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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Y'know Judy, that June exercise challenge "32/20 workouts completed" just really irks me!!! :D

I fell short of my goals and am not happy about it at all! ;)But I WILL NOT fall short in July, you can take that to the bank!!!

Who else is in for a July exercise challenge???

Me, me, me!!!:eyebrows:

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Ms Jen - Thanks...I'm gonna check out that outlet store! Didn't know they had one! I actually just got home from their great sale! I got 4 pair of pants and 5 shirts for work...for about $300. Nice clothes, for what... $33 each piece. Not bad for Ralph Lauren, Jones NY and JH Collectibles, eh?? It'll get me thru the summer, I hope! Bought some pants a bit snug, too, so that'll be fun to watch how they fit better and better as time goes on. Also, got a pair of Jones NY pants at the resale shop for $2 on Thursday! :D Now, THAT's a deal!


I work at the outlet store . Everything in the store is 75% off. All ove our sweaters have an extra 50% off of that. All summer skirts are $9.99 with and extra 30% as well as the summer tops and most are marked down to $4.99 with the extra 30% off.

I purchased 5 sweaters today for $19. If I had to pay the full price for each of them it would have been over $350. All women's boots are a extra 50% of the 75 too. I work to shop!:biggrin1:

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OK ladies...is this "gang up on the girl with PMS" day or what? lol

LOL no way...and I'd never tease someone about their TOM - I KNOW how horrible it is each month! For years I had miserable periods, endometriosis, fibroids, and finally a huge cyst on my ovary which is finally when we decided it was time to take out the crib and just leave the playpen!

I still suffer from some of the PMS though since I still have ovaries and produce all those great female hormones....yep, still get emotional, hungry and whiny. My hubby says it's just cuz I'm a woman LOL

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Y'know Judy, that June exercise challenge "32/20 workouts completed" just really irks me!!! :D

I fell short of my goals and am not happy about it at all! :DBut I WILL NOT fall short in July, you can take that to the bank!!!

Who else is in for a July exercise challenge???

I agree... LOL Go Judy!

I was short 5 workouts for the month, but considering I am running around in a kitchen 2 nights a week (at work) for 6-8 hrs I would call it even.

I have my July exercise challenge posted in my signature, I broke it down by workouts (weights) and Water aerobics to make it a bit more focused

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IT'S OVER!!!! I SURVIVED!!!! The vow renewal and reception went off without a hitch! I ended up being very emotional through the ceremony...which really surprised me. It touched me to the very core, to see the sincerity in which they said their vows to one another---you felt that they meant it. I have heard them said, many, many times. Even said them myself a couple of times!!! But as much as I love Rick, I was nervous, so was doing a lot of it on auto pilot!!! The vows they said were the standard, but you felt the love in the room....it got to many of us. It made me so proud, and made me feel so incredibly lucky to be their child! My Mom was flabbergasted by the ring!! And when Holly come out to sing, it surprised them both. The cake was pretty, and moist, the punch was good----and did I mention....IT'S OVER???!!!! LOL, it was fun, and I loved having the family here, but the relief that it is done, and all went well, is overwhelming!!!! I have my parents wedding album that my Grandma had. So I went through it with my friend who is the photographer, and we recreated many of them. Put all the wedding party into the same poses as 50 years ago....that kind of thing. I will take the pictures he took, and make them an album and a disc....they will love it! I have most of it cleaned up, but will finish it tomorrow. Thanks for hanging with me while I obssessed over doing the parties!!!

Terri----YES----Count me in for an exercise challenge! I am finally losing again---and want to keep it that way! I blew off my Curves this month, it has been such chaos, and I miss it! I still walk, but to me that is more of a meditation time, than an exercise time! I walk fairly fast as a general rule, whether out walking for exercise, or grocery shopping, I walk fast. But when I go out early in the morning, it clears my head, and puts me in a better frame of mind for the day!!

So Lunasa, you feeling any better? I thought about you and worried off & on all day!!!

