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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Pam.. they look just fine!! Look at that gorgeous smile. Yer lookin' good, woman!!

Just finished my last stint in our pool for the day. I did 30 earlier today and then DH and I went on a 10 mile bike trip. When I got home, I jumped in the pool again, but just to relax this time.. no exercises except a few ab thingys.

I'm all bundled up in my bathrobe now and ready to laze aout this evening.

Everyone have a good evening... sleep well!

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Hi Violets~

Well, I am in La Verne for a week of school. My friend is trying to finish a 25 page paper (I think she is on page 14) and I am waiting for her so we can go to the free happy hour! I think she is not gonna make it, but she is insisting. I was playing w/ my cell and took these pics of me. Thought I'd post em, just for giggles. Have a great weekend, I will be popping in and out in between assignments!


Look how pretty you are!!! RAWR!!! LOL Pretty pics, I love the nose ring! :mad:

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Kity...You're a cutie!!

Ok...I've been trawling throught the threads this morning, I usually just come here to read & post.

I've found a lot of similiar concerns to mine about the place..

Guess what's haooening to me today..I wonder if anyone can help..what is this..

So we are selling our current house and yesterday we were told we had our first viewing for this morning.. So I had planned last night to get the house lookin like something out of a Martha Steward book for the prospective buyers!! LOL

So I didn't get home until 7.30ish and I put my dinner (fish pie) on

(the preamble is I suppose to explain & demonstrate my anti band actions..as I have over the past couple weeks "lost" my proper conscious behaviour mode)

Anyway....Just then My SIL arrived, unexpectedly at the door...fine..but I was I suppose in frantic mode as I was eager to get stuck in to the housework. So she's there & we're chatting and all the while I'm eating my dinner...not paying any attention to volume, speed, nothing.

Now I suppose fish pie would be classified as a soft food anyway so there wouldn't have been MUCH chewing involved anyway..

(p.S..SIL is very obese..and I also wonder if I was suffering anxiety in her company also...or had a fat friend evening..you know when two fatties hang out there's no "voice" in your head telling you not to consume your full potential when eating)

So I wolf down the pie and yap yap yap I proceed to get up immediately do Laundry, clean & organise the kitchen all the while she's there.. I then come across some peaches that needed to be used so I interrupt myself to make a peach cobbler for her to take home... Martha Stewart mode again, I figured baking was more social than laundry at this point...

So there I am with the cobbler on and I'm foostering around in this manic mode..anyway, we both have some freshly baked cobbler..It's now 10pm!! I'm a night owl anyway but here I am oblivious to the band rules..

She left about 11pm and then I launch into the housework and am finally finished at 1am..cup of tea & then to bed..

Wake up at 3am freezing and restless.. (DH not home yet, he works late on weekends) downstairs and what do I do? Ham & cheese sandwich..STILL oblivious to the rules... Bed again

Little bit of oops..can feel bread etc sticking in the chest now as I lie on my pillow...I sleep eventually..about 4.30am

Wake this morning at nine..vacate the house..get to office to check emails etc and have a coffee..then the burping starts...small continious burps... it's almost an hour now and I'm still burping..still feel slight tightness in my chest..at one point what I thought was another burp turned into a gag..a heave-ing sensation...

So after my very long winding explanation of my bad behaviour I wonder have I done damage? Am I PB'ing? I know what I did was wrong but in a way it's actually slapped me in the face this morning that what I've done is BAD BAD BAD for the band..and that there are repercussions and this is my first hit home example of restriction... I may not feel it while I am eating...but it's there to make me uncomfortable if & when I over do it..

I know I won't be eating white or soft bread again..It's stuck.. I know it was at 3am but pre band this would have been a not too regular thing I would do but I would do it nontheless...

So the moral of the story is that I had expected restriction to be like immediately post surgery when you just couldn't fit any more in..or had very much enough after a very small amount.. I now wonder if I was expecting the wrong sensation therefore not experiencing it..the restriction I now feel is more the digestive kind..

