at the time was that I would gain all my weight back and that was very hard..I lost it the wrong way, I didn't do the head work I basically starved and worked out TOO HARD to get to that point and I didn't work on maintaining, I Thought I was "DONE"..

Anyway, I still admire the results of my TT, it's not completely ruined, and besides I knew when I was getting it done that pregnancy would stretch me again, but I done it anyway, and the result was amazing.

I would say as with everything the SURGEON is the key, mine was fantastic, a miracle worker, and I would (and just may) do it again depending on the state Of my skin post pregnancy...but I'll see..

The only thing right now I'm finding is that although I still have a relatively flat tummy, my pubic mound has gotten very fatty and THAT's annoying me, I'm very conscious of it and when I get down to a reasonable size again I will review THAT situation and if it doesn't shrink I will have it injected.. Bloody FAT gets everywhere!!

To you guys in the US your fanny is your Tooshy but here in Ireland / UK your fanny is the FRONT of your bum (as in your nether regions) LOL

So Everytime I dress in something that shows off my flat tummy I can see my fanny protruding and it's a NO NO for that outfit...BUMMER!!

The ups and downs of plastic surgery, once you nip one thing everything else starts to look disproportioned..

Hey, Terri...Bet you knew I couldn't stick with the short posts...LOL

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P.S....During my Tummy Tuck the surgeon went in and sewed my ab muscles back into place also...they had streched and pulled away from my ab wall from so many years of carring fat around.. I had my pouch since I was ten years of age..I obviously did the damage over a LONG period of time, but noe they are back in place and if I were to go back training, my ab muscles would actually respond this time and gimme a six pack...but I'm not mad about six pack on a woman, I prefer the 80's Madonna belly.... Is she Ripped now or what? What an amazing specimen

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That's right Lunasa, I had forgotten the surgeon did say that the fatty pubic mound was another area Lipo could be done.....my FUPA could use some help too!!!! I was not able to book an appointment for the day we will be in ABQ, so I am going to look over the calendar, and find a day that works. I ask her about the injection vs. lipo, and she said they are doing new things everyday, and that the Dr. is the best one to outline my options....of course!!! But will be working towards that in the next few weeks. She said the Dr. could return my call if there was anything particular I wanted to discuss, but I don't think I have anything special to discuss. I just want it done....yesterday!!!! Thanks for assuring me that it IS worth it Lunasa-----hugs!

Going to head to Curves after getting my nails done today I think. I usually give it a day between, but they are right next door, so it seems like a sign!! I was going to get on my elliptical this morning after the girls arrived, they usually snooze a little while, but Kinsey wanted to snooze ON Granny!!! So we all cat napped together! So maybe Curves will make up for it!

Welcome Patricia----You too will come to love this group!

Laura---so sorry the bug got you, and on your honeymoon no less. At least it was shortlived, and you made it through the ceremony. Might it have been heat exhaustion??? Guess we will have to refer to you as MRS. Laura now! I bet you are excited to get into your new home, and living your new life. Congratulations!!!!

Anyone taken kids or grandkids to see the new Rattat (laugh it up, we ALL know I have no hope in hell of spelling this right!!!!)rattatouie?????? Thinking of taking the granddaughters tomorrow, and just wondering if it will hold the interest of the 2 yr old.

My DIL is mad at me, and has not come around, so I have not got to see my grandson. Makes me sad, and mad both! I simply told her the hospital was no place for him. It wasn't! Every single one of us got that virus, and he could have ended us just as sick as Kinsey was---he is younger than she is. Add to that the fact that she does not discipline him in any way, and there is sooooo much to get into in a hospital. Oh well, she will get over it. She has been spending a lot of time with Rick's ex.....and she always becomes distant then. She is NOT a good role model, we are hoping she has changed her ways.

Well I need to go check the Water in the kids pool, it is filling. Hoping it warms some so they can play after lunch. My Mom is coming over to watch them while I get my nails done.....and exercise!!!