Sorry Tracy another happy hysterectomy girl here. Actually the hysterectomy was not "happy" I had uterine cancer in the endometrial lining. But---do I miss what they took? NOPE...UH UH...NOT AT ALL...!!! I had serious problems for many years, with endometriosis, and other issues, PCOD, I had very irregular periods for years, wouldn't have one for months, then have the period from hell for 3 solid weeks, ended up in the ER many a time...no one wanted to really do anything about it. Then the last time I hemoraged, they routinely sent off for the pathology, and it come back with cancer cells. The tests began in earnest then, and they put me onto a mild form of oral chemo---for 6 months, prior to doing my surgery! Then my hysterectomy was supposed to take 2 hours, took 7 1/2!!! Because of all the "misplaced" endometrial tissue from all those years, and since that was where the cancer was discovered, it took hours of cleaning, and making sure it was all gone. When they got in, my ovaries, were bad as well....not cancerous, but choked off with the overgrown tissue....so it is all gone. And instead of a 6 inch scar, I have one from hip bone to hip bone, and a center vertical scar (picture a +). And you know what??? It was worth it! Then we went to infusion chemo....I lost my hair, and felt like hell for 4 months.....3 days ago marked my 5 years of being cancer free.........so I am now considered by my oncologist as free as opposed to being in remission! One of the muscles they stitched ripped loose on the inside, causing my fat belly to sag more on the left than the right. With the scar I have a Tummy Tuck, and muscle repair is nothing!!! And yep-----STILL WORTH IT!!!!

I always envied the friends I had who knew exactly what day they would start, and could maintain a normal life during their periods, I was never that way from day one. So in my case it was Good Riddance!

Well I think I have wound down enough to maybe sleep! Early Breakfast with some family, then they will all head home---and I can clean up my yard!!!

Thanks for all the kind wishes---and sweet words of encouragement....even you guys almost reduced me to tears! It is sure nice to have the wonderful support.

Hugs to all you Purple Princesses....Talk to you tomorrow!!!


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3:00a.m. - Me here. Just growing a few gray hairs waiting for my 16 year old DS to get home from a concert!! LBT serves many purposes!

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Good Morning, Shrinky Dinks!!!

Weigh in day today and I lost 3# this week!!! Don't shoot the messenger, k??? I've worked hard and followed the rules to a T. We leave tomorrow morning for our fills. I'm kinda nervous to see if I have restriction this time. PB'ing is not something I want to experience, ever!!

Kat.. congrats on a job well done with your parents. What an amazing day you made for them!!

Terry... hope your DS got home before curfew!! Who did he go to hear??

Time to get showered and dressed for church. Everyone have a relaxing Sunday! And remember to follow those bandster rules.. they REALLY work!!!

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Oh My GOD Judy...44lbs!!! That is AMAZING..hats off to you!!!

Kat..thank you for your words of advice, and I'm happy for you that your parents anniversary occasion went so well...sounded beautiful..xx

I'm feeling a bit better today...I ended up having to call the clinic's emercency line (nurse on call) as I was in a total panic that I had damaged the band or the pouch..

Because I haven't been journaling my food for a month I had nothing to refer to as to whether or not I was steadily overeating lately..

The sandwich episode remained a ball in my chest and I heaved once and slimed a few times while burping all day and I really became anxious and freaked out..

Nurse said the signs of damage are pain & vomiting.. I had no need to vomit and what I had I wouldn't describe as pain..just a golfball sensation so she reckons I may just have put pressure on the band and caused a bit of swelling around the area ( I am still paranoid about pouch dilation and still worried about slippage!!)

Anyway she told me to go on fluids for 2 days and then safts for two days to let hings heal & settle and if there's no improvement by monday to call her again...

So All day yesterday I have been in a panic and I have felt that golfball sensation...even today I still feel something but It's more like heartburn today, so I'm still worried right now and will remain so until I feel back to normal..