If I am restricted enough, wouldn't I feel fuller WHILE eating..am paranoid now that if I fill too tight next week I'll have problems..I fly to my clinic in UK and am not hanging around for long..in & out

Does anyone think I've done damage? Like stretched the pouch or anything?

Apologies for the EPIC:faint:

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I just checked the site out and I can't find it anymore either. Bummer.. and I really liked my ticker. Back to the ticker factory, I guess..

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Morning all, taking a break with a cup of tea before launching into day 2 of the Anniversary celebration. The luau went wonderfully. My parents were surprised, Dad into silence, Mom to tears, when their wedding party showed up! The rarer of the 2 is Dads silence!!! We had about 75 people, the yard turned out really good if I do say so myself. I'll try to come and post some pics after the rest is over. Today is a group Breakfast at the local Golden Corral (everyone can get what they want), then I am off to pick up the cake, and head to the church to decorate, and get things set up there. Met with the pastor yesterday, she is very cool with the surprises we have planned. Dad bought her new wedding rings, she knows nothing about, so she knows to include the ring ceremony. And one of Mom's old students, who was also a family friend, who has gone on and made quite a name for herself in gospel music, is coming in to sing 2 songs for them. They neither one know about that. So another busy day but it has been fun!

Lunasa, I would not worry about doing too much damage. It sounds like the first part of your food fest, likely passed through quickly and without issue as both the fish pie and the cobbler were "mushies". The tea helped wash everything through.....but then came the dreaded sandwich!!! If you are not fully sliming and hurting, then you have not PB'd. It would have come back up. When I was at my tightest, the burping happen everytime something had problems passing. There are a few things you can try to help break down the bread and help it pass on through, then you will feel better. The first is to sip a bit of pineapple juice. Not a lot or quickly or it will simply back up. Sip it, allow it a bit of time to break things down. Something to do with the acidity. I have not had similar luck with other juices....just pineapple. Then if that doesn't work, and you are seriously stuck....you can buy Papaya Enzyme at GNC or similar stores---health/nutrition shops. It is chewable and is supposed to be not bad tasting, I have never had to use it, the pineapple usually helped....or sent me into a PB....and the issue was resolved that way. Now I have also heard of things causing blockages, that were more difficult to break down than your evil bread. I do not think you will have to resort to this---it is for informational purposes ONLY!!! It is for meat that sticks, or one guy I knew got a grape skin blocking his stoma and used it successfully. It is only the last resort before being unfilled to relieve a blockage. That is liquid meat tenderizer....a tablespoon full is supposed to help eliminate the blockage, and for the couple of people I know who used it----it worked!

Stretching your pouch is very unlikely with one or even several occasional binges...it is usually caused by being too tight, and steadily overeating, just enough to stretch it without making yourself sick and PBing.

When I was a kid in school, we had hot rolls on our lunch trays every day, and we would take the center out of them, and roll it into a hard, compact dough ball.....why I don't know, but we did it, and we ate it---it was not wasting!!! Well bread has a tendency to do that if we eat it, and the ball is bigger than our stoma....so passing it is hard. The best way is to find something to help break it down. Sometimes that is even eating a few bites of something else, to give it something to work with in there, now it is just bouncing around, getting nowhere, and making you a burp machine!!!!

Hope it resolves soon. You made the biggest move in recognizing what you were eating was wrong. It was possibly done in a big sigh of relief at knowing others are finding it is difficult to find the sweet spot sometimes, and especially with the big band.....BUT it is also less likely to erode.....so there are trade offs!!!

Hang in there, and I will check back and see how you are.

Let y'all know how today goes when it is over----I am off to the shower, I went to bed following my shower last night, and my hair looks like I styled it with a live light socket!!!!! NOT the look I am going for today.