Talk to y'all later!!!!


ps---for the newbies, I am Kat, married to Rick, we are both 46. We live in the 4 corners area of New Mexico. We have 3 kids...a son and 2 daughters. A total of 4 grandkids now, I take care of the 2 girls one 6 and one 2 most days. I ran a day care for 20 years, and have now chose to keep just ours, and let my DH pay the bills!!!! He works for a world wide oilfield service company. DH has had some serious health issues this last year, heart valve surgery, and a massive GI bleed....so it has been a tough year!

I had my band surgery in Mexico in April of 06. I am down 96 pounds this morning I think....the weight loss has slowed down, but the body is still changing a lot. I have had 2 fills, and am pretty happy where I am.

We welcome you and look forward to getting to know you!

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Hi Ladies!

Got my first fill yesterday. Done at the hospital under floroscope. I guess my port was turned a little and that's why he had to do it this way. Got 1.5 cc fill and he said I should be good for a while. He's so confident in what he does, I love it.

I'm on liquids for 24 hours and then mushies. Boy can I feel the restriction. I'm ready though!

Judy, you're in Port Huron area right? Are you going to participate in the 200 mile garage sale weekend in August? We have our travel trailer in Harbor Beach and I drive up by myself so that I can leisurely hit the sales where I want without the hubby and kids bugging me. He's good about it, but the kids can only take so many stops before they're done. I just like to browse and look for bargains. The higher you get up in the thumb, the cheaper things get. But if your garage sale stuff doesn't rake in some good money, try ebay. I've watched for Womens clothing on ebay and they can get some good prices. Probably due to large people who would rather buy something they think might fit at half the cost of going out to a dressing room. go browse for stuff that you are thinking of selling and you'll see what kind of prices people are getting.

Well I have to run. got lots to do at work and not getting anything done catching up here.

have a great day!

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P.S....During my Tummy Tuck the surgeon went in and sewed my ab muscles back into place also...they had streched and pulled away from my ab wall from so many years of carring fat around.. I had my pouch since I was ten years of age..I obviously did the damage over a LONG period of time, but noe they are back in place and if I were to go back training, my ab muscles would actually respond this time and gimme a six pack...but I'm not mad about six pack on a woman, I prefer the 80's Madonna belly.... Is she Ripped now or what? What an amazing specimen

Thanks for all the great info... some of it maybe TMI LOL but that is ok.

Patricia, welcome - we are great motivators here in one way or another, we all have good days and bad... but if you can tell they all seem to be good at the moment:D

TrackKS - I lost a post this am congrats on he loss, you are awesome as always.

So I went on the interview, and as always would be a perfect job, it starts at crapy pay but they provide all the training and I would get to go to construction sites to test concrete and stuff. different place every day. How exciting. But I don't want to get my hopes up so I don't get disappointed, but it would be great!

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I'm back from my fill! ;)

"Piece of cake!" ha ha ha ha ha

ok... well, how about:

"Glass of Protein shake!"

is that a better saying for "Easy peasy!" "No problem!" etc???

Laid on table, tightened stomach muscles (suuuuuuuuuuure I did -- lol!), held up head from table (sort of a crunch position)... held it... held it... shut my eyes... felt the pinch as the needle went in... he poked around a bit... it didn't hurt but I kept making faces I guess (didn't realize it) & he was concerned that he was hurting me and I assured him not, it was just my reactions to KNOWING there was a needle poking around in me... felt the plunger go down... he took out the needle & voila! Sipped some h20 w/no problem.

I have 4ccs in a 10cc band. Will make another app't for 2 weeks whether I think I'll need another fill or not.

It's liquids for today & tomorrow, mushies Fri & Sat, then RULE FOLLOWING TIME w/sips & tiny bites & chewing, etc... Judy's reminders will be ringing in my ears!

Haven't tried to drink anything... a bit scared to, like after surgery!... Fingers crossed that I'm now on my way!

Tracy... what's that pork steak recipe... what is pork "steak"?? I know only pork loin or chops. put that in crock pot w/alfredo sauce & cook? Anything else? mushrooms/onions?? I need soft yummy stuff that's lc & easy to make!


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Jenn -- Fingers crossed for you & the job!

Lunasa -- You're "reading" perkier! ;)

Hi Kat, & new folks!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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