What a slap in the face though..talk about second chance!! If everything is ok I will never abuse this band or myself again...I am so so nervous now!! She also said stressing about it will just make things worse and as long as there's no pain or vomiting that she would have no cause to be concerned or suspect damage..

I guess I should be relieved at this but as long as I feel the way I do right now I will worry...what if I'm confusing pain & heartburn? I know that sounds silly girls, but now I'm wondering if the uncomfortableness I'm feeling COULD be classified as pain? Today's going to be such a long day for me.. I hope it goes away..

You all must be sick of me at this point but I promise, If I get away with this, there won't be anymore posts like this or the previous few.. I will cop on and follow the rules..

If I do that well then I will have Judy's success to look forward to!! That's what a good rule follower gets!! LOL (good luck with the filll by the way)

I have to believe I can do this and I have to believe I can & will be happy, I cannot waste anymore time in the pursuit of something I do not believe in..and that is my core issue and main obstacle..

Here's to JULY everybody

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Good morning all!!

OMG...i still can't eat. Even when I drink I feel the tightening in the chest. then I sit and wonder, OK, is it supposed to be this way? Heck, I don't know, I am still new at all of ths stuff. But I don't think chest tightening while drinking something is how it is "supposed" to be. Am I just being a baby? I only have .9 in there for goodness sake!! My TOM last day was Friday and I still have as much restriction as before. The dr office told me when I went in for that fill to give it about a weekafter my TOM and let her know how the restriction is going. I can handle a liquid diet but this is rediculous! Somebody pass me a tissue please....

OK, enough of me and my self pity party.

Judy...congrats on your 3 pounds this week. That is awesome!

Terri-I hope your son made it home safe & sound and I also hope you did not pull ot too much hair in the wait for his return!!

Kat-what a horrible time you had with your female organs!! I am glad that you were able to have it all taken care of!!

Denise-I was just touchy yesterday. I know you weren't purposely "picking on the PMS girl" LOL

We are expecting rain again today. So, grocery shopping in the rain is what I have planned. I found a place that has Water aerobics...the next step is to find someone that can keep my daughter while I go...where there is a will, there is a way.

PS, I did not go get new panties yesterday...I knew Terri would want to know :D

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Nurse said the signs of damage are pain & vomiting.. I had no need to vomit and what I had I wouldn't describe as pain..just a golfball sensation so she reckons I may just have put pressure on the band and caused a bit of swelling around the area ( I am still paranoid about pouch dilation and still worried about slippage!!)</p> <p> </p> <p>Anyway she told me to go on fluids for 2 days and then safts for two days to let hings heal & settle and if there's no improvement by monday to call her again...</p> <p> </p> <p>Lunasa!!! Your post made me realize something!! I have not let myself heal from my last pb!! (Friday)</p> <p>I am also going to do the liquids and then mushies for a few days to see if that helps my situation. Thanks for the reminder...I appreciate it. I have just been so wrapped up in thinking it was due to my TOM that I forgot about doing the liquids only for 2 days after a PB!!</p> <p>Thanks!!<img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/clap2.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Clap2" smilieid="217" class="inlineimg" /></p>

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Terry... hope your DS got home before curfew!! Who did he go to hear??

MAJOR CONGRATS on your weight loss, Judy!!! You've hit the 180's too!!!!!!!! About DS: One of his favorite bands (Voxtrot) was playing at an all-age club downtown. I wouldn't normally let him do something like that but he has been working SO hard at his job and summer school that I just felt he needed a break & a reward. He's had a rough year and is doing 150% better now in all regards. So he and 3 girlfriends go down to the club and when they get there learn that there are 2 other bands playing ahead of Voxtrot!! So I told him that it's fine...to go ahead and stay to watch. By the time he dropped off his girlfriends and made it home it was 3:20!!! He'll be sleeping until 1:30 I'm sure.
Nurse said the signs of damage are pain & vomiting.. I had no need to vomit and what I had I wouldn't describe as pain..just a golfball sensation so she reckons I may just have put pressure on the band and caused a bit of swelling around the area ( I am still paranoid about pouch dilation and still worried about slippage!!)