I have to say----many of the family and my parents friends here last night had not seen me this last year, and a couple did not even recognize me!!! And one of my Mom's former co workers (now keep in mind she is 70ish---and her eyes aren't as good as they could be probably!!!) said to her..."I thought Kathy only had one daughter....?" As she points across the yard to my DD and I who were standing together talking. Mom told her that yes I only had one natural daughter, and she said "well that girl with her looks JUST like her!" Mom had to tell her that GIRL with her was ME!!!! She come over to me and said "Well my lands girl, you lost an entire person and look 20 years younger!" I walked on clouds and used that compliment to pass on dessert last night!!! I was so happy!!!!

Gotta get my butt in gear, talk to ya later girlies~!


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Morning Violets~

I am in the hotel room, up early for some coffee, and listening to the roomie snore. Thanks for the kind words on the pix...I was bored watching her type her paper, lol.

I wanted to comment on what Lunasa was saying, I don't know if there is damage, I doubt it. But my comment is on the "old ways of eating". Just yesterday, we went to Applebee's for lunch. I had my Protein Shake for breakfast, and was ready to eat by lunch. I ordered a steak ceasar salad (like chicken, but w/ steak) and I asked for a half order. When the plate arrived, I looked at this little salad and was disappointed. My first thought was, man o man, I am gonna be starving at 3pm. It was wonderful, and I was soooooo full after. My mind still has not caught up w/ the body in how I view food and meals. I thought about this as the day went on. I need to downsize my mind somehow...looking at smaller portions and being or feeling content. It is a weird experience...I was actually disappointed in the amount of food.

On the same note, I realized I am drinking w/ all my meals. That is a hard on. And worst, I've been drinking the whole time since I was banded. Today, I am going to really try not too. I know the rules, and just didn't want to "participate" in them. This is something I do w/o thinking. WOW. Maybe if I can not drink, I would feel restriction.

It is gonna be hard here at this school seminar. 1 week of eating out, some 12 hour days, no gym (I miss it already) and the pool is freezing! So I've got to rely on my "willpower" to eat as best as possible. I don't want to gain 5 pounds this week:faint:.

Have a great day Violets. And Judy, for the first time, I will remember to practice the bandster rules.

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OMG...they look so much better smaller on my phone!

Funny how that works...smaller the pic the better they look? ;) Thank you for posting them. it is nice to see who we are "talking" to. You have a beautiful smile:D

Well, I did not get to go to the astros game after all. The babysitter fell through at the last minute. Oh well, thats the breaks!

I was able to change my ticker...I was stuck on 224 for so long that 222 is a very welcomed sight! I know that not being able to eat solid foods right now has alot to do with it, but I will take it anyway :whoo:

Not much planned for the weekend. My DH is working again so me & my daughter are just gonna hang out, play outside, play with play-doh, color, and enivitably watch blues clues and wonder pets. I can not believe this but I need to go buy some smaller panties again. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining, but this time I am going to get the size that fits and a smaller size for later. The lady at the store is going to start thinking that I just wear & throw them away instead of washing them. I think that I am just so used to always getting the ones that are a little too big that they just start falling off sooner...but I cant stand having underwear that cut off my circulation! I know you all could probably care less about my "panty woes"....

Everyone have a great day.

Judy...how is the DH weight loss going? How is he adjusting to life after the band?

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morning everyone

so much going on I don't know where to start.

Lunessa - I have the same kind of digestive type issues. The past couple weeks I have been in such a rush I tend to eat too fast. Not eating much different, just not taking my time and tend to feel like i'm having a heart attack!

Besides the amazing support here, it is just great that we are all about the same place so it just feels nice to not be alone in feelings and this journey.

I am off to the gym in about 1/2 hr and then going to clean up and get ready to go to the pt job.

I have an interview at Lowes on Monday am and an employment agency Monday afternoon. I so need something. Someone walked out at my step-moms shop Thursday night so I can always pick up some hours there.

Laura, I am going to be crazy the next couple days... just in case

HAVE FUN AND EARLY CONGRATS! you deserve it girl!