Anyway she told me to go on fluids for 2 days and then safts for two days to let hings heal & settle and if there's no improvement by monday to call her again...

Lunasa!!! Your post made me realize something!! I have not let myself heal from my last pb!! (Friday)

I am also going to do the liquids and then mushies for a few days to see if that helps my situation. Thanks for the reminder...I appreciate it. I have just been so wrapped up in thinking it was due to my TOM that I forgot about doing the liquids only for 2 days after a PB!!


I'm sure Kat can relate her experiences better, but after being aggressive with my fills and having gone thru quite a bit of trial and error with restriction, what your nurse described is exactly what's going on. You simply irritated your band, stoma and esophagus then went on to irritate it again with your next regular meal, then your next, etc. Take heed....that's what it feels like to have irritation. That is your cue to go on liquids or mushies until it diminishes. Then when it does, progress to the next stage carefully .... chew well, swallow...and wait between small bites (very important). You may feel a little pressure, but it won't be painful or irritating like the golf ball. Day by day it will get a little better. These are our trial and error days when we learn how to deal with restriction....and searching for that sweet spot. No need to panic...the body has tremendous healing abilities! What you're experiencing is what all bandsters before you have also dealt with. Just a little bump in the road!! If you were riding a bike, fell off and scraped your knee you wouldn't be in a panic! Think of this in much the same way. If you made that same mistake every day, several times a day for many months you would probably start to have some serious problems!

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Thanks Terri... :D:girl_hug::D

I continue to hope & pray I am not facing damage!!

If not this is the best thing that could have happened to me at this point..I have now got the switch in my head that knows now that this is not another half assed attempt...I wanted a restrictive method and I have one..I will be a good girl from now on..

Once my doctor put me on meds that basically gave you the runs (diarohhea) if you eat too much fat..he said It would help with the behavioural aspect of changing my ways and teach me not to do it again...But all I had to do was not take the tablets and I'd be fine, although not dealing with my problems..Now THIS is what will teach me a lesson...I am terrified right now & if all is well everything will be different..I don't want to go through this again..I'm climbing the walls..

I have been keeping a handwritten diary and read it all last night and I'm so glad I have been keeping notes about my emotions & struggles..It is proving very helpful and I am going to seek help for the issues that have been raised and the true obstacles in my path to freedom & happiness.

It's all about belief, I have become depressed over the years because of the evidence I have gathered in my experiences with weight loss. Every time I do it against myself knowing & believing & expecting to fail again, it has all been in vain...

Henry ford said (and someone on here the other day quoted)

"Whether you believe you can, or believe you can't, you are right."

This is my problem, I am struggling to achieve something I truly have never believed in...I need to change that belief..that's going to be the key, and also very hard to do.

I want to find someone who can help me TRULY change that belief..

Who would that be? Psychologist? Psychiatrist? Hypnotherapist? NLP?

Anyone know anything about that? I want to work it!!

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This is my problem, I am struggling to achieve something I truly have never believed in...I need to change that belief..that's going to be the key, and also very hard to do.

I want to find someone who can help me TRULY change that belief..

Who would that be? Psychologist? Psychiatrist? Hypnotherapist? NLP?

Anyone know anything about that? I want to work it!!

How about a "Life Coach"? They're very popular here in the States. How about on that side of the pond? They can do phone and online consultations, too....so no need to make it to their office for an appt. once a week!! My girlfriend did that and she loved it!! Got her thru a very rough patch better and stronger than ever. She swears by them!

A life coach wrote a book that I read recently and I would contact her if I ever needed one. In case you're interested her website is: MJ Ryan - Author - Speaker - Thinking Partner

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Here is another question...for example...does 1.0 Omnipaque cause more restriction than 1.0 saline? Probably a dumb question, but I never claimed to be anything other than that... LOL

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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