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On the same note, I realized I am drinking w/ all my meals. That is a hard on. And worst, I've been drinking the whole time since I was banded. Today, I am going to really try not too. I know the rules, and just didn't want to "participate" in them. This is something I do w/o thinking. WOW. Maybe if I can not drink, I would feel restriction.

You know....I never really did drink alot during meals ever. I was raised with a mom & dad that would not let us drink aything until after we ate (unless we were choking). But it became habit to order something to drink when we would go out to eat. But...lately I have just not ordered anything. If it is not in front of me, I do not think about t. But then you always get the waitresses and waiters that look at me funny when I say I do not want anything to drink and 99% of the time they bring Water anyway. Just sit it out of your reach...that has helped me alot!!

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Good morning all you Shrinky Dinks!!!

Sounds like everyone is seeing it's a new day...

Kat... your party sounds wonderful and don't you just love the compliments. They are the best motivator!!

Pam.... glad to see you finally got my message.. lol Remember to follow the bandster rules. I knew it would catch on eventually!

My drink is my treat between meals. I put my CL in my 33 oz. DeJa Blue bottle and put it in the freezer just before I fix my meals. Then an hour later it is icy cold and soooooooooo refreshing. I started not drinking with my meals the week before surgery and I found it relatively easy to do. And yes, they always look at you funny at the restaurant when you say.. nothing to drink please, not even Water. They come around later and say.. are you SURE you don't want anything. Then I just say.. sorry, I can't drink anything with my meals. It's the rule.

I had another NSV today. I was looking for clothes to wear and decided I'd pull out some of my "I'll fit into those someday" clothes stuck back in my closet. Lucky thing I did cause I'm almost past "someday"!!! I got some things out I bought in 2000 when I was in Tulsa at a Direct Sales outlet. They have name brand clothes for #14.99 each. Got some great buys but of course couldn't wear them cause they were too tight when I got them home. Now 2000 was my lowest weight in ages. And the clothes I found and tried on today were on the verge of being too big!!! woooooooo hooooooooooo!!! I also got out two jumpers I adore, but have NEVER been able to wear. I got them at a craft fair and they were labeled a 3X, but of course they were made by teeny tiny people in India where a 3X is an XL here! WELLLLLLL.... today... drum roll............... they FIT!!! I'm wearing one to church tomorrow. They are linen with embroidery on them. I'll get a pic tomorrow. I'm just so darn proud to be able to finally wear them!!!

We're having a garage sale mid-July and I'm going to get rid of a LOT of clothes that I never want to see again!!

Well, enough of my rambling. Everyone have a great day!!! And REMEMBER... to follow those bandster rules!!!!:cheer2:

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I forgot to mention.. DH is doing awesome. He is down from a tight size 48 pants to a 42 already. He's lost 41# and I'm so proud of him!!!!!

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TracyK - I was brought up the same way. No drinking until we ate, so it is easy for me not to drink while eating. I found at Walmart the sams Water 20oz bottles (a case of 24 is $3.98) which makes drinking for me much easier. I can have 3 bottles a day and be close to the 64oz we should have. Somedays I have more but that is the only way I can track my water. Lots of propel to go and green tea to go... LOL

Judy - what a great feeling huh? I let a friend borrow a dress that I didn't think in a million years I would fit into. Well she wore it and loved it, the perfect little black dress. It is a size 18 that I had altered because it was huge when I bought it, but it was perfect and the 16 didn't fit right at the time. Well I braved trying it on the other day, with my daughter close by so when I got stuck she could help me get it off. (we laught alot here - more since surgery and I am turing into the old me again). Needless to say, I didn't look 100% because of bumps but, it fit and was hanging on me!!!!! I could wear a slip of something and would be very comfortable wearing it out...

hmmmmmmmmmmmm... now just need somewhere to go...

Laura... can I come to your wedding so i can wear the dress... Only kidding.....

Have a great morning all

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that is great!!!! Tell DH Congrats!!!

that must make it so much easier when you have support at home and can motivate each other